Sheriff David Clarke Being Mentioned As Possible FBI Chief Following Comey Dismissal

Clarke seems like a good choice. So does Arpiao or Pat Buchanan, or any other appointment that will cause strokes in Democratic Party gimps.
One thing is for sure, Clarke would reopen the investigation into Hillary's emails and put her criminal ass in jail.

SheriffClarke: If Trump made me his FBI Director I would be arresting Hillary Clinton today.

Just what the US needs, another person using their position of power for their own desires.

Not something left wing sociopaths ever seem to mind in their leadership.
One thing is for sure, Clarke would reopen the investigation into Hillary's emails and put her criminal ass in jail.

SheriffClarke: If Trump made me his FBI Director I would be arresting Hillary Clinton today.

Just what the US needs, another person using their position of power for their own desires.
You mean to say that after Obama's tenure, you've finally had your fill? How convenient... Miracles never cease.
An hour ago I started to write I don't think he is qualified. But the fact is the FBI needs some brutal honesty.
Comey had lost the confidences of both the agents and the American people from both sides.
Clarke would bring it back.
The FBI is forever tainted now that it has been shown to have become politicized. The agency needs to be dissolved, and replaced.
One thing is for sure, Clarke would reopen the investigation into Hillary's emails and put her criminal ass in jail.

SheriffClarke: If Trump made me his FBI Director I would be arresting Hillary Clinton today.

Just what the US needs, another person using their position of power for their own desires.
You mean to say that after Obama's tenure, you've finally had your fill? How convenient... Miracles never cease.

Wow, you make so many assumptions, then based your argument about all those assumptions. How convenient.
The FBI is forever tainted now that it has been shown to have become politicized. The agency needs to be dissolved, and replaced.

To be replaced by a body which just does as the President asks? I mean, Comey was seen as quite an impartial guy. Trump supporters want some wacko right winger to replace him... er...
The FBI is forever tainted now that it has been shown to have become politicized. The agency needs to be dissolved, and replaced.

To be replaced by a body which just does as the President asks? I mean, Comey was seen as quite an impartial guy. Trump supporters want some wacko right winger to replace him... er...
Oh so you want a Janet Reno so we can relive Waco or maybe Ruby ridge?
Gowdy just the other day was talking vaguely about how he was interested in "the reform side" of the FBI (before Comey got canned)...

That said, I have to agree that deleting the FBI and starting over isn't a good idea. The fruitloop half will just whine that it's out to get them... although I guess that's kind of like the right fruitloops did before. Eh fuck it, it's impossible to please either fucking side. Damned asshats.
The FBI is forever tainted now that it has been shown to have become politicized. The agency needs to be dissolved, and replaced.

To be replaced by a body which just does as the President asks? I mean, Comey was seen as quite an impartial guy. Trump supporters want some wacko right winger to replace him... er...
You illustrate my point... No matter who takes over... The Left will cry foul. It's irreparably tainted. It needs to be dissolved, and replaced.
The FBI is forever tainted now that it has been shown to have become politicized. The agency needs to be dissolved, and replaced.

To be replaced by a body which just does as the President asks? I mean, Comey was seen as quite an impartial guy. Trump supporters want some wacko right winger to replace him... er...
You illustrate my point... No matter who takes over... The Left will cry foul. It's irreparably tainted. It needs to be dissolved, and replaced.

Replaced with what? What is going to make you think it's not tainted? If it involves politics, it's tainted. So the only way to make it not tainted is to make sure the appointment isn't from a politicians. So who does it? And what if they decide to get involved in politics? Hey, why not just make sure the job can't involve politics working within the FBI?
The FBI is forever tainted now that it has been shown to have become politicized. The agency needs to be dissolved, and replaced.

To be replaced by a body which just does as the President asks? I mean, Comey was seen as quite an impartial guy. Trump supporters want some wacko right winger to replace him... er...
You illustrate my point... No matter who takes over... The Left will cry foul. It's irreparably tainted. It needs to be dissolved, and replaced.

Replaced with what? What is going to make you think it's not tainted? If it involves politics, it's tainted. So the only way to make it not tainted is to make sure the appointment isn't from a politicians. So who does it? And what if they decide to get involved in politics? Hey, why not just make sure the job can't involve politics working within the FBI?
Hey! I know! How about we let the judiciary make the appointment? Perhaps the 9th circuit? LOL!

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