Sheriff Joe injects new life into Obama eligibility


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
Arpaio is one of few law enforcement authorities to look into the issue, and he launched his formal Cold Case Posse investigation into Obama’s qualifications at the request of his constituents. Already, Arpaio and Zullo have confirmed that evidence shows the birth documentation released by Obama as proof of his birth in Hawaii is fraudulent.

Their investigation has continued under the radar, and now Cmdr. Charles Kerchner, who brought one of the first legal challenges against Obama during his first term, confirmed that Arizona’s officials will be assisting with evidence in the pending question before the Alabama Supreme Court.

On the site, Zullo is quoted saying, “We recently discovered new irrefutable evidence, which confirms, hands down, the document is a fraud.”

The document scoffs at “birthers” as a “tiny cabal of zealots” and quotes late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel – not widely recognized as a constitutional expert – to make its case: “These people could have personally witnessed Obama being born out of an apple pie, in the middle of a Kansas wheat field, while Toby Keith sang the National Anthem – and they’d still think he was a Kenyan Muslim.”

(Leave it to Dumbocrats to cite a comedian in their government documents :lmao:)

Sheriff Joe injects new life into Obama eligibility
Oh, no! Not "Sheriff Joe" and that idiot Klayman again!

If you Nutter's are resting your hopes on those two, you're fucked.
little late. Or maybe not. Right wingers never know what time it is. Too close to "science".
There has to be better work to be done.

Do some math to fix social security.

Figure out hiw to make this healthcare system we apparently have leaner and more fair.

Help try to figure out if aircraft carriers need to be rethought.

How about a new set of regulations on wall street?

Do SOMETHING that will make a Republican candidate look more intelligent than his opposition for a change.

Or we can hope and change fuzzy math and attractive milfs by your side carry the next election.
Arpaio is one of few law enforcement authorities to look into the issue, and he launched his formal Cold Case Posse investigation into Obama’s qualifications at the request of his constituents. Already, Arpaio and Zullo have confirmed that evidence shows the birth documentation released by Obama as proof of his birth in Hawaii is fraudulent.

Their investigation has continued under the radar, and now Cmdr. Charles Kerchner, who brought one of the first legal challenges against Obama during his first term, confirmed that Arizona’s officials will be assisting with evidence in the pending question before the Alabama Supreme Court.

On the site, Zullo is quoted saying, “We recently discovered new irrefutable evidence, which confirms, hands down, the document is a fraud.”

The document scoffs at “birthers” as a “tiny cabal of zealots” and quotes late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel – not widely recognized as a constitutional expert – to make its case: “These people could have personally witnessed Obama being born out of an apple pie, in the middle of a Kansas wheat field, while Toby Keith sang the National Anthem – and they’d still think he was a Kenyan Muslim.”

(Leave it to Dumbocrats to cite a comedian in their government documents :lmao:)

Sheriff Joe injects new life into Obama eligibility


Looks like it’s time to stop spinning the Benghazi plate and tend to the birther plate, it’s starting to wobble.

There has to be better work to be done.

Do some math to fix social security.

Figure out hiw to make this healthcare system we apparently have leaner and more fair.

Help try to figure out if aircraft carriers need to be rethought.

How about a new set of regulations on wall street?

Do SOMETHING that will make a Republican candidate look more intelligent than his opposition for a change.

Or we can hope and change fuzzy math and attractive milfs by your side carry the next election.

Aircraftcarriers? what? what does Aircraft carriers have to do with anything related to obama being born?
Ridiculed by those who naively accepted Dan Rather's fraudulent Bush letter... Whether Obama was born in Hawaii or not, there are legitimate questions about the authenticity of this birth "certificate." Why are they so worked up about this if there is nothing to hide?
What has Sherff Joe done to push the Arizona law requiring a birth certificate for presidential candidates?

Was it only meant for Obama?
There has to be better work to be done.

Do some math to fix social security.

Figure out hiw to make this healthcare system we apparently have leaner and more fair.

Help try to figure out if aircraft carriers need to be rethought.

How about a new set of regulations on wall street?

Do SOMETHING that will make a Republican candidate look more intelligent than his opposition for a change.

Or we can hope and change fuzzy math and attractive milfs by your side carry the next election.

Aircraftcarriers? what? what does Aircraft carriers have to do with anything related to obama being born?

EXACTLY. Nothing on my list has anything to do with the birth certificate conspiracy.

IF for a change enough Republicans stood up and yelled good ideas about these issues they would win some votes. Enough to sway these close elections I fear.

Instead all I hear is this fuzzy math whining / hope for no climate change / unregulated market / bomb everyone / its the poor's fault, here is your stadium TIFF platform for big government in your womb and small government bailing out banks nonsense.

So spend more time being coherant on issues and the next election is the Republican's to lose unless the econony rebounds fast (and Obama is too conservative to go for that)
There has to be better work to be done.

Do some math to fix social security.

Figure out hiw to make this healthcare system we apparently have leaner and more fair.

Help try to figure out if aircraft carriers need to be rethought.

How about a new set of regulations on wall street?

Do SOMETHING that will make a Republican candidate look more intelligent than his opposition for a change.

Or we can hope and change fuzzy math and attractive milfs by your side carry the next election.

Aircraftcarriers? what? what does Aircraft carriers have to do with anything related to obama being born?

EXACTLY. Nothing on my list has anything to do with the birth certificate conspiracy.

IF for a change enough Republicans stood up and yelled good ideas about these issues they would win some votes. Enough to sway these close elections I fear.

Instead all I hear is this fuzzy math whining / hope for no climate change / unregulated market / bomb everyone / its the poor's fault, here is your stadium TIFF platform for big government in your womb and small government bailing out banks nonsense.

So spend more time being coherant on issues and the next election is the Republican's to lose unless the econony rebounds fast (and Obama is too conservative to go for that)

I still want to know whats your beef is with Aircraft carriers since you brought it up. The drone planes can land on them now.
Might try the teacher-union thing again, or maybe the Hitler was a socialist, chant. Both are usually good for a few posts, but the birth-certificate thing just might be beyond hope. Even the old stand-byes, socialism and communism aren't getting much play these days. Benghazi is current and keeping hopes alive.
Oh, no! Not "Sheriff Joe" and that idiot Klayman again!

If you Nutter's are resting your hopes on those two, you're fucked.

This really sums up the way the left looks at things. I don't have any "hopes" one way or the other - I just want to see the truth come out.

If Sheriff Joe is (knowingly) spearheading a witch hunt here, he should be brought up on libel and slander charges.

If Barack Obama (knowingly) violated the U.S. Constitution and lied to become president, then he should be removed from office and prosecuted.

Nothing less. Nothing more. For either side. How sad that you don't have that same approach.
Look who's on his high horse :lol:

You have no motives? Just reporting the facts? Yeah, right. You're possibly the biggest wingnut hack on this entire site. Well, not as big a one as Pole Rider, but you're up there.
Look who's on his high horse :lol:

You have no motives? Just reporting the facts? Yeah, right. You're possibly the biggest wingnut hack on this entire site. Well, not as big a one as Pole Rider, but you're up there.

You Lefties just can't believe than anyone is interested in the truth...
Look who's on his high horse :lol:

You have no motives? Just reporting the facts? Yeah, right. You're possibly the biggest wingnut hack on this entire site. Well, not as big a one as Pole Rider, but you're up there.

You Lefties just can't believe than anyone is interested in the truth...

The right is only interested in the truth when it suits their purposes :cool:

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