Sheriff Joe injects new life into Obama eligibility

Aircraftcarriers? what? what does Aircraft carriers have to do with anything related to obama being born?

EXACTLY. Nothing on my list has anything to do with the birth certificate conspiracy.

IF for a change enough Republicans stood up and yelled good ideas about these issues they would win some votes. Enough to sway these close elections I fear.

Instead all I hear is this fuzzy math whining / hope for no climate change / unregulated market / bomb everyone / its the poor's fault, here is your stadium TIFF platform for big government in your womb and small government bailing out banks nonsense.

So spend more time being coherant on issues and the next election is the Republican's to lose unless the econony rebounds fast (and Obama is too conservative to go for that)

I still want to know whats your beef is with Aircraft carriers since you brought it up. The drone planes can land on them now.

Oh, I wanna play some wargames against smaller, more stealthy carriers and see how we do.

Heck, thy sucked but the Japanese had subs in WWII that could probably launch some of our drones. Perhaps that is the wave of the future. Man, phalanx or not carriers are a heck of a target. It just seems like a lucky hit causes a lot of down time.
Look who's on his high horse :lol:

You have no motives? Just reporting the facts? Yeah, right. You're possibly the biggest wingnut hack on this entire site. Well, not as big a one as Pole Rider, but you're up there.

You Lefties just can't believe than anyone is interested in the truth...

The right is only interested in the truth when it suits their purposes :cool:
the truth is the truth .
Arpaio is one of few law enforcement authorities to look into the issue, and he launched his formal Cold Case Posse investigation into Obama’s qualifications at the request of his constituents. Already, Arpaio and Zullo have confirmed that evidence shows the birth documentation released by Obama as proof of his birth in Hawaii is fraudulent.

Their investigation has continued under the radar, and now Cmdr. Charles Kerchner, who brought one of the first legal challenges against Obama during his first term, confirmed that Arizona’s officials will be assisting with evidence in the pending question before the Alabama Supreme Court.

On the site, Zullo is quoted saying, “We recently discovered new irrefutable evidence, which confirms, hands down, the document is a fraud.”

The document scoffs at “birthers” as a “tiny cabal of zealots” and quotes late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel – not widely recognized as a constitutional expert – to make its case: “These people could have personally witnessed Obama being born out of an apple pie, in the middle of a Kansas wheat field, while Toby Keith sang the National Anthem – and they’d still think he was a Kenyan Muslim.”

(Leave it to Dumbocrats to cite a comedian in their government documents :lmao:)

Sheriff Joe injects new life into Obama eligibility

Ok, you, sherriff Joe and World Nut Daily.. Real credible post there. :cuckoo:
These people could have personally witnessed Obama being born out of an apple pie, in the middle of a Kansas wheat field, while Toby Keith sang the National Anthem –and they’d still think he was a Kenyan Muslim.” perfect.
Arpaio is one of few law enforcement authorities to look into the issue, and he launched his formal Cold Case Posse investigation into Obama’s qualifications at the request of his constituents. Already, Arpaio and Zullo have confirmed that evidence shows the birth documentation released by Obama as proof of his birth in Hawaii is fraudulent.

Their investigation has continued under the radar, and now Cmdr. Charles Kerchner, who brought one of the first legal challenges against Obama during his first term, confirmed that Arizona’s officials will be assisting with evidence in the pending question before the Alabama Supreme Court.

On the site, Zullo is quoted saying, “We recently discovered new irrefutable evidence, which confirms, hands down, the document is a fraud.”

The document scoffs at “birthers” as a “tiny cabal of zealots” and quotes late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel – not widely recognized as a constitutional expert – to make its case: “These people could have personally witnessed Obama being born out of an apple pie, in the middle of a Kansas wheat field, while Toby Keith sang the National Anthem – and they’d still think he was a Kenyan Muslim.”

(Leave it to Dumbocrats to cite a comedian in their government documents :lmao:)

Sheriff Joe injects new life into Obama eligibility

Ok, you, sherriff Joe and World Nut Daily.. Real credible post there. :cuckoo:

I agree. Jimmy Kimmel trumps them every time. At least his jokes are based on truth. Sheriff Joe and WND's proclamations are based on hopes and wishes.
Arpaio is one of few law enforcement authorities to look into the issue, and he launched his formal Cold Case Posse investigation into Obama’s qualifications at the request of his constituents. Already, Arpaio and Zullo have confirmed that evidence shows the birth documentation released by Obama as proof of his birth in Hawaii is fraudulent.

Their investigation has continued under the radar, and now Cmdr. Charles Kerchner, who brought one of the first legal challenges against Obama during his first term, confirmed that Arizona’s officials will be assisting with evidence in the pending question before the Alabama Supreme Court.

On the site, Zullo is quoted saying, “We recently discovered new irrefutable evidence, which confirms, hands down, the document is a fraud.”

The document scoffs at “birthers” as a “tiny cabal of zealots” and quotes late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel – not widely recognized as a constitutional expert – to make its case: “These people could have personally witnessed Obama being born out of an apple pie, in the middle of a Kansas wheat field, while Toby Keith sang the National Anthem – and they’d still think he was a Kenyan Muslim.”

(Leave it to Dumbocrats to cite a comedian in their government documents :lmao:)

Sheriff Joe injects new life into Obama eligibility

Ok, you, sherriff Joe and World Nut Daily.. Real credible post there. :cuckoo:

I agree. Jimmy Kimmel trumps them every time. At least his jokes are based on truth. Sheriff Joe and WND's proclamations are based on hopes and wishes.

Sherriff Joe has Jodie Arias in his jail right now.
Oh, no! Not "Sheriff Joe" and that idiot Klayman again!

If you Nutter's are resting your hopes on those two, you're fucked.

This really sums up the way the left looks at things. I don't have any "hopes" one way or the other - I just want to see the truth come out.

If Sheriff Joe is (knowingly) spearheading a witch hunt here, he should be brought up on libel and slander charges.

If Barack Obama (knowingly) violated the U.S. Constitution and lied to become president, then he should be removed from office and prosecuted.

Nothing less. Nothing more. For either side. How sad that you don't have that same approach.


As with Benghazi this is pure partisanism.

You and most others on the right are liars, motivated solely by a delusional desire to ‘get rid of Obama.’

It has nothing to do with seeking the ‘truth.’
This discovery by Sheriff Joe should be gotten into a court room as soon as possible.
Oh, no! Not "Sheriff Joe" and that idiot Klayman again!

If you Nutter's are resting your hopes on those two, you're fucked.

This really sums up the way the left looks at things. I don't have any "hopes" one way or the other - I just want to see the truth come out.

If Sheriff Joe is (knowingly) spearheading a witch hunt here, he should be brought up on libel and slander charges.

If Barack Obama (knowingly) violated the U.S. Constitution and lied to become president, then he should be removed from office and prosecuted.

Nothing less. Nothing more. For either side. How sad that you don't have that same approach.


As with Benghazi this is pure partisanism.

You and most others on the right are liars, motivated solely by a delusional desire to ‘get rid of Obama.’

It has nothing to do with seeking the ‘truth.’

Benghazi?!? Good grief are you a radical partisan hack. There are 4 dead bodies in Benghazi - and the GOP sure as hell didn't plant them there.

Oh, and lets not forget about the damaging emails, documents, and whistleblowers (who were Obama Administration employees).

Pretending like Benghazi is not a major scandal caused by the Obama Administration is just stupid.
There has to be better work to be done.

Do some math to fix social security.

Figure out hiw to make this healthcare system we apparently have leaner and more fair.

Help try to figure out if aircraft carriers need to be rethought.

How about a new set of regulations on wall street?

Do SOMETHING that will make a Republican candidate look more intelligent than his opposition for a change.

Or we can hope and change fuzzy math and attractive milfs by your side carry the next election.

"fuzzy math"???
Please tell me how there can be 46 million "uninsured" as the Fuzzy-Math-In-Chief Obama states "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
46 Million Uninsured: A Look Behind The Number : NPR

GIVEN: The Census bureau says 10 million of the 46 million "uninsured' are not citizens…
Subtract 10 million from 46 million leaves 36 million… NOT 46 million!

Source: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
GIVEN: 14 million are eligible for Medicaid..but they are counted as "uninsured"….
but Obama totally ignored this FACT and subtracting 14 million from 36 million that leaves 22 million…

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association contracted with the Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) to provide a detailed analysis of the uninsured identified by the Census Bureau, which found:
- Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government
health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.

REACHABLE meaning all these people had to do was enroll! NO money. NO risks! Just enroll! 14 million already eligible only need to register with MEDICAID!

So far we've reduced the 46 million by 10 million NON-Citizens, 14 million that simply had to enroll as they were covered by Medicaid!

That leaves 22 million!

The last time I checked as an American I have the right NOT to buy health insurance!
18 million people declare that right!

They are under age 34.
They make over $50,000 a year
They decided it is cheaper just to pay out of pocket the average of $1,000 per year for their health needs then take up their employers' health plan.
Their credit rating depends on their paying their bills . They pay their own way!

That leaves 4 million that want and need insurance... NOT 46 million which is Obama's 'fuzzy math"!

Please check out the above sources and explain to me where are these 46 million when 10 million are illegal, 14 million already covered by Medicaid and
18 million DoN"T want health insurance so why force them to buy it???
The supposedly "original birth certificate" obozo released 2 years ago said right at the bottom "this is either a true copy or an abstract"!!!!

If it's an abstract how can it be the original?
In the last couple weeks the benghazi scandal has grown legs even in the state-media and i think it's because of what arpaio is threatening to do - bring charges against obozo. The elites know that arpaio has a very strong case and they don't want obama exposed as a fraud. That would mean all his appointments and executive orders and the laws he signed are void.

Better to simply remove him via the benghazi scandal.

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