She's Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

red states rule

Senior Member
May 30, 2006
Cindy Sheehan's Back, and the AP Still Thinks She's News

Posted by Lyford Beverage on August 7, 2006 - 10:56.
So, Cindy Sheehan is back in Crawford, and the Associated Press is continuing to act as her publicity agents. They still haven't shown any inclination to address any comments of hers that might be controversial. They still treat her as the grieving mother of a marine, rather than a leftist peace activist.
A year after her first war protest in President Bush's adopted hometown attracted thousands and reinvigorated the nation's peace movement, Cindy Sheehan resumed her vigil Sunday....
"It doesn't say my new address, but I do live here now," said Sheehan, who lives in Berkeley, Calif., and recently bought land in Crawford for war protests. "My name is Cindy and Bush killed my son."

The group then chanted, "This is what democracy looks like! This is what democracy sounds like!" and a few people sang "This Land Is Your Land" while standing near the roadblock before returning to the protest site.

Sheehan continues to get press and publicity for one reason, and one reason only - she's a hammer that the media can use to bludgeon President Bush. There is no news value in her return to Crawford. There's no reason that anyone outside of Crawford should care about her. She got her interview with the President, which the AP continues to not bother mentioning. She's just a pawn in the chess game of American politics, with the President and the Republicans on one side, and the Democrats and the mainstream press on the other...
Cindy Sheehan's Back, and the AP Still Thinks She's News

Posted by Lyford Beverage on August 7, 2006 - 10:56.
So, Cindy Sheehan is back in Crawford, and the Associated Press is continuing to act as her publicity agents. They still haven't shown any inclination to address any comments of hers that might be controversial. They still treat her as the grieving mother of a marine, rather than a leftist peace activist.
A year after her first war protest in President Bush's adopted hometown attracted thousands and reinvigorated the nation's peace movement, Cindy Sheehan resumed her vigil Sunday....
"It doesn't say my new address, but I do live here now," said Sheehan, who lives in Berkeley, Calif., and recently bought land in Crawford for war protests. "My name is Cindy and Bush killed my son."

The group then chanted, "This is what democracy looks like! This is what democracy sounds like!" and a few people sang "This Land Is Your Land" while standing near the roadblock before returning to the protest site.

Sheehan continues to get press and publicity for one reason, and one reason only - she's a hammer that the media can use to bludgeon President Bush. There is no news value in her return to Crawford. There's no reason that anyone outside of Crawford should care about her. She got her interview with the President, which the AP continues to not bother mentioning. She's just a pawn in the chess game of American politics, with the President and the Republicans on one side, and the Democrats and the mainstream press on the other...

Ann Coulter said this about our favorite anti-war activist, and I'm paraphrasing.. "Cindy Sheehan has accomplished one thing in life, she's shown us which body type does not look good in shorts"
Unhinged Democrats and those afflicted with the Bush Derangement Syndrome - they are the gift that keeps on giving.....
Unhinged Democrats and those afflicted with the Bush Derangement Syndrome - they are the gift that keeps on giving.....

They need to throw her as in jail or the funny farm for stalking the President of the United States.

I hope the daily, 100 degree weather we're currently having fries her fat ass to a crisp and runs her right on back to where she comes from.

Heart Connects: Camp Casey Day
by CindySheehan
Mon Aug 07, 2006 at 07:00:39 AM PDT

A year ago today, about 100 of us marched down Prairie Chapel Road in the awful Texas heat into history. Today, with very short notice, dozens of us marched down the same road, with the same results: no meeting with the cowardly cowboy wanna-be in chief.

* CindySheehan's diary :: ::

Since we began Camp Casey last August, I have traveled thousands of miles all over the world. I have been to 11 countries and over one half of our states. I have met with heads of states and other parliamentarians and I have given hundreds of speeches and marched with hundreds of thousands of peaceniks all over the world. I have received keys to cities, awards, Congressional Commendations, and a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.

I capped off my year with a visit to Amman, Jordan to meet with elected officials from Iraq and some human rights' activists who told us about their country and their demands for peace.

Every single person that we met with has been dreadfully affected by the American invasion and occupation of Iraq. One Sheik that we met with had his door broken down and he was beaten and dragged off to prison while the soldiers abused his wife. All of this while his teen-age son watched. The Sheik was tortured extensively and has still not recovered from his injuries. I apologized to him on behalf of human beings who abhor torture and abuse by one human to another and he told us a harrowing story: his son's dream is to buy a high powered rifle and shoot every American he can before he is killed. After speaking to us, he is sure that he can talk his son out of it, because he will assure him that there are Americans who care. I think if my son saw his dad being tortured and his mom sexually abused by an occupying force, he would probably have the same reaction. After meeting with the Iraqis and talking to other people from the Middle East, trust me, we are not winning hearts and minds!

When I was heading to the Queen Alia airport in Amman for my 20 hour trip home to Crawford, Texas, I rode in Abu Salem's taxi. Abu Salem (Father of Abu) is a Palestinian who has been in Amman for over 20 years. He is also a human rights' activist. Abu Salem's people in Palestine have been oppressed by Israel for decades and his family was fortunate enough to be able to flee to Jordan where over one million Palestinians are now living. Abu Salem had tears in his eyes when he told me that he missed Palestine. It is his home, after all.

Abu Salem and I talked about how we are all the same on the inside no matter what color, religion, language we speak, or what artificial border line we were accidentally born in. We all have the same hearts. Our hearts are all connected. When I reluctantly admitted to Abu Salem that even George Bush's heart was connected to ours, I thought he was going to crash the taxi. He yelled; "F**king, Bush. He has no heart he is a demon!" I softly replied to Abu Salem as I had my own epiphany: "No Abu Salem, his heart is connected to ours, his heart just forgot that."

No matter how much I struggle with this fact: George Bush is a human being, too. No matter how far he has strayed from his humanity and no matter how he seems to revel in the callous killing of innocent human beings and the destruction of a country that was no threat to ours, the same Universal Creator who created us, created him. The same Creator who created the babies in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Israel, created George. The same Creator that made my darling, faithful, and sweet boy, Casey, created George!

This is the mission of Camp Casey this year: To remind George and the rest of his heart disconnected administration that their hearts are connected to ours and the innocent people of the world who their thoughtless greed are killing. It is also our mission to remind the people of the USA who still support the carnage that their hearts are connected to the babies and children that are wantonly being killed. I have realized from the start of Shocking and Awful that George was killing people who are connected to my heart. I realize that he is killing my brothers and sisters of the heart and that is not acceptable to me.

The people of Iraq want the Americans to leave. I will be writing a report about what the Iraqis want as I sit in front of George's ranch at the checkpoint tomorrow reminding him that he killed part of my heart and his on 04/04/04 and that he is killing more of our children everyday.

I will stand or sit all month to demand that George stop killing my heart family. That he and his administration truly get to the work of peace and not killing to justify more killing.

It is hot here. But it is hotter in Iraq. I am hungry. But I have the option of stopping my fast any minute, while the people of Iraq can be blown up just going to the market. I miss Casey terribly, but there are people who have had their entire families killed and their homes destroyed. The conditions can be hostile here in Crawford (One of my new neighbors has a sign on their lawn that says: "Fast, Why? Starve!" I don't think that's very neighborly, do you?), but they are more hostile in the Middle East.

Peace is not for wimps.
Strength through peace.
Join us for peace.

If I was on her 'fast' I'd gain weight. From the latest pics, she has too.
All her talk about 'my heart, his heart, their hearts' makes me want to puke. It sounds like she's talking to a five-year-old girl.
All her talk about 'my heart, his heart, their hearts' makes me want to puke. It sounds like she's talking to a five-year-old girl.

Yeah, her "diary" is a real tear jerker. I loved the part about being she mounts an attack on her neighbor!
I wonder if she has gotten around to putting a tomb stone on Casey's grave? Last I read there still wasn't one honoring him. I have to wonder why he wasn't buried in one of our country's Veterans Memorial Cemetaries. If he was there he would surely have his stone and the respect his remains deserve.
I wonder if she has gotten around to putting a tomb stone on Casey's grave? Last I read there still wasn't one honoring him. I have to wonder why he wasn't buried in one of our country's Veterans Memorial Cemetaries. If he was there he would surely have his stone and the respect his remains deserve.

There is a stone there article about it some months back.
There is a stone there article about it some months back.

Thanks CSM, it's good to know.

I really like your General Robert E. Lee quote, amazing how relevant it is today.
Another bit of information about Cindy crackpot.........

Cindy Up to More Sheehanigans: She Lied to Buy Crawford Property
Bryan at Hot Air received an email today which said that radio talkshow host Mike Gallagher discussed Cindy's newest purchase on his show and revealed that Cindy didn't actually buy the land herself but had another anti-war activist posing as a Katrina victim buy it for her:

The Mike Gallagher Show had Sheehan's story about the land as his subject today. The news has an interview of the lady who owned the land. She said another person actually bought the land for Sheehan. This fella led the land owner to believe he was a Katrina victim and was (I theorize) trying to start a new beginning or some sob story. Cindy knew that nobody would sell her the land so she used some Anti-war activist to buy it and he lied about who he was! End justifies the means.
The Waco Tribune-Herald provides more detail about Cindy's and her friend's Sheehanigans:

Longtime Crawford resident Bobby D. Ramsey sold a little more than five acres to Gerald T. Fonseca, a New Orleans native who said he was displaced by Hurricane Katrina last fall. Fonseca was in Crawford along with hundreds of other war protesters when the hurricane destroyed his home Aug. 29.

Fonseca, who identifies himself as a Vietnam veteran and a member of Veterans for Peace, had been living more recently in Eagle Rock, Mo., with relatives. He has been in Crawford the past four weeks, staying at the Crawford Peace House.


While Fonseca's name is on the deed as the land's new owner, Sheehan's protest group will use the property for this year's Camp Casey, the peace camp named for Sheehan's son, Casey Sheehan, a 24-year-old Fort Hood soldier killed in Iraq in 2004.

In September, Fonseca said, ownership of the land will be transferred to Sheehan.

Ramsey, who soon may find unexpected neighbors when protesters move into a huge tent on the property he sold, said he was unaware before the sale that it would be used by Sheehan to host Camp Casey in August.

"(Fonseca) said he was going to build a home and, one day, a shop (on the land)," Ramsey said Thursday, speaking from his adjacent property in Crawford. "He told me that Katrina wiped him out.. . . . It didn't even occur to me that he could use it for this."

Fonseca confirmed he never indicated to his new neighbors that the land would be transferred to Sheehan, but he said that was always the plan. He said the $52,500 used to pay for the property -- a spread of rustic, wooded prairie with no houses -- came from Sheehan and her Gold Star Families for Peace.

Fonseca said he acted as "an agent" for Sheehan, negotiating the purchase and closing the deal with Ramsey.

What lying slimeballs.
Another bit of information about Cindy crackpot.........

Cindy Up to More Sheehanigans: She Lied to Buy Crawford Property
Bryan at Hot Air received an email today which said that radio talkshow host Mike Gallagher discussed Cindy's newest purchase on his show and revealed that Cindy didn't actually buy the land herself but had another anti-war activist posing as a Katrina victim buy it for her:

The Mike Gallagher Show had Sheehan's story about the land as his subject today. The news has an interview of the lady who owned the land. She said another person actually bought the land for Sheehan. This fella led the land owner to believe he was a Katrina victim and was (I theorize) trying to start a new beginning or some sob story. Cindy knew that nobody would sell her the land so she used some Anti-war activist to buy it and he lied about who he was! End justifies the means.
The Waco Tribune-Herald provides more detail about Cindy's and her friend's Sheehanigans:

Longtime Crawford resident Bobby D. Ramsey sold a little more than five acres to Gerald T. Fonseca, a New Orleans native who said he was displaced by Hurricane Katrina last fall. Fonseca was in Crawford along with hundreds of other war protesters when the hurricane destroyed his home Aug. 29.

Fonseca, who identifies himself as a Vietnam veteran and a member of Veterans for Peace, had been living more recently in Eagle Rock, Mo., with relatives. He has been in Crawford the past four weeks, staying at the Crawford Peace House.


While Fonseca's name is on the deed as the land's new owner, Sheehan's protest group will use the property for this year's Camp Casey, the peace camp named for Sheehan's son, Casey Sheehan, a 24-year-old Fort Hood soldier killed in Iraq in 2004.

In September, Fonseca said, ownership of the land will be transferred to Sheehan.

Ramsey, who soon may find unexpected neighbors when protesters move into a huge tent on the property he sold, said he was unaware before the sale that it would be used by Sheehan to host Camp Casey in August.

"(Fonseca) said he was going to build a home and, one day, a shop (on the land)," Ramsey said Thursday, speaking from his adjacent property in Crawford. "He told me that Katrina wiped him out.. . . . It didn't even occur to me that he could use it for this."

Fonseca confirmed he never indicated to his new neighbors that the land would be transferred to Sheehan, but he said that was always the plan. He said the $52,500 used to pay for the property -- a spread of rustic, wooded prairie with no houses -- came from Sheehan and her Gold Star Families for Peace.

Fonseca said he acted as "an agent" for Sheehan, negotiating the purchase and closing the deal with Ramsey.

What lying slimeballs.

Why doesn't it surprise me that a New Orleans native would lie and cheat his way to what was no doubt a discounted price also. That reminds me.....Hey Conley, when are you going to come pick up these low life New Orleans pieces of shit that are ruining the entire southwest section of Houston? The police don't even want to go in that area.

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