Ships referred to as She, the Feminists erupt.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
First the Link. And all who sail in … it? The language row over 'female' ships

Now, the explanation. Feminists are perturbed that in this enlightened and modern day, ships that sail the oceans are still referred to as She.

And the Rant. Oh FFS. Look, when the problems of the world have been dealt with so we no longer have mass bombings of Churches, or lunatics shooting up a peaceful group of people worshipping, when Disease and Hunger are things of the past, we can get our knickers in a wad about what we call a ship or boat. (Yes, that was intentional :04:)

Why are boats called She? Well. You can’t control them, not really. Look at anyone actually steering a ship, even a large one. You see them adjusting the rudder a tiny bit almost constantly. This is in reaction to the wind, currents, waves, and other factors that would deflect the course. The men aren’t in control of the ship, they are coaxing it, cajoling, and encouraging it to do what they want. So women, you should realize that when this trend started, centuries ago, it was in recognition that women could not be controlled even then. The best any “man” could do was try and coax you to where he wanted you to be.

When things break on the ship, say the aforementioned steering. The report is that “She don’t answer the helm”. Well the woman is not listening to anything the Man tells her. And she is not going to do anything he wants.

It is an acknowledgement of your independence Ladies. It is an acknowledgment, although a little left handed, of your stubborn determination to be who and what you want, and to do what you want.
From a feminist language perspective, she adds, labelling ships, countries, and other inanimate things as female could be interpreted as “perpetuating the patriarchal view”, and as “slightly derogatory and patronising”.

And the hypersensitive, narcissistic neuroses continue.

Almost every voice activated device and my vehicle have a female voice. Never really thought about it, but would prefer that.
Is it considered more soothing than a male voice?
She doesn’t like it, then get a boat and name/call it what she wishes, but leave others to do the same.

This is becoming insane. Beginning to wonder if it isn’t just an inherent sick need to get publicity/be recognized.

I’ve read it was due to all their paint and powder, as to why they are referred to as she.
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Almost every voice activated device and my vehicle have a female voice. Never really thought about it, but would prefer that.
Is it considered more soothing than a male voice?
Perhaps men feel more at ease with a female voice?
Researching it, seems the British don’t use she as much anymore.
Almost every voice activated device and my vehicle have a female voice. Never really thought about it, but would prefer that.
Is it considered more soothing than a male voice?
Perhaps men feel more at ease with a female voice?
You know, we're used to you heffas telling us what to do.
what about god? they always say ''he'' when referring to '''him'''
sailors LOVE their ships.....
this is more ridiculous crap
Almost every voice activated device and my vehicle have a female voice. Never really thought about it, but would prefer that.
Is it considered more soothing than a male voice?
Perhaps men feel more at ease with a female voice?
Until the female voice begins to nag...:04:
"Take next right, followed by second left, and it would be nice if you did the damn dishes once in awhile, and we never do anything nice!"
First the Link. And all who sail in … it? The language row over 'female' ships

Now, the explanation. Feminists are perturbed that in this enlightened and modern day, ships that sail the oceans are still referred to as She.

And the Rant. Oh FFS. Look, when the problems of the world have been dealt with so we no longer have mass bombings of Churches, or lunatics shooting up a peaceful group of people worshipping, when Disease and Hunger are things of the past, we can get our knickers in a wad about what we call a ship or boat. (Yes, that was intentional :04:)

Why are boats called She? Well. You can’t control them, not really. Look at anyone actually steering a ship, even a large one. You see them adjusting the rudder a tiny bit almost constantly. This is in reaction to the wind, currents, waves, and other factors that would deflect the course. The men aren’t in control of the ship, they are coaxing it, cajoling, and encouraging it to do what they want. So women, you should realize that when this trend started, centuries ago, it was in recognition that women could not be controlled even then. The best any “man” could do was try and coax you to where he wanted you to be.

When things break on the ship, say the aforementioned steering. The report is that “She don’t answer the helm”. Well the woman is not listening to anything the Man tells her. And she is not going to do anything he wants.

It is an acknowledgement of your independence Ladies. It is an acknowledgment, although a little left handed, of your stubborn determination to be who and what you want, and to do what you want.
No, it’s divisive conservatives attempting to make an ‘issue’ out of a non-issue in an effort to foment partisan discord and conflict.
No, it’s divisive conservatives attempting to make an ‘issue’ out of a non-issue in an effort to foment partisan discord and conflict.
A non-issue the press is reporting on...
The guardian at that.
First the Link. And all who sail in … it? The language row over 'female' ships

Now, the explanation. Feminists are perturbed that in this enlightened and modern day, ships that sail the oceans are still referred to as She.

And the Rant. Oh FFS. Look, when the problems of the world have been dealt with so we no longer have mass bombings of Churches, or lunatics shooting up a peaceful group of people worshipping, when Disease and Hunger are things of the past, we can get our knickers in a wad about what we call a ship or boat. (Yes, that was intentional :04:)

Why are boats called She? Well. You can’t control them, not really. Look at anyone actually steering a ship, even a large one. You see them adjusting the rudder a tiny bit almost constantly. This is in reaction to the wind, currents, waves, and other factors that would deflect the course. The men aren’t in control of the ship, they are coaxing it, cajoling, and encouraging it to do what they want. So women, you should realize that when this trend started, centuries ago, it was in recognition that women could not be controlled even then. The best any “man” could do was try and coax you to where he wanted you to be.

When things break on the ship, say the aforementioned steering. The report is that “She don’t answer the helm”. Well the woman is not listening to anything the Man tells her. And she is not going to do anything he wants.

It is an acknowledgement of your independence Ladies. It is an acknowledgment, although a little left handed, of your stubborn determination to be who and what you want, and to do what you want.
No, it’s divisive conservatives attempting to make an ‘issue’ out of a non-issue in an effort to foment partisan discord and conflict.
First the Link. And all who sail in … it? The language row over 'female' ships

Now, the explanation. Feminists are perturbed that in this enlightened and modern day, ships that sail the oceans are still referred to as She.

And the Rant. Oh FFS. Look, when the problems of the world have been dealt with so we no longer have mass bombings of Churches, or lunatics shooting up a peaceful group of people worshipping, when Disease and Hunger are things of the past, we can get our knickers in a wad about what we call a ship or boat. (Yes, that was intentional :04:)

Why are boats called She? Well. You can’t control them, not really. Look at anyone actually steering a ship, even a large one. You see them adjusting the rudder a tiny bit almost constantly. This is in reaction to the wind, currents, waves, and other factors that would deflect the course. The men aren’t in control of the ship, they are coaxing it, cajoling, and encouraging it to do what they want. So women, you should realize that when this trend started, centuries ago, it was in recognition that women could not be controlled even then. The best any “man” could do was try and coax you to where he wanted you to be.

When things break on the ship, say the aforementioned steering. The report is that “She don’t answer the helm”. Well the woman is not listening to anything the Man tells her. And she is not going to do anything he wants.

It is an acknowledgement of your independence Ladies. It is an acknowledgment, although a little left handed, of your stubborn determination to be who and what you want, and to do what you want.
No, it’s divisive conservatives attempting to make an ‘issue’ out of a non-issue in an effort to foment partisan discord and conflict.

Wow. Conservatives have a lot more power than I imagined. Somehow this Conservative movement. Let’s call them the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, was able to first influence some Feminist Professors. Then, this VRWC was able, probably with help from the Russians, to get these professors to talk to the press.

Now these reporters somehow beholden to this VRWC wrote the article as serious news.

Ella Tennant, from Keele University’s Language Centre, said referring to ships as “she” is an example of how language shapes the way we see the world. There is “power and authority” in labelling, she says, and once that label is attached, “we have our own assumptions and preconceptions of what it is when we see that object”.

From a feminist language perspective, she adds, labelling ships, countries, and other inanimate things as female could be interpreted as “perpetuating the patriarchal view”, and as “slightly derogatory and patronising”.

The Conservatives mentioned in the story appeared old fashioned and even stodgy. Obviously part of the VRWC plan to appear out of touch. Thanks for showing me something. I am not sure what, but something.
If we want to take a look strictly linguistically, this lingual peculiarity can be possibly traced to the fact that the gender of the Latin word for “ship” — Navis — is feminine. However, the most possible scenario explaining this phenomenon is a combination of the above: The ‘ship as she’ is a linguistic habit as a leftover from traditio

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