SHITTY POLITICS ECONOMICS 101-how to survive a shitty economy

Ed Spacer

Jan 16, 2012
Here goes. This a sharing thread,from self education,and life experience,learning from mistakes.anyone can survive a shitty economy.heres some tips,on how me and my fiancee survive.

Now,heres the first step-
To minimize expense,and maximize profitability in your own household,and budget, lay out your expenses. Prioritize and differenciate between actual necessity and excess, cut the fat, so to speak, in your own budget. Heres a good example of a priority list, use mine for example-
We dont have any loans,as we believe if we cannot buy it outright,then we cant afford it.
Once these priorities are met,with unnecessary expenditures cut,youll notice your profitability levels increase. Once this has been achieved,then organize a second set of priorities-
now,without any other egregious expenses,your income,no matter what size,should stretch out DRAMATICALLY.

also,no take out,fast food cook at home. And,no name brands shopping,or the fancyass supermarket. Its either savealot or walmart.
ORGANIZATION-make sure all bills are scheduled vs. your pay dates. Create,maintain a budget every month. Use coupons. Eliminate unnecessary trips. Measure monthly profit vs. loss,cutcorners where you can.
ECONOMIZATION-literally,measure and compare each and every purchase,bill,and expense.take your time,especially with the prioritized expenses,feel no loyalty to no one but the budget,best quality and/or service for least expense.
FRUGALITY-literally,no unecessary shit,for real. If you dont need it,you should skip it.
RESPONSIBILITY-no ones going to bail you out of a financial mess but yourself. The lesson i learned,us you cannot have enough education and skills. Education+skills,and more of it = more $$$$. Diversify yourself. Be able to evolve, and dont settle for just one line if work, in case shit hits the fan, you are armed and prepared to be diversify yourself into something else, or multitude of things, power in numbers,too. Also, i dont care what anyone says, DO NOT INVEST IN THE STOCK MARKET!!!! It can change day by day if something farts,your family investment is in the toilet because of the russian roulette fickleness of the stock market. Slow,steady investments,like money market accounts,savings accounts at least equal your investment,minimize risk and loss factor.
Most of all, profitability comes even from the pennies you save. It all counts,and adds up. Micro-manage everything.
Vamp... Who ya talkin to? There's no one else here...
How about you just get to work and produce more than you consume?
I do.i work more than you know. I make everything i earn count, im simply trying to share some wisdom of learned experience.
I believe these are all good suggestions...

In my younger years I always paid cash or simply did without. Then, the kids came along (4 of them) and I slipped into using credit cards out of necessity and the fact that both my wife and I wanted her to stay home and raise them..

Well, I tell ya, credit card debts a killer but we finally caught up...sheesh.
Here goes. This a sharing thread,from self education,and life experience,learning from mistakes.anyone can survive a shitty economy.heres some tips,on how me and my fiancee survive.

Now,heres the first step-
To minimize expense,and maximize profitability in your own household,and budget, lay out your expenses. Prioritize and differenciate between actual necessity and excess, cut the fat, so to speak, in your own budget. Heres a good example of a priority list, use mine for example-
We dont have any loans,as we believe if we cannot buy it outright,then we cant afford it.
Once these priorities are met,with unnecessary expenditures cut,youll notice your profitability levels increase. Once this has been achieved,then organize a second set of priorities-
now,without any other egregious expenses,your income,no matter what size,should stretch out DRAMATICALLY.

also,no take out,fast food cook at home. And,no name brands shopping,or the fancyass supermarket. Its either savealot or walmart.

Everyone has already done all this long ago, you must really think people are clueless. The mandatory spending of mortgage/rent/gas/energy/utilities/insurance, are things that takes the bulk of our income and hardly anyone can cut down on, when your budget starts bumping up against this stuff what do you do? This is where many people are, they already dumped luxuries long ago, what does your sage advice have to say about that?
Believe me,people especially liberals,seem to think theres a bottomless pot of gold that doesnt exist.
How to survive every economy regardless of its state/

Spend less than you make.

Thus endith today's home economics lesson.

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