Shiva-Juggernaut: A Steroids Dream for TrumpUSA


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here is a mock dialogue between Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) and Juggernaut (a fictional comic book super-villain signifying the corrupt use of physical brutish might) about the ethics of illegal athletic performance-enhancing steroids, perhaps representative of the capitalism-competition qualities of our arguably commerce-drilled 'TrumpUSA.'

This dialogue references the victory of Triple Crown winning race-horse Secretariat (1973).

What do you think First Lady Melania Trump thinks about athletes in our 'pro-consumerism society'?


SHIVA: When steroids are introduced into sports, audiences become sensitive about competition...
JUGGERNAUT: What would you think if you found out Secretariat (the race-horse) was given steroids?
SHIVA: I'm sure Secretariat would nevertheless be thrilled with victory but I don't think animals like cheating.
JUGGERNAUT: So you think cheating is something only humans enjoy?
SHIVA: Maybe there's an unknown sentient species somewhere in an alternate universe favoring cheating.
JUGGERNAUT: Do you think that such a hypothetical species would be humanoid or animalia?
SHIVA: Animals are not stupid compared to humans; they simply do not cater to 'dreams' about greed.
JUGGERNAUT: In that case, would you say that Secretariat on steroids is an animal becoming 'humanoid'?
SHIVA: If an animal is chemically altered (in brain or body) to become rageful like a human, then yes...
JUGGERNAUT: Do you think capitalists (especially Wall Street citizens of TrumpUSA) study steroids?
SHIVA: I think capitalism advocates are compelled to evaluate the ethical boundaries of competition.
JUGGERNAUT: Is there a difference between steroids-athletes and Starbucks gluttony?
SHIVA: Stockbrokers sip Starbucks coffee on their way to work, but don't think about becoming giants.
JUGGERNAUT: Nevertheless, stockbrokers may 'fantasize' about becoming tycoons and barons...
SHIVA: I don't think the election of Donald Trump (a capitalism-baron) inspires ruthless ambition!
JUGGERNAUT: Maybe not, but even Secretariat (on steroids) would 'think' about the 'thrill' of success!
SHIVA: But I don't think First Lady Melania Trump advises her husband to 'embrace capitalism arrogance.'
JUGGERNAUT: If you think females provide males a 'moral grounding,' you don't subscribe to Wall Street.
SHIVA: American women want their husbands to become stockbrokers, but they don't favor crudeness.
JUGGERNAUT: There's nothing 'straightforward' about Secretariat (on steroids) 'shunning' punishment!



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