Shock poll: Bernie catching Hillary


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
Looks like liberals are not going to vote for that old hag. Good thing for them. Seems like there are still more or less sane people among democrats. Well, I personally don't like any liberal candidate but at least Sanders is not a thief like Hillary. It doesn't matter who is going to be the president. I just hope it won't be Clinton or Bush; we had enough of mafia clans in the White House.
Looks like liberals are not going to vote for that old hag. Good thing for them. Seems like there are still more or less sane people among democrats. Well, I personally don't like any liberal candidate but at least Sanders is not a thief like Hillary. It doesn't matter who is going to be the president. I just hope it won't be Clinton or Bush; we had enough of mafia clans in the White House.

I actually agree about Sanders, he might be batshit crazy, but he at least seems to stand by his bullshit principles.

Bernie would never get the nomination, but he is underscoring Hillary's weaknesses.
The democrat party is stuck in a time warp where the voting base consists of crazy radical transsocialist transrace transgender nut cases. No wonder Hillary can't take questions from the media.
The democrat party is stuck in a time warp where the voting base consists of crazy radical transsocialist transrace transgender nut cases. No wonder Hillary can't take questions from the media.

Can't take?
You mean won't take?
And BTW - who can honestly blame her.
The media will eventually fall in line quite nicely for her once she has the nomination.
They will do nothing to upset her chances whatsoever once she is in.
The only thing that would be more fun than watching nutters melt down over another Clinton in the White House would be watching them melt down over a self described socialist in the White House.
Bernie Sanders is as popular as he is because conservatives went around the country and on all the talk shows calling people socialists whenever they professed to give a shit about the working class. The stigma is gone and populism is back partially because republicans have gotten so nasty when confronted with the problems that working people face in America today.

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