SHOCK REPORT: 3.6Million DREAMERS in US - Will Flip Florida, Arizona, Georgia, & NC from red to blue

I think you are going to be very disappointed

He wont betray his base or its over. We cant afford to have millions of illegals draining us. First it was 800,000 and now 3.6 million.....I doubt it stops at that figure

I think you are going to be very disappointed

He wont betray his base or its over. We cant afford to have millions of illegals draining us. First it was 800,000 and now 3.6 million.....I doubt it stops at that figure

I am not buying the 3.6 million figure unless we have 40-50 million illegals.
The wave is coming. More and more sons of immigrants see the hate from the GOP and won't forget.
The way Trump has alienated Hispanics and Blacks guarantees he'll not get a second term. And the mid-terms are going to be very painful for the Repubs, who don't have the balls to call him out on his racist ideology.
The illegal aliens need to be put back with their families in their shithole home countries.
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The thread title promises us a "Shock Report."

For many of us, however, it is absolutely NO shock.


Ever since the 1970s, when people from Mexico and Central America started coming here for economic and/or political reasons, the handwriting was on the wall.

1. Yes, most Hispanic people will vote for the Democratic Party.

2. Yes, some Hispanic people will actually vote Republican, for many Hispanics are conservative on social issues.

3. Yes, as one poster has reminded us, illegal immigrants ARE voting and will continue to do so.

4. Yes, many red states are becoming purple and then inevitably blue.

a. As a moderate and good sport, I congratulate Democrats and all liberals on their eventual victory.

I think you are going to be very disappointed

He wont betray his base or its over. We cant afford to have millions of illegals draining us. First it was 800,000 and now 3.6 million.....I doubt it stops at that figure

I am not buying the 3.6 million figure unless we have 40-50 million illegals.
It is an estimate.
The way i understood it was, eligible DACA recipients are roughly 20% - 25% of illegals. Illegals are estimated at 11 - 15M
There are probably many more than that.
800K DACAs is how many have registered.
The 3.6M figure is a bit large IMO
In a few years, the GOP is going to regret how it has handled this whole issue, and other race-related issues.

They're choosing to do this stuff, so it will be on them.
So true.

"Choosing" is the key word.
Republicans and their racists are digging their graves. All this hate and bigotry towards minorities and immigrants will bite them in the ass for years to come. Not one single minority I've known has something nice to say about the GOP.....and the crazy thing most of us are actually conservatives on lot of issues. But the racism of the right can't be tolerated.

I think you are going to be very disappointed

He wont betray his base or its over. We cant afford to have millions of illegals draining us. First it was 800,000 and now 3.6 million.....I doubt it stops at that figure

The base supports DACA.

Fox News Sept 2017
Do you favor or oppose granting U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants under the age of 30 who were brought to the United States as children, provided they pass a background check?

Trump Voters
Favor 63
Oppose 34

Favor 69
Oppose 29

Whites with no degree
Favor 76
Oppose 22

DACA is a very Republican proposal. It requires a background check and requires them to be either working or in training.

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