Shocked!!!! Prankster Puts Bacon On Muslim's Sandwich

The person(s) involved should be sacked if this was done on suppose.

Me suspects it was done on purpose the table after they bought them

Who knows? I would have to get another or toss the sandwich if it had bacon on it. I stopped eating pork ages go.

You're un American Bacon is freedom, dude

But I'm betting this is a faux hate crime, nobody is going to doctor all 14 sandwiches, maybe one or two

You never know? Some people are assholes.

I never much cared for pork, even as a child. I was the kid that never had a problem eating his vegetables.

I don't eat McDonalds, nasty shit
The person(s) involved should be sacked if this was done on suppose.

Me suspects it was done on purpose the table after they bought them

Who knows? I would have to get another or toss the sandwich if it had bacon on it. I stopped eating pork ages go.

You're un American Bacon is freedom, dude

But I'm betting this is a faux hate crime, nobody is going to doctor all 14 sandwiches, maybe one or two

You never know? Some people are assholes.

I never much cared for pork, even as a child. I was the kid that never had a problem eating his vegetables.

I don't eat McDonalds, nasty shit

Oh, fast food is just ungodly. Also, We make better Big-Macs at home.
I'm still looking for the quote you claim I made saying "Lewdog is a Muslim". Where is it?

As for the question I asked of you, let's reviews:

Lewdog - "You see there is a distinct difference between you and I. Despite the fact I'm not religious, I have enough respect for others to not force my beliefs on them, . . "

Conservative65 - "Although it's not on the topic of bacon, I am checking consistently and the validity of your statement. Do you support social welfare programs funded by the taxpayers?"

Lewdog - "What are you checking? I've ALWAYS said I'm agnostic."

You made a statement. I indicated, while my question wasn't about the OP, it was checking consistency. Rather than answering, you ask what I'm checking despite the question being very clear then, although you claim is you're not religious, you bring up something part of a religious discussion for which I did not ask.

Can you answer my question? It's simple. Since my question is clear, I've already answered yours about what I am checking and why, that I'm checking consistency.

Something else I've noticed through this thread is that you, someone that claims to not be religious, an agnostic, you sure seem to think you know a lot about religious topics related to food. I'm seeing just another example of those that say they aren't part of something claiming they know more about it than those that are.

Again, can you answer my original question?

You never asked a question... and yes you did call me a raghead. Dude you are delusional.

Post #24 was the question.

You said I called you a Muslim.

Just say you're a coward if you don't want to answer the question. Will you answer?

You've proven yourself a liar by claiming I called you a Muslim. I never denied calling you raghead. You claimed I called you a Muslim.

Damn straight I support social programs. It's listed as part of the Constitution to provide for the "general welfare" of its people.

Raghead is a derogatory slang term for a Muslim... and the fact this thread is about Muslims and you used that term... quit being an ignorant asshole trying to deny it. It's one thing to be an asshole, and even worse to be an unscrupulous, dishonest asshole.

Where do the words food stamps, healthcare, WIC, government housing, and the like appear in the Constitution? Social welfare isn't general welfare. Your answer, as I suspected, proves you're a liar. You said you don't force your beliefs on others yet you support programs that force others to do thing in a manner in which you believe then try to justify it by claiming it fits under something it doesn't fit. If you truly cared for those for which you claim to care, you'd take care of them with your own money instead of expecting the rest of us to do it. I don't owe anyone else a damn thing in the way of what social programs do. It's their responsibility to care for themselves and if they aren't willing, they can do without.

Where did I say you were a Muslim? Until you can show me, you're claim is dismissed, pussy.

You think the Constitution has to mention specific items in order to include them? Oh lord, just when I thought you couldn't get anymore stupid. The Constitution is called a "living document" for a reason. It was written broadly by the Framers because they had the intelligence to understand that they could not predict everything the future would hold. The Constitution states "general welfare." All the programs you listed are included as part of general welfare... food, housing, medical care.

You called me a raghead in a thread about Muslims. You're an idiot. I'm not a Muslim or anything else you are purporting to mean. I'm a Caucasian/Native American, but that doesn't fit your narrative does it? For some reason you dumbass Trump supporters can't fathom that a White person can have empathy for people of other colors and religions, and should all be racist, xenophobic asshats like yourself.

That's what delegated powers means. All programs you support are part of social welfare.

You use the typical "living document" argument to justify something you believe it despite lying that you don't force your beliefs on others and call me stupid?

All programs I listed are part of SOCIAL welfare. You have a problem thinking two distinct words mean the same thing.

You don't have empathy or sympathy for anyone. If you did, you'd use your own money to provide things to people you believe they should have and not support the government forcing the rest of us to do what you lied about claiming you don't do.
You never asked a question... and yes you did call me a raghead. Dude you are delusional.

Post #24 was the question.

You said I called you a Muslim.

Just say you're a coward if you don't want to answer the question. Will you answer?

You've proven yourself a liar by claiming I called you a Muslim. I never denied calling you raghead. You claimed I called you a Muslim.

Damn straight I support social programs. It's listed as part of the Constitution to provide for the "general welfare" of its people.

Raghead is a derogatory slang term for a Muslim... and the fact this thread is about Muslims and you used that term... quit being an ignorant asshole trying to deny it. It's one thing to be an asshole, and even worse to be an unscrupulous, dishonest asshole.

Where do the words food stamps, healthcare, WIC, government housing, and the like appear in the Constitution? Social welfare isn't general welfare. Your answer, as I suspected, proves you're a liar. You said you don't force your beliefs on others yet you support programs that force others to do thing in a manner in which you believe then try to justify it by claiming it fits under something it doesn't fit. If you truly cared for those for which you claim to care, you'd take care of them with your own money instead of expecting the rest of us to do it. I don't owe anyone else a damn thing in the way of what social programs do. It's their responsibility to care for themselves and if they aren't willing, they can do without.

Where did I say you were a Muslim? Until you can show me, you're claim is dismissed, pussy.

You think the Constitution has to mention specific items in order to include them? Oh lord, just when I thought you couldn't get anymore stupid. The Constitution is called a "living document" for a reason. It was written broadly by the Framers because they had the intelligence to understand that they could not predict everything the future would hold. The Constitution states "general welfare." All the programs you listed are included as part of general welfare... food, housing, medical care.

You called me a raghead in a thread about Muslims. You're an idiot. I'm not a Muslim or anything else you are purporting to mean. I'm a Caucasian/Native American, but that doesn't fit your narrative does it? For some reason you dumbass Trump supporters can't fathom that a White person can have empathy for people of other colors and religions, and should all be racist, xenophobic asshats like yourself.

That's what delegated powers means. All programs you support are part of social welfare.

You use the typical "living document" argument to justify something you believe it despite lying that you don't force your beliefs on others and call me stupid?

All programs I listed are part of SOCIAL welfare. You have a problem thinking two distinct words mean the same thing.

You don't have empathy or sympathy for anyone. If you did, you'd use your own money to provide things to people you believe they should have and not support the government forcing the rest of us to do what you lied about claiming you don't do.

I'm not the idiot whose argument against food stamps, health insurance, and other programs is because it wasn't written into the Constitution in 1776. Guess we shouldn't have laws about cars and stock markets either since those aren't in the Constitution?

Social welfare helps to provide "general welfare" which is part of the Constitution.
NOTHING beats bacon wrapped bacon!!!
The person(s) involved should be sacked if this was done on suppose.
C' know there's nothing more amusing than picking on someone based on their religion.....christians love that when it happens to them....everyone else should get the same sense of humor.
Horrified and one PUKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CAIR wants this fucker beheaded right fucking now.

PETA responded to the news, how do you think the pig feels?


Muslim Family Says McDonald’s Employees Stuffed Bacon In Their Sandwiches

I Could CAIR Less

I hope these patriots get hired for higher pay at restaurants owned by Jews or Christians. Amerians have a right to defy rules made by OPEC-financed traitors. And CAIR, as agents of hostile foreign powers, has no standing in American courts
WARNING: Adult Language and Content

Suppose General Pershing had served the Munching Muslime? He would have bopped them with his blackjack, taken the towels off their heads, and given each a pig's blood shampoo.

It's about time sensitive multicultie tentboys were silenced. Let them live in the shadows with their pet foreigners.
The person(s) involved should be sacked if this was done on suppose.

Me suspects it was done on purpose the table after they bought them

Who knows? I would have to get another or toss the sandwich if it had bacon on it. I stopped eating pork ages go.

You're un American Bacon is freedom, dude

But I'm betting this is a faux hate crime, nobody is going to doctor all 14 sandwiches, maybe one or two

You never know? Some people are assholes.

I never much cared for pork, even as a child. I was the kid that never had a problem eating his vegetables.
Was eating vegetables what turned you into a fruitcake?
Post #24 was the question.

You said I called you a Muslim.

Just say you're a coward if you don't want to answer the question. Will you answer?

You've proven yourself a liar by claiming I called you a Muslim. I never denied calling you raghead. You claimed I called you a Muslim.

Damn straight I support social programs. It's listed as part of the Constitution to provide for the "general welfare" of its people.

Raghead is a derogatory slang term for a Muslim... and the fact this thread is about Muslims and you used that term... quit being an ignorant asshole trying to deny it. It's one thing to be an asshole, and even worse to be an unscrupulous, dishonest asshole.

Where do the words food stamps, healthcare, WIC, government housing, and the like appear in the Constitution? Social welfare isn't general welfare. Your answer, as I suspected, proves you're a liar. You said you don't force your beliefs on others yet you support programs that force others to do thing in a manner in which you believe then try to justify it by claiming it fits under something it doesn't fit. If you truly cared for those for which you claim to care, you'd take care of them with your own money instead of expecting the rest of us to do it. I don't owe anyone else a damn thing in the way of what social programs do. It's their responsibility to care for themselves and if they aren't willing, they can do without.

Where did I say you were a Muslim? Until you can show me, you're claim is dismissed, pussy.

You think the Constitution has to mention specific items in order to include them? Oh lord, just when I thought you couldn't get anymore stupid. The Constitution is called a "living document" for a reason. It was written broadly by the Framers because they had the intelligence to understand that they could not predict everything the future would hold. The Constitution states "general welfare." All the programs you listed are included as part of general welfare... food, housing, medical care.

You called me a raghead in a thread about Muslims. You're an idiot. I'm not a Muslim or anything else you are purporting to mean. I'm a Caucasian/Native American, but that doesn't fit your narrative does it? For some reason you dumbass Trump supporters can't fathom that a White person can have empathy for people of other colors and religions, and should all be racist, xenophobic asshats like yourself.

That's what delegated powers means. All programs you support are part of social welfare.

You use the typical "living document" argument to justify something you believe it despite lying that you don't force your beliefs on others and call me stupid?

All programs I listed are part of SOCIAL welfare. You have a problem thinking two distinct words mean the same thing.

You don't have empathy or sympathy for anyone. If you did, you'd use your own money to provide things to people you believe they should have and not support the government forcing the rest of us to do what you lied about claiming you don't do.

I'm not the idiot whose argument against food stamps, health insurance, and other programs is because it wasn't written into the Constitution in 1776. Guess we shouldn't have laws about cars and stock markets either since those aren't in the Constitution?

Social welfare helps to provide "general welfare" which is part of the Constitution.

Social welfare creates dependent people and that destroys the general welfare. You're the one arguing that handing someone something they didn't earn helps thing but call me stupid. It doesn't help me and since I'm one of those doing the paying, that's all that matters.

As far as cars are concerned, it actually doesn't have to be in the Constitution specifically. The 10th amendment takes care of that since laws related to who can drive, etc. are made at the state level.

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