Shocker: Eighty percent of NYC graduates unable to read


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Nawh it's really not a shocker, just to liberals, the nanny state city and it's failed mayor.

New York City’s literacy rates are on the decline: nearly 80 percent of high school graduates lack basic skills like reading, writing and math and are required to relearn them before qualifying for community college.

During his most recent State of the City address, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg hyped about the large investment the city has made on education – a multi-billion dollar investment that seems to have done little to help the city’s teens.

Critics pointed out that just 13 percent of black and Latino students graduate from New York City schools with the skills required for community college – and overall, 80 percent of all graduates lack these skills.

Shocker: Eighty percent of NYC graduates unable to read ? RT USA
An interesting thread - once again ruined by your obsession with left/right.

You must get out of bed each morning furious with the liberalism of your shower, and thrilled at how conservative your coffee machine is.

To get to the point itself - it is shocking, but does not surprise me. The standard of literacy on this board is very poor, with a half dozen posters I would consider fuctionally illiterate, and another half dozen incapable of writing a meaningful sentence.
"In 2012, the US placed 17thin the developed world for education, according to a report by Pearson. Finland and South Korea topped the lost of 40 countries. But when it comes to math, Americans are in the bottom half, with US students ranking 25thout of developing countries."

Interesting...and not only because the story contains a host of language errors!
"In 2012, the US placed 17thin the developed world for education, according to a report by Pearson. Finland and South Korea topped the lost of 40 countries. But when it comes to math, Americans are in the bottom half, with US students ranking 25thout of developing countries."

Interesting...and not only because the story contains a host of language errors!

Russia Today is American run?
The Failure of the Progressive Public Education System is a legitimate, winning issue for Conservatives

I'm glad Dr. Carson finally spoke about it
It's not unique to New York. Even down here in bright red Texas, a huge number of the local high school graduates must take some sort of non-credit, remedial classes before they can enroll in college and start earning credits toward graduation.

However...two questions arise:

1. Are the local colleges testing incoming students at the level which public school ought to deliver, or are they expecting more than the public schools are supposed to do? In other words, what level of high school education are they demanding? Take reading for instance. IF (and I don't know) public schools are tasked to turn out students who can at least read at the 9th grade level, are the colleges demanding 10th or 11th or 12th grade level?

2. The second question is related to the first: Are the colleges requiring remedial classes as a way to generate more income and keep students enrolled longer, or is it really necessary? We know that colleges, even public ones, have turned into revenue generating businesses and that many of them have budget problems. Would not requiring students to take remedial courses because the public schools have "failed" them be a good way to make more bucks? It could easily be done by hiking the minimum scholastic standards to just above what the public schools are tasked to produce.

I'm not saying that does happen, just that it could and it wouldn't surprise me one bit.

Those questions might well be asked of New York too.
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The Failure of the Progressive Public Education System is a legitimate, winning issue for Conservatives

I'm glad Dr. Carson finally spoke about it

Jesus, Frank, the irony of you posting on illiteracy...:clap2::clap2:

In all seriousness, I don't think I've ever seen a coherent on-topic comment from you on this board.
The Failure of the Progressive Public Education System is a legitimate, winning issue for Conservatives

I'm glad Dr. Carson finally spoke about it

You're simplifying the problem too much. Believe it or not, but not everything is caused by liberals. In education, for instance, ask just about any teacher and they'll tell you that for the past few years, the biggest hinderance to teaching has been No Child Left Behind and that was NOT a liberal program.
The Failure of the Progressive Public Education System is a legitimate, winning issue for Conservatives

I'm glad Dr. Carson finally spoke about it

Jesus, Frank, the irony of you posting on illiteracy...:clap2::clap2:

In all seriousness, I don't think I've ever seen a coherent on-topic comment from you on this board.

You're a perfect, classic example of how our educational system exsanguinates independent thought until you're reduced to believing that a scientific theory is "Proven" simply because there are more papers (peer reviewed, I might add) in favor of it than opposing.
Nawh it's really not a shocker, just to liberals, the nanny state city and it's failed mayor.

New York City’s literacy rates are on the decline: nearly 80 percent of high school graduates lack basic skills like reading, writing and math and are required to relearn them before qualifying for community college.

During his most recent State of the City address, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg hyped about the large investment the city has made on education – a multi-billion dollar investment that seems to have done little to help the city’s teens.

Critics pointed out that just 13 percent of black and Latino students graduate from New York City schools with the skills required for community college – and overall, 80 percent of all graduates lack these skills.

Shocker: Eighty percent of NYC graduates unable to read ? RT USA

If you were able to read and comprehend the article, you would know that it did not say that they could not read. You obviously need the same help that these people need. Should we say that you cannot read?
The Failure of the Progressive Public Education System is a legitimate, winning issue for Conservatives

I'm glad Dr. Carson finally spoke about it

You're simplifying the problem too much. Believe it or not, but not everything is caused by liberals. In education, for instance, ask just about any teacher and they'll tell you that for the past few years, the biggest hinderance to teaching has been No Child Left Behind and that was NOT a liberal program.

Oh Oh oh oh! My favorite topic!

If you knew me back then, I put Dubya down in the Ninth Circle, under Satan ass, for being such a fucking traitor to Conservatism for passing "No Child Left Alone"

And that's what convinced me that the Bush family was genuinely evil. I knew Bush41 was and I thought Dubya might be different and NCLB totally exposed my folly.
Frank -

Actually, I was educated in the country that the article claims has the best education system in the world.

The proof of this may be that I write better in a half-dozen languages than you do in any language.

I am not kidding when I say that your literacy is very poor. You make basic mistakes in every post.
The standard of literacy on this board is very poor, with a half dozen posters I would consider fuctionally illiterate, and another half dozen incapable of writing a meaningful sentence.

It's admirable of you to admit your shortcomings like that. :clap2:
Actual statistic:
Critics pointed out that just 13 percent of black and Latino students graduate from New York City schools with the skills required for community college – and overall, 80 percent of all graduates lack these skills.

Poster's title:
Shocker: Eighty percent of NYC graduates unable to read

Reading skills required for community college is not the same as unable to read. Given his inability to comprehend the information he read I'd wager bigrebnc1775 would fall into the 80% he's posting about.
Frank -

Actually, I was educated in the country that the article claims has the best education system in the world.

The proof of this may be that I write better in a half-dozen languages than you do in any language.

I am not kidding when I say that your literacy is very poor. You make basic mistakes in every post.

Be careful throwing those stones. I've corrected errors in dozens of your posts.
Frank -

Actually, I was educated in the country that the article claims has the best education system in the world.

The proof of this may be that I write better in a half-dozen languages than you do in any language.

I am not kidding when I say that your literacy is very poor. You make basic mistakes in every post.

Yes, under the "Because I say so" method -- I'm not impressed.

I was fortunate enough to finally learn English at Queens College in NYC from Prof. Daniel Donno.
the thread title is false.
Not really
According to City University New York officials, nearly 80 percent of the city's high school graduates don't have the basic literacy skills to take regular classes at the community college in the city.

Nearly 80% of NYC High School Graduates Find College Too Hard

No really..the title was
Eighty percent of NYC graduates unable to read.

Is that true?


Hence the charge that the TITLE was false is TRUE.

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