Shocking News from the World of Feminism: Men Won’t Hire Females

I've seen women try all sorts of nonsense. One woman after three years on the job took a five year leave of absence to raise her baby. She came back to work and complained that a man was unfairly promoted over her when she had 8 years seniority.
All is proceeding as foretold.

Human resources study shows a stunning unintended backlash to the ‘Me Too’ movement.

“There were men who specifically said I will not hire a woman going forward,” he explained.

“Those who said they would hire a woman said they would not travel with one, and they, more importantly they would not engage in activities after business hours,” Taylor added.

“And you know oftentimes, that’s when the relationships are built,” he continued, “after hours dinners with clients, et cetera, trips, I’m a lawyer for example, and you know, you’re the associate, and the partner won’t travel with you for fear that it could be perceived, or he could be subject to a sexual harassment claim.”
If these broads don't pipe down about Frank grabbing a pussy here and there, they will be shit out of luck when it comes to getting hired.

Broads should stay in the kitchen anyway
Where I work (an auto assembly plant), we have over 1500 employees. We have about 35% of them are women. Then we have the staff (managers, leaders, etc.); which consists of 20 of 50 of them are women. We even have a woman General Manager. And she was hired by a male Corporate manager.

Although, the place is promptly men; women here are able to run their jobs with efficiency and knowledge.

Whoever says a woman can't do a man's job are not only risible; but vacuous. I have seen many women in my day; that can do much better in a man's world.

Tbh, those days where a woman is stuck in the kitchen are over. Way over.

No one is saying they can't do the job.

Men are now thinking they don't want to hire them, particularly at the executive level, for fear of being falsely accused of sexual assault by some ambitious woman.
Why didn't men want to hire them at the executive level before then?

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