Shocking Poll: Young Americans think America is the most racist country in the history of the world!

Young americans are not only right on the money.... they are actually being too kind to America.

For the last 60 years the US has been promoting the genocide of its white majority.

Last time I checked the crime of genocide was 10000 times worse than racism.
This 1078 person can have whatever opinions they desire, but this same 1078 persons lack of basic knowledge is appalling. For 21st century Americans their stupidity is telling about our lack of quality in society.

"Other interesting data found within in the poll includes:

  • 8 in 10 Americans failed the FLAG’s American Patriotic History Quiz.
  • Less than 1 in 4 Americans know who authored the Federalist Papers.
  • 8 in 10 Americans cannot name the 5 freedoms guaranteed under the 1st Amendment.
  • 6 in 10 younger Americans (under 37) did not know who was on Mt. Rushmore.
  • Less than half of the respondents knew how many amendments were in the bill of rights, and that number dips to 2 out of 5 for millennials.
  • When asked about the first 5 amendments, respondents were clear on the first two, but fell to a little over half of all respondents knowing the rights of amendments 3, 4, and 5.
  • 35 percent of the Americans surveyed believe the United States is a sexist country.
  • 3 in 10 Americans disagree with the statement, “I enjoy seeing the American flag displayed in my community on Independence Day.”
  • 2 in 10 Millennials see the American flag as a sign of intolerance and hatred, and 4 in 10 believe it is ok to burn the American flag.
A sample of 1,078 Americans were contacted, including 100 Americans ages 14-17 and 107 and Americans age 18-21. Responses were balanced for generation, gender, and census regions."
If they don't love it, I believe that they are free to pack up and leave it at anytime.

God bless you always!!!

Young people grew up with 8 years of Bush, with his Katrina response and war on Brown people.

Then they watched 8 years of Republicans proudly displaying their racism with birtherism, and opposing everything the Black president tried to do.

Now they've seen 2 years of Trump being outwardly racist, not hiding it at all, and Republicans either following along or being silent in the face of his racism.

What do you expect them to believe?
Do you have any links to facts or proof to substantiate your claim? ( an exercise in futility).
I always pause at first when asked for "proof' by liberals, since their conception of proof is totally different than that of conservatives.

I forgot where I heard it (after the 2016 election, but some things are better proved by the "pudding" than anybody's biased reports.

In this case it makes sense. The media has an approval rating of about 10%. Near zero with Republicans who see the media as the enemy (as Trump himself said). The polls are just more of this media that Republicans don't trust. The proof in the pudding showed up in the 2016 elections where polls were showing Hillary to win.

All this probably won't go over with liberals though, who expect to see a Gallup, NBC, or Bloomberg report. :laugh:

Liberal Pollsters & Media Collude To Skew Polls

I always pause at first when asked for "proof' by liberals, since their conception of proof is totally different than that of conservatives. I forgot where I heard it (after the 2016 election, but some things are better proved by the "pudding" than anybody's biased reports.In this case it makes sense. The media has an approval rating of about 10%. Near zero with Republicans who see the media as the enemy (as Trump himself said). The polls are just more of this media that Republicans don't trust. The proof in the pudding showed up in the 2016 elections where polls were showing Hillary to win.All this probably won't go over with liberals though, who expect to see a Gallup, NBC, or Bloomberg report. :laugh:Liberal Pollsters & Media Collude To Skew Polls
Sorry. Someones opinion blog, which is all your link is, is not fact or proof. It's just her opinion that you want to believe. Hardly a researched, data driven report. As I said, an exercise in futility.
Young people grew up with 8 years of Bush, with his Katrina response and war on Brown people.

Then they watched 8 years of Republicans proudly displaying their racism with birtherism, and opposing everything the Black president tried to do.

Now they've seen 2 years of Trump being outwardly racist, not hiding it at all, and Republicans either following along or being silent in the face of his racism.

What do you expect them to believe?
Well. You've Certainly Gulped It All
Maybe You Should Move Somewhere In Africa
This 1078 person can have whatever opinions they desire, but this same 1078 persons lack of basic knowledge is appalling. For 21st century Americans their stupidity is telling about our lack of quality in society.

"Other interesting data found within in the poll includes:

  • 8 in 10 Americans failed the FLAG’s American Patriotic History Quiz.
  • Less than 1 in 4 Americans know who authored the Federalist Papers.
  • 8 in 10 Americans cannot name the 5 freedoms guaranteed under the 1st Amendment.
  • 6 in 10 younger Americans (under 37) did not know who was on Mt. Rushmore.
  • Less than half of the respondents knew how many amendments were in the bill of rights, and that number dips to 2 out of 5 for millennials.
  • When asked about the first 5 amendments, respondents were clear on the first two, but fell to a little over half of all respondents knowing the rights of amendments 3, 4, and 5.
  • 35 percent of the Americans surveyed believe the United States is a sexist country.
  • 3 in 10 Americans disagree with the statement, “I enjoy seeing the American flag displayed in my community on Independence Day.”
  • 2 in 10 Millennials see the American flag as a sign of intolerance and hatred, and 4 in 10 believe it is ok to burn the American flag.
A sample of 1,078 Americans were contacted, including 100 Americans ages 14-17 and 107 and Americans age 18-21. Responses were balanced for generation, gender, and census regions."

so they held the poll in some opium den?


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