Shocking Poll: Young Americans think America is the most racist country in the history of the world!

America is and has always been racist against White people....

There has been white genocide in this country for centuries, to the point that pure white Americans barely make up 4% of the population
Young people grew up with 8 years of Bush, with his Katrina response and war on Brown people.
The Bush Katrina response was a contrived media fable and the "war on brown people" (I assume that's meant to mean the Iraq war) was supported by a coalition force of "brown people" from the Philippines, Honduras, Tonga and El Salvador, among many others. Combatants of the Iraq War - Wikipedia
Then they watched 8 years of Republicans proudly displaying their racism with birtherism, and opposing everything the Black president tried to do.
Opposition to a president's bad policies is now racist? Reasonable thinkers find that a ridiculous charge.
Now they've seen 2 years of Trump being outwardly racist, not hiding it at all, and Republicans either following along or being silent in the face of his racism.

What do you expect them to believe?
Outwardly racist how? Because liars and ideologues say so?
No doubt you were taught and instructed just as children today are indoctrinated to believe all their partisan opposites are "racists". It's an ignorant knee jerk response that's emotionally driven and requires no thought whatsoever. Lucky for you.
Young people grew up with 8 years of Bush, with his Katrina response and war on Brown people.
The Bush Katrina response was a contrived media fable and the "war on brown people" (I assume that's meant to mean the Iraq war) was supported by a coalition force of "brown people" from the Philippines, Honduras, Tonga and El Salvador, among many others. Combatants of the Iraq War - Wikipedia
Then they watched 8 years of Republicans proudly displaying their racism with birtherism, and opposing everything the Black president tried to do.
Opposition to a president's bad policies is now racist? Reasonable thinkers find that a ridiculous charge.
Now they've seen 2 years of Trump being outwardly racist, not hiding it at all, and Republicans either following along or being silent in the face of his racism.

What do you expect them to believe?
Outwardly racist how? Because liars and ideologues say so?
No doubt you were taught and instructed just as children today are indoctrinated to believe all their partisan opposites are "racists". It's an ignorant knee jerk response that's emotionally driven and requires no thought whatsoever. Lucky for you.
USMB Wingnut: tiny El Salvador contributed support, so it can’t be racist. :auiqs.jpg:
I guess you also believe that since some European Jews helped the Nazis the holocaust couldn’t have been anti Semitic.

And your new hero Kanye called the Katrina response racist, so it must be true.

Birtherism is racist. And Republicans opposed even their own policies when proposed by Obama.

You’re not very good at this.

If you are so blind to trumpy’s racism then you’re either just as racist or you’ve joined the cult.
USMB Wingnut: tiny El Salvador contributed support, so it can’t be racist. :auiqs.jpg:
I guess you also believe that since some European Jews helped the Nazis the holocaust couldn’t have been anti Semitic.
If you want to make the case that El Salvador, and the other "brown" nations involved in the Iraq war are "racists"
based on that war go ahead. I don't mind if you expose yourself as a babbling fool. I mean, more than you already have.

And no, I don't believe that bit about the holocaust at all.That's absolute sophist bullshit! In no way is your imaginary non specific "some European Jews" assisting Nazis like the coalition nations that engaged Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
That's utter nonsense and a logical cluster fuck!
And your new hero Kanye called the Katrina response racist, so it must be true.
I don't think it was true and you haven't even remotely made the case that West was right. You've only pointed a filthy finger and vomited out some nonsense.
Birtherism is racist. And Republicans opposed even their own policies when proposed by Obama.
As "racist" as the people that wanted Ted Cruz declared ineligible to serve as president (should he win) due to issues about his constitutional eligibility? You know other presidents have also had their right to hold office challenged due to their citizenship, right? No... probably not! You aren't nearly that bright or honest.

And if you are calling Obama Care a republican policy show me when they tried to impose it on the nation.
Document your stupid claims. The brain storms of Newt Gingrich or some right wing think tank hardly makes for
"republican policy". But since you indulge in left wing meme-speak how can you possibly be held responsible for
the absolute rubbish you spout?
You’re not very good at this.

If you are so blind to trumpy’s racism then you’re either just as racist or you’ve joined the cult.
No. Not "good" and "smart" like you, right? I know brainwashed fools like to allege Trump racism but like
the imaginary Russian connection it cannot be proved or even seriously alleged. Grow up and stop dealing
in hackneyed leftist memes.
Sorry. Someones opinion blog, which is all your link is, is not fact or proof. It's just her opinion that you want to believe. Hardly a researched, data driven report. As I said, an exercise in futility.
I disagree. The link provides a lot of evidence (that you don't want to believe) Ho hum. And if you really thought it wasn't a good report, you would comment on the specific things mentioned in that report, instead of just flashing the time-worn invalidation card, and expecting everyone to go along.

Actually, the post answered the question itself, even without the link. But if you want to disbelieve (or pretend to) you have that right, :biggrin: frankly though, I think not many people would disbelieve that Republicans don't answer polls as much as Democrats do. It's fairly common knowledge, and the 2016 election beared it out.
If you are so blind to trumpy’s racism then you’re either just as racist or you’ve joined the cult.
Show some evidence of Trump being racist. Go ahead.
His responses to any Black women reporters asking him questions is a good start.

His disrespect of Army Sgt. La David T. Johnson, who died in Niger carrying out Trump orders.

There's two. Refute them.
I disagree. The link provides a lot of evidence (that you don't want to believe) Ho hum. And if you really thought it wasn't a good report, you would comment on the specific things mentioned in that report, instead of just flashing the time-worn invalidation card, and expecting everyone to go along.Actually, the post answered the question itself, even without the link. But if you want to disbelieve (or pretend to) you have that right, :biggrin: frankly though, I think not many people would disbelieve that Republicans don't answer polls as much as Democrats do. It's fairly common knowledge, and the 2016 election beared it out.
Thanks for your facts however, as per usual.
His responses to any Black women reporters asking him questions is a good start.

His disrespect of Army Sgt. La David T. Johnson, who died in Niger carrying out Trump orders.

There's two. Refute them.
You only mentioned some people. You haven't said how there was racism.
Thanks for your facts however, as per usual.
Plenty of facts. With or without the link.

Example > in the June 2016 Gravis poll, >>>

In its biased form, the poll shows Trump only 2% behind Hillary Clinton in the head-to-head matchup, far below the ridiculously large Clinton leads of up to 12% that Bloomberg and other leftist media outlets had been oozing.

But once we correct for biases in this Gravis poll, Trump is undoubtedly now well out in front of Clinton.

In the poll’s demographics, 40% of respondents said they were Democrats compared to just 33% who were Republicans. This 7% Democrat advantage is almost assuredly about 6% above where it should be – meaning Clinton’s narrow 2% lead should likely be upward of at least a 4% deficit behind Trump.

Further evidence of liberal bias in the poll comes from questions about Tea Party support, abortion, religious affiliation, and education.

Just 11% of those surveyed said they were members of the Tea Party. This value should be about 17%, suggesting – as with the party affiliation – about a 6% liberal bias.

The poll also shows a 17% advantage to pro-choice over pro-life, well above the known 6% spread in favor of pro-choice. This signifies a major liberal bias in the demographics, as the pro-choice side has not had an advantage larger than 10% since the 1990s.

When it comes to religious affiliation, the poll oversampled Muslims (2% versus 1%) and Catholics (25% versus less than 21%) and looks to have massively undersampled Evangelicals (10% versus 25%), resulting in more liberal bias. Evangelicals will vote dominantly for Trump, whereas Muslims and many Catholics are likely to lean toward Clinton.

A full 50% of the poll’s respondents had a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to 34% in reality, introducing more liberal bias.

Based on the full range of liberal biases present, a reasonable estimate of Trump's actual lead over Clinton is in the range of at least 5% once the polling data is corrected.

Corrected Gravis poll has Trump well out in front of Clinton at national level
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America is and has always been racist against White people....

There has been white genocide in this country for centuries, to the point that pure white Americans barely make up 4% of the population
Not always, but certainly since the 1960s, and the beginning of the 1964 Civil Rights Law. with racial affirmative action violating it, for 50+ years thereafter.

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