Shocking survey reveals the reason elites are out of touch – and it isn’t why you think


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The hate us. And Democrats get the bulk of wealthy peoples/Wall Street/ corporate donations, and we know the Democrats hate us.

The United States has a wealthy, partisan elite class that’s not only immune from and numb to the problems of their countrymen, but enormously confident in and willing to impose unpopular policies on them.

This is a recipe for disaster.

The problem is starkly illustrated in a new survey Scott Rasmussen conducted on behalf of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, which divided respondents between elites (people with at least one postgraduate degree, earning more than $150,000, living in ZIP codes where the population density exceeds 10,000 per square mile) and the general public.

Rasmussen also recorded the responses of a subset of elites — “super elites,“ if you will — who graduated from a few prestigious private universities, including members of the Ivy League, Duke, Stanford and Northwestern.

It’s near impossible to behold the results and not acknowledge they’re indicative of a fundamental disconnect between two Americas.

That disconnect should be of as much concern to proud aristocrats as it is to the peasantry.

It should come as no surprise that between America and its upper crust, a much higher proportion of the latter (73%) consider themselves Democrats and approve of Joe Biden’s performance as president (84%).

But there are less surface-level — and more telling — findings.


The hate us. And Democrats get the bulk of wealthy peoples/Wall Street/ corporate donations, and we know the Democrats hate us.

The United States has a wealthy, partisan elite class that’s not only immune from and numb to the problems of their countrymen, but enormously confident in and willing to impose unpopular policies on them.
This is a recipe for disaster.
The problem is starkly illustrated in a new survey Scott Rasmussen conducted on behalf of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, which divided respondents between elites (people with at least one postgraduate degree, earning more than $150,000, living in ZIP codes where the population density exceeds 10,000 per square mile) and the general public.
Rasmussen also recorded the responses of a subset of elites — “super elites,“ if you will — who graduated from a few prestigious private universities, including members of the Ivy League, Duke, Stanford and Northwestern.
It’s near impossible to behold the results and not acknowledge they’re indicative of a fundamental disconnect between two Americas.
That disconnect should be of as much concern to proud aristocrats as it is to the peasantry.
It should come as no surprise that between America and its upper crust, a much higher proportion of the latter (73%) consider themselves Democrats and approve of Joe Biden’s performance as president (84%).
But there are less surface-level — and more telling — findings.

I have experience in this from the company I just sold before I retired. They don't hate us, they don't even think we are human. We are less than their pets to them. Obstacles to be avoided or removed, not people. And that's global, not just here.
When it dawns on you that these are the entitled sorts greasing our political system towards their desires for America, then you'll realize why some of us outcast worker ants are disenfranchised w/shill governance ~S~
I have experience in this from the company I just sold before I retired. They don't hate us, they don't even think we are human. We are less than their pets to them. Obstacles to be avoided or removed, not people. And that's global, not just here.
BANG ...elemental wisdom....truth is often ugly.
I have experience in this from the company I just sold before I retired. They don't hate us, they don't even think we are human. We are less than their pets to them. Obstacles to be avoided or removed, not people. And that's global, not just here.
And that's your team, Buckwheat.
In their favour , they are desperate to take full control , if only for self protection .
And shortly there will be billions out of work .

What better solution than culling ?
Do you mean to tell us there is class division? No way. That's absurd
Sarcasm runneth over. Uber wealthy people look down on the rest off us? Now that is news to me. Lol.
I have experience in this from the company I just sold before I retired. They don't hate us, they don't even think we are human. We are less than their pets to them. Obstacles to be avoided or removed, not people. And that's global, not just here.
It’s also not divided by party lines
Well these people live in a world outside of ours. They can go anywhere, do anything. So when you can do anything what is there left to do but control people? The only thing they have left to do is conquer society, there is nothing left for them to do.

They are so disconnected from our world to them were cattle and nothing more. To be controlled and maintained as a commodity.

50 years ago even the most elite still had boundaries, they still had things to achieve and work for. Now they do not. They have become so rich and powerful they have nothing else to work for. I doubt they even have hobbies, they live to get more and all they have left to achieve is power and power means control.

To them they have evolved past being normal in any sense of the word. Now they see themselves as above us where we aren't even people, were pawns.

Once they have total control they will have nothing left to do and will become bored. At that point the only thing left they can do is destroy us.
Well these people live in a world outside of ours. They can go anywhere, do anything. So when you can do anything what is there left to do but control people? The only thing they have left to do is conquer society, there is nothing left for them to do.

They are so disconnected from our world to them were cattle and nothing more. To be controlled and maintained as a commodity.

50 years ago even the most elite still had boundaries, they still had things to achieve and work for. Now they do not. They have become so rich and powerful they have nothing else to work for. I doubt they even have hobbies, they live to get more and all they have left to achieve is power and power means control.

To them they have evolved past being normal in any sense of the word. Now they see themselves as above us where we aren't even people, were pawns.

Once they have total control they will have nothing left to do and will become bored. At that point the only thing left they can do is destroy us.
And now we know why we need that 90% tax bracket.

It's simply self preservation on the part of us regular folks.

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