Shooter had a hit list in his pocket


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

EXCLUSIVE: Assassination List Found On James Hodgkinson’s Body

James T. Hodgkinson, the shooter who opened fire on dozens of Republican congressmen and staffers at a baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia, on Wednesday, had a list of Republican names in his pocket that was recovered by the FBI, The Daily Caller has learned.

The news that the shooter had a list of names suggests the shooting was not a random outburst, but instead appears to be a premeditated political assassination.

The list was written out on notepad paper and found in the shooter’s pocket, according to multiple sources with intimate knowledge of the situation, who spoke on condition of anonymity, citing the sensitivity of the investigation. The list of names included Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks, South Carolina Rep. Jeff Duncan and Arizona Rep. Trent Franks, TheDC has confirmed.

The FBI has contacted at least one of the three congressmen to inform them of their inclusion on the list.

None of the three offices would offer comments on the record when asked about the names on the list. Brooks and Franks’ office further directed all inquiries to the Capitol police, who declined to comment. The FBI’s Washington field office, which is handling the investigation, also provided no comment, citing the ongoing investigation.

All three representatives are members of the House Freedom Caucus, which contains the lower chamber’s most conservative members. Both Duncan and Brooks attended Wednesday’s baseball practice.

EXCLUSIVE: Assassination List Found On James Hodgkinson’s Body

James T. Hodgkinson, the shooter who opened fire on dozens of Republican congressmen and staffers at a baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia, on Wednesday, had a list of Republican names in his pocket that was recovered by the FBI, The Daily Caller has learned.

The news that the shooter had a list of names suggests the shooting was not a random outburst, but instead appears to be a premeditated political assassination.

The list was written out on notepad paper and found in the shooter’s pocket, according to multiple sources with intimate knowledge of the situation, who spoke on condition of anonymity, citing the sensitivity of the investigation. The list of names included Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks, South Carolina Rep. Jeff Duncan and Arizona Rep. Trent Franks, TheDC has confirmed.

The FBI has contacted at least one of the three congressmen to inform them of their inclusion on the list.

None of the three offices would offer comments on the record when asked about the names on the list. Brooks and Franks’ office further directed all inquiries to the Capitol police, who declined to comment. The FBI’s Washington field office, which is handling the investigation, also provided no comment, citing the ongoing investigation.

All three representatives are members of the House Freedom Caucus, which contains the lower chamber’s most conservative members. Both Duncan and Brooks attended Wednesday’s baseball practice.

The Daily Caller? One source, no others = fake news.

EXCLUSIVE: Assassination List Found On James Hodgkinson’s Body

James T. Hodgkinson, the shooter who opened fire on dozens of Republican congressmen and staffers at a baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia, on Wednesday, had a list of Republican names in his pocket that was recovered by the FBI, The Daily Caller has learned.

The news that the shooter had a list of names suggests the shooting was not a random outburst, but instead appears to be a premeditated political assassination.

The list was written out on notepad paper and found in the shooter’s pocket, according to multiple sources with intimate knowledge of the situation, who spoke on condition of anonymity, citing the sensitivity of the investigation. The list of names included Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks, South Carolina Rep. Jeff Duncan and Arizona Rep. Trent Franks, TheDC has confirmed.

The FBI has contacted at least one of the three congressmen to inform them of their inclusion on the list.

None of the three offices would offer comments on the record when asked about the names on the list. Brooks and Franks’ office further directed all inquiries to the Capitol police, who declined to comment. The FBI’s Washington field office, which is handling the investigation, also provided no comment, citing the ongoing investigation.

All three representatives are members of the House Freedom Caucus, which contains the lower chamber’s most conservative members. Both Duncan and Brooks attended Wednesday’s baseball practice.

I wonder, who from the Democratic party handed him the list...
Haven't we been told repeatedly by the NRA types that the shooter's action is what the 2nd Amendment is all about, when the government becomes too oppressive? Chickens coming home to roost, IMO.
Haven't we been told repeatedly by the NRA types that the shooter's action is what the 2nd Amendment is all about, when the government becomes too oppressive? Chickens coming home to roost, IMO.
Are you channeling Rev Wright or your Messiah?
Haven't we been told repeatedly by the NRA types that the shooter's action is what the 2nd Amendment is all about, when the government becomes too oppressive? Chickens coming home to roost, IMO.

No. This is about butthurt democrats whose pain is so great because they took it up the ass bigly, they take it out on democratically elected representatives rather than apply massive amounts of Preparation H.

EXCLUSIVE: Assassination List Found On James Hodgkinson’s Body

James T. Hodgkinson, the shooter who opened fire on dozens of Republican congressmen and staffers at a baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia, on Wednesday, had a list of Republican names in his pocket that was recovered by the FBI, The Daily Caller has learned.

The news that the shooter had a list of names suggests the shooting was not a random outburst, but instead appears to be a premeditated political assassination.

The list was written out on notepad paper and found in the shooter’s pocket, according to multiple sources with intimate knowledge of the situation, who spoke on condition of anonymity, citing the sensitivity of the investigation. The list of names included Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks, South Carolina Rep. Jeff Duncan and Arizona Rep. Trent Franks, TheDC has confirmed.

The FBI has contacted at least one of the three congressmen to inform them of their inclusion on the list.

None of the three offices would offer comments on the record when asked about the names on the list. Brooks and Franks’ office further directed all inquiries to the Capitol police, who declined to comment. The FBI’s Washington field office, which is handling the investigation, also provided no comment, citing the ongoing investigation.

All three representatives are members of the House Freedom Caucus, which contains the lower chamber’s most conservative members. Both Duncan and Brooks attended Wednesday’s baseball practice.
All 3 part of the whack job caucus...well I wouldn't miss them that's for damn sure. Nothing but extremists who intend to make poor American's lives harder when it comes to health care.
OP is lying of course.

While true he had a list in his pocket, there was no indication it was a "hit list".

Damn RWNJs never miss a chance to cause more trouble and won't be happy until they get the war they've said they want.

BTW - OP, thank you thank you thank you for that photo. Always cracks me up to see the three failures UNDER the most successful woman in US history. Please, don't change it. K?
Haven't we been told repeatedly by the NRA types that the shooter's action is what the 2nd Amendment is all about, when the government becomes too oppressive? Chickens coming home to roost, IMO.
If that's what he was after why did he go after the ones voting to get government off your ass instead of the ones wanting more control of your life? This had nothing to do with oppression. This guy wanted more of it.
Haven't we been told repeatedly by the NRA types that the shooter's action is what the 2nd Amendment is all about, when the government becomes too oppressive? Chickens coming home to roost, IMO.
If that's what he was after why did he go after the ones voting to get government off your ass instead of the ones wanting more control of your life? This had nothing to do with oppression. This guy wanted more of it.

Sorry but konradv is right.

You guys keep voting for stuff that comes back to bite your fat butts.

EXCLUSIVE: Assassination List Found On James Hodgkinson’s Body

James T. Hodgkinson, the shooter who opened fire on dozens of Republican congressmen and staffers at a baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia, on Wednesday, had a list of Republican names in his pocket that was recovered by the FBI, The Daily Caller has learned.

The news that the shooter had a list of names suggests the shooting was not a random outburst, but instead appears to be a premeditated political assassination.

The list was written out on notepad paper and found in the shooter’s pocket, according to multiple sources with intimate knowledge of the situation, who spoke on condition of anonymity, citing the sensitivity of the investigation. The list of names included Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks, South Carolina Rep. Jeff Duncan and Arizona Rep. Trent Franks, TheDC has confirmed.

The FBI has contacted at least one of the three congressmen to inform them of their inclusion on the list.

None of the three offices would offer comments on the record when asked about the names on the list. Brooks and Franks’ office further directed all inquiries to the Capitol police, who declined to comment. The FBI’s Washington field office, which is handling the investigation, also provided no comment, citing the ongoing investigation.

All three representatives are members of the House Freedom Caucus, which contains the lower chamber’s most conservative members. Both Duncan and Brooks attended Wednesday’s baseball practice.
Anonymous sources? Interesting.
He p
OP is lying of course.

While true he had a list in his pocket, there was no indication it was a "hit list".

Damn RWNJs never miss a chance to cause more trouble and won't be happy until they get the war they've said they want.

BTW - OP, thank you thank you thank you for that photo. Always cracks me up to see the three failures UNDER the most successful woman in US history. Please, don't change it. K?
He probably just wanted to send them flowers for father's day huh.

I swear some of you idiots get dumber by the day.
Haven't we been told repeatedly by the NRA types that the shooter's action is what the 2nd Amendment is all about, when the government becomes too oppressive? Chickens coming home to roost, IMO.
If that's what he was after why did he go after the ones voting to get government off your ass instead of the ones wanting more control of your life? This had nothing to do with oppression. This guy wanted more of it.

Sorry but konradv is right.

You guys keep voting for stuff that comes back to bite your fat butts.
The left will always be unhinged and violent.
Haven't we been told repeatedly by the NRA types that the shooter's action is what the 2nd Amendment is all about, when the government becomes too oppressive? Chickens coming home to roost, IMO.
If that's what he was after why did he go after the ones voting to get government off your ass instead of the ones wanting more control of your life? This had nothing to do with oppression. This guy wanted more of it.

Sorry but konradv is right.

You guys keep voting for stuff that comes back to bite your fat butts.
Like you keep voting FOR the murder of innocent children before birth?

You know what you can do with your juvenile hyperbole
OP is lying of course.

While true he had a list in his pocket, there was no indication it was a "hit list".

Damn RWNJs never miss a chance to cause more trouble and won't be happy until they get the war they've said they want.

BTW - OP, thank you thank you thank you for that photo. Always cracks me up to see the three failures UNDER the most successful woman in US history. Please, don't change it. K?

Musta been a grocery list.......
Haven't we been told repeatedly by the NRA types that the shooter's action is what the 2nd Amendment is all about, when the government becomes too oppressive? Chickens coming home to roost, IMO.
^^^thinks those shot deserved it because they defend our constitutional rights.

You're better than this nonsense Konrad
Is the "lefts'" hatred of The Donald and the people he represents, the states that voted him in a landslide, incurable? Does the "left" really want to take it to the next level? Many douchebags on the "left" here allude to The Donald as being "orange." Is that code word for White? Why do leftist qu33rs hated Whitey?
Haven't we been told repeatedly by the NRA types that the shooter's action is what the 2nd Amendment is all about, when the government becomes too oppressive? Chickens coming home to roost, IMO. are obviously the stupid one in the class......rising up against the government is covered in the Declaration of Independence.......since there were lots of ways for the Bernie brown shirt to redress his grievances...outside of murdering Republicans......he had no RIght to murder innocent people.....

You truly are fucking cookie for you....
OP is lying of course.

While true he had a list in his pocket, there was no indication it was a "hit list".

Damn RWNJs never miss a chance to cause more trouble and won't be happy until they get the war they've said they want.

BTW - OP, thank you thank you thank you for that photo. Always cracks me up to see the three failures UNDER the most successful woman in US history. Please, don't change it. K?

Yes the coincidence that he tried to murder Republicans and also had a list of Republicans on would have nothing on you.

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