Shooter mag, sportsman Channel host is gunned down

The guns did NOT keep them safe

The guns ended in their violent deaths.

pretend all you want that its my fault these men are dead.

Pretend NO ONE should mention this crime.

Lies worked so well for your party last election
The guns did NOT keep them safe

The guns ended in their violent deaths.

pretend all you want that its my fault these men are dead.

Pretend NO ONE should mention this crime.

Lies worked so well for your party last election

It is not your fault, it is not guns fault (how could it be, they are inanimate objects) it is the shooter's fault!
Just pay attention. This thread is a microcosm of the TM thought process, such as it is.
pretending guns dont kill people is why your party is failing

That is the best you can come up with? Show me one firearm in the history of the world that can think or act for itself.

As an aside, I can only assume (based on your innumerable nonsense posts) that you are referring to the Republican party. I am not a Republican.

Sun Tzu said:
It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles;
Good thing her husband had a gun handy huh
Gun don't protect you, Gov't does!

According to the NY Times, you are wrong about the government protecting you:

WASHINGTON, June 27 - The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm, even a woman who had obtained a court-issued protective order against a violent husband making an arrest mandatory for a violation.

The decision, with an opinion by Justice Antonin Scalia and dissents from Justices John Paul Stevens and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, overturned a ruling by a federal appeals court in Colorado. The appeals court had permitted a lawsuit to proceed against a Colorado town, Castle Rock, for the failure of the police to respond to a woman's pleas for help after her estranged husband violated a protective order by kidnapping their three young daughters, whom he eventually killed.
I would say this is a case in favour of psychological screening before allowing someone to purchase a firearm. He obviously had serious issues if she snapped so easily and killed the host along with himself.
Guns right advocate killed by gun.

Ya gotta admit.. it is kind of situationally ironic.
pretending guns dont kill people is why your party is failing


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