Shooting a dog <> shooting a fetus.... What's the diff?

after 9 months of carrying it, with possible medical risks to herself. About 65,000 women a year have serious medical issues with pregnancy, and about 400 killed a year in childbirth, in the USA.
thats a lie,,

dangers that far along are almost non existent,,

and if theres a risk to the mother there is no reason to murder the child,, just deliver the child and save both,,
but you guys would just get mad she ate the dog,,

I just choose not to judge country folk using a city boy mindset,,

that would be wrong of me,,

farmers and ranchers shoot dogs everyday,,

she just didnt expect it wouuld trigger the morons this bad,,

But you judge city folk with your country folk mindset.
A woman doesn't have to kill her baby. She can put it up for adoption.
My niece tried that with over 10 of their babies. There were no takers because the babies (according to Alabama) still needed a womb to grow. Eventually she apparently murdered the frozen little darlings.
Noem describes calling Cricket, then using an electronic collar to attempt to bring her under control. Nothing worked. Then, on the way home after the hunt, as Noem stopped to talk to a local family, Cricket escaped Noem’s truck and attacked the family’s chickens, “grabb[ing] one chicken at a time, crunching it to death with one bite, then dropping it to attack another”
Sounds like it needed to be put down before it hurt someone!
You must have never owned a dog. I the sweetest dog. But if he sees a bunch of geese on our grass, look out. They better make it to the water. One didn't last year and he killed it. For the record, I could have gotten in big trouble for that. You're supposed to have your dog on a leash.

Which leads me to Cricket killing those chicken. That is unfortunate. I would warn the Humane Society when I turned the dog in. Or warned the new owners of his forever home that he should be on a leash.

I'm the only one at the dog park that takes his dog back to the woods off leash. Not the only one, but most of the people I know up there wish they could walk their dogs off leash like I can. Should they unleash their dogs and if they don't behave shoot them?

This is proposerous. I hope you pick this monster and continue talking about abortion because it's a winning issue or you cons. Anti abortion dog killer. Got it.
Yea, if it needs to be. This dog didn't need to be put down. She is cold hearted, hated that dog and murdered it for no reason. Please don't tell me you care about life and then tell me you do this. No you fucking do not.
I sure hope you don’t eat beef, pork, or any meat. The cows, pigs, etc get slaughtered
I did the opposite of compare them,, I clearly said they are two different places with completely different views of the world,,

you should know the difference,,

I'm just throwing your words back at you. Perhaps this is what you should tell Republicans in Hooterville and Mayberry. Tell them when they talk shit about us, tell them

I choose not to judge city folk using a country boy mindset
I'm just throwing your words back at you. Perhaps this is what you should tell Republicans in Hooterville and Mayberry. Tell them when they talk shit about us, tell them

I choose not to judge city folk using a country boy mindset
but you wish to control country folks using city politics like ending the electoral college and pushing a false democracy instead of our constitutional republic,,

you may want to say this to your leftist friends that are condemning noem for shooting her dog,,
but you wish to control country folks using city politics like ending the electoral college and pushing a false democracy instead of our constitutional republic,,

you may want to say this to your leftist friends that are condemning noem for shooting her dog,,

She offended people in states with a lot of electoral votes. She is being defended by small states with not many electoral votes.
thats why you seem so content knowing you support the murder of innocent children,,
Honestly, have you had your head buried in the sand P Hunter....? Have you not seen on the news or read about the pregnant women being put in danger due to not having abortion as an option, with their complications? Seriously, you need to inform yourself on's why Repub women are supporting it now....

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