Shooting at outlet mall in Texas

Illegals come when there are jobs to be had. Cut that off and you take care of a LOT of the problem. Why don't you want to use an in-house solution?
And this also applies to drugs crossing the border. IT is not the Mexican's forcing fentanyl north, it is about the demand for them to send fentanyl north. If Americans did not buy it, it would do no good for them to smuggle it in.
Illegals come when there are jobs to be had. Cut that off and you take care of a LOT of the problem. Why don't you want to use an in-house solution?
That job has proven even more difficult than securing the border thanks in part to lib sanctuary cities
Of course I don't want illegals coming to America. Why do you support illegal immigration, you damn trolling kunt.
I don't. I see the solution FIRST as cutting off the incentive for them to come to the US....hold all illegal employers responsible with fines and jail time. You don't want to do that. What's in it for you to hire illegals?
They just take advantage of it, right?
Lying skank.
A gun did it. Looked like one of them famous Assault Rifle 15's. Damn shame. Could have been prevented, but YOU KNOW WHO :fu:
likes to hide behind talking points while children get slaughtered at the shopping malls and schools, etc...
Feel free to never handle or purchase one. No harm, no foul. Just don't ever get thinking you're man enough to come take one from others. It could lead to poor outcomes.

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