Shootings and stabbings on the rise in England....the Chinese flu isn't stopping the violence there...

The UK has its own set of problems. We Americans need to concentrate on ours. Someone needs to explain why armed hoodlums are allowed in a state's capitol building here in the U.S.

Back in the 60's and 70's these people would have been considered protesters and liberals would stand up for their right to protest. Today's lefties have no conviction, no guts and no passion. The lefties today are not liberals, they are the regressives.
You don't "protest" with guns. I never did. These people are not protesters. They are hoodlums, thugs.

You can peacefully protest however you wish, because someone doesn't protest the same way you do, that is irrelevant and speaks to your intolerance of others opinions. Far from being a progressive and closer to being a regressive.

Guns are allowed at the state house, they broke no laws. The guns were not used, no thugs on either side and the protest was peaceful, plus the have a right to protest against what they believe is unfair treatment.
Why did they bring guns and dress as thugs, all the while not wearing masks and practicing social distancing? Guns are allowed in the state house, but this is wrong., and should not be so. This is a failure of our legal system. Ponder how you would view the situation if these "protesters" were Americans who were not white and male. Would your view be the same?

They are a Constitutionally protected Right, they did not use those guns to commit crime.

If you were an intelligent person, you would go to the democrat party and demand that they stop releasing actual, repeat gun offenders who actually are the ones using illegal guns to commit crime and murder.......that would actually be something important rather than bothering people who don't commit crimes with their legal guns.
If you were an intelligent person, you would be asking why anyone brings a gun to a protest at a state house. Please answer why anyone would do this. It looks like bullying and threatening one's fellow citizens. These people are hoodlums. Tell me if you would be happy if black and brown people, women and men, straight and LGBT converged on a state house armed with long guns, weapons of war, but, (oh my gosh) didn't do anything with them. An end to this bullshit!

They are bring long guns to a peaceful rally....but it isn't illegal and they didn't break the law....

Moron, your race baiting is so obvious now it makes you look like the asshole you are. The only racists here belong to the democrat party, the party of racism....... I don't care what color your skin is, you obviously do...I don't care who you have sex with, you obviously do......

The Bill of Rights applies to all Americans you dumb shit.

None of those guns are weapons of war unless they had pump action shotguns or deer hunting rifles....those are actual weapons of war you moron.

And again.....these morons, though rude, broke no law with anything they did...

The democrat party constantly releases actual, violent, repeat gun offenders....these people the democrat party keeps releasing on the public are the ones who get illegal guns, and use them to commit crime and murder....and when we catch them, over and over, the democrat party keeps letting them go......

Please explain to us why you are so worried about people who did not use their guns for any crime....but could not care less about actual gun criminals constantly released from jail and prison by the democrat party...

Could you please explain that?

What about this is "race baiting"? These people exhibit themselves as bullies who display themselves to threaten others. What is the implication to be drawn from the fact that they are all white males, not a cross-section of the population? This is not a crowd of blacks, whites, browns, native Americans, Asian Americans, women and men.

By asking me how I feel about Black, Brown and Gay people carrying guns you are accusing me of being a racist and the most cowardly way are a vile, left wing vote for a political party that actually is racist, the democrat party, and then accuse others of being racist........that's on you.....
You sound like a racist, a sexist, a homophobe. I don't find the Democratic Party to be racist. I do find the republican party to be racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, cult-infested, and a bunch of other negative things. We will see if, when, and how the republican party gets out of the grip of its current bad choices. If I vote for Democratic candidates, which I have and will continue to do so, blame the republicans because this is the result that they have so clearly wanted. They have made their bed.

See, pushing the race and all your favorite isms when you have nothing else to go to. So sad.
The UK has its own set of problems. We Americans need to concentrate on ours. Someone needs to explain why armed hoodlums are allowed in a state's capitol building here in the U.S.

Back in the 60's and 70's these people would have been considered protesters and liberals would stand up for their right to protest. Today's lefties have no conviction, no guts and no passion. The lefties today are not liberals, they are the regressives.
You don't "protest" with guns. I never did. These people are not protesters. They are hoodlums, thugs.

You can peacefully protest however you wish, because someone doesn't protest the same way you do, that is irrelevant and speaks to your intolerance of others opinions. Far from being a progressive and closer to being a regressive.

Guns are allowed at the state house, they broke no laws. The guns were not used, no thugs on either side and the protest was peaceful, plus the have a right to protest against what they believe is unfair treatment.
Why did they bring guns and dress as thugs, all the while not wearing masks and practicing social distancing? Guns are allowed in the state house, but this is wrong., and should not be so. This is a failure of our legal system. Ponder how you would view the situation if these "protesters" were Americans who were not white and male. Would your view be the same?

They are a Constitutionally protected Right, they did not use those guns to commit crime.

If you were an intelligent person, you would go to the democrat party and demand that they stop releasing actual, repeat gun offenders who actually are the ones using illegal guns to commit crime and murder.......that would actually be something important rather than bothering people who don't commit crimes with their legal guns.
If you were an intelligent person, you would be asking why anyone brings a gun to a protest at a state house. Please answer why anyone would do this. It looks like bullying and threatening one's fellow citizens. These people are hoodlums. Tell me if you would be happy if black and brown people, women and men, straight and LGBT converged on a state house armed with long guns, weapons of war, but, (oh my gosh) didn't do anything with them. An end to this bullshit!

They are bring long guns to a peaceful rally....but it isn't illegal and they didn't break the law....

Moron, your race baiting is so obvious now it makes you look like the asshole you are. The only racists here belong to the democrat party, the party of racism....... I don't care what color your skin is, you obviously do...I don't care who you have sex with, you obviously do......

The Bill of Rights applies to all Americans you dumb shit.

None of those guns are weapons of war unless they had pump action shotguns or deer hunting rifles....those are actual weapons of war you moron.

And again.....these morons, though rude, broke no law with anything they did...

The democrat party constantly releases actual, violent, repeat gun offenders....these people the democrat party keeps releasing on the public are the ones who get illegal guns, and use them to commit crime and murder....and when we catch them, over and over, the democrat party keeps letting them go......

Please explain to us why you are so worried about people who did not use their guns for any crime....but could not care less about actual gun criminals constantly released from jail and prison by the democrat party...

Could you please explain that?

What about this is "race baiting"? These people exhibit themselves as bullies who display themselves to threaten others. What is the implication to be drawn from the fact that they are all white males, not a cross-section of the population? This is not a crowd of blacks, whites, browns, native Americans, Asian Americans, women and men.

By asking me how I feel about Black, Brown and Gay people carrying guns you are accusing me of being a racist and the most cowardly way are a vile, left wing vote for a political party that actually is racist, the democrat party, and then accuse others of being racist........that's on you.....
You sound like a racist, a sexist, a homophobe. I don't find the Democratic Party to be racist. I do find the republican party to be racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, cult-infested, and a bunch of other negative things. We will see if, when, and how the republican party gets out of the grip of its current bad choices. If I vote for Democratic candidates, which I have and will continue to do so, blame the republicans because this is the result that they have so clearly wanted. They have made their bed.

See, pushing the race and all your favorite isms when you have nothing else to go to. So sad.
My perception of these guys is that they are white-supremacist thugs.

When is the republican party going to take responsibility for its actions and bad choices? It is a small, very defensive group that tries to attack their fellow Americans, demographic group by demographic group.

I never pushed "race." I am perfectly comfortable to vote for a white male, namely Joe Biden, as is my white, male, ex-marine, cousin, and close friend. We were both happy to vote for a mixed "race" candidate, President Obama.

I do hope that we get more people from the other half of the American population, the female half, into positions of national leadership, and by this I mean the strong, educated people with a talent for leadership.
The UK has its own set of problems. We Americans need to concentrate on ours. Someone needs to explain why armed hoodlums are allowed in a state's capitol building here in the U.S.

Back in the 60's and 70's these people would have been considered protesters and liberals would stand up for their right to protest. Today's lefties have no conviction, no guts and no passion. The lefties today are not liberals, they are the regressives.
You don't "protest" with guns. I never did. These people are not protesters. They are hoodlums, thugs.

You can peacefully protest however you wish, because someone doesn't protest the same way you do, that is irrelevant and speaks to your intolerance of others opinions. Far from being a progressive and closer to being a regressive.

Guns are allowed at the state house, they broke no laws. The guns were not used, no thugs on either side and the protest was peaceful, plus the have a right to protest against what they believe is unfair treatment.
Why did they bring guns and dress as thugs, all the while not wearing masks and practicing social distancing? Guns are allowed in the state house, but this is wrong., and should not be so. This is a failure of our legal system. Ponder how you would view the situation if these "protesters" were Americans who were not white and male. Would your view be the same?

They are a Constitutionally protected Right, they did not use those guns to commit crime.

If you were an intelligent person, you would go to the democrat party and demand that they stop releasing actual, repeat gun offenders who actually are the ones using illegal guns to commit crime and murder.......that would actually be something important rather than bothering people who don't commit crimes with their legal guns.
If you were an intelligent person, you would be asking why anyone brings a gun to a protest at a state house. Please answer why anyone would do this. It looks like bullying and threatening one's fellow citizens. These people are hoodlums. Tell me if you would be happy if black and brown people, women and men, straight and LGBT converged on a state house armed with long guns, weapons of war, but, (oh my gosh) didn't do anything with them. An end to this bullshit!

They are bring long guns to a peaceful rally....but it isn't illegal and they didn't break the law....

Moron, your race baiting is so obvious now it makes you look like the asshole you are. The only racists here belong to the democrat party, the party of racism....... I don't care what color your skin is, you obviously do...I don't care who you have sex with, you obviously do......

The Bill of Rights applies to all Americans you dumb shit.

None of those guns are weapons of war unless they had pump action shotguns or deer hunting rifles....those are actual weapons of war you moron.

And again.....these morons, though rude, broke no law with anything they did...

The democrat party constantly releases actual, violent, repeat gun offenders....these people the democrat party keeps releasing on the public are the ones who get illegal guns, and use them to commit crime and murder....and when we catch them, over and over, the democrat party keeps letting them go......

Please explain to us why you are so worried about people who did not use their guns for any crime....but could not care less about actual gun criminals constantly released from jail and prison by the democrat party...

Could you please explain that?

What about this is "race baiting"? These people exhibit themselves as bullies who display themselves to threaten others. What is the implication to be drawn from the fact that they are all white males, not a cross-section of the population? This is not a crowd of blacks, whites, browns, native Americans, Asian Americans, women and men.

By asking me how I feel about Black, Brown and Gay people carrying guns you are accusing me of being a racist and the most cowardly way are a vile, left wing vote for a political party that actually is racist, the democrat party, and then accuse others of being racist........that's on you.....
You sound like a racist, a sexist, a homophobe. I don't find the Democratic Party to be racist. I do find the republican party to be racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, cult-infested, and a bunch of other negative things. We will see if, when, and how the republican party gets out of the grip of its current bad choices. If I vote for Democratic candidates, which I have and will continue to do so, blame the republicans because this is the result that they have so clearly wanted. They have made their bed.

See, pushing the race and all your favorite isms when you have nothing else to go to. So sad.
My perception of these guys is that they are white-supremacist thugs.

When is the republican party going to take responsibility for its actions and bad choices? It is a small, very defensive group that tries to attack their fellow Americans, demographic group by demographic group.

I never pushed "race." I am perfectly comfortable to vote for a white male, namely Joe Biden, as is my white, male, ex-marine, cousin, and close friend. We were both happy to vote for a mixed "race" candidate, President Obama.

I do hope that we get more people from the other half of the American population, the female half, into positions of national leadership, and by this I mean the strong, educated people with a talent for leadership.

Ask a Republican, I left that party a long time ago. You brought up race, we weren’t even talking race until you asked your stupid question, it was racially loaded, so spare me your BS. I wouldn’t vote for Trump or Biden, both are disgusting, egos, the way they demean women. Sorry I won’t for the lesser of two evils. If Americans would go beyond the two parties, we might see better candidates. As far as male or female, I don’t really care. We need a real fiscal conservative, cut spending, raise taxes, bring all troops home, balance the budget, quit giving money to any nation or group. Secure America then we can help the rest of the world.
The UK has its own set of problems. We Americans need to concentrate on ours. Someone needs to explain why armed hoodlums are allowed in a state's capitol building here in the U.S.

Back in the 60's and 70's these people would have been considered protesters and liberals would stand up for their right to protest. Today's lefties have no conviction, no guts and no passion. The lefties today are not liberals, they are the regressives.
You don't "protest" with guns. I never did. These people are not protesters. They are hoodlums, thugs.

You can peacefully protest however you wish, because someone doesn't protest the same way you do, that is irrelevant and speaks to your intolerance of others opinions. Far from being a progressive and closer to being a regressive.

Guns are allowed at the state house, they broke no laws. The guns were not used, no thugs on either side and the protest was peaceful, plus the have a right to protest against what they believe is unfair treatment.
Why did they bring guns and dress as thugs, all the while not wearing masks and practicing social distancing? Guns are allowed in the state house, but this is wrong., and should not be so. This is a failure of our legal system. Ponder how you would view the situation if these "protesters" were Americans who were not white and male. Would your view be the same?

They are a Constitutionally protected Right, they did not use those guns to commit crime.

If you were an intelligent person, you would go to the democrat party and demand that they stop releasing actual, repeat gun offenders who actually are the ones using illegal guns to commit crime and murder.......that would actually be something important rather than bothering people who don't commit crimes with their legal guns.
If you were an intelligent person, you would be asking why anyone brings a gun to a protest at a state house. Please answer why anyone would do this. It looks like bullying and threatening one's fellow citizens. These people are hoodlums. Tell me if you would be happy if black and brown people, women and men, straight and LGBT converged on a state house armed with long guns, weapons of war, but, (oh my gosh) didn't do anything with them. An end to this bullshit!

They are bring long guns to a peaceful rally....but it isn't illegal and they didn't break the law....

Moron, your race baiting is so obvious now it makes you look like the asshole you are. The only racists here belong to the democrat party, the party of racism....... I don't care what color your skin is, you obviously do...I don't care who you have sex with, you obviously do......

The Bill of Rights applies to all Americans you dumb shit.

None of those guns are weapons of war unless they had pump action shotguns or deer hunting rifles....those are actual weapons of war you moron.

And again.....these morons, though rude, broke no law with anything they did...

The democrat party constantly releases actual, violent, repeat gun offenders....these people the democrat party keeps releasing on the public are the ones who get illegal guns, and use them to commit crime and murder....and when we catch them, over and over, the democrat party keeps letting them go......

Please explain to us why you are so worried about people who did not use their guns for any crime....but could not care less about actual gun criminals constantly released from jail and prison by the democrat party...

Could you please explain that?

What about this is "race baiting"? These people exhibit themselves as bullies who display themselves to threaten others. What is the implication to be drawn from the fact that they are all white males, not a cross-section of the population? This is not a crowd of blacks, whites, browns, native Americans, Asian Americans, women and men.

By asking me how I feel about Black, Brown and Gay people carrying guns you are accusing me of being a racist and the most cowardly way are a vile, left wing vote for a political party that actually is racist, the democrat party, and then accuse others of being racist........that's on you.....
You sound like a racist, a sexist, a homophobe. I don't find the Democratic Party to be racist. I do find the republican party to be racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, cult-infested, and a bunch of other negative things. We will see if, when, and how the republican party gets out of the grip of its current bad choices. If I vote for Democratic candidates, which I have and will continue to do so, blame the republicans because this is the result that they have so clearly wanted. They have made their bed. are a race baiter.....

And how is it that every major group within the democrat party is openly and proudly racist, yet you don't see it as a racist party. How is it that their policies are based on skin color, yet you don't see the racism in that party? How is it that all the leaders of the democrat party fraternize with openly and proudly racist people and groups, yet you don't see the racism in that party?
The UK has its own set of problems. We Americans need to concentrate on ours. Someone needs to explain why armed hoodlums are allowed in a state's capitol building here in the U.S.

Back in the 60's and 70's these people would have been considered protesters and liberals would stand up for their right to protest. Today's lefties have no conviction, no guts and no passion. The lefties today are not liberals, they are the regressives.
You don't "protest" with guns. I never did. These people are not protesters. They are hoodlums, thugs.

You can peacefully protest however you wish, because someone doesn't protest the same way you do, that is irrelevant and speaks to your intolerance of others opinions. Far from being a progressive and closer to being a regressive.

Guns are allowed at the state house, they broke no laws. The guns were not used, no thugs on either side and the protest was peaceful, plus the have a right to protest against what they believe is unfair treatment.
Why did they bring guns and dress as thugs, all the while not wearing masks and practicing social distancing? Guns are allowed in the state house, but this is wrong., and should not be so. This is a failure of our legal system. Ponder how you would view the situation if these "protesters" were Americans who were not white and male. Would your view be the same?

They are a Constitutionally protected Right, they did not use those guns to commit crime.

If you were an intelligent person, you would go to the democrat party and demand that they stop releasing actual, repeat gun offenders who actually are the ones using illegal guns to commit crime and murder.......that would actually be something important rather than bothering people who don't commit crimes with their legal guns.
If you were an intelligent person, you would be asking why anyone brings a gun to a protest at a state house. Please answer why anyone would do this. It looks like bullying and threatening one's fellow citizens. These people are hoodlums. Tell me if you would be happy if black and brown people, women and men, straight and LGBT converged on a state house armed with long guns, weapons of war, but, (oh my gosh) didn't do anything with them. An end to this bullshit!

They are bring long guns to a peaceful rally....but it isn't illegal and they didn't break the law....

Moron, your race baiting is so obvious now it makes you look like the asshole you are. The only racists here belong to the democrat party, the party of racism....... I don't care what color your skin is, you obviously do...I don't care who you have sex with, you obviously do......

The Bill of Rights applies to all Americans you dumb shit.

None of those guns are weapons of war unless they had pump action shotguns or deer hunting rifles....those are actual weapons of war you moron.

And again.....these morons, though rude, broke no law with anything they did...

The democrat party constantly releases actual, violent, repeat gun offenders....these people the democrat party keeps releasing on the public are the ones who get illegal guns, and use them to commit crime and murder....and when we catch them, over and over, the democrat party keeps letting them go......

Please explain to us why you are so worried about people who did not use their guns for any crime....but could not care less about actual gun criminals constantly released from jail and prison by the democrat party...

Could you please explain that?
The whole "Democrats release violent offenders" story is a load of crap. Politics has nothing to do with people being released from jail. If you don't like how the criminal justice system works, fix it.

Yeah, these morons have a "right," do to our sick system, to run around with these guns. However, it is a public declaration that they are lowlife scum. They can't hide the fact that they are from our sewers. It is funny that they think that waving an American flag around will stop a virus. Maybe they can shoot at it or something.
The UK has its own set of problems. We Americans need to concentrate on ours. Someone needs to explain why armed hoodlums are allowed in a state's capitol building here in the U.S.

Back in the 60's and 70's these people would have been considered protesters and liberals would stand up for their right to protest. Today's lefties have no conviction, no guts and no passion. The lefties today are not liberals, they are the regressives.
You don't "protest" with guns. I never did. These people are not protesters. They are hoodlums, thugs.

You can peacefully protest however you wish, because someone doesn't protest the same way you do, that is irrelevant and speaks to your intolerance of others opinions. Far from being a progressive and closer to being a regressive.

Guns are allowed at the state house, they broke no laws. The guns were not used, no thugs on either side and the protest was peaceful, plus the have a right to protest against what they believe is unfair treatment.
Why did they bring guns and dress as thugs, all the while not wearing masks and practicing social distancing? Guns are allowed in the state house, but this is wrong., and should not be so. This is a failure of our legal system. Ponder how you would view the situation if these "protesters" were Americans who were not white and male. Would your view be the same?

They are a Constitutionally protected Right, they did not use those guns to commit crime.

If you were an intelligent person, you would go to the democrat party and demand that they stop releasing actual, repeat gun offenders who actually are the ones using illegal guns to commit crime and murder.......that would actually be something important rather than bothering people who don't commit crimes with their legal guns.
If you were an intelligent person, you would be asking why anyone brings a gun to a protest at a state house. Please answer why anyone would do this. It looks like bullying and threatening one's fellow citizens. These people are hoodlums. Tell me if you would be happy if black and brown people, women and men, straight and LGBT converged on a state house armed with long guns, weapons of war, but, (oh my gosh) didn't do anything with them. An end to this bullshit!

They are bring long guns to a peaceful rally....but it isn't illegal and they didn't break the law....

Moron, your race baiting is so obvious now it makes you look like the asshole you are. The only racists here belong to the democrat party, the party of racism....... I don't care what color your skin is, you obviously do...I don't care who you have sex with, you obviously do......

The Bill of Rights applies to all Americans you dumb shit.

None of those guns are weapons of war unless they had pump action shotguns or deer hunting rifles....those are actual weapons of war you moron.

And again.....these morons, though rude, broke no law with anything they did...

The democrat party constantly releases actual, violent, repeat gun offenders....these people the democrat party keeps releasing on the public are the ones who get illegal guns, and use them to commit crime and murder....and when we catch them, over and over, the democrat party keeps letting them go......

Please explain to us why you are so worried about people who did not use their guns for any crime....but could not care less about actual gun criminals constantly released from jail and prison by the democrat party...

Could you please explain that?
The whole "Democrats release violent offenders" story is a load of crap. Politics has nothing to do with people being released from jail. If you don't like how the criminal justice system works, fix it.

Yeah, these morons have a "right," do to our sick system, to run around with these guns. However, it is a public declaration that they are lowlife scum. They can't hide the fact that they are from our sewers. It is funny that they think that waving an American flag around will stop a virus. Maybe they can shoot at it or something.

The only ones calling them low life scum are low life scum Democrats, which seems to be many of.
Why do you need a gun to go and protest ? People who would be opposed to their idiocy would be at home anyway.

Meanwhile the OP is still a lie.

Because they have the freedom to do so. They have the freedom to protest peacefully, which is what they did. A much more civil group than Antifa. Freedom seems to be a word the Brits are unfamiliar with.
The UK has its own set of problems. We Americans need to concentrate on ours. Someone needs to explain why armed hoodlums are allowed in a state's capitol building here in the U.S.

Back in the 60's and 70's these people would have been considered protesters and liberals would stand up for their right to protest. Today's lefties have no conviction, no guts and no passion. The lefties today are not liberals, they are the regressives.
You don't "protest" with guns. I never did. These people are not protesters. They are hoodlums, thugs.

You can peacefully protest however you wish, because someone doesn't protest the same way you do, that is irrelevant and speaks to your intolerance of others opinions. Far from being a progressive and closer to being a regressive.

Guns are allowed at the state house, they broke no laws. The guns were not used, no thugs on either side and the protest was peaceful, plus the have a right to protest against what they believe is unfair treatment.
Why did they bring guns and dress as thugs, all the while not wearing masks and practicing social distancing? Guns are allowed in the state house, but this is wrong., and should not be so. This is a failure of our legal system. Ponder how you would view the situation if these "protesters" were Americans who were not white and male. Would your view be the same?

They are a Constitutionally protected Right, they did not use those guns to commit crime.

If you were an intelligent person, you would go to the democrat party and demand that they stop releasing actual, repeat gun offenders who actually are the ones using illegal guns to commit crime and murder.......that would actually be something important rather than bothering people who don't commit crimes with their legal guns.
If you were an intelligent person, you would be asking why anyone brings a gun to a protest at a state house. Please answer why anyone would do this. It looks like bullying and threatening one's fellow citizens. These people are hoodlums. Tell me if you would be happy if black and brown people, women and men, straight and LGBT converged on a state house armed with long guns, weapons of war, but, (oh my gosh) didn't do anything with them. An end to this bullshit!

They are bring long guns to a peaceful rally....but it isn't illegal and they didn't break the law....

Moron, your race baiting is so obvious now it makes you look like the asshole you are. The only racists here belong to the democrat party, the party of racism....... I don't care what color your skin is, you obviously do...I don't care who you have sex with, you obviously do......

The Bill of Rights applies to all Americans you dumb shit.

None of those guns are weapons of war unless they had pump action shotguns or deer hunting rifles....those are actual weapons of war you moron.

And again.....these morons, though rude, broke no law with anything they did...

The democrat party constantly releases actual, violent, repeat gun offenders....these people the democrat party keeps releasing on the public are the ones who get illegal guns, and use them to commit crime and murder....and when we catch them, over and over, the democrat party keeps letting them go......

Please explain to us why you are so worried about people who did not use their guns for any crime....but could not care less about actual gun criminals constantly released from jail and prison by the democrat party...

Could you please explain that?

What about this is "race baiting"? These people exhibit themselves as bullies who display themselves to threaten others. What is the implication to be drawn from the fact that they are all white males, not a cross-section of the population? This is not a crowd of blacks, whites, browns, native Americans, Asian Americans, women and men.

By asking me how I feel about Black, Brown and Gay people carrying guns you are accusing me of being a racist and the most cowardly way are a vile, left wing vote for a political party that actually is racist, the democrat party, and then accuse others of being racist........that's on you.....
You sound like a racist, a sexist, a homophobe. I don't find the Democratic Party to be racist. I do find the republican party to be racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, cult-infested, and a bunch of other negative things. We will see if, when, and how the republican party gets out of the grip of its current bad choices. If I vote for Democratic candidates, which I have and will continue to do so, blame the republicans because this is the result that they have so clearly wanted. They have made their bed.

" I do find the republican party to be racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic"

And WHAT is wrong with that? Take out the sexist part, leaving racist, homophobic and Islamophobic.

First and first: There is ZERO racist about wanting to be with your OWN type OR wanting to protect and help your OWN type. NOBODY is under ANY obligation to be told they have to surround themselves with Blacks and Mooselimbs.

Nobody is homophobic, phobic is phobia a fear of. NOBODY is frightened of faggots, lesbos or Transgender weirdos, we just DON'T agree with their lifestyle, we DON'T want them thinking they can DICTATE terms to ANYONE NOT like THEM and we DON'T think they should be treated ANY different to anyone else, they are NOT Special.

So then Islamophobic, again NOBODY is frightened of Mooselimbs we just do NOT want them in MASSIVE numbers in Western nations and this is because we think that Islam is NOT compatible with Christian Philosophy and the LAST time MASSIVE numbers of Mooselimbs were in Western nations it did NOT end well.

Islam also being a Regressive Politico-Quasi-Religion is philosophically fundamentally the polar opposite of the Western way of living and thinking etc.
Why do you need a gun to go and protest ? People who would be opposed to their idiocy would be at home anyway.

Meanwhile the OP is still a lie.

Because they have the freedom to do so. They have the freedom to protest peacefully, which is what they did. A much more civil group than Antifa. Freedom seems to be a word the Brits are unfamiliar with.

Off Topic: The beach is GORGEOUS, but I miss Joe Friday :smoke:
No, moron, we are showing that normal people who own guns don't use them to shoot other people

Oh, so you are saying these people are "normal" Americans?
View attachment 331285

If that's the case, the USA is truely F***ed
These people are NOT "normal Americans." They are thugs. I was born and raised in New Jersey. My father had guns and he even had something known as a "bullet trap" in the basement for practice with paper targets. I first pulled a trigger when I was well below the age of ten. The guns in the house (rifles and pistols) were kept in a locked cabinet to which only my father had the key. When he transported his guns to his club, it was in a locked leather container. He also taught me never, EVER to point a gun at a living soul, human or animal, unless I absolutely was in danger or was so out of food that I needed to hunt (not likely in the suburbs; we did our "hunting" at the local supermarket with American dollars and a cart).

The people in this picture are hoodlums. Thugs. Gangsters. They are the shame of the United States of America.
I think I might be 2aguy's worst nightmare, I used to own guns and was a member of two shooting clubs. As a responsible shooter, I was outraged when the handgun ban came in over here in 1997 but guess what, I got over it.
It's true, criminals anywhere will always find ways of getting guns, but 99% of the time these weapons are used against other criminals, not the general public. Here in the UK I've a greater chance of being struck by lightning or being hit by a meteorite, than getting shot.

Whereas, here in the U.S., you can get shot walking back from the store with a box of candy or by anybody who perceives you in his/her own mind as a "threat." Entirely subjective and somebody dies. In the state of Georgia, somebody recently was shot and killed while out jogging by a father/son combo who "thought" that he might have something to do with a local break-in.

You in the U.K. are much wiser than we are. I don't own or carry a gun, although I am perfectly entitled to do so. I would have no trepidation in walking around London unarmed, even in Brixton.

I have had one direct threat on my life and one suspicious, both when I was a teenager, one a boyfriend whom I dumped because he was a controlling, domineering, insecure asshole, who did the "if I can't have you, nobody else will" routine, and the other, a guy dressed up as a maintenance man who said that he was there to fix the sink. The Big Black Dog In Charge, known to the family as The BBDIC, took care of both of these situations. I don't need a gun in my incredibly diverse neighborhood hard by Washington, DC. BTW: I honor the memory of The BBDIC with love all of these years. We don't need guns when a good set of fangs does the trick.
Bullshit! You are why padded cells and straightjackets were made.
They need to up your lithium dose. At the mental hospital where you reside.
The UK has its own set of problems. We Americans need to concentrate on ours. Someone needs to explain why armed hoodlums are allowed in a state's capitol building here in the U.S.

what armed hoodlums.....? It is legal to carry those guns and they are not using them for crime. This is our can't tell good guys from bad guys, so you keep releasing bad guys from prison.

These bimbos obviously are hoodlums. We don't need uncivilized thugs in this country. Why do they have to display their sexual insecurities in public? Why are they so rude. This is a deliberate attempt at intimidation by thugs.

"Why do they have to display their sexual insecurities in public?"

This has no basis in reality, again it ONLY is existing in your twisted mind. You of course are a TOTAL pervert with a perverts view of sex. You are ACTUALLY saying that, let's face it - WHITE Conservative MEN - who go out with a gun are doing that because they have "sexual insecurities"

So WHAT about your PRECIOUS Negro crowd, the Negro MEN who go out in American Democrat run places and shoot each other on a DAILY basis over things like Crack deals gone wrong etc? What about your PRECIOUS Mooselimb MEN who have guns?

IS it JUST WHITE Conservative MEN you have a problem with OR do you think the same fucked-up pervert thoughts about Negro MEN and Mooselimb MEN?
No, moron, we are showing that normal people who own guns don't use them to shoot other people

Oh, so you are saying these people are "normal" Americans?
View attachment 331285

If that's the case, the USA is truely F***ed
These people are NOT "normal Americans." They are thugs. I was born and raised in New Jersey. My father had guns and he even had something known as a "bullet trap" in the basement for practice with paper targets. I first pulled a trigger when I was well below the age of ten. The guns in the house (rifles and pistols) were kept in a locked cabinet to which only my father had the key. When he transported his guns to his club, it was in a locked leather container. He also taught me never, EVER to point a gun at a living soul, human or animal, unless I absolutely was in danger or was so out of food that I needed to hunt (not likely in the suburbs; we did our "hunting" at the local supermarket with American dollars and a cart).

The people in this picture are hoodlums. Thugs. Gangsters. They are the shame of the United States of America.
I think I might be 2aguy's worst nightmare, I used to own guns and was a member of two shooting clubs. As a responsible shooter, I was outraged when the handgun ban came in over here in 1997 but guess what, I got over it.
It's true, criminals anywhere will always find ways of getting guns, but 99% of the time these weapons are used against other criminals, not the general public. Here in the UK I've a greater chance of being struck by lightning or being hit by a meteorite, than getting shot.

Whereas, here in the U.S., you can get shot walking back from the store with a box of candy or by anybody who perceives you in his/her own mind as a "threat." Entirely subjective and somebody dies. In the state of Georgia, somebody recently was shot and killed while out jogging by a father/son combo who "thought" that he might have something to do with a local break-in.

You in the U.K. are much wiser than we are. I don't own or carry a gun, although I am perfectly entitled to do so. I would have no trepidation in walking around London unarmed, even in Brixton.

I have had one direct threat on my life and one suspicious, both when I was a teenager, one a boyfriend whom I dumped because he was a controlling, domineering, insecure asshole, who did the "if I can't have you, nobody else will" routine, and the other, a guy dressed up as a maintenance man who said that he was there to fix the sink. The Big Black Dog In Charge, known to the family as The BBDIC, took care of both of these situations. I don't need a gun in my incredibly diverse neighborhood hard by Washington, DC. BTW: I honor the memory of The BBDIC with love all of these years. We don't need guns when a good set of fangs does the trick.
Bullshit! You are why padded cells and straightjackets were made.
They need to up your lithium dose. At the mental hospital where you reside.

This is ONE reason why the world is in a mess, because there are these Leftist psychotics with their variety of mental illnesses running around being allowed to waste precious oxygen. They should be deprived of the precious oxygen. WHY are we WASTING precious oxygen like this when we NEED to conserve it to Save The Planet? :smoke:
No, moron, we are showing that normal people who own guns don't use them to shoot other people

Oh, so you are saying these people are "normal" Americans?
View attachment 331285

If that's the case, the USA is truely F***ed
These people are NOT "normal Americans." They are thugs. I was born and raised in New Jersey. My father had guns and he even had something known as a "bullet trap" in the basement for practice with paper targets. I first pulled a trigger when I was well below the age of ten. The guns in the house (rifles and pistols) were kept in a locked cabinet to which only my father had the key. When he transported his guns to his club, it was in a locked leather container. He also taught me never, EVER to point a gun at a living soul, human or animal, unless I absolutely was in danger or was so out of food that I needed to hunt (not likely in the suburbs; we did our "hunting" at the local supermarket with American dollars and a cart).

The people in this picture are hoodlums. Thugs. Gangsters. They are the shame of the United States of America.
I think I might be 2aguy's worst nightmare, I used to own guns and was a member of two shooting clubs. As a responsible shooter, I was outraged when the handgun ban came in over here in 1997 but guess what, I got over it.
It's true, criminals anywhere will always find ways of getting guns, but 99% of the time these weapons are used against other criminals, not the general public. Here in the UK I've a greater chance of being struck by lightning or being hit by a meteorite, than getting shot.

Whereas, here in the U.S., you can get shot walking back from the store with a box of candy or by anybody who perceives you in his/her own mind as a "threat." Entirely subjective and somebody dies. In the state of Georgia, somebody recently was shot and killed while out jogging by a father/son combo who "thought" that he might have something to do with a local break-in.

You in the U.K. are much wiser than we are. I don't own or carry a gun, although I am perfectly entitled to do so. I would have no trepidation in walking around London unarmed, even in Brixton.

I have had one direct threat on my life and one suspicious, both when I was a teenager, one a boyfriend whom I dumped because he was a controlling, domineering, insecure asshole, who did the "if I can't have you, nobody else will" routine, and the other, a guy dressed up as a maintenance man who said that he was there to fix the sink. The Big Black Dog In Charge, known to the family as The BBDIC, took care of both of these situations. I don't need a gun in my incredibly diverse neighborhood hard by Washington, DC. BTW: I honor the memory of The BBDIC with love all of these years. We don't need guns when a good set of fangs does the trick.
Bullshit! You are why padded cells and straightjackets were made.
They need to up your lithium dose. At the mental hospital where you reside.

This is ONE reason why the world is in a mess, because there are these Leftist psychotics with their variety of mental illnesses running around being allowed to waste precious oxygen. They should be deprived of the precious oxygen. WHY are we WASTING precious oxygen like this when we NEED to conserve it to Save The Planet? :smoke:
I ain't onboard with that Global Warming bullshit, either.

OIC...hoist on their own petard thing
No, moron, we are showing that normal people who own guns don't use them to shoot other people

Oh, so you are saying these people are "normal" Americans?
View attachment 331285

If that's the case, the USA is truely F***ed
These people are NOT "normal Americans." They are thugs. I was born and raised in New Jersey. My father had guns and he even had something known as a "bullet trap" in the basement for practice with paper targets. I first pulled a trigger when I was well below the age of ten. The guns in the house (rifles and pistols) were kept in a locked cabinet to which only my father had the key. When he transported his guns to his club, it was in a locked leather container. He also taught me never, EVER to point a gun at a living soul, human or animal, unless I absolutely was in danger or was so out of food that I needed to hunt (not likely in the suburbs; we did our "hunting" at the local supermarket with American dollars and a cart).

The people in this picture are hoodlums. Thugs. Gangsters. They are the shame of the United States of America.
I think I might be 2aguy's worst nightmare, I used to own guns and was a member of two shooting clubs. As a responsible shooter, I was outraged when the handgun ban came in over here in 1997 but guess what, I got over it.
It's true, criminals anywhere will always find ways of getting guns, but 99% of the time these weapons are used against other criminals, not the general public. Here in the UK I've a greater chance of being struck by lightning or being hit by a meteorite, than getting shot.

Whereas, here in the U.S., you can get shot walking back from the store with a box of candy or by anybody who perceives you in his/her own mind as a "threat." Entirely subjective and somebody dies. In the state of Georgia, somebody recently was shot and killed while out jogging by a father/son combo who "thought" that he might have something to do with a local break-in.

You in the U.K. are much wiser than we are. I don't own or carry a gun, although I am perfectly entitled to do so. I would have no trepidation in walking around London unarmed, even in Brixton.

I have had one direct threat on my life and one suspicious, both when I was a teenager, one a boyfriend whom I dumped because he was a controlling, domineering, insecure asshole, who did the "if I can't have you, nobody else will" routine, and the other, a guy dressed up as a maintenance man who said that he was there to fix the sink. The Big Black Dog In Charge, known to the family as The BBDIC, took care of both of these situations. I don't need a gun in my incredibly diverse neighborhood hard by Washington, DC. BTW: I honor the memory of The BBDIC with love all of these years. We don't need guns when a good set of fangs does the trick.
Bullshit! You are why padded cells and straightjackets were made.
They need to up your lithium dose. At the mental hospital where you reside.

This is ONE reason why the world is in a mess, because there are these Leftist psychotics with their variety of mental illnesses running around being allowed to waste precious oxygen. They should be deprived of the precious oxygen. WHY are we WASTING precious oxygen like this when we NEED to conserve it to Save The Planet? :smoke:
I ain't onboard with that Global Warming bullshit, either.

OIC...hoist on their own petard thing

And also I am not onboard with it.
The UK has its own set of problems. We Americans need to concentrate on ours. Someone needs to explain why armed hoodlums are allowed in a state's capitol building here in the U.S.

Back in the 60's and 70's these people would have been considered protesters and liberals would stand up for their right to protest. Today's lefties have no conviction, no guts and no passion. The lefties today are not liberals, they are the regressives.
You don't "protest" with guns. I never did. These people are not protesters. They are hoodlums, thugs.

You can peacefully protest however you wish, because someone doesn't protest the same way you do, that is irrelevant and speaks to your intolerance of others opinions. Far from being a progressive and closer to being a regressive.

Guns are allowed at the state house, they broke no laws. The guns were not used, no thugs on either side and the protest was peaceful, plus the have a right to protest against what they believe is unfair treatment.
Why did they bring guns and dress as thugs, all the while not wearing masks and practicing social distancing? Guns are allowed in the state house, but this is wrong., and should not be so. This is a failure of our legal system. Ponder how you would view the situation if these "protesters" were Americans who were not white and male. Would your view be the same?

They are a Constitutionally protected Right, they did not use those guns to commit crime.

If you were an intelligent person, you would go to the democrat party and demand that they stop releasing actual, repeat gun offenders who actually are the ones using illegal guns to commit crime and murder.......that would actually be something important rather than bothering people who don't commit crimes with their legal guns.
If you were an intelligent person, you would be asking why anyone brings a gun to a protest at a state house. Please answer why anyone would do this. It looks like bullying and threatening one's fellow citizens. These people are hoodlums. Tell me if you would be happy if black and brown people, women and men, straight and LGBT converged on a state house armed with long guns, weapons of war, but, (oh my gosh) didn't do anything with them. An end to this bullshit!

They are bring long guns to a peaceful rally....but it isn't illegal and they didn't break the law....

Moron, your race baiting is so obvious now it makes you look like the asshole you are. The only racists here belong to the democrat party, the party of racism....... I don't care what color your skin is, you obviously do...I don't care who you have sex with, you obviously do......

The Bill of Rights applies to all Americans you dumb shit.

None of those guns are weapons of war unless they had pump action shotguns or deer hunting rifles....those are actual weapons of war you moron.

And again.....these morons, though rude, broke no law with anything they did...

The democrat party constantly releases actual, violent, repeat gun offenders....these people the democrat party keeps releasing on the public are the ones who get illegal guns, and use them to commit crime and murder....and when we catch them, over and over, the democrat party keeps letting them go......

Please explain to us why you are so worried about people who did not use their guns for any crime....but could not care less about actual gun criminals constantly released from jail and prison by the democrat party...

Could you please explain that?

What about this is "race baiting"? These people exhibit themselves as bullies who display themselves to threaten others. What is the implication to be drawn from the fact that they are all white males, not a cross-section of the population? This is not a crowd of blacks, whites, browns, native Americans, Asian Americans, women and men.

The UK has its own set of problems. We Americans need to concentrate on ours. Someone needs to explain why armed hoodlums are allowed in a state's capitol building here in the U.S.

Back in the 60's and 70's these people would have been considered protesters and liberals would stand up for their right to protest. Today's lefties have no conviction, no guts and no passion. The lefties today are not liberals, they are the regressives.
You don't "protest" with guns. I never did. These people are not protesters. They are hoodlums, thugs.

You can peacefully protest however you wish, because someone doesn't protest the same way you do, that is irrelevant and speaks to your intolerance of others opinions. Far from being a progressive and closer to being a regressive.

Guns are allowed at the state house, they broke no laws. The guns were not used, no thugs on either side and the protest was peaceful, plus the have a right to protest against what they believe is unfair treatment.
Why did they bring guns and dress as thugs, all the while not wearing masks and practicing social distancing? Guns are allowed in the state house, but this is wrong., and should not be so. This is a failure of our legal system. Ponder how you would view the situation if these "protesters" were Americans who were not white and male. Would your view be the same?

They are a Constitutionally protected Right, they did not use those guns to commit crime.

If you were an intelligent person, you would go to the democrat party and demand that they stop releasing actual, repeat gun offenders who actually are the ones using illegal guns to commit crime and murder.......that would actually be something important rather than bothering people who don't commit crimes with their legal guns.
If you were an intelligent person, you would be asking why anyone brings a gun to a protest at a state house. Please answer why anyone would do this. It looks like bullying and threatening one's fellow citizens. These people are hoodlums. Tell me if you would be happy if black and brown people, women and men, straight and LGBT converged on a state house armed with long guns, weapons of war, but, (oh my gosh) didn't do anything with them. An end to this bullshit!

They are bring long guns to a peaceful rally....but it isn't illegal and they didn't break the law....

Moron, your race baiting is so obvious now it makes you look like the asshole you are. The only racists here belong to the democrat party, the party of racism....... I don't care what color your skin is, you obviously do...I don't care who you have sex with, you obviously do......

The Bill of Rights applies to all Americans you dumb shit.

None of those guns are weapons of war unless they had pump action shotguns or deer hunting rifles....those are actual weapons of war you moron.

And again.....these morons, though rude, broke no law with anything they did...

The democrat party constantly releases actual, violent, repeat gun offenders....these people the democrat party keeps releasing on the public are the ones who get illegal guns, and use them to commit crime and murder....and when we catch them, over and over, the democrat party keeps letting them go......

Please explain to us why you are so worried about people who did not use their guns for any crime....but could not care less about actual gun criminals constantly released from jail and prison by the democrat party...

Could you please explain that?

What about this is "race baiting"? These people exhibit themselves as bullies who display themselves to threaten others. What is the implication to be drawn from the fact that they are all white males, not a cross-section of the population? This is not a crowd of blacks, whites, browns, native Americans, Asian Americans, women and men.

By asking me how I feel about Black, Brown and Gay people carrying guns you are accusing me of being a racist and the most cowardly way are a vile, left wing vote for a political party that actually is racist, the democrat party, and then accuse others of being racist........that's on you.....
You sound like a racist, a sexist, a homophobe. I don't find the Democratic Party to be racist. I do find the republican party to be racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, cult-infested, and a bunch of other negative things. We will see if, when, and how the republican party gets out of the grip of its current bad choices. If I vote for Democratic candidates, which I have and will continue to do so, blame the republicans because this is the result that they have so clearly wanted. They have made their bed.

^^^^ This:


^^^^ Except Lysistrata does not walk away He/She/It just keeps coming back and posting more horsecrap to show He/She/It is a complete idiot.
The UK has its own set of problems. We Americans need to concentrate on ours. Someone needs to explain why armed hoodlums are allowed in a state's capitol building here in the U.S.

Back in the 60's and 70's these people would have been considered protesters and liberals would stand up for their right to protest. Today's lefties have no conviction, no guts and no passion. The lefties today are not liberals, they are the regressives.
You don't "protest" with guns. I never did. These people are not protesters. They are hoodlums, thugs.

You can peacefully protest however you wish, because someone doesn't protest the same way you do, that is irrelevant and speaks to your intolerance of others opinions. Far from being a progressive and closer to being a regressive.

Guns are allowed at the state house, they broke no laws. The guns were not used, no thugs on either side and the protest was peaceful, plus the have a right to protest against what they believe is unfair treatment.
Why did they bring guns and dress as thugs, all the while not wearing masks and practicing social distancing? Guns are allowed in the state house, but this is wrong., and should not be so. This is a failure of our legal system. Ponder how you would view the situation if these "protesters" were Americans who were not white and male. Would your view be the same?

They are a Constitutionally protected Right, they did not use those guns to commit crime.

If you were an intelligent person, you would go to the democrat party and demand that they stop releasing actual, repeat gun offenders who actually are the ones using illegal guns to commit crime and murder.......that would actually be something important rather than bothering people who don't commit crimes with their legal guns.
If you were an intelligent person, you would be asking why anyone brings a gun to a protest at a state house. Please answer why anyone would do this. It looks like bullying and threatening one's fellow citizens. These people are hoodlums. Tell me if you would be happy if black and brown people, women and men, straight and LGBT converged on a state house armed with long guns, weapons of war, but, (oh my gosh) didn't do anything with them. An end to this bullshit!

They are bring long guns to a peaceful rally....but it isn't illegal and they didn't break the law....

Moron, your race baiting is so obvious now it makes you look like the asshole you are. The only racists here belong to the democrat party, the party of racism....... I don't care what color your skin is, you obviously do...I don't care who you have sex with, you obviously do......

The Bill of Rights applies to all Americans you dumb shit.

None of those guns are weapons of war unless they had pump action shotguns or deer hunting rifles....those are actual weapons of war you moron.

And again.....these morons, though rude, broke no law with anything they did...

The democrat party constantly releases actual, violent, repeat gun offenders....these people the democrat party keeps releasing on the public are the ones who get illegal guns, and use them to commit crime and murder....and when we catch them, over and over, the democrat party keeps letting them go......

Please explain to us why you are so worried about people who did not use their guns for any crime....but could not care less about actual gun criminals constantly released from jail and prison by the democrat party...

Could you please explain that?

What about this is "race baiting"? These people exhibit themselves as bullies who display themselves to threaten others. What is the implication to be drawn from the fact that they are all white males, not a cross-section of the population? This is not a crowd of blacks, whites, browns, native Americans, Asian Americans, women and men.

By asking me how I feel about Black, Brown and Gay people carrying guns you are accusing me of being a racist and the most cowardly way are a vile, left wing vote for a political party that actually is racist, the democrat party, and then accuse others of being racist........that's on you.....
You sound like a racist, a sexist, a homophobe. I don't find the Democratic Party to be racist. I do find the republican party to be racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, cult-infested, and a bunch of other negative things. We will see if, when, and how the republican party gets out of the grip of its current bad choices. If I vote for Democratic candidates, which I have and will continue to do so, blame the republicans because this is the result that they have so clearly wanted. They have made their bed.

" I do find the republican party to be racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic"

And WHAT is wrong with that? Take out the sexist part, leaving racist, homophobic and Islamophobic.

First and first: There is ZERO racist about wanting to be with your OWN type OR wanting to protect and help your OWN type. NOBODY is under ANY obligation to be told they have to surround themselves with Blacks and Mooselimbs.

Nobody is homophobic, phobic is phobia a fear of. NOBODY is frightened of faggots, lesbos or Transgender weirdos, we just DON'T agree with their lifestyle, we DON'T want them thinking they can DICTATE terms to ANYONE NOT like THEM and we DON'T think they should be treated ANY different to anyone else, they are NOT Special.

So then Islamophobic, again NOBODY is frightened of Mooselimbs we just do NOT want them in MASSIVE numbers in Western nations and this is because we think that Islam is NOT compatible with Christian Philosophy and the LAST time MASSIVE numbers of Mooselimbs were in Western nations it did NOT end well.

Islam also being a Regressive Politico-Quasi-Religion is philosophically fundamentally the polar opposite of the Western way of living and thinking etc.

So, what is your "OWN TYPE"? Nobody is "dictating" anything to you white supremacist fake "Christians." But you are trying to do this to other folks, who don't want to have anything to do with your trashy lifestyle. You are absolutely pathetic. "Mooselimbs." You think that the phony Christians in the cults represent the "Western way of living and thinking"? Unbelievable! You bimbos are constantly demanding special treatment yourselves.

And now you champion putin's puppydogs trying to storm the Michigan State House. They must be part of your "OWN TYPE," whatever that is. Does it have anything to do with race? You do reference people of African descent and people who practice another religion than your cult.
The Chinese flu ......... teens in England are stabbing and shooting each other......... is it possible, during a lockdown for the Chinese Flu, that shootings are going up.....considering they have extreme gun control laws in Britain.......anyone care to explain how that is possible?

There has been an explosion in the number of street stabbings and shootings in England since the beginning of lockdown, despite police claiming the measures have driven down serious violence.
In Birmingham, a city with a well-deserved reputation for high gun crime, there has been a flurry of shootings and stabbings involving teenagers over the last fortnight. According to one youth crime expert, this has been sparked by boredom and lockdown-fuelled social media beefs.

Can any anti-gun extremist explain how it is possible that teens under lockdown in a country with extreme gun island......have access to guns to shoot each other?

Yes, there's been an "explosion" in street shootings and knifings - 35 across Great Britain, since March 26th - that's an average of less than one a day. 20 of these attacks involved shootings, and there have been 7 deaths in total - one per week. That's a slow afternoon in Chicago.

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