Shootings and stabbings on the rise in England....the Chinese flu isn't stopping the violence there...

The UK has its own set of problems. We Americans need to concentrate on ours. Someone needs to explain why armed hoodlums are allowed in a state's capitol building here in the U.S.

Back in the 60's and 70's these people would have been considered protesters and liberals would stand up for their right to protest. Today's lefties have no conviction, no guts and no passion. The lefties today are not liberals, they are the regressives.
You don't "protest" with guns. I never did. These people are not protesters. They are hoodlums, thugs.

You can peacefully protest however you wish, because someone doesn't protest the same way you do, that is irrelevant and speaks to your intolerance of others opinions. Far from being a progressive and closer to being a regressive.

Guns are allowed at the state house, they broke no laws. The guns were not used, no thugs on either side and the protest was peaceful, plus the have a right to protest against what they believe is unfair treatment.
Why did they bring guns and dress as thugs, all the while not wearing masks and practicing social distancing? Guns are allowed in the state house, but this is wrong., and should not be so. This is a failure of our legal system. Ponder how you would view the situation if these "protesters" were Americans who were not white and male. Would your view be the same?

They are a Constitutionally protected Right, they did not use those guns to commit crime.

If you were an intelligent person, you would go to the democrat party and demand that they stop releasing actual, repeat gun offenders who actually are the ones using illegal guns to commit crime and murder.......that would actually be something important rather than bothering people who don't commit crimes with their legal guns.
If you were an intelligent person, you would be asking why anyone brings a gun to a protest at a state house. Please answer why anyone would do this. It looks like bullying and threatening one's fellow citizens. These people are hoodlums. Tell me if you would be happy if black and brown people, women and men, straight and LGBT converged on a state house armed with long guns, weapons of war, but, (oh my gosh) didn't do anything with them. An end to this bullshit!

They are bring long guns to a peaceful rally....but it isn't illegal and they didn't break the law....

Moron, your race baiting is so obvious now it makes you look like the asshole you are. The only racists here belong to the democrat party, the party of racism....... I don't care what color your skin is, you obviously do...I don't care who you have sex with, you obviously do......

The Bill of Rights applies to all Americans you dumb shit.

None of those guns are weapons of war unless they had pump action shotguns or deer hunting rifles....those are actual weapons of war you moron.

And again.....these morons, though rude, broke no law with anything they did...

The democrat party constantly releases actual, violent, repeat gun offenders....these people the democrat party keeps releasing on the public are the ones who get illegal guns, and use them to commit crime and murder....and when we catch them, over and over, the democrat party keeps letting them go......

Please explain to us why you are so worried about people who did not use their guns for any crime....but could not care less about actual gun criminals constantly released from jail and prison by the democrat party...

Could you please explain that?

What about this is "race baiting"? These people exhibit themselves as bullies who display themselves to threaten others. What is the implication to be drawn from the fact that they are all white males, not a cross-section of the population? This is not a crowd of blacks, whites, browns, native Americans, Asian Americans, women and men.

By asking me how I feel about Black, Brown and Gay people carrying guns you are accusing me of being a racist and the most cowardly way are a vile, left wing vote for a political party that actually is racist, the democrat party, and then accuse others of being racist........that's on you.....
You sound like a racist, a sexist, a homophobe. I don't find the Democratic Party to be racist. I do find the republican party to be racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, cult-infested, and a bunch of other negative things. We will see if, when, and how the republican party gets out of the grip of its current bad choices. If I vote for Democratic candidates, which I have and will continue to do so, blame the republicans because this is the result that they have so clearly wanted. They have made their bed.

" I do find the republican party to be racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic"

And WHAT is wrong with that? Take out the sexist part, leaving racist, homophobic and Islamophobic.

First and first: There is ZERO racist about wanting to be with your OWN type OR wanting to protect and help your OWN type. NOBODY is under ANY obligation to be told they have to surround themselves with Blacks and Mooselimbs.

Nobody is homophobic, phobic is phobia a fear of. NOBODY is frightened of faggots, lesbos or Transgender weirdos, we just DON'T agree with their lifestyle, we DON'T want them thinking they can DICTATE terms to ANYONE NOT like THEM and we DON'T think they should be treated ANY different to anyone else, they are NOT Special.

So then Islamophobic, again NOBODY is frightened of Mooselimbs we just do NOT want them in MASSIVE numbers in Western nations and this is because we think that Islam is NOT compatible with Christian Philosophy and the LAST time MASSIVE numbers of Mooselimbs were in Western nations it did NOT end well.

Islam also being a Regressive Politico-Quasi-Religion is philosophically fundamentally the polar opposite of the Western way of living and thinking etc.

So, what is your "OWN TYPE"? Nobody is "dictating" anything to you white supremacist fake "Christians." But you are trying to do this to other folks, who don't want to have anything to do with your trashy lifestyle. You are absolutely pathetic. "Mooselimbs." You think that the phony Christians in the cults represent the "Western way of living and thinking"? Unbelievable! You bimbos are constantly demanding special treatment yourselves.

And now you champion putin's puppydogs trying to storm the Michigan State House. They must be part of your "OWN TYPE," whatever that is. Does it have anything to do with race? You do reference people of African descent and people who practice another religion than your cult.

"So, what is your "OWN TYPE"?

WHITE peoples, now DEAL with it already you sad crazy bitch. Being WHITE and ONLY WANTING to associate and be surrounded by your OWN is not racist. Whites are GREAT, I LOVE being WHITE, I LOVE other WHITES. Fuck everyone else. EVERYONE else is NOT my problem and I see NO reason why I should even care about ANYONE EXCEPT my OWN type.

"who don't want to have anything to do with your trashy lifestyle."

You literally could not afford my lifestyle. Who's trashy? Oh that's right you, probably sitting there like the filthy Trailer Trash you are....who know's what else? Sometimes I get an image of you looking something like that Buffalo Bill freak from "The Silence of The Lambs" like you he was a man who wanted to Transgender, not saying you are going around killing the WHITE girls you are JEALOUS of so you can skin them to create a Woman Suit With The Boobies for yourself, but who know's you obviously are a psycho and should be taken off the street and locked away in the nearest Institution for the Mentally Insane. I would certainly say with your VILE HATE of your fellow MALES and FEAR of the PENIS I would say that given the opportunity you would present a physical danger to males, especially for eg. having an overwhelming URGE to cut their penis off given the chance.
The UK has its own set of problems. We Americans need to concentrate on ours. Someone needs to explain why armed hoodlums are allowed in a state's capitol building here in the U.S.

Back in the 60's and 70's these people would have been considered protesters and liberals would stand up for their right to protest. Today's lefties have no conviction, no guts and no passion. The lefties today are not liberals, they are the regressives.
You don't "protest" with guns. I never did. These people are not protesters. They are hoodlums, thugs.

You can peacefully protest however you wish, because someone doesn't protest the same way you do, that is irrelevant and speaks to your intolerance of others opinions. Far from being a progressive and closer to being a regressive.

Guns are allowed at the state house, they broke no laws. The guns were not used, no thugs on either side and the protest was peaceful, plus the have a right to protest against what they believe is unfair treatment.
Why did they bring guns and dress as thugs, all the while not wearing masks and practicing social distancing? Guns are allowed in the state house, but this is wrong., and should not be so. This is a failure of our legal system. Ponder how you would view the situation if these "protesters" were Americans who were not white and male. Would your view be the same?

They are a Constitutionally protected Right, they did not use those guns to commit crime.

If you were an intelligent person, you would go to the democrat party and demand that they stop releasing actual, repeat gun offenders who actually are the ones using illegal guns to commit crime and murder.......that would actually be something important rather than bothering people who don't commit crimes with their legal guns.
If you were an intelligent person, you would be asking why anyone brings a gun to a protest at a state house. Please answer why anyone would do this. It looks like bullying and threatening one's fellow citizens. These people are hoodlums. Tell me if you would be happy if black and brown people, women and men, straight and LGBT converged on a state house armed with long guns, weapons of war, but, (oh my gosh) didn't do anything with them. An end to this bullshit!

They are bring long guns to a peaceful rally....but it isn't illegal and they didn't break the law....

Moron, your race baiting is so obvious now it makes you look like the asshole you are. The only racists here belong to the democrat party, the party of racism....... I don't care what color your skin is, you obviously do...I don't care who you have sex with, you obviously do......

The Bill of Rights applies to all Americans you dumb shit.

None of those guns are weapons of war unless they had pump action shotguns or deer hunting rifles....those are actual weapons of war you moron.

And again.....these morons, though rude, broke no law with anything they did...

The democrat party constantly releases actual, violent, repeat gun offenders....these people the democrat party keeps releasing on the public are the ones who get illegal guns, and use them to commit crime and murder....and when we catch them, over and over, the democrat party keeps letting them go......

Please explain to us why you are so worried about people who did not use their guns for any crime....but could not care less about actual gun criminals constantly released from jail and prison by the democrat party...

Could you please explain that?

What about this is "race baiting"? These people exhibit themselves as bullies who display themselves to threaten others. What is the implication to be drawn from the fact that they are all white males, not a cross-section of the population? This is not a crowd of blacks, whites, browns, native Americans, Asian Americans, women and men.

By asking me how I feel about Black, Brown and Gay people carrying guns you are accusing me of being a racist and the most cowardly way are a vile, left wing vote for a political party that actually is racist, the democrat party, and then accuse others of being racist........that's on you.....
You sound like a racist, a sexist, a homophobe. I don't find the Democratic Party to be racist. I do find the republican party to be racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, cult-infested, and a bunch of other negative things. We will see if, when, and how the republican party gets out of the grip of its current bad choices. If I vote for Democratic candidates, which I have and will continue to do so, blame the republicans because this is the result that they have so clearly wanted. They have made their bed.

" I do find the republican party to be racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic"

And WHAT is wrong with that? Take out the sexist part, leaving racist, homophobic and Islamophobic.

First and first: There is ZERO racist about wanting to be with your OWN type OR wanting to protect and help your OWN type. NOBODY is under ANY obligation to be told they have to surround themselves with Blacks and Mooselimbs.

Nobody is homophobic, phobic is phobia a fear of. NOBODY is frightened of faggots, lesbos or Transgender weirdos, we just DON'T agree with their lifestyle, we DON'T want them thinking they can DICTATE terms to ANYONE NOT like THEM and we DON'T think they should be treated ANY different to anyone else, they are NOT Special.

So then Islamophobic, again NOBODY is frightened of Mooselimbs we just do NOT want them in MASSIVE numbers in Western nations and this is because we think that Islam is NOT compatible with Christian Philosophy and the LAST time MASSIVE numbers of Mooselimbs were in Western nations it did NOT end well.

Islam also being a Regressive Politico-Quasi-Religion is philosophically fundamentally the polar opposite of the Western way of living and thinking etc.

So, what is your "OWN TYPE"? Nobody is "dictating" anything to you white supremacist fake "Christians." But you are trying to do this to other folks, who don't want to have anything to do with your trashy lifestyle. You are absolutely pathetic. "Mooselimbs." You think that the phony Christians in the cults represent the "Western way of living and thinking"? Unbelievable! You bimbos are constantly demanding special treatment yourselves.

And now you champion putin's puppydogs trying to storm the Michigan State House. They must be part of your "OWN TYPE," whatever that is. Does it have anything to do with race? You do reference people of African descent and people who practice another religion than your cult.

"And now you champion putin's puppydogs trying to storm the Michigan State House."

Not the Russian Conspiracy Theory AGAIN? :rolleyes-41: You need to get some new material, this crap is getting boring:

But but but the Russians! But but but PUTIN! But but but Orange Man Bad! But but but RACISM! But but but what about Christians?! WHAT ABOUT THE CRUSADES?! But but but The Slave Trade! But but but Hate Whitey/Evil Whitey!
The UK has its own set of problems. We Americans need to concentrate on ours. Someone needs to explain why armed hoodlums are allowed in a state's capitol building here in the U.S.

Who were the hoodlums? Who was shot, killed, wounded, or robbed? Any violence? Nope?
The UK has its own set of problems. We Americans need to concentrate on ours. Someone needs to explain why armed hoodlums are allowed in a state's capitol building here in the U.S.

Who were the hoodlums? Who was shot, killed, wounded, or robbed? Any violence? Nope?

To Leftists hoodlums = White Conservative males and females who LEGALLY own a gun.
The Chinese flu ......... teens in England are stabbing and shooting each other......... is it possible, during a lockdown for the Chinese Flu, that shootings are going up.....considering they have extreme gun control laws in Britain.......anyone care to explain how that is possible?

There has been an explosion in the number of street stabbings and shootings in England since the beginning of lockdown, despite police claiming the measures have driven down serious violence.
In Birmingham, a city with a well-deserved reputation for high gun crime, there has been a flurry of shootings and stabbings involving teenagers over the last fortnight. According to one youth crime expert, this has been sparked by boredom and lockdown-fuelled social media beefs.

Can any anti-gun extremist explain how it is possible that teens under lockdown in a country with extreme gun island......have access to guns to shoot each other?

Yes, there's been an "explosion" in street shootings and knifings - 35 across Great Britain, since March 26th - that's an average of less than one a day. 20 of these attacks involved shootings, and there have been 7 deaths in total - one per week. That's a slow afternoon in Chicago.

Chicago is a democrat party controlled city....... England is on the upswing of violence...with nothing to stop its growth as their welfare state collapses, they defund the police and cut manpower, and their 3rd world immigrants violently enforce their drug turf.
putin's poodles dress this way in order to intimidate people by doing the Rambo central-casting bit like they saw in the movies. Otherwise, why do it? We are nowhere near Halloween.
The Chinese flu ......... teens in England are stabbing and shooting each other......... is it possible, during a lockdown for the Chinese Flu, that shootings are going up.....considering they have extreme gun control laws in Britain.......anyone care to explain how that is possible?

There has been an explosion in the number of street stabbings and shootings in England since the beginning of lockdown, despite police claiming the measures have driven down serious violence.
In Birmingham, a city with a well-deserved reputation for high gun crime, there has been a flurry of shootings and stabbings involving teenagers over the last fortnight. According to one youth crime expert, this has been sparked by boredom and lockdown-fuelled social media beefs.

Can any anti-gun extremist explain how it is possible that teens under lockdown in a country with extreme gun island......have access to guns to shoot each other?

Yes, there's been an "explosion" in street shootings and knifings - 35 across Great Britain, since March 26th - that's an average of less than one a day. 20 of these attacks involved shootings, and there have been 7 deaths in total - one per week. That's a slow afternoon in Chicago.

Chicago is a democrat party controlled city....... England is on the upswing of violence...with nothing to stop its growth as their welfare state collapses, they defund the police and cut manpower, and their 3rd world immigrants violently enforce their drug turf.

You stupid clown and your obsession with gun crime where there is little. 35 acts of violence in a country of 80 million people in a 7 week period. Holy cow. That's 50 people a year, being murdered violently. Hardly the collapse of civilization as we know it. Especially compared to the 35,000 Americans who die just by gun violence every single year.

Every time you attempt to prove gun controls don't stop crime crime, you prove exactly the opposite. You have more women being murdered by their intimate partners every week than the British had killings by either gun or knife over a 7 week period. On average, 700 people died because of gun violence in the USA during that same . Now, 400 hundred of those deaths are suicides but that leaves 300 people who died just by gun violence, in the USA, during that same 7 week period.

See why I find you so laughable.
You stupid clown and your obsession with gun crime where there is little. 35 acts of violence in a country of 80 million people in a 7 week period. Holy cow. That's 50 people a year, being murdered violently. Hardly the collapse of civilization as we know it. Especially compared to the 35,000 Americans who die just by gun violence every single year.

Every time you attempt to prove gun controls don't stop crime crime, you prove exactly the opposite. You have more women being murdered by their intimate partners every week than the British had killings by either gun or knife over a 7 week period. On average, 700 people died because of gun violence in the USA during that same . Now, 400 hundred of those deaths are suicides but that leaves 300 people who died just by gun violence, in the USA, during that same 7 week period.

See why I find you so laughable.

Why call people names when it is you showing your narrow mindedness and choose to ignore ALL violent crimes and just focus on guns? Why do they scare you so much and why do you want to force other people to be defenseless? How is that a good thing?
putin's poodles dress this way in order to intimidate people by doing the Rambo central-casting bit like they saw in the movies. Otherwise, why do it? We are nowhere near Halloween.

I know you are stupid....but I will try to explain it so even you can understand......

The only people involved with the Russians were the Democrat National Committee and the hilary campaign.....using fake information provided to them through Richard Steele from Russian sources..............

Hilary took 145 mllion dollars from actual putin poodles into the clinton money laundering foundation........ are a dumb shit...I get the Russian thing is getting really old...
The Chinese flu ......... teens in England are stabbing and shooting each other......... is it possible, during a lockdown for the Chinese Flu, that shootings are going up.....considering they have extreme gun control laws in Britain.......anyone care to explain how that is possible?

There has been an explosion in the number of street stabbings and shootings in England since the beginning of lockdown, despite police claiming the measures have driven down serious violence.
In Birmingham, a city with a well-deserved reputation for high gun crime, there has been a flurry of shootings and stabbings involving teenagers over the last fortnight. According to one youth crime expert, this has been sparked by boredom and lockdown-fuelled social media beefs.

Can any anti-gun extremist explain how it is possible that teens under lockdown in a country with extreme gun island......have access to guns to shoot each other?

Yes, there's been an "explosion" in street shootings and knifings - 35 across Great Britain, since March 26th - that's an average of less than one a day. 20 of these attacks involved shootings, and there have been 7 deaths in total - one per week. That's a slow afternoon in Chicago.

Chicago is a democrat party controlled city....... England is on the upswing of violence...with nothing to stop its growth as their welfare state collapses, they defund the police and cut manpower, and their 3rd world immigrants violently enforce their drug turf.

You stupid clown and your obsession with gun crime where there is little. 35 acts of violence in a country of 80 million people in a 7 week period. Holy cow. That's 50 people a year, being murdered violently. Hardly the collapse of civilization as we know it. Especially compared to the 35,000 Americans who die just by gun violence every single year.

Every time you attempt to prove gun controls don't stop crime crime, you prove exactly the opposite. You have more women being murdered by their intimate partners every week than the British had killings by either gun or knife over a 7 week period. On average, 700 people died because of gun violence in the USA during that same . Now, 400 hundred of those deaths are suicides but that leaves 300 people who died just by gun violence, in the USA, during that same 7 week period.

See why I find you so laughable.

wrong.....2/3 of gun deaths in the U.S. are suicides, of the rest the majority are criminals murdering criminals......

10,265 gun murders.......committed in majority democrat party controlled cities where their policy is to release violent gun offenders over and over again....

As more Americans own and carry guns our gun crime rate went down 75%....which means guns are not the issue, criminals are the issue...since we have more normal Americans buying and actually carrying guns but the gun crime rate and gun murder rate went down, not doofus.

Meanwhile...Britain banned guns, and their gun crime rate is going up......
The Chinese flu ......... teens in England are stabbing and shooting each other......... is it possible, during a lockdown for the Chinese Flu, that shootings are going up.....considering they have extreme gun control laws in Britain.......anyone care to explain how that is possible?

There has been an explosion in the number of street stabbings and shootings in England since the beginning of lockdown, despite police claiming the measures have driven down serious violence.
In Birmingham, a city with a well-deserved reputation for high gun crime, there has been a flurry of shootings and stabbings involving teenagers over the last fortnight. According to one youth crime expert, this has been sparked by boredom and lockdown-fuelled social media beefs.

Can any anti-gun extremist explain how it is possible that teens under lockdown in a country with extreme gun island......have access to guns to shoot each other?

Yes, there's been an "explosion" in street shootings and knifings - 35 across Great Britain, since March 26th - that's an average of less than one a day. 20 of these attacks involved shootings, and there have been 7 deaths in total - one per week. That's a slow afternoon in Chicago.

Chicago is a democrat party controlled city....... England is on the upswing of violence...with nothing to stop its growth as their welfare state collapses, they defund the police and cut manpower, and their 3rd world immigrants violently enforce their drug turf.

You stupid clown and your obsession with gun crime where there is little. 35 acts of violence in a country of 80 million people in a 7 week period. Holy cow. That's 50 people a year, being murdered violently. Hardly the collapse of civilization as we know it. Especially compared to the 35,000 Americans who die just by gun violence every single year.

Every time you attempt to prove gun controls don't stop crime crime, you prove exactly the opposite. You have more women being murdered by their intimate partners every week than the British had killings by either gun or knife over a 7 week period. On average, 700 people died because of gun violence in the USA during that same . Now, 400 hundred of those deaths are suicides but that leaves 300 people who died just by gun violence, in the USA, during that same 7 week period.

See why I find you so laughable.

In the U.S. as more Americans not only own guns, but now carry them for self defense, our gun murder rate went down 49%...

With what you do you explain that?

In the U.S. as more Americans not only own but now carry guns our gun crime rate went down 75%....

With what you believe, do you explain that?

In the U.S. as more Americans not only own guns but carry them for self defense, our violent crime rate went down 72%.....

With what you believe, how do you explain that?

Nothing you believe about guns is supported by actual facts, the truth, or reality on the do you justify your believes beyond simply not liking guns?

Over the last 27 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

The anti-gun hypothesis and argument.....

More Guns = More Gun crime regardless of any other factors.

Actual Result:

In the more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years, gun murder down 49%, gun crime down 75%, violent crime down 72%

The result: Exact opposite of theory of anti-gunners....

In Science when you have a theory, when that theory is tested....and the exact opposite result happens...that means your theory is wrong. That is science....not left wing wishful thinking.

Whatever the crime rate more Americans owned more guns the crime rate did not go again...

More Guns = More Gun Crime

Britain had access to guns before they banned them.....they had low gun crime, low gun murder.

They banned guns, the gun murder rate spiked for 10 years then returned to the same level...

Your Theory again....

More guns = More Gun Crime

Guns Banned creates no change? That means banning guns for law abiding gun owners had no effect on gun crime.

When your theory states one thing, and you implement your theory, and nothing science, that means your theory is wrong...

Maine tops ‘safest states’ rankings four years after removing major gun restriction

When Maine passed a “Constitutional Carry” law allowing Maine residents to carry a concealed firearm without any special permit in 2015, opponents of the law forecast a dangerous future for the state. They said the new law would hurt public safety and put Maine kids at risk.

One state representative who opposed the bill went so far as to say it would give Mainers a reason to be afraid every time they went out in public or to work.

Another state representative suggested the law would lead to violent criminals with recent arrests and convictions legally carrying handguns.


Now four years later, Maine has been named the safest state in the nation according to US News and World Report’s public safety rankings, which measures the fifty states based on crime data.

Ranking as the top safest state for violent crime and fourth for property crime, Maine edges out another New England state, Vermont, for the top spot. Of note, Vermont also is a “Constitutional Carry” state. New Hampshire ranks third in the national rankings, giving New England all three of the top spots in the nation.

In 2018, Maine was edged out by Vermont in the same “safest states” ranking, but declared the best state overall in the broader “Crime and Corrections” category.

In 2017, using a different methodology, Maine was ranked second among the fifty states in the “Crime and Corrections” category and also second in the categories used to rank the “safest states.”

The U.S. News and World Report “Best States” rankings are built in partnership with McKinsey & Company, a firm that works closely with state leaders around the nation.

Maine has also ranked at the top of other state rankings. recently ranked Maine second in “Personal and Residential Safety” among the fifty states, and third overall.

Bolsonaro's Brazil, More Legal Guns, Homicide Rates Down Precipitously

In December, 2018, in an article published by the Wall Street Journal, this pronouncement was made. From the

Now, Brazil is set to embark on an experiment that will determine what happens when you loosen gun restrictions in a country battling an overpowering wave of gun crime.
Homicides in Brazil were at historic highs in 2017. They dropped a bit in 2018, as candidate Bolsonaro ran on reform of the gun laws to allow self defense, and reform of the law to get tough on crime. The homicide numbers dropped from 59,000 in 2017, to 51,000 in 2018. President Bolsonaro was elected in October of 2018.

After taking office on 1 January, 2019, President Bolsonaro issued his first decree reforming some of Brazil's extreme gun laws on 15 January, 2019. The drop in Brazil's homicide rate accelerated.

Early in the Bolsonaro presidency, a Brazilian lawyer prediceted the homicide rate would drop. From

César Mello, asked that I include information that early reports are showing a 25% drop in Brazil's homicide rate, in the first quarter of 2019. If this trend continues, 16,000 lives will have been saved in the first year of President Bolsonaro's time in office.
The rate reduction was not quite that high. Only 10,000 lives were saved. From
Brazil had 41,635 killings in 2019, down 19% from the prior year and the least number of homicides since 2007, when the so-called Violence Monitor index was launched. It is a partnership between the non-profit Brazilian Forum of Public Security, the University of Sao Paulo’s Center for the Study of Violence, and news website G1, which published the data Friday.
When translated to homicide rates, the rate dropped 17% in 2018, then 23% more in 2019. The population of Brazil in 2019 was 210 million. The rate of homicides per 100,000 was 19.83. That is less than 2/3 of the homicide rate in 2017, which was 30.8.
putin's poodles dress this way in order to intimidate people by doing the Rambo central-casting bit like they saw in the movies. Otherwise, why do it? We are nowhere near Halloween.

I know you are stupid....but I will try to explain it so even you can understand......

The only people involved with the Russians were the Democrat National Committee and the hilary campaign.....using fake information provided to them through Richard Steele from Russian sources..............

Hilary took 145 mllion dollars from actual putin poodles into the clinton money laundering foundation........ are a dumb shit...I get the Russian thing is getting really old...

Your orange whore and his cronies are in it neck-deep with the Russians. The putin poodles are just the tip of the iceberg. They are just the useful idiots.
putin's poodles dress this way in order to intimidate people by doing the Rambo central-casting bit like they saw in the movies. Otherwise, why do it? We are nowhere near Halloween.

I know you are stupid....but I will try to explain it so even you can understand......

The only people involved with the Russians were the Democrat National Committee and the hilary campaign.....using fake information provided to them through Richard Steele from Russian sources..............

Hilary took 145 mllion dollars from actual putin poodles into the clinton money laundering foundation........ are a dumb shit...I get the Russian thing is getting really old...

Your orange whore and his cronies are in it neck-deep with the Russians. The putin poodles are just the tip of the iceberg. They are just the useful idiots.

That isn't even close to the truth.....the truth is easy......the Russians supplied fake information to Richard Steele who gave it to the DNC and the hilary was then used by democrats at the FBI to get illegal FISA warrants against Trump and his people.........this was on top of the 145 million dollars putin poodles actually gave to the clinton foundation........

The only ones in bed with the Russians are the the actual FBI notes show dumb ass.
You stupid clown and your obsession with gun crime where there is little. 35 acts of violence in a country of 80 million people in a 7 week period. Holy cow. That's 50 people a year, being murdered violently. Hardly the collapse of civilization as we know it. Especially compared to the 35,000 Americans who die just by gun violence every single year.

Every time you attempt to prove gun controls don't stop crime crime, you prove exactly the opposite. You have more women being murdered by their intimate partners every week than the British had killings by either gun or knife over a 7 week period. On average, 700 people died because of gun violence in the USA during that same . Now, 400 hundred of those deaths are suicides but that leaves 300 people who died just by gun violence, in the USA, during that same 7 week period.

See why I find you so laughable.

Why call people names when it is you showing your narrow mindedness and choose to ignore ALL violent crimes and just focus on guns? Why do they scare you so much and why do you want to force other people to be defenseless? How is that a good thing?

You have obviously missed the OP's dozens of similar threads, the purpose of which is to prove that gun control doesn't prevent gun crime. He is obsessed with pointing out gun crime in countries with gun control. He also seems to think that unless we can prevent ALL gun murders by strict gun control, we shouldn't have any.

I have never been robbed, threatened, nor have I ever felt the need to own a handgun. I live in a country where only the police have guns and I'm fine with that. When someone has a handgun, I know they're not one of the good guys.

No one has the "god given right to own a gun" because that right comes from the government, not God. Canadians elected a government to keep the peace, so we don't have to. This is not the wild west. You lose far more people in accidental shootings than Canadians lose to gun violence. Unlike Americans, Canadians don't fear their neighbours or their government. We have an orderly society and we'd intend to keep it that way.

With the recent AR15 ban, many American NRA members have promised to never come to Canada again. Canadians consider that a bonus. We consider their meddling in our gun laws, unconscionable.
You stupid clown and your obsession with gun crime where there is little. 35 acts of violence in a country of 80 million people in a 7 week period. Holy cow. That's 50 people a year, being murdered violently. Hardly the collapse of civilization as we know it. Especially compared to the 35,000 Americans who die just by gun violence every single year.

Every time you attempt to prove gun controls don't stop crime crime, you prove exactly the opposite. You have more women being murdered by their intimate partners every week than the British had killings by either gun or knife over a 7 week period. On average, 700 people died because of gun violence in the USA during that same . Now, 400 hundred of those deaths are suicides but that leaves 300 people who died just by gun violence, in the USA, during that same 7 week period.

See why I find you so laughable.

Why call people names when it is you showing your narrow mindedness and choose to ignore ALL violent crimes and just focus on guns? Why do they scare you so much and why do you want to force other people to be defenseless? How is that a good thing?

You have obviously missed the OP's dozens of similar threads, the purpose of which is to prove that gun control doesn't prevent gun crime. He is obsessed with pointing out gun crime in countries with gun control. He also seems to think that unless we can prevent ALL gun murders by strict gun control, we shouldn't have any.

I have never been robbed, threatened, nor have I ever felt the need to own a handgun. I live in a country where only the police have guns and I'm fine with that. When someone has a handgun, I know they're not one of the good guys.

No one has the "god given right to own a gun" because that right comes from the government, not God. Canadians elected a government to keep the peace, so we don't have to. This is not the wild west. You lose far more people in accidental shootings than Canadians lose to gun violence. Unlike Americans, Canadians don't fear their neighbours or their government. We have an orderly society and we'd intend to keep it that way.

With the recent AR15 ban, many American NRA members have promised to never come to Canada again. Canadians consider that a bonus. We consider their meddling in our gun laws, unconscionable.

Moron...gun crime is on the rise in Canada........Canadian criminals are not using AR-15 rifles, you moron...

Keep in mind......

Gun crime in the U.S. as more Americans own and carry guns, down 75%....

Gun murder in the U.S. as more Americans own and carry guns down 49%......

Canada....gun crime increasing as they enact more and more extreme gun control...

EDITORIAL: Politicians silent on street check ban increasing gun crime

The fact gang and gun violence in Toronto has skyrocketed since police were banned from doing street cheeks makes them uncomfortable, lest they be accused of racism by anti-police activists if they acknowledge it.

And so at City Hall and Queen’s Park they ignore reality, saying they’re hiring more police officers, implementing new shift schedules to more effectively deploy the force and investing more money in policing and programs to address the root causes of violence.

Despite that, since street checks were banned in 2014, the number of shootings compared to 2019 is up by 178%, victims by 218% and shooting homicides by 63%.


Last week, recently retired police officer Sue Fisher, on the force for almost 32 years, told the Sun’s Sue-Ann Levy that the end of street checks allowed the “bad guys to take over … there’s no longer that fear (among the criminal element.)”

Today, Fisher said, officers are often running from shooting to shooting after the fact, as opposed to doing proactive policing, like street checks, to gather intelligence to prevent shootings before they occur.

Why Gun Violence Is Surging In Toronto

According to Canada's government statistics agency, gun violence overall rose by more than 40% in Canada between 2013 and 2017, with much of that increase driven by incidents in Toronto.

Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders says that the city's recent gun violence has been connected to gang activity.

In a press conference in August, he said the Raptors incident and the August shootings "by and large have street gang connotations to them," pointing to the gang membership of the victims and those arrested. There is a thriving gang culture in Toronto centered on the illegal drug trade, largely in the city's poorer outer suburbs.
putin's poodles dress this way in order to intimidate people by doing the Rambo central-casting bit like they saw in the movies. Otherwise, why do it? We are nowhere near Halloween.

I know you are stupid....but I will try to explain it so even you can understand......

The only people involved with the Russians were the Democrat National Committee and the hilary campaign.....using fake information provided to them through Richard Steele from Russian sources..............

Hilary took 145 mllion dollars from actual putin poodles into the clinton money laundering foundation........ are a dumb shit...I get the Russian thing is getting really old...

Your orange whore and his cronies are in it neck-deep with the Russians. The putin poodles are just the tip of the iceberg. They are just the useful idiots.

That isn't even close to the truth.....the truth is easy......the Russians supplied fake information to Richard Steele who gave it to the DNC and the hilary was then used by democrats at the FBI to get illegal FISA warrants against Trump and his people.........this was on top of the 145 million dollars putin poodles actually gave to the clinton foundation........

The only ones in bed with the Russians are the the actual FBI notes show dumb ass.

78,000 message in 6 years, pushing Russian propaganda.
You stupid clown and your obsession with gun crime where there is little. 35 acts of violence in a country of 80 million people in a 7 week period. Holy cow. That's 50 people a year, being murdered violently. Hardly the collapse of civilization as we know it. Especially compared to the 35,000 Americans who die just by gun violence every single year.

Every time you attempt to prove gun controls don't stop crime crime, you prove exactly the opposite. You have more women being murdered by their intimate partners every week than the British had killings by either gun or knife over a 7 week period. On average, 700 people died because of gun violence in the USA during that same . Now, 400 hundred of those deaths are suicides but that leaves 300 people who died just by gun violence, in the USA, during that same 7 week period.

See why I find you so laughable.

Why call people names when it is you showing your narrow mindedness and choose to ignore ALL violent crimes and just focus on guns? Why do they scare you so much and why do you want to force other people to be defenseless? How is that a good thing?

You have obviously missed the OP's dozens of similar threads, the purpose of which is to prove that gun control doesn't prevent gun crime. He is obsessed with pointing out gun crime in countries with gun control. He also seems to think that unless we can prevent ALL gun murders by strict gun control, we shouldn't have any.

I have never been robbed, threatened, nor have I ever felt the need to own a handgun. I live in a country where only the police have guns and I'm fine with that. When someone has a handgun, I know they're not one of the good guys.

No one has the "god given right to own a gun" because that right comes from the government, not God. Canadians elected a government to keep the peace, so we don't have to. This is not the wild west. You lose far more people in accidental shootings than Canadians lose to gun violence. Unlike Americans, Canadians don't fear their neighbours or their government. We have an orderly society and we'd intend to keep it that way.

With the recent AR15 ban, many American NRA members have promised to never come to Canada again. Canadians consider that a bonus. We consider their meddling in our gun laws, unconscionable.

Moron...gun crime is on the rise in Canada........Canadian criminals are not using AR-15 rifles, you moron...

Keep in mind......

Gun crime in the U.S. as more Americans own and carry guns, down 75%....

Gun murder in the U.S. as more Americans own and carry guns down 49%......

Canada....gun crime increasing as they enact more and more extreme gun control...

EDITORIAL: Politicians silent on street check ban increasing gun crime

The fact gang and gun violence in Toronto has skyrocketed since police were banned from doing street cheeks makes them uncomfortable, lest they be accused of racism by anti-police activists if they acknowledge it.

And so at City Hall and Queen’s Park they ignore reality, saying they’re hiring more police officers, implementing new shift schedules to more effectively deploy the force and investing more money in policing and programs to address the root causes of violence.

Despite that, since street checks were banned in 2014, the number of shootings compared to 2019 is up by 178%, victims by 218% and shooting homicides by 63%.


Last week, recently retired police officer Sue Fisher, on the force for almost 32 years, told the Sun’s Sue-Ann Levy that the end of street checks allowed the “bad guys to take over … there’s no longer that fear (among the criminal element.)”

Today, Fisher said, officers are often running from shooting to shooting after the fact, as opposed to doing proactive policing, like street checks, to gather intelligence to prevent shootings before they occur.

Why Gun Violence Is Surging In Toronto

According to Canada's government statistics agency, gun violence overall rose by more than 40% in Canada between 2013 and 2017, with much of that increase driven by incidents in Toronto.

Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders says that the city's recent gun violence has been connected to gang activity.

In a press conference in August, he said the Raptors incident and the August shootings "by and large have street gang connotations to them," pointing to the gang membership of the victims and those arrested. There is a thriving gang culture in Toronto centered on the illegal drug trade, largely in the city's poorer outer suburbs.
Yeah. 44 people were shot and killed in Toronto last year. One of the worst on record. Less than one a week.
putin's poodles dress this way in order to intimidate people by doing the Rambo central-casting bit like they saw in the movies. Otherwise, why do it? We are nowhere near Halloween.

I know you are stupid....but I will try to explain it so even you can understand......

The only people involved with the Russians were the Democrat National Committee and the hilary campaign.....using fake information provided to them through Richard Steele from Russian sources..............

Hilary took 145 mllion dollars from actual putin poodles into the clinton money laundering foundation........ are a dumb shit...I get the Russian thing is getting really old...

Your orange whore and his cronies are in it neck-deep with the Russians. The putin poodles are just the tip of the iceberg. They are just the useful idiots.

That isn't even close to the truth.....the truth is easy......the Russians supplied fake information to Richard Steele who gave it to the DNC and the hilary was then used by democrats at the FBI to get illegal FISA warrants against Trump and his people.........this was on top of the 145 million dollars putin poodles actually gave to the clinton foundation........

The only ones in bed with the Russians are the the actual FBI notes show dumb ass.

78,000 message in 6 years, pushing Russian propaganda.

What exactly is Russian propaganda? You morons are just getting lazy.......

I give you facts, truth and reality, and you don't even work to come up with good lies any are stupid...and lazy.
Yeah. 44 people were shot and killed in Toronto last year. One of the worst on record. Less than one a week.

And it is getting worse....not guys can think crime rates don't change, that criminal behavior doesn't change, but the criminals don't care about your fantasy life.......they have drugs to sell and they are going to use guns to get it done...

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