Stabbings, Slashings on the Rise in Gun Control Haven, New York City

And the cashless bail is in effect for everyone. It just minorities. In other threads the RW was furious that an Arizona Rancher had his bail set at a million dollars. The Arizona Rancher is also accused of Murder.

The practice in New York is this. If the accused would qualify for Bail even one set so high as a million dollars. The accused can go free with restrictions. Showing up for all hearings as one example of a restriction.

The Constitution says that Bail is proper and shall not be excessive.

However, the cashless bail / no bail system predominates in Dem / Socialist run cities.

Do you see something of an absurdity that Dem / Socialist run gulags have the most restrictive gun laws aimed at law abiding citizens, yet, criminals are ushered to the exits when arrested for gun crimes.
However, the cashless bail / no bail system predominates in Dem / Socialist run cities.

Do you see something of an absurdity that Dem / Socialist run gulags have the most restrictive gun laws aimed at law abiding citizens, yet, criminals are ushered to the exits when arrested for gun crimes.

They are released on bail. They still have trials and consequences for their actions. It isn’t like the City just cuts the guy loose forever. The wheels of Justice grind slowly and the baddie is eventually either found guilty or not guilty and if Guilty sent off to New York’s infamous Prisons.
They are released on bail. They still have trials and consequences for their actions. It isn’t like the City just cuts the guy loose forever. The wheels of Justice grind slowly and the baddie is eventually either found guilty or not guilty and if Guilty sent off to New York’s infamous Prisons.
‘Released on bail’ conflicts with the code in Washington State, for one example.

“The Act eliminates cash bail and ushers in a new standard for those charged criminally: “the presumption of release.” The presumption of release standard is already present in Washington State, codified under Criminal Rule 3.2 (CrR 3.2).”

Otherwise, as noted earlier, the weekend shoot-fests in Dem / Socialist run cities like Chicago are routine. The Dems / Socialists want more gun control laws but they have no interest in enforcing laws when it comes to their protected criminal class.
‘Released on bail’ conflicts with the code in Washington State, for one example.

“The Act eliminates cash bail and ushers in a new standard for those charged criminally: “the presumption of release.” The presumption of release standard is already present in Washington State, codified under Criminal Rule 3.2 (CrR 3.2).”

Otherwise, as noted earlier, the weekend shoot-fests in Dem / Socialist run cities like Chicago are routine. The Dems / Socialists want more gun control laws but they have no interest in enforcing laws when it comes to their protected criminal class.

Oh FFS. You are throwing shit at the wall and screaming that it is leaving a stain.

Prisons in both Illinois and New York are overcrowded. They are at capacity, beyond capacity really. It costs billions to build new Prisons and many billions more to staff and support them. Money that just isn’t there.

I commented on the Jail where Trump will be processed in Georgia. It is a disgrace. It is literally, not figuratively, disease, lice, and bed bug infested hell hole. It was designed for 1,300 and has a population of over 3,000 right now.

Prison staffing shortages are at critical levels in many states. I just read an article about Wisconsin prisons. They have been locked down for months due to shortages of staff. The legislature is raising the starting pay to $33 an hour for corrections officers to try and get more people.

And before you say just throw them in prison I don’t care if they are comfortable. That increases the danger to the corrections officers and makes it harder to get people to work there.

I love Conservatives. On every issue they act like the answer is simple. Look at this thread.

It began as proof that Democrats wanted to get rid of guns because criminals were stabbing and slashing instead of shooting. And next you whip out Chicago shootings as proof Democrats are awful.

You don’t want to acknowledge that crime is down in most major categories in New York. You immediately switch to bail and how awful it is the baddies are released. You are just throwing smoke to confuse the issue.
Oh FFS. You are throwing shit at the wall and screaming that it is leaving a stain.

Prisons in both Illinois and New York are overcrowded. They are at capacity, beyond capacity really. It costs billions to build new Prisons and many billions more to staff and support them. Money that just isn’t there.

I commented on the Jail where Trump will be processed in Georgia. It is a disgrace. It is literally, not figuratively, disease, lice, and bed bug infested hell hole. It was designed for 1,300 and has a population of over 3,000 right now.

Prison staffing shortages are at critical levels in many states. I just read an article about Wisconsin prisons. They have been locked down for months due to shortages of staff. The legislature is raising the starting pay to $33 an hour for corrections officers to try and get more people.

And before you say just throw them in prison I don’t care if they are comfortable. That increases the danger to the corrections officers and makes it harder to get people to work there.

I love Conservatives. On every issue they act like the answer is simple. Look at this thread.

It began as proof that Democrats wanted to get rid of guns because criminals were stabbing and slashing instead of shooting. And next you whip out Chicago shootings as proof Democrats are awful.

You don’t want to acknowledge that crime is down in most major categories in New York. You immediately switch to bail and how awful it is the baddies are released. You are just throwing smoke to confuse the issue.
I acknowledge that crime is down in many categories in NY city.

I acknowledge that the ‘defund the police’ disaster implemented in so many Dem / Socialist run cities has had negative affects.

Strange, that. Defunding the police, no bail, no arrests and vastly reduced charges for criminals that do get arrested caused crime rates to spike.
I acknowledge that crime is down in many categories in NY city.

I acknowledge that the ‘defund the police’ disaster implemented in so many Dem / Socialist run cities has had negative affects.

Strange, that. Defunding the police, no bail, no arrests and vastly reduced charges for criminals that do get arrested caused crime rates to spike.

Defund the police came about as a desperate move to force the police to change. Can you tell me where it actually happened. I think the longest it actually lasted was about eighteen months. Most efforts lasted even less time.

And frankly it was needed. Police keep breaking the law. Using excessive force. Using prohibited tactics. Unconstitutional practices. They get sued and the person suing gets a ton of money. The city has to pay. If there is insurance the city has to pay even higher premiums.

Telling the police to knock it off wasn’t working. Passing laws wasn’t stopping the problems. So what are we supposed to do? Keep coming up with millions to pay off the cops who just won’t learn?

Look at the Floyd case. Chauvin had a dozen complaints. Most upheld. In other words the investigator determined that Chauvin had done what he was accused of and it was wrong in most of the cases.

Imagine if Chauvin had been fired. Imagine if he had been shown the door before Floyd. Riots wouldn’t have happened. Millions in lawsuits wouldn’t have been paid out. How much money would have been saved? A billion across the nation? More?

But the departments don’t want to do the right thing. They want to resist Liberal interference. And instead they bankrupt the cities paying for lawsuits.

Why is it wrong to expect police to act responsibly?

Defund the police came about as a desperate move to force the police to change. Can you tell me where it actually happened. I think the longest it actually lasted was about eighteen months. Most efforts lasted even less time.

And frankly it was needed. Police keep breaking the law. Using excessive force. Using prohibited tactics. Unconstitutional practices. They get sued and the person suing gets a ton of money. The city has to pay. If there is insurance the city has to pay even higher premiums.

Telling the police to knock it off wasn’t working. Passing laws wasn’t stopping the problems. So what are we supposed to do? Keep coming up with millions to pay off the cops who just won’t learn?

Look at the Floyd case. Chauvin had a dozen complaints. Most upheld. In other words the investigator determined that Chauvin had done what he was accused of and it was wrong in most of the cases.

Imagine if Chauvin had been fired. Imagine if he had been shown the door before Floyd. Riots wouldn’t have happened. Millions in lawsuits wouldn’t have been paid out. How much money would have been saved? A billion across the nation? More?

But the departments don’t want to do the right thing. They want to resist Liberal interference. And instead they bankrupt the cities paying for lawsuits.

Why is it wrong to expect police to act responsibly?

Overall, Police do act responsibly. However, I definitely agree there are numbers of instances of atrocious / criminal police behavior. The reaction by the Dems / Socialists was what one might expect from the left of left. As an example, the most animated Pom Pom flailers of Minnesota's Defund the Police Amendment included people like Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Minnesota attorney general Keith Ellison. Similarly, in Seattle there was Kshama Sawant who is a member of ‘Socialist Alternative‘.

My opinion is that the ‘defund the police’ policy was Dem / Socialist driven. The most extreme results of that policy was reflected in the riots, destruction and lawlessness that afflicted those bastions of leftism such as L.A., NY, Seattle (Summer of Love), Minneapolis, Chicago, etc. The goal of the Dems / Socialists was to foment anger, violence and attacks on the imagined ‘white oppressor’.
We see again that gun control, which is typically directed at stripping away the rights of lawful gun owners, does not stop criminals. As with so many Dem / Socialist Hell holes, their anti-gun legislation is directed at people who overwhelmingly, are responsible citizens. We see Dems / Socialists failing simple logic tests time after time. While their ultimate goal is to disarm the population, they choose not to prosecute entire classes of crimes.

Referenced in the linked article is an interesting fact:
“It is worth mentioning that the rate of gun violence has dropped in the Big Apple even after it became easier for New Yorkers to purchase and carry firearms”

It appears to me that the underlying problem is an ideological failing of the Dems / Socialists. They create lawless societies by way of retrograde notions that criminals are an aggrieved, oppressed class and that “equity” requires their crimes are borne by the public.

New York City, a bastion of gun control, has reportedly been experiencing a sharp rise in stabbings and slashings over the past four years. Despite having some of the strictest gun control laws, the city remains quite dangerous for many residents.

Stabbings and slashings are surging this year across New York City – skyrocketing 26% since 2019, according to disturbing new NYPD data obtained by The Post.

Since Jan. 1 through Aug. 13, the city has seen 3,365 nonfatal stabbings, compared to 2,666 four years ago. The number is also up 5% from the same period last year, which saw 3,208 nonfatal incidents of knife violence.

So far this year, 53 people have died by blade — a shocking 29% increase from 41 in 2019. The tally is down 23% from 2022, which saw 69 people killed by knives.
Stabbings are both less fatal and occur in ones and twos rather than multiples.

So yah, this is good news.
Yeah...and when people get shot they go flying across the room...

Here's an explanation in smaller words with video.

And no people who are shot, even with large calibre bullets, don't go flying across the room. Newton's laws prohibit it. Shot people mostly fall forward and down. Curling into fetal position is instinctive when you suffer major damage. Nor do they die instantly or quietly gasp out dying messages of love for someone. They scream and they cry, they beg for water or their mothers or any number of other things. The point is real life ain't a movie and firefights aren't clean.

EDIT: link didn't take for some reason, added again.
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Stabbings are both less fatal and occur in ones and twos rather than multiples.

So yah, this is good news.
Some beheadings would be nice just so we don’t fall into the trap of, “yeah, another gang war shootout in Chicago. That’s just so… you know… yesterday”.
Some beheadings would be nice just so we don’t fall into the trap of, “yeah, another gang war shootout in Chicago. That’s just so… you know… yesterday”.
Sure, why not? A mass beheading would be highly unlikely though. It's a lot more work than pulling a trigger.
Here's an explanation in smaller words with video.

And no people who are shot, even with large calibre bullets, don't go flying across the room. Newton's laws prohibit it. Shot people mostly fall forward and down. Curling into fetal position is instinctive when you suffer major damage. Nor do they die instantly or quietly gasp out dying messages of love for someone. They scream and they cry, they beg for water or their mothers or any number of other things. The point is real life ain't a movie and firefights aren't clean.

EDIT: link didn't take for some reason, added again.

Maybe those things happen. The falling and crying out but. You are right about flying backwards and all that Hollywood shit.

How the person acts or responds depends on the damage they received. A bullet to the head will almost certainly cause instant death. A bullet to the heart will kill instantly. Consciousness depends on the damage and shock.

They can lay and scream. They can curl up and moan and cry. They can do all of that. They can also be dead before they hit the ground. What they are shot with is less important than where they are shot.

There are four ways in which a bullet kills. I’ll list them.

1) Vital organ. Head or heart. The brain or heart is destroyed. Instant death. This can happen with a .22 as easily as a .44.

2) Exsanguation. This is where you lose so much blood your heart stops. More likely with the hit of a major artery or blood saturated organ like a Liver.

3) Suffocation. This happens when the lungs are damaged or destroyed. The victim can drown with blood leaking into the lung, or trapped air can actually construct the lungs until the patient expires. That is called Tension Pnumothorax.

4) Side effects. This is all other things. Complications from the trauma. A blood clot causes a heart attack or stroke. A piece of bone gets into the blood and stops the heart. Lead poisoning. Allergic reaction to the treatment.

The fourth is unpredictable. It can’t be planned for. Nobody is good enough to plan a shot and set up for a blood clot to kill the guy the day after. But it does happen.

This report backs up the importance of where, not what you are shot with.

According to that a .22 is a better choice than a 9MM. But if the person with the .22 was closer and aimed more carefully then it makes more sense.

This is why people have been trained for generations to aim center mass. First it is the biggest target area on the Baddie. Second. Even if you miss the heart you hit something important that can cause death or incapacitation by method number two or three. It’s hard to run when you are gasping for breath, or passed out from blood loss.

My favorite picture of him is this one.


I think he looks cute with the Bulletproof Sports bra.
Here's an explanation in smaller words with video.

And no people who are shot, even with large calibre bullets, don't go flying across the room. Newton's laws prohibit it. Shot people mostly fall forward and down. Curling into fetal position is instinctive when you suffer major damage. Nor do they die instantly or quietly gasp out dying messages of love for someone. They scream and they cry, they beg for water or their mothers or any number of other things. The point is real life ain't a movie and firefights aren't clean.

EDIT: link didn't take for some reason, added again.
Yeah...that was the point.

Synth watches too many movies.

They are not a source of factual information.

Unlike Disinformation Biden's claim ... a bullet won't blown your lung out of your body.
Maybe those things happen. The falling and crying out but. You are right about flying backwards and all that Hollywood shit.

How the person acts or responds depends on the damage they received. A bullet to the head will almost certainly cause instant death. A bullet to the heart will kill instantly. Consciousness depends on the damage and shock.

They can lay and scream. They can curl up and moan and cry. They can do all of that. They can also be dead before they hit the ground. What they are shot with is less important than where they are shot.

There are four ways in which a bullet kills. I’ll list them.

1) Vital organ. Head or heart. The brain or heart is destroyed. Instant death. This can happen with a .22 as easily as a .44.

2) Exsanguation. This is where you lose so much blood your heart stops. More likely with the hit of a major artery or blood saturated organ like a Liver.

3) Suffocation. This happens when the lungs are damaged or destroyed. The victim can drown with blood leaking into the lung, or trapped air can actually construct the lungs until the patient expires. That is called Tension Pnumothorax.

4) Side effects. This is all other things. Complications from the trauma. A blood clot causes a heart attack or stroke. A piece of bone gets into the blood and stops the heart. Lead poisoning. Allergic reaction to the treatment.

The fourth is unpredictable. It can’t be planned for. Nobody is good enough to plan a shot and set up for a blood clot to kill the guy the day after. But it does happen.

This report backs up the importance of where, not what you are shot with.

According to that a .22 is a better choice than a 9MM. But if the person with the .22 was closer and aimed more carefully then it makes more sense.

This is why people have been trained for generations to aim center mass. First it is the biggest target area on the Baddie. Second. Even if you miss the heart you hit something important that can cause death or incapacitation by method number two or three. It’s hard to run when you are gasping for breath, or passed out from blood loss.
Gunshot wounds are almost never instantly fatal. Even head wounds. I know because I have seen these things.
Gunshot wounds are almost never instantly fatal. Even head wounds. I know because I have seen these things.

Instantly fatal is actually a misnomer. If your Medulla Oblongata is taken out. You are dead. Yes, you might be “alive” if you get CPR and put on a ventilator and pacemaker fast enough. But you are dead. Your body just doesn’t know it yet.

If you are hit in the heart. Your body may survive a few minutes. But again, it isn’t a question if you will die, but when the Doctor will call it. The only way you could survive is if you were shot in the treatment room of a world class Trauma Care facility.

As you must know, if you have seen it. Unlike Hollywood the heart doesn’t go flat line no motion when it stops. There is minor electrical twitching. But that doesn’t make the person alive. Random electrical impulses in the nerves continues for a while. Hell hair and fingernails continue growing for a long time after death.

As Gabby Giffords showed, a head shot is not a guaranteed death. But those cases are the exception, not the rule. If you were shooting to save your life you would be well advised to put your shot in the head or heart.

My personal carry weapon is the .357 Magnum. A small revolver with a mere five shots. The rounds are very effective. They have an excellent reputation backed up by statistical data. But that weapon isn’t a magic wand. And when I pull the trigger it doesn’t send out the killing curse from Harry Potter. So bullet placement is vital.

That was the point of my post. Sometimes the person is conscious and coherent. Sometimes conscious and incoherent. Sometimes unconscious and stable. And sometimes they are dead before the medics can open the bag to begin the assessment.

If the victim manages to survive the first hour, their odds of overall survival go up. But medicine like everything else in life, nothing is guaranteed. So you strive to increase your chances, to give yourself the highest probability possible.

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