Shootings at Schools.

Where's the transfesto?


Nobodoy here seems to care about it but you.

And why just whine about it?
Why don't you do something about it?
Be a get-things-done pro-active man.
Whining is for sissies.
I am mildly sure you know that.
This is my argument against it: Most of the time, a school shooting is an elaborate version of suicide by cop, with the crazy person expecting exactly what you say to happen. Most of the time, the suicide attempt is successful, all the shooter has to do is keep shooting, or not drop the weapon.

In the unusual even where a shooter throws down his or her weapons holds hands up and follows all commands, it isn't fair to expect a cop to be executioner. That role should go to the jury, and we need juries willing to uphold their responsibility.

Getting frustrated and giving cops summary execution powers is the definition of slippery slope. Too much opportunity for "well, but this other thing is almost as bad, so . . . "
Media coverage has major blood on their hands as far as incentivizing these troubled evil people to “make their mark” before they go out.

All those pundits and democrats who instantly trumpet the manifesto of the murderer (except for the one by the trans shooter, that is STILL being protected and hidden.. does anyone know why?) and then politicize it have actively ensured 10 more shootings will happen. Their words are hollow, they are a major part of the problem, and they’ll keep giving these evil murderers the exposure they wanted so they can point fingers at Republicans, and more mass shootings will happen…

It’s as if the deaths are nearly desired and welcomed by the democrats to try to win political issues. They need dead children in mass shootings to fight against gun and the second amendment, while dead children in cities from massive crime are avoided and ignored.
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All tranny, all day now. Mentally ill, known beforehand. Big GOVT always drops the ball? Apparently intentionally.

Schools need to be locked up to prevent deranged Marxist plants from acting out. It ain’t rocket science.
If a shooter is at a school, and has shot at students, and is apprehended in the event, should there be a new law, yes Congress, I'm asking you, that states you, the shooter, will be immediately put to death.

No trial needed, the dude is caught, put that dude down immediately.
This would for sure stop some of these idiots.

Why is there even an argument against this.^^^^^?????
Who was the politician who wanted to hang suicide a deterrent ?

Nobodoy here seems to care about it but you.

And why just whine about it?
Why don't you do something about it?
Be a get-things-done pro-active man.
Whining is for sissies.
I am mildly sure you know that.
I think the key issue is that it will expose every trans person as a homicidal maniac. Normal Americans dont shoot up places. Unless someone pisses them off of course.
I think the key issue is that it will expose every trans person as a homicidal maniac. Normal Americans dont shoot up places. Unless someone pisses them off of course.
The suicide rate for transsexuals is higher than others so they are not exactly the most stable group.
The majority of mass shootings in the US are committed by gang members not law abiding citizens.

Nobodoy here seems to care about it but you.

And why just whine about it?
Why don't you do something about it?
Be a get-things-done pro-active man.
Whining is for sissies.
I am mildly sure you know that.
Exposing the factual exception being made by govt exposes an agenda.

For all “white troubled male” mass Shootings we somehow know everything about them, what they wrote anywhere, and what politician/ideology to blame.

This one was treated completely different, and it’s easy to piece together.
1. The govt/democrats/media are radically left
2. They fight against pointing out anything negative that those in their gigantic group of victimhood do.
3. They suppressed the trans shooters likely suffering, hatred, and evilness because they want to protect the brand of being “trans” and left-wing politics, and fight against making any assumptions… but happily assume, blame, and demonize white people, males, isolated people, etc who hold right wing views who do something like this.

This is elementary
The suicide rate for transsexuals is higher than others so they are not exactly the most stable group.
The majority of mass shootings in the US are committed by gang members not law abiding citizens

.Well given the level of right wing hatred they face it is no shock. Maybe be nice to them, or just leave them alone.
No, You make the attempt to KILL, regardless of the cops stopping the shooter.
This fuckstain should be put to death for killing children.
Isn't PROTECTING children the goal.
how do you know hes te one that shot the children???
If a shooter is at a school, and has shot at students, and is apprehended in the event, should there be a new law, yes Congress, I'm asking you, that states you, the shooter, will be immediately put to death.

No trial needed, the dude is caught, put that dude down immediately.
This would for sure stop some of these idiots.

Why is there even an argument against this.^^^^^?????
Is it possible to imagine that such a shooter could be paid by others to do this? If that's the case, should those who paid him also be executed?
If a shooter is at a school, and has shot at students, and is apprehended in the event, should there be a new law, yes Congress, I'm asking you, that states you, the shooter, will be immediately put to death.

No trial needed, the dude is caught, put that dude down immediately.
This would for sure stop some of these idiots.

Why is there even an argument against this.^^^^^?Biden?

There has to be due process, but upon conviction I have no issue with summary execution.
.Well given the level of right wing hatred they face it is no shock. Maybe be nice to them, or just leave them alone.
That's not the reason they are killing themselves moron. The majority of Conservatives don't give two shits about what an adult identifies as until you start forcing us to recognize their delusions, force women to compete against men in sports, decide it's ok for a man to use the female bathroom or try to convince a child they are the wrong gender.

Thankfully the US hasn't gotten to the tyrannical state the UK has on this issue. We don't waste police resources investigating people who misgender someone or call them terrorist, yet.

What you mouth breathers don't understand is your leaders do not give a shit about these people either they are using them and you useful idiots that believe their bullshit to destabilize society. After they take complete control you people will be the 2nd group to either be reeducated or exterminated.
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That's not the reason they are killing themselves moron. The majority of Conservatives don't give two shits about what an adult identifies as until you start forcing us to recognize their delusions, force women to compete against men in sports, decide it's ok for a man to use the female bathroom or try to convince a child they are the wrong gender.

Thankfully the US hasn't gotten to the tyrannical state the UK has on this issue. We don't waste police resources investigating people who misgender someone or call them terrorist, yet.

What you mouth breathers don't understand is your leaders do not give a shit about these people either they are using them and you useful idiots that believe their bullshit to destabilize society. After they take complete control you people will be the 2nd group to either be reeducated or exterminated.
Nope, you are just debased people. Like hitlers followers,
.Well given the level of right wing hatred they face it is no shock. Maybe be nice to them, or just leave them alone.
We still have a good percentage of males with the western machismo view of things. Unfortunately, the middle east's way of terrorism is far more successful in skating by that way. About being nice. You are still going to find people who are not. Even with trillions of dollars spent on schools over many decades. There are people who are accosted from authoritarians who pay more for the most minor infractions for not genuflecting to them while we see Pelosi's husband gets away with two felonies in the last couple of years. It's hard to forget. It's real hard and for these tortured souls, they figure out their can't win scenario. Of course, political agendas empowered them also.
"What you mouth breathers don't understand is people will be the 2nd group to either be reeducated or exterminated."
Thank you for that heads-up, poster TKiss. Good to know, but.....
...but can we calibrate it just a tad finer?

I mean by that, do you have a date and time of when this extermination-thingy is gonna happen to anybody in the US, be they a mouth-breather or otherwise?

If you would, please...... give me, say, a 2 day notice. That would be really really helpful.
The bride and I will pack a few things and drive up to the lake cottage until your killing stuff is done.

Thanks in advance.

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