Shoplifter Kills 83 Year Old Home Depot Employee In NC

Sickening and heartbreaking. Even up to his death he was trying to protect and serve. RIP Gary and it brings tears to my eyes. 😢
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When they find him, I hope he resists arrest and is dealt with.

It would make his surviving relatives rich at taxpayers' expense. The commies encourage murders coming and going, and the public sits still for it, too afraid of sleazebag lawyers to clean house.
I saw the horrifying video on FOX. The Dem channels, of course, would not show it.

That unlucky 83-year-old guy! He thought that he could reason with a decent human being. Instead that brute shoved him to the floor, and he lost his life.

Of course, at the brute's trial, the bleeding hearts will be out in force: "Oh, the defendant is a member of a group of people that have been badly treated throughout American history. The poor baby! What he needs is counseling, not prison. Just give him probation."
So you guys can burn down cities and cheat in elections? Looks like the perfect excuse if you're a filthy Democrat.

Sounds like White 6 was saying that he hoped the perpetrator resisted arrest so the police could handle him brutally or shoot him or something which is exactly what he deserves for doing something like that to somebody who served our country. Unless I misunderstood him of course.
Sounds like White 6 was saying that he hoped the perpetrator resisted arrest so the police could handle him brutally or shoot him or something which is exactly what he deserves for doing something like that to somebody who served our country. Unless I misunderstood him of course.
He just killed one of the people that made it thru COVID.

Globalists wanted him dead anyway.
The old man. The murderer is doing what comes natural when you refuse to enforce the laws.

Yeah well without our veterans we wouldn't have a country. Not like we have much of one anyways right now, but still.
Sounds like White 6 was saying that he hoped the perpetrator resisted arrest so the police could handle him brutally or shoot him or something which is exactly what he deserves for doing something like that to somebody who served our country. Unless I misunderstood him of course.
No that's what white was saying . He is a pos.

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