Shoplifters Are Looting In Broad Daylight In Blue Cities, Police Hands Are Tied Under Democrat Leadership

Behold, fruits of diversity.

By the way, these new windows are a symbol of white supremacy keeping the black man down...



Behold, fruits of diversity.

By the way, these new windows are a symbol of white supremacy keeping the black man down...

I guess. Or they are just a symbol of what you can't do anymore.

Remember when you could board an airplane without taking off your shoes and go through a metal detector?
Yes, one of them is assault, the other is murder... Murder is generally considered more serious.

Simpkins is probably going to end up in jail... while Rittenhouse was freed due to racism and bad lawyering.
Rittenhouse is free because he acted in self defense. The claim he is free due to racism is a bald faced lie.
I guess. Or they are just a symbol of what you can't do anymore.

Remember when you could board an airplane without taking off your shoes and go through a metal detector?

Please tell me, what you can't do anymore?
Please tell me, what you can't do anymore?

Um, I just did... have you tried to board an airplane lately compared to 1981, when I took my first flight.

You also can't smoke inside a workplace or a restaurant
Why? Attitudes towards smoking have changed.
Then why has crime gone up significantly in democrat run states and cities the past years vs republican ones?
the republicans are only mayors in the small cities. More people = more crime.
the republicans are only mayors in the small cities. More people = more crime.

I thought I ignored you for all of your hateful and contrarian posts you constantly make a week ago. You never add to a conversation, you only post when you want to try and contradict someone or try to piss them off.

I'll make sure this time.
I thought I ignored you for all of your hateful and contrarian posts you constantly make a week ago. You never add to a conversation, you only post when you want to try and contradict someone or try to piss them off.

I'll make sure this time.
More people=more crime.
So if the gayer-than-gay boys at the FAA won’t let us fly our baboon-tracking drones over people to get to the looters, other technology will pull ahead. This poster remembers swimming with the gators over there in Clearwater:

Um, I just did... have you tried to board an airplane lately compared to 1981, when I took my first flight.

You also can't smoke inside a workplace or a restaurant
Why? Attitudes towards smoking have changed.
What that has to do with looting and boarded windows at the stores?
I have just had an epiphany.

I thought of a way that the police would no longer have to contend with these looters and store owners would not have to worry about financial losses.

I propose that respected & beloved African American leaders such as President Obama, Chicago's mayor, New York's attorney general, basketball stars, movie stars, singers, et al., contribute to a special fund, which would then reimburse the owners for their losses.
I have just had an epiphany.

I thought of a way that the police would no longer have to contend with these looters and store owners would not have to worry about financial losses.

I propose that respected & beloved African American leaders such as President Obama, Chicago's mayor, New York's attorney general, basketball stars, movie stars, singers, et al., contribute to a special fund, which would then reimburse the owners for their losses.
No, because there might not be video documentation. Video documentation links the looter to the looter’s offspirng.
What that has to do with looting and boarded windows at the stores?

Kind of everything...

Okay, make it simple for you. Up until the 1970s, security on airlines was lax. After a bunch of needy people hijacked some planes to Cuba, they tightened up a bit. After some really evil people crashed some into buildings, they really, really cracked down. (Although if they listened to security experts earlier, that never would have happened.)

Social Media makes it easy to organize a flash mob. Now the flash mobs have figured that while stores are capable of dealing with single shoplifters, they can't deal with a mob.

So. Get rid of the vulnerabilities, just like the airlines did. No more open windows that can be easily broken, secure the entrance points, use better intelligence to identify the flash mobs.

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