shoplifters steels over 500 bucks worth of candles

Just wash that stanch ass muff no need to steal candles. Every knows Yankee Candle does not have Pumpkin Spice Tuna as a scent
Just wash that stanch ass muff no need to steal candles. Every knows Yankee Candle does not have Pumpkin Spice Tuna as a scent
maybe there out of electricty. this is liek third or fourth group of black ladies that been stealing candles i posted about.,
What was described wasn't "shoplifting " at all, it was Looting. Shoplifters are sneak thieves shoving ribeyes into the drawers at Walmart.

Opening cleaning out a place like these dames, that's "looting" by definition.

There used to be policies posted warning people that "Looters will be Shot on Site" Time to bring them back as a deterrent to this time of atrocity.
What was described wasn't "shoplifting " at all, it was Looting. Shoplifters are sneak thieves shoving ribeyes into the drawers at Walmart.

Opening cleaning out a place like these dames, that's "looting" by definition.

There used to be policies posted warning people that "Looters will be Shot on Site" Time to bring them back as a deterrent to this time of atrocity.
Unfortunately, the governments in the jurisdictions this is happening in would arrest and imprison those who try to stop the thieves. That's where America is today. People better begin preparing to defend their homes against these animals. When the day comes that they no longer have any fear and their prospects of riches from the cities are failing, they'll inevitably move on to the exurbs, then to the rural areas for their victims.
Unfortunately, the governments in the jurisdictions this is happening in would arrest and imprison those who try to stop the thieves. That's where America is today. People better begin preparing to defend their homes against these animals. When the day comes that they no longer have any fear and their prospects of riches from the cities are failing, they'll inevitably move on to the exurbs, then to the rural areas for their victims.
democratic america

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