Shopping while black

And this brings us to another unfortunate stereotype...

the stereotype of blacks as illiterate, ebonics spouting, racist morons.

Ahahahaa...Sure you try to pawn off your actions as being the actions of others. Riiiight
What actions, you illiterate goon?

As far as I can tell, the actions you're objecting to are the actions of the progressive swish nutcases that work @ Barney's. Take it up with them.
Maybe if you send some black panthers to stake out barney's, people will be less afraid of your hoodied brothers.
Barneys busted student for ?shopping while black? | New York Post

Since most on the Right think that racism went away when Obama took the Oath I thought I would drop some reality on them. Does this happen all the time? No, but this is an example of the problems blacks face while doing every day shit.

Cuz in most cases if black people have that kind of money on them it is from drug sales !!!

Still it is not the shop owners place to question where he got the money.

If that were the case how many hotel chains would go out of business if they questioned all the drug dealers that use their services.

Don't taze me cant see the racism in this post because you didn't plainly say you're a racist

It's not so much racism but fear of drug violence. When drug dealers go shopping witht heir money at some future point someone they owe money too is going to collect and create public violence while collecting.

I've seen white druggers in fist fights over being paid what they are owed. Most black on black crime statistics are 90% drug related.
Conservative asks: "what makes black men think they have the right to shop at Barnie's, let alone buy expensive clothes?"
Naw, the employees were liberals.

Conservatives don't care if the fags at Barney's are crapping their diapers.
Since most on the Right think that racism went away when Obama took the Oath I thought I would drop some reality on them. Does this happen all the time? No, but this is an example of the problems blacks face while doing every day shit.

A college student from Queens got more than he bargained for when he splurged on a $350 designer belt at Barneys — when a clerk had him cuffed apparently thinking the black teen couldn’t afford the pricey purchase, even though he had paid for it, a new lawsuit alleges.

“His only crime was being a young black man,” his attorney, Michael Palillo, told The Post.

Trayon Christian, 19, a NYC College of Technology freshman from Corona, went to the Madison Avenue fashion mecca in April to buy the Salvatore Ferragamo belt after saving up his paychecks from a part-time job at the college.

But as soon as he exited the luxury department store, undercover officers grabbed Christian and asked “how a young black man such as himself could afford to purchase such an expensive belt,” according to the suit, filed Tuesday in Manhattan Supreme Court.

A Barneys clerk, who had asked Christian for identification when he bought the belt, called police claiming the purchase was a fraud, the suit says.

Cops eventually called Chase, which verified that the card belonged to Christian, and they let him go.

Police sources said Christian has no arrest record.

Christian told The Post he returned the belt out of disgust over his treatment by the world-famous clothing store.

“I didn’t want to have anything to do with it,” he said, adding that he was first inspired to buy the accessory by Harlem rapper Juelz Santana who wears the Italian designer’s duds.

Christian said he’ll never shop at Barneys again.

He is suing both Barneys and the NYPD for unspecified damages.

Barneys did not immediately comment.

A spokeswoman for the city’s Law Department said she would review the claims once she received the suit

Uh Huh ... Smart kid ... Going win the race lottery.

Many years ago, when I worked retail, I was told to inform security that a black customer had paid for a bundle of firewood at the register, and was going to put it in his cart on his way out of the store. I never had to tell security a customer was on the level when numerous white customers did the same thing. Just one of many reasons why I hated that place.
I remember one time I was at Best Buy shopping, after I bought something and was walking out, some young black girl walked past me as I was exiting, the alarm went off and she turned around and said "that man wants to talk to you", referring to the security guy. I stood there and looked at the security guy while he just watched the girl run off and jump into a car full of black guys. Needless to say the security guard just shrugged and did nothing, even though it was obvious she just stole something.

Yea, shopping while black.
Barneys busted student for ?shopping while black? | New York Post

Since most on the Right think that racism went away when Obama took the Oath I thought I would drop some reality on them. Does this happen all the time? No, but this is an example of the problems blacks face while doing every day shit.

Oh boo fuckin' hoo! I often go into restaurants alone and unless I am a regular having gotten to know the wait staff, they won't wait on me because most waitresses think single women can't afford to pay for their lunch.

That's just like getting arrested. Are you ok?

I remember one time I was at Best Buy shopping, after I bought something and was walking out, some young black girl walked past me as I was exiting, the alarm went off and she turned around and said "that man wants to talk to you", referring to the security guy. I stood there and looked at the security guy while he just watched the girl run off and jump into a car full of black guys. Needless to say the security guard just shrugged and did nothing, even though it was obvious she just stole something.

Yea, shopping while black.

Car full of Black guys could've been armed.
Not worth the security guard's life to chase her.
She'll keep doing it, until one day she'll get caught.
And get caught she surely will, and be prosecuted.
Criminal record, and all that entails.
Her future life is not looking bright if she keeps on stealing.

Honest shoppers pay higher prices to cover the cost of items stolen from such stores.

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