Short History of Democratic Party and Why it is AntiAmerican


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Any history of the political system of the USA has to center on the evolution of the Democratic Party, which is the oldest existing political party in the world today. It was a coalition established by Andrew Jackson of urban political machines (immigrants and workers) and rural (farming/ranching) interests, with its chief opposition being the bankers and big businesses of the North East.

After a nadir in the post Civil War era, it re-emerged as a strong progressive party with an emphasis on pro-union policies, increased money supply, and urban populism based on party boss politics. While the Republicans built on a progressivism based on urban reform led by men like Henry Cabot Lodge Jr (NE elite), William Scranton (PA machine), George W. Romney (MW industrial) and Nelson Rockefeller (NE banking), these GOP reformers pushed the counter forces into alliance with unions in the Democratic Party and championed by populists like Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago. The election of FDR cemented the control of the Democratic Party by the urban political machines and brought it more firmly into the federal government. This urban criminal influence exploded under Lyndon B Johnsons Great Society programs. Thus the old ward boss system is still a primary driving force in the Democratic Party and its main strength in the major northern urban areas.

In the late 1960's the 'New Democrat' or 'New Left' movement, which was a neo-Marxist (Neo-Marxism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia), post-modern coalition of leftwing leaders that largely subscribed to the Frankfurt School (Frankfurt School - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) view of Western society and culture. These New Democrat elements took over the Democratic Party with the McGovern campaign's successful nomination run, and they symbolically sealed their victory by excluding Mayor Richard Daley from the 1972 national convention.

Daley's son, Richard M Daley, however forged a coalition of Democratic factions that welded the New Democratic left to the old ward boss political system and the repeated scandals and well known corruption of the Chicago political machine has continued unabated in its new evolved form. This has become the new model for urban Democratic machines across the country and has resulted in a complete neoMarxist take over of our nations public school systems from K6 all the way up to university graduate programs and faculty. Universities and colleges that once elevated and ennobled American working class men has now become the center of antiAmerican propaganda, hatred and rage against anything associated with traditional American culture.

So the Democratic Party has evolved from its Jacksonian roots to a neoMarxist populism. Contrast this description of Jacksonian Democrats to the neoMarxist Democrats of today.

Jacksonian democracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"More broadly, the term refers to the era of the Second Party System (mid-1830s–1854) characterized by a democratic spirit. It can be contrasted with the characteristics of Jeffersonian democracy. Jackson's equal political policy became known as "Jacksonian Democracy", subsequent to ending what he termed a "monopoly" of government by elites. Jeffersonians opposed inherited elites but favored educated men while the Jacksonians gave little weight to education. The Whigs were the inheritors of Jeffersonian Democracy in terms of promoting schools and colleges.[1] During the Jacksonian era, suffrage was extended to (nearly) all white male adult citizens.
In contrast to the Jeffersonian era, Jacksonian democracy promoted the strength of the presidency and executive branch at the expense of Congress, while also seeking to broaden the public's participation in government. They demanded elected (not appointed) judges and rewrote many state constitutions to reflect the new values. In national terms the Jacksonians favored geographical expansion, justifying it in terms of Manifest Destiny. There was usually a consensus among both Jacksonians and Whigs that battles over slavery should be avoided. The Jacksonian Era lasted roughly from Jackson's 1828 election until the slavery issue became dominant after 1850 and the American Civil War dramatically reshaped American politics as the Third Party System emerged."

In contrast, the 'New Left' has taken over the Democratic Party and its founders held this convention
Weather Underground - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"At this convention the Weatherman faction of the Students for a Democratic Society, planned for October 8–11, as a "National Action" built around John Jacobs' slogan, "bring the war home."[10] The National Action grew out of a resolution drafted by Jacobs and introduced at the October 1968 SDS National Council meeting in Boulder, Colorado. The resolution, titled "The Elections Don't Mean Shit—Vote Where the Power Is—Our Power Is In The Street" and adopted by the council, was prompted by the success of the Democratic National Convention protests in August 1968 and reflected Jacobs' strong advocacy of direct action.[11]

As part of the "National Action Staff," Jacobs was an integral part of the planning for what quickly came to be called "Four Days of Rage."[10] For Jacobs, the goal of the "Days of Rage" was clear:

"Weatherman would shove the war down their dumb, fascist throats and show them, while we were at it, how much better we were than them, both tactically and strategically, as a people. In an all-out civil war over Vietnam and other fascist U.S. imperialism, we were going to bring the war home. 'Turn the imperialists' war into a civil war', in Lenin's words. And we were going to kick ass".[12]

In July 1969, 30 members of Weatherman leadership traveled to Cuba and met with North Vietnamese representatives to gain from their revolutionary experience. The North Vietnamese requested armed political action in order to stop the U.S. government's war in Vietnam. Subsequently, they accepted funding, training, recommendations on tactics and slogans from Cuba, and perhaps explosives as well.[13]"

One of the key organizers of the Weatherman underground terrorists and traitors was Bill Ayers, a close friend and mentor to our current President, Barak Hussein Obama.

So the Democrats have come full circle, from a populist party that made a deal with the devil of urban political machines but hoped to keep it contained as they promoted what they saw as best for the people of the United States, to a neoMarxist elitism that is actively undermining the American people and promoting international corporate interests under the guise of being more tolerant of other cultures that invade this country and destroy its wage scales.

Andrew Jackson, Grover Cleveland, FDR and John F Kennedy would weep if they knew what the Democratic Party has become today, and would denounce them as the enemies of the American people that they have become.
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Enemy, eh? Ever consider speaking in other than hyperbolic terms?

Lol, did you read the post?

Didn't think so.

I know it is an awful hardship to ask of you libtards, but it might be a discussion if you knew what the hell you were talking about.
Another problem with this pervasive New Left culture is Critical Theory which says that it is impossible to view an issue with any degree of objectivity. It denies that there is an Absolute Truth to any issue and thus all conflict is essentially colored by prejudice and bias that are impossible to remove.

And so it promotes by implication that Truth is the product of ones ethnicity, gender and race. So instead of one unifying vision of objective Absolute Truth we all struggle toward to unify humanity, we have a different Truth for each group based on their gender ethnicity and race.

This is the essence of the racist point of view, and so racism is making a return to respectability in the modern psyche. And when white males accept this paradigm fully and start to preach unity and a version of Truth based solely on the white mans interest in ways parallel to what the other groups are now promoting among themselves, we will have a rebirth of the worst racism we have ever seen, far surpassing in evil what the Nazis ever promoted.
Too bad I can't vote republican as it is
1. Anti-science institutions like nasa, nws, cdc, fda and wants to do away with the epa. I like living in a country with high safety and air standards.
2. Doesn't want to pay to maintain our infrastructure
3. Doesn't value education for all Americans
4. Doesn't think we should be investing in finding other habitual planets or leading the world within science.

So no, there is two shit sandwitches. Just that the republican shit sandwitch sucks even more.
The Weathermen were a domestic terroritst group; how did Ayers get "rehabilitated" so quickly?

In 1997 Chicago awarded him its Citizen of the Year award for his work on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge project.[49]

William C. Ibershof, formerly the lead federal prosecutor in the Weather Underground case, wrote in 2008: "Although I dearly wanted to obtain convictions against all the Weathermen, including Bill Ayers, I am very pleased to learn that he has become a responsible citizen."[69]

Ayers was elected Vice President for Curriculum Studies by the American Educational Research Association in 2008.[70] William H. Schubert, a fellow professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, wrote that his election was "a testimony of [Ayers'] stature and [the] high esteem he holds in the field of education locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally."[71]

Wall Street Journal columnist Thomas Frank praised Ayers as a "model citizen" and a scholar whose "work is esteemed by colleagues of different political viewpoints."[72] Studs Terkel called Ayers' memoir "a deeply moving elegy to all those young dreamers who tried to live decently in an indecent world."[73]
Too bad I can't vote republican as it is
1. Anti-science institutions like nasa, nws, cdc, fda and wants to do away with the epa. I like living in a country with high safety and air standards.
2. Doesn't want to pay to maintain our infrastructure
3. Doesn't value education for all Americans
4. Doesn't think we should be investing in finding other habitual planets or leading the world within science.

So no, there is two shit sandwitches. Just that the republican shit sandwitch sucks even more.

I agree, the GOP is merely a second shit sandwich, but at least it has some cheese in there too, lol. I plan to get around to a short history of the GOP and why it is anti-American worker in another week or so.

As to your points:
1. The GOP doesn't want to get rid of these institutions, only roll them back a great deal. The corporate wing of the party wants them expanded to provide further obstacles to small businesses and keep them within the patronage system they control. The EPA needs to be keel hauled and rebuilt from the ground up, and the ATFE needs the same.
2. The GOP would love to pay for needed infrastructure repair as long as they can fit it into a pork program for someone on good terms with Boehner and McConnell.
3. The GOP does believe in quality education for all Americans and that is why they want a voucher system to allow for competition. As long as it has provisions for home schooling also, the best education we have today, I am in agreement, and also a firewall of separation between the receipt of government funding through customer use of said vouchers and any government control or application of Title X laws of various kinds must be firmly in place first.
4. I have no idea where you get that from. I am quite certain that John McCain often visits Mars personally.
The "New Left" hasn't existed since the 70s, and they've never been the "Democratic Party".

They ARE the Democratic Party and the rehabilitation of Bill Ayers, the Weathermen underground and the election of Obama prove it.

You think Obama is "New Left"?

Yes, behind the mask.

Obama is a corporate puppet. Just like every other President we've had in the last 40 years.

He's no more "New Left" than Bush was.

Dude, the New Left is corporate sponsored and always has been via institutions like the Ford Foundation. The New Left has done corporations the greatest service by breaking up middle class families and communities and turning them into mindless little consumers unmindful of their own history and culture. That way the corporations can sell them even cheaper shit made in Chicomia and Crackistan.
There is no longer a Democratic Party of FDR framework. They are socialist.

You think Obama is "New Left"?

Yes, behind the mask.

Obama is just another soundbite & smile, all we see in this era. Instead of SoS*, now SaS.

*My daddy loved SoS, that & spam.

It is hilarious to hear people talk about Obama as the first black President.

He is neither black nor does he have even a miniscule concern for the black community, other than getting their votes.

The black community has been exploited by the Obama Dimbocrats more than under the Jim Crow Democrats.

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