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Shots fired at Ferguson market after CNN broadcasts fake news & edited GGTV footage

You didn't destroy a thing you lying fuck the store reported the strong arm robbery which occurred the next night. Furthermore; we are not relying on the word of the officer we are relying on the forensic investigation and the DOJ report you fucking propagandist.

Except the Forensic investigation raises as many questions as it answers.

Such as, if Brown was "Charging" when he was shot at 12 times (8 of which hit) why is the space between blood spots on the pavement only 14 feet.

14 feet isn't even a leisurely stroll.

All the DOJ report said was that the DOJ couldn't make a civil rights charge. Quite right. It was up to the State to charge Wilson with murder and they failed to do so, because - again- suppressed evidence.

Moron...they had eyewitnesses ....black eyewitnesses who actually testified at the grand jury.....moron....
Joe is a pure idiot. He changes the narrative to fit what he wants it to be.

He got his ass handed to him in this thread. A real man would admit defeat and leave. But he keeps getting up and staggering around, like a that poor street fighter trying to impress his friends after getting his ass kicked repeatedly by a trained fighter.
Shove your edited video up your lying ass, this has the real footage:

Except nowhere does it show Brown taking back his baggie.. And he puts the bag behind the counter for safekeeping.

That the store clerks decided to rip him off after the fact is irrelevent.

The video in no way shows them taking the weed you lying cock sucker.

Was it entered into evidence with the Grand Jury?

Prove that it wasn't, prove that the investigators even had the tape bitch.
Now fucking kill yourself you lying little faggot.

Wow... you are using Wikipedia as a source? Really?

So.....you just said someone reported a robbery at the store.......moron. So the cop was responding to a robbery call...moron.......he saw two idiots matching the description in the robbery.....moron.....

Except where are the dispatch calls to his HQ "Suspects sighted going down Main, approaching with caution.' Or calling for back up if he had two robbery suspects who may or may not have been armed.

Nope, he says he approached the way he approached jaywalkers.. No, really. Because, clearly, they should both be handled the same way...

So......did he take the cigars the next day? Yes...that too is on the video....did he shove the guy at the store? Yes......

He shoved the guy after he laid hands on him. Again, knowing that there was a prior relationship (that the DA hid) between Brown and the Clerks changes the entire context.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have selectively edited the record.

Yeah...not what the grand jury testimony says ....

A Grand Jury that is increasingly looking like a farce.
Moron...they had eyewitnesses ....black eyewitnesses who actually testified at the grand jury.....moron....

You mean like Witness #40, who was put on the stand despite a history of mental illness and racism?

"Witness 40": Exposing A Fraud In Ferguson

DECEMBER 15--The grand jury witness who testified that she saw Michael Brown pummel a cop before charging at him “like a football player, head down,” is a troubled, bipolar Missouri woman with a criminal past who has a history of making racist remarks and once insinuated herself into another high-profile St. Louis criminal case with claims that police eventually dismissed as a “complete fabrication,” The Smoking Gun has learned.

In interviews with police, FBI agents, and federal and state prosecutors--as well as during two separate appearances before the grand jury that ultimately declined to indict Officer Darren Wilson--the purported eyewitness delivered a preposterous and perjurious account fatal encounter in Ferguson.

"Witness 40": Exposing A Fraud In Ferguson
He got his ass handed to him in this thread. A real man would admit defeat and leave. But he keeps getting up and staggering around, like a that poor street fighter trying to impress his friends after getting his ass kicked repeatedly by a trained fighter.

Really, all I see in this thread are a bunch of racists reminding us they are horrible people.
:banana::):):)We are eagerly preparing for the hot weather months in the squalid ghettos of the kinky-haired, red-eyed, monkey-lipped, violent, no-IQ buhneega horde with their jutting upthrust buttocks.

This is the year that we take back our country, PERMANENTLY, from the stinking unclean thugbos and 400-pound screeching babymommas.

As our heroic President Trump has promised, we will come down HARD on the loathsome, babyshaking night crawlers.

Our implements will be standard-issue 22-inch hard rubber batons, Louisville Sluggers, pick handles and the hardwood stocks of our assault rifles. BAM! POW! WHAP! BANG! WHACK! STOMP1 STOMP! STOMP!

Yeeeeeee HAW!!!

America for REAL Americans! Feral hoogabooga mudskins GET OUT!

Know what we mean?
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He got his ass handed to him in this thread. A real man would admit defeat and leave. But he keeps getting up and staggering around, like a that poor street fighter trying to impress his friends after getting his ass kicked repeatedly by a trained fighter.

Really, all I see in this thread are a bunch of racists reminding us they are horrible people.
No we're not. You are!
:banana::):):)We are eagerly preparing for the hot weather months in the squalid ghettos of the kinky-haired, red-eyed, monkey-lipped, violent, no-IQ buhneega horde with their jutting upthrust buttocks.

This is the year that we take back our country, PERMANENTLY, from the stinking unclean thugbos and 400-pound screeching babymommas.

As our heroic President Trump has promised, we will come down HARD on the loathsome, babyshaking night crawlers.

Our implements will be standard-issue 22-inch hard rubber batons, Louisville Sluggers, pick handles and the hardwood stocks of our assault rifles. BAM! POW! WHAP! BANG! WHACK! STOMP1 STOMP! STOMP!

Yeeeeeee HAW!!!

America for REAL Americans! Feral hoogabooga mudskins GET OUT!

Know what we mean?

Thank you for this post, Bernie Sanders!!!

You still sound like a fake 'progressive' trying to come off as a 'white racist', though, but we enjoyed your first rather juvenile attempt at false flagging anyway. It was cute.
Wow... you are using Wikipedia as a source? Really?

What's wrong with that? Wikipedia has a list of sources where the information was found at the bottom. Wikipedia is nothing more than a one-stop shop for a bunch of information. Wikipedia is never a source, it's a location.

In fact, knocking the source when it's something as reliable as wikipedia when you've come up with absolutely nothing to back up your assertions is the sign of dying flopping fish.
In fact, knocking the source when it's something as reliable as wikipedia when you've come up with absolutely nothing to back up your assertions is the sign of dying flopping fish.

Guy, your source isn't reliable... and it didn't even say what he said it did.

But thanks for continuing to avoid the point.

So why did the Police lie about the interactions between Brown and the Store employees?
Why did blacks lie and say that he was going after the cops gun if he had in fact his hands up saying don't shoot?
So let me try to understand the liberal mind. Brown was a Boy Scout because he was only selling drugs and assaulting an old man? Even though the clearly edited and highly manipulated video proves nothing other than Brown didn't pay for his goods, try to leave the store and assaulted an elderly store clerk on the way out.

Nevertheless it is meaningless. The store clerk called the police and made a robbery report. Wilson stopped the over sized animal and the animal attacked. Case closed!

But that was the point. The store clerk/owner didn't report the robbery.. because then it would come out they were dealing drugs.

Here's the more important question. Why did the Ferguson PD and the State's attorney hide this information for nearly two years?

Of course, Wilson wasn't responding to a "robbery", he was hassling two black kids walking on the street because in your America, that's okay.

He tried to exchange weed for tge cigarrelos, the clerk refused, later he attacked a cop, hands up don't shoot is a lie used to bolster the racist terrorist organization known as BLM, but black lies don't matter.

There isn't even any reliable source for the weed fantasy, it's just some more made up crap Hillarylosers invent daily and post.
What Michael Dirt Nap Brown did in the store is irrelevant.

then why is the Right Wing so upset about this?

What this shows is that the police lied. they claimed he robbed the store, not that he was in a dispute with the people who worked there over a minor drug buy.

This film does answer a lot of questions, like why he reached behind the counter to "steal" the cigarellos. (Because they were his and he knew where they were.) Why didn't the store owner report the supposed "Robbery"? (Obviously, because he didn't want to explain to the cops that his employees were dealing drugs behind the counter). Why did the cops hide this video? (Because it undermined their narrative that Officer Darren McShooty was responding to a robbery, and not just hassling black kids on the street.)
Liar. Nothing supports you nigscuses.
Now fucking kill yourself you lying little faggot.

Wow... you are using Wikipedia as a source? Really?

Do you know what a citation is you stupid little faggot? See that "50" after the paragraphs? It's called a citation which links to the NYTs which in turn is referencing the DOJ report you fucking retard:

In an 86-page report released Wednesday that detailed and evaluated the testimony of more than 40 witnesses, the Justice Department largely corroborated or found little credible evidence to contradict the account of the officer, Darren Wilson, who is white.

Versions of events that sharply conflicted with Mr. Wilson’s were largely inconsistent with forensic evidence or with the witnesses’ previous statements, the report said. And in some cases, witnesses whose accounts supported Mr. Wilson said they had been afraid to come forth or tell the truth because they feared reprisals from the enraged community.

Darren Wilson Is Cleared of Rights Violations in Ferguson Shooting

So like I said fucking kill yourself dipshit.
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Do you know what a citation is you stupid little faggot? See that "50" after the paragraphs? It's called a citation which links to the NYTs which in turn is referencing the DOJ report you fucking retard:

Again, you aren't proving anything.

The DOJ said they couldn't bring civil rights charges.

They didn't say, "Wow, Darren McShooty is a super cop. We don't know why we ever got him wrong".

And given that Ferguson PD has been caught- again- manipulating evidence, there's really not much credibility here.

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