Shots fired at Ft. Lauderdale Hollywood airport. 5 casualties as of now

Wellllll....the steam of the left wing nut jobs is almost isn't a white guy, it isn't a Trump supporter, he didn't use an "Assault Rifle" and the gun.....may have only held 9 rounds, so they can't even complain about magazine capacity.....and.....He might be a muslim....

Nothing to see here.......

Everybody click your heels together three times and murmur in unison:

"We don't have a gun culture..."
"We don't have a gun culture..."
"We don't have a gun culture..."
"We don't have a gun culture..."
but we do have a gun culture, except in places like airports and schools and other gun free zones where clicking ones heels together seems to be the mind set and where these things seem to be occurring in epidemic proportion.
The religion of peace. Since they haven't said anything else, you know that's the deal.

Everybody click your heels together three times and murmur in unison:

"We don't have a gun culture..."
"We don't have a gun culture..."
"We don't have a gun culture..."
"We don't have a gun culture..."
but we do have a gun culture, except in places like airports and schools and other gun free zones where clicking ones heels together seems to be the mind set and where these things seem to be occurring in epidemic proportion. isn't an epidemic...according to Mother Jones and their count of mass public shootings.....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2016: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation


Those are the number of mass public that is hardly and epidemic of any kind.....
15,000 murders in the US each year. Americans killing Americans. About one third of homicide victims are related to their killer.

And yet your propaganda outlets have you shitting your pants over Muslims.

You have more to fear from the people sitting down to dinner with you than Muslims.

Shit, you are twice as likely to be killed by lightning than be killed by a Muslim. Better stay inside, pants shitters!

You have more to fear from the people sitting down to dinner with you than Muslims. have more to fear if you are sitting down to dinner with a convicted felon or known gang member....and if they abuse alcohol or drugs your chances of dying increase.....

If you sit down with a normal, law abiding gun have nothing to worry about.

I have nothing to fear sitting down to dinner with anyone. I'm armed.
I love your posts.....they are so well thought out and some more... I am sure everyone is just waiting for your next words of wisdom and enlightenment.....
I see that you have given a soft and empty response. You're calling me stupid and yet YOU are the one who thinks Mexico is going to pay us back for the wall. Please explain how Trump is going to get them to pay us back.

He has any number of ways to force them to pay...they need was you morons who keep saying he can't do things...and then he does them....
What else has Trump done so far except lower the value of several American companies with his tweets? And don't give this he's keeping jobs in America BS

Like who?
Well, for one....

Impact of a Trump tweet: Lockheed Martin lost $4 billion in market value
I think every dog should have a boy.
Wow...what a great are really talented.....
Don't start crying on me now you Repug piece of shit traitor to your country. Go suck Putin's cock

I love your posts.....they are so well thought out and some more... I am sure everyone is just waiting for your next words of wisdom and enlightenment.....
I see that you have given a soft and empty response. You're calling me stupid and yet YOU are the one who thinks Mexico is going to pay us back for the wall. Please explain how Trump is going to get them to pay us back.

He has any number of ways to force them to pay...they need was you morons who keep saying he can't do things...and then he does them....
What else has Trump done so far except lower the value of several American companies with his tweets? And don't give this he's keeping jobs in America BS

The butthurt is strong with you.

Everybody click your heels together three times and murmur in unison:

"We don't have a gun culture..."
"We don't have a gun culture..."
"We don't have a gun culture..."
"We don't have a gun culture..."
but we do have a gun culture, except in places like airports and schools and other gun free zones where clicking ones heels together seems to be the mind set and where these things seem to be occurring in epidemic proportion.
Epidemic? Nah. Way too frequently though.

He may have an Hispanic name but he has a Muslim beard....sure looks like a Muslim to me.
Muslims clean shave their mustache just like this punk.
Same TardLogic™

LIBTARD: Too many guns have killed Americans. We must ban guns!

PSEUDOCON: Too many Muslims have killed Americans. We must ban Muslims!

No one wants to ban Muslims idiot. Trump wants to halt immigration of Muslims from terrorist or middle eastern war torn nations until they can be vetted.
Same TardLogic™

LIBTARD: Too many guns have killed Americans. We must ban guns!

PSEUDOCON: Too many Muslims have killed Americans. We must ban Muslims!

No one wants to ban Muslims idiot. Trump wants to halt immigration of Muslims from terrorist or middle eastern war torn nations until they can be vetted.
G5000 is too stupid to get the logic. He's a leftist after all.
Same TardLogic™

LIBTARD: Too many guns have killed Americans. We must ban guns!

PSEUDOCON: Too many Muslims have killed Americans. We must ban Muslims!

No one wants to ban Muslims idiot. Trump wants to halt immigration of Muslims from terrorist or middle eastern war torn nations until they can be vetted.

You haven't read this topic, have you.

A family member just stated he was a practicing Muslim. There you go libs!
Same TardLogic™

LIBTARD: Too many guns have killed Americans. We must ban guns!

PSEUDOCON: Too many Muslims have killed Americans. We must ban Muslims!

No....we have to vet muslims from countries that are awash in terrorism...and if we can't vet them, we don't let them in...I know that is a hard concept for people like you....but that is how intelligent people keep people safe...
We do vet them. I know Trump hoaxed you into bleeving we don't, but we do.

The really sick part of all this is that you fucking sick motherfuckers have conflated the refugees fleeing terrorism with the terrorists. These people have more reason to hate the terrorists than you do, but you fucking pants shitting assholes want to throw them back to their deaths.

There is a special place in hell reserved for you, right next to the assholes who refused the Jewish refugees from Hitler's Germany.

No Moron, they don't get vetted. Empty headed idiots like you believe that bull shit.
How do you vet people from a war zone where both sides fighting are Muslim?
What else has Trump done so far except lower the value of several American companies with his tweets? And don't give this he's keeping jobs in America BS

He isn't President yet....what don't you understand about that.....?
I didn't say he was. Your'e the one who said he's getting things done. I'm asking you what those things are. And then you are deflecting because you know he has done nothing

Wow...I am get better and better......
I see that you have no intelligent response to offer. Now go suck Putin's cock you Repug piece of shit traitor to your country.
You have been having some of the most glorious meltdowns I've ever seen on this site! Keep 'em coming, bro!

It's the butthurt. It's eating him alive.
Same TardLogic™

LIBTARD: Too many guns have killed Americans. We must ban guns!

PSEUDOCON: Too many Muslims have killed Americans. We must ban Muslims!

No....we have to vet muslims from countries that are awash in terrorism...and if we can't vet them, we don't let them in...I know that is a hard concept for people like you....but that is how intelligent people keep people safe...
We do vet them. I know Trump hoaxed you into bleeving we don't, but we do.

The really sick part of all this is that you fucking sick motherfuckers have conflated the refugees fleeing terrorism with the terrorists. These people have more reason to hate the terrorists than you do, but you fucking pants shitting assholes want to throw them back to their deaths.

There is a special place in hell reserved for you, right next to the assholes who refused the Jewish refugees from Hitler's Germany.

No Moron, they don't get vetted. Empty headed idiots like you believe that bull shit.
You've been lied to. You drank the piss. It's what you tards do. And then you get back in line for more, until the cool waters of truth taste like poison.

Nothing can be done for you. Sorry!

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