Shots fired at Ft. Lauderdale Hollywood airport. 5 casualties as of now

Esteban Santiago has been identified as the gunman who opened fire at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport

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The Zimmerman syndrome hits Florida again! I wonder if he will use the Stand your Ground defense when he gores to trial?
Waiting to hear if he attended a mosque anywhere or just a whacko off his meds.
Asswipe flew in from Canada. Had a military ID. Checked his gun in Canada, retrieved it here and started shooting. I am now going out on a limb and say his name is fake and so is the military ID, described as a slender dark haired man!

OMG that little kitty avatar you have is so f n cute!!!!!

It probably is fake information, and or so many rumors going around right now it's all accumulating as one thing.
This could be anything from a disgruntled passenger to an angry Trump supporter

Why would a Trump supporter be angry...moron....he won...

The only violence we have seen is anti Trump violence....the most recent were the 4 blacks torturing a handicapped White teenager and yelling anti white, anti Trump crap at him.......and the organized violence created by bob craemer and scott foval on orders from the Democrat National Committee and the hilary clinton campaign...which they admitted to on video....

Do you just pretend to be this stupid on the internet...or are you actually this stupid in real life?
The Trump supporter that did this was probably angry that Trump has decided to make America pay for the wall. I bet you didn't even consider that, huh, smartypants?

Everybody click your heels together three times and murmur in unison:

"We don't have a gun culture..."
"We don't have a gun culture..."
"We don't have a gun culture..."
"We don't have a gun culture..."

We don't. We have a violence problem.

No charge for the education. You're welcome.

Indeed we do, and a masculinity problem.
But it's certainly not limited to guns; witness the everyday incidents of attacks with baseball bats, truncheons and shillelaghs. Clearly we have a shillelagh culture too.

Everybody click your heels together three times and murmur in unison:

"We don't have a gun culture..."
"We don't have a gun culture..."
"We don't have a gun culture..."
"We don't have a gun culture..."

We don't. We have a violence problem.

No charge for the education. You're welcome.

Indeed we do, and a masculinity problem.
But it's certainly not limited to guns; witness the everyday incidents of attacks with baseball bats, truncheons and shillelaghs. Clearly we have a shillelagh culture too.

You can't be educated. Don't know why I try.
Oh now the media doesn't want to call him a terrorist so now they call him a " White Hispanic" lmfao.

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Joe Biggs ‏@Rambobiggs 5m5 minutes ago
This is the shooter from today. Apparently they are calling him a "White Hispanic"

He is White all right. Blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin and an aura of slyness! Nice makeup ehhhhh?

Yeah, he does have an air of privilege about him doesn't he?
Sure he does, even those unwashed denizens of innumerable trailer parks have the same phony "airs."
"En Ft. Lauderdale, monitoreando el tiroteo con las autoridades. Hablé con Senor Trump
y directores de aeropuertos de FL." - Statement by El Gubernator Del Florida, Senor Rick Scott

Everybody click your heels together three times and murmur in unison:

"We don't have a gun culture..."
"We don't have a gun culture..."
"We don't have a gun culture..."
"We don't have a gun culture..."

We don't. We have a violence problem.

No charge for the education. You're welcome.

Pogo has the gun problem and it impairs his thinking.

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