Zone1 Should A Handful Of Billionaires Own More Wealth Than The Bottom 50% Of All Americans?

When we went to bed, we skipped across the cold, past the ice on the inside of the window, and climbed into bed under the covers. You curled up into a ball, huffed for 5 minutes until it warmed up enough so you stick your head out of the covers. Despite radiators appearing in the 70's, mother and father just heated the living room via the gas fire. In the kitchen, the gas cooker oven was left on low to keep the chill off the room. In those days, it was colder and colder for much much longer.

My dad insisted on a warm house and plenty of food. We didn't have a car, so we were spared that expense. My dad walked to work for 10 years (with a sack lunch) before we finally got one, nearly two miles each way, winter and summer.
We didn't get bikes until we were 14 or so. We walked or took the city buses. Thankfully we lived near the city center.
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When we went to bed, we skipped across the cold, past the ice on the inside of the window, and climbed into bed under the covers. You curled up into a ball, huffed for 5 minutes until it warmed up enough so you stick your head out of the covers. Despite radiators appearing in the 70's, mother and father just heated the living room via the gas fire. In the kitchen, the gas cooker oven was left on low to keep the chill off the room. In those days, it was colder and colder for much much longer.

I can beat that

We had a B&W TV with no remote!
The term "right of the poor" doesn't equate to "rights" in your convoluted brain?

You have a Biblical verse that mentions housing, food, healthcare, education and employment are human rights of the poor?

The homeless are entitled to be housed according to God.

You already said you wouldn't give up your house to the poor.

If society decides that every one of its members have a right to housing, then that's how it's going to be.

Ping me when society decides that. LOL!

You have a Biblical verse that mentions housing, food, healthcare, education, and employment are human rights of the poor?

You're a disingenuous polemicist that just likes to bicker and argue. You think you're witty but you're not, you just come across as dishonest and desperate.

Yes, I already cited multiple times, the verses that explicitly state how God wants us to treat the poor:

Isa 58:6 Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?
Isa 58:7 Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?
Isa 58:8 Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the LORD shall be thy rereward.

God identifies what he considers to be our appropriate response to the hungry and homeless in the above verses and several others. To feed and house them is what he expects. Jesus expands upon this in Matthew 25:41-43:

Mat 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
Mat 25:42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
Mat 25:43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

Todd's refusal to feed and house the homeless results in him going to hell. The poor are entitled to food and housing, according to the God you pretend to worship and serve.

You already said you wouldn't give up your house to the poor.

First of all, the God of the Bible, doesn't command anyone to "give up" their homes to anyone, including the homeless. God wants us to feed and house the homeless, and we can do that by using our government to feed and house them. We can eliminate all homelessness by considering every member of our society entitled to food, housing and employment in the public sector. It's that simple, but you complicate it because you're an asshole.

Ping me when society decides that. LOL!

In a society that holds elections, if the majority of people want to recognize food, housing, and employment as human rights, then that's what will happen, despite pubtards like you.
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You vote for the body that determines the tax structure

Yes indeed, but once the law is established by the majority, you don't have the right to break the law by choosing not to pay taxes. Are laws passed through legislative bodies elected by the people? Yes but whatever those elected officials establish as the law, is binding upon all of us. We're obligated to abide by the law. The people have the right to change the law if they follow an official process to do that.
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You have a Biblical verse that mentions housing, food, healthcare, education, and employment are human rights of the poor?

You're a disingenuous polemicist that just likes to bicker and argue. You think you're witty but you're not, you just come across as dishonest and desperate.

Yes, I already cited multiple times, the verses that explicitly state how God wants us to treat the poor:

Isa 58:6 Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?
Isa 58:7 Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?
Isa 58:8 Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the LORD shall be thy rereward.

God identifies what he considers to be our appropriate response to the hungry and homeless in the above verses and several others. To feed and house them is what he expects. Jesus expands upon this in Matthew 25:41-43:

Mat 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
Mat 25:42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
Mat 25:43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

Todd's refusal to feed and house the homeless results in him going to hell. The poor are entitled to food and housing, according to the God you pretend to worship and serve.

You already said you wouldn't give up your house to the poor.

First of all, the God of the Bible, doesn't command anyone to "give up" their homes to anyone, including the homeless. God wants us to feed and house the homeless, and we can do that by using our government to feed and house them. We can eliminate all homelessness by considering every member of our society entitled to food, housing and employment in the public sector. It's that simple, but you complicate it because you're an asshole.

Ping me when society decides that. LOL!

In a society that holds elections, if the majority of people want to recognize food, housing, and employment as human rights, then that's what will happen, despite pubtards like you.

Yes, I already cited multiple times, the verses that explicitly state how God wants us to treat the poor:

Right. But you still haven't posted any that backed up your claim.

First of all, the God of the Bible, doesn't command anyone to "give up" their homes to anyone,

You're the commie, why haven't you already taken some homeless into your home?
You could squeeze at least a couple into your place.

From each according to bla...bla...bla

In a society that holds elections, if the majority of people want to recognize food, housing, and employment as human rights, then that's what will happen,

Ping me when the majority wants that.
Yes indeed, but once the law is established by the majority, you don't have the right to break the law by choosing not to pay taxes. Are laws passed through legislative bodies elected by the people? Yes but whatever those elected officials establish as the law, is binding upon all of us. We're obligated to abide by the law.
It is part of being part of a Democratic Society
Its not all about you
Yes, I already cited multiple times, the verses that explicitly state how God wants us to treat the poor:

Right. But you still haven't posted any that backed up your claim.

First of all, the God of the Bible, doesn't command anyone to "give up" their homes to anyone,

You're the commie, why haven't you already taken some homeless into your home?
You could squeeze at least a couple into your place.

From each according to bla...bla...bla

In a society that holds elections, if the majority of people want to recognize food, housing, and employment as human rights, then that's what will happen,

Ping me when the majority wants that.

I've adequately shown from the bible how God entitles the poor to food and housing, you're just in denial.

I don't have to allow homeless strangers to live in my home to be a good communist. What I do have to support is the state, providing the homeless with housing and everything they need to live and get back on their feet. That's what a good communist does. I also participate in programs with a local church, to feed and find housing for the homeless, as I've already expressed in earlier posts. I have experience working with the homeless, at the level of a counselor and social worker.
It is part of being part of a Democratic Society
Its not all about you

Right, and you said that you don't have to pay taxes. But if the law states you do, then you have to pay taxes. If you don't want to pay taxes, then you have to convince the majority of people to follow the official process to legally eliminate the legal obligation to pay taxes (getting enough signatures from the public, to get a bill voted on and hopefully passed through congress, voting in an election for politicians that agree with your position on taxes..etc). That's how you do it. If you don't do it that way, you may go to jail. The grey bar hotel.
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I think most illegals that do find work are smart enough to demand fair wages. In the west immigrants have virtually taken over the building trades, making very good money.
Naah. They have destroyed the traded by cratering pay. The illegals generally work under the table for cash, and rarely bother with things like payroll taxes, insurance, or permits.
Naah. They have destroyed the traded by cratering pay. The illegals generally work under the table for cash, and rarely bother with things like payroll taxes, insurance, or permits.

You said my views are stupid. Why?
Naah. They have destroyed the traded by cratering pay. The illegals generally work under the table for cash, and rarely bother with things like payroll taxes, insurance, or permits.
Those illegals that pay $12billion in taxes each year don't work for cash under the table.
It won't work. People aren't wired for it.

Reminds me of an Alaskan Inuit who rejected oil heat because he liked cutting firewood. To pay for the oil he would have to get a job that he didn't like. He would rather be in the woods cutting firewood.
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It won't work. People aren't wired for it.

The new generation is, not 80-year-old millionaires like yourself. More, when people start getting hungry and become homeless as a result of technology taking their jobs, they'll wake up to the fact that the only way to resolve the problem is by adopting a new mode of production, namely, a non-profit, socialized, democratized system based on the same technology that took their jobs. The people will own the means of production (the robots, facilities..etc), together, collectively. You and perhaps myself, won't be here to see it. I'm 49 now, and I'll be 50 in February, so maybe if I'm lucky, I will live another 30 years, but I will probably kick the bucket before then. It will be my children, and grandchildren, that will live in this new world. The "wiring" is already present, because humanity lived in communism for tens of thousands of years before the advent of agriculture, when we were hunter-gatherers.



Mankind was communist for most of its history and when technology eliminates wage-labor, it will quickly adapt to a modern, technologically based version of it, quite easily, especially when the alternative is slavery and/or death.







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