Zone1 Should A Handful Of Billionaires Own More Wealth Than The Bottom 50% Of All Americans?

Yeah, there are always going to be people richer, stronger, faster, smarter, healthier and whatever than you are. That's life. It ain't fair. It never has been. Whining and asking someone to provide you with what you are too lazy or stupid to attain for yourself won't make any difference. There has never been a successful communist society on earth. Parasites that want what other folks have earned.

You said: That's life. It ain't fair. It never has been. Whining and asking someone to provide you with what you are too lazy or stupid to attain for yourself won't make any difference.

If it wasn't for socialism there would be no more capitalism. Socialism bails out the capitalists every few years. Have you ever heard of the business boom and bust cycle? Every few years capitalist market bubbles burst, requiring the government to use public funds to save the "too big to fail":

You rich folks don't want to work, you just want to leech off of other people's labor.
Run along. I've no time for your fantasies.

Now you're in denial. It was socialists and communists who organized the labor unions and strikes that compelled the American ruling elite to work with FDR to establish the new deal. We were on the brink of fighting a second civil war in the 1930s, due to the great depression. It's you who is deluded if you think otherwise. You wouldn't be collecting that Social Security check or have Medicare if not for American leftists.
You're a misinformed parasite. I have seen and personally known people who were self made. When you get dry behind the ears and quit whining about what you don't have and WORK to build something, you may make something of yourself as well.

You shouldn't complain when the working-class people of this country strip the rich leeches and parasites of everything they have through the exploitation of others.
Like 'projects' in the ghettos?

Under this capitalist system, we could house everyone who is homeless provided that the courts allow the adjudication of drug addicts, forcing them into rehab or a mental institution for treatment. This will avoid the housing from becoming a drug and crime-infested ghetto. I'm not for defunding the police, I'm for equipping them with everything they need to purge the streets of thugs and drugs. Real socialists would get rid of crime quickly.
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Now you're in denial. It was socialists and communists who organized the labor unions and strikes that compelled the American ruling elite to work with FDR to establish the new deal. We were on the brink of fighting a second civil war in the 1930s, due to the great depression. It's you who is deluded if you think otherwise. You wouldn't be collecting that Social Security check or have Medicare if not for American leftists.
Yeah, I collect SS but if it went away tomorrow, I wouldn't miss it. It is not income I depend on. Hard work, proper financial decisions and perseverance is what built our nest egg. What do you do for a living besides whine about what other people have that you don't.
Yeah, I collect SS but if it went away tomorrow, I wouldn't miss it. It is not income I depend on. Hard work, proper financial decisions and perseverance is what built our nest egg. What do you do for a living besides whine about what other people have that you don't.
Take your Medicare, SS, and everything that you have that has come through the hard work of leftists, fighting for the working class, and throw it away grandpa. You're an ingrate. As a worker, you had rights, and that allowed you to work and make a good living. Those rights that you enjoyed were thanks to leftists, who fought for you to have those rights. Whenever there was a recession and the capitalists needed socialism to help them (the government to bail them out with public funds), socialism was there ready to make sure the "too big to fail" don't fail. Capitalism relies on socialism to exist.

Under this capitalist system, we could house everyone who is homeless provided that the courts allow the adjudication of drug addicts, forcing them into rehab or a mental institution for treatment. This will avoid the housing from becoming a drug and crime-infested ghetto. I'm not for defunding the police, I'm for equipping them with everything they need to purge the streets of thugs and drugs. Real socialists would get rid of crime quickly.
You dont sound like a typical commie

If we take all the drug addicts off the street very few homeless would remain

But we dont owe them a government provided place to live

In california the housing shortage is caused by stupid democrat policy
You dont sound like a typical commie

If we take all the drug addicts off the street very few homeless would remain

But we dont owe them a government provided place to live

In california the housing shortage is caused by stupid democrat policy
We can't ignore homelessness and the open-ended street crime that we see today, it is much more expensive than resolving it. We should house the homeless and institutionalize drug addicts and the mentally ill. We need to be tough on crime, making the sell of hard drugs, like heroin, cocaine, crack, meth, and street fentanyl. etc, a capital crime.
Take your Medicare, SS, and everything that you have that has come through the hard work of leftists, fighting for the working class, and throw it away grandpa. You're an ingrate. As a worker, you had rights, and that allowed you to work and make a good living. Those rights that you enjoyed were thanks to leftists, who fought for you to have those rights. Whenever there was a recession and the capitalists needed socialism to help them (the government to bail them out with public funds), socialism was there ready to make sure the "too big to fail" don't fail. Capitalism relies on socialism to exist.

They weren't rights. They were transactions. I didn't have a right to work. It was a mutual agreement; a transaction.
They weren't rights. They were transactions. I didn't have a right to work. It was a mutual agreement; a transaction.

I wasn't referring to a "right to work", although that would be a good idea. I believe employment should be a human right for every member of a modern, civilized society. I was referring to the rights of workers in America, which were fought for by American leftists. Socialists, Communists, Unionists, (let's just say "leftists), organized labor unions, protests, and strikes, which led to many legal victories for the working class. The New Deal of the 1930s, wouldn't have happened without all of the mass protests and strikes of the great depression, mostly organized and led by leftists.








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The American capitalist-backed forces in Vietnam, ruined lives and killed countless innocent people. Carpet bombing villages, forests, and cities, with napalm and agent orange. The Korean war also saw a lot of innocent people dying at the hands of American "capitalist" forces.
lol...and under communism that is called a victory :abgg2q.jpg: ... is also why communists instituted "medical procedures" in America that kill Americans in the womb, of course communists do not view them as "innocent victims"...
It is the one place where communists stand a chance against their enemy
I wasn't referring to a "right to work", although that would be a good idea. I believe employment should be a human right for every member of a modern, civilized society.
That doesn't sound any different. What's the difference between the two?
That doesn't sound any different. What's the difference between the two?

A right to work is not the same as the rights that workers have once they're employed. Employment can be conditional, whereas, their rights once employed are guaranteed and protected by law. Got it? You may not have a right to employment, but once you're employed and become an employee, you have rights as an employee that must be respected. Your employer is obligated to respect your rights as a worker, once you are employed. That is not the same as having a right to employment. A right to be employed is another issue, which I support. I believe every member of our society should be granted the right to be employed in the public sector.
A right to work is not the same as the rights that workers have once they're employed. Employment can be conditional, whereas, their rights once employed are guaranteed and protected by law. Got it? You may not have a right to employment, but once you're employed and become an employee, you have rights as an employee that must be respected. Your employer is obligated to respect your rights as a worker, once you are employed. That is not the same as having a right to employment. A right to be employed is another issue, which I support. I believe every member of our society should be granted the right to be employed in the public sector.
Isn't that covered under the transaction; the mutual agreement of employment? Do you see a lot of workers in America being exploited? Because I'm not seeing any protests.
Isn't that covered under the transaction; the mutual agreement of employment? Do you see a lot of workers in America being exploited? Because I'm not seeing any protests.

Under this capitalist-run system, most people need to sell their labor power (their lives, presence, their time), to a capitalist boss. You have no choice unless you have the capital to avoid doing that. Becoming an employee vs starving to death or homelessness, isn't much of a choice. If someone puts a gun to your head and tells you to give them your wallet, do you really have a choice? You are forced under capitalism to work in a totalitarian, dictatorial environment. Most employees don't have much say in how the workplace is run. No elections are held in the capitalist workplace, as in politics, where we get to cast our vote. Most working-class people have been conditioned by the wealthy ruling class to believe that the current arrangement between capitalist employers and employees is the only way to have a job or to produce anything, and that's simply not true. The working class is asleep, it doesn't realize that it doesn't need to work under unelected and unaccountable capitalist bosses or employer lords.
Under this capitalist-run system, most people need to sell their labor power (their lives, presence, their time), to a capitalist boss. You have no choice unless you have the capital to avoid doing that. Becoming an employee vs starving to death or homelessness, isn't much of a choice. If someone puts a gun to your head and tells you to give them your wallet, do you really have a choice? You are forced under capitalism to work in a totalitarian, dictatorial environment. Most employees don't have much say in how the workplace is run. No elections are held in the capitalist workplace, as in politics, where we get to cast our vote. Most working-class people have been conditioned by the wealthy ruling class to believe that the current arrangement between capitalist employers and employees is the only way to have a job or to produce anything, and that's simply not true. The working class is asleep, it doesn't realize that it doesn't need to work under unelected and unaccountable capitalist bosses or employer lords.
I'm not seeing the connection to forced to do a job and no choices. Who is doing the forcing? Who is putting the gun to their head? Where are the protests?
I'm not seeing the connection to forced to do a job and no choices. Who is doing the forcing? Who is putting the gun to their head? Where are the protests?
There aren't massive protests at the moment but that doesn't imply that workers aren't being exploited. For over a hundred years after the civil war, American blacks were mistreated, discriminated against, segregated, forced to sit at the back of the bus, or barred from using the same facilities and amenities as whites. Were there always massive black protests? Are you justifying the bigotry, racism, and those Jim Crow laws, because blacks didn't organize massive protests, at all times? Most members of the working class are brainwashed and don't know of any alternatives to the current employer-employee capitalist-run system of employment. We now have a worker shortage, because a lot of people are refusing to subject themselves to the abuse and austerities of the capitalist-run workplace. That is a type of protest. As advanced automation continues to replace human labor, we're going to enter a serious unemployment crisis in the not-too-distant future.

The solution is to adopt a non-profit, democratized mode of production. We need to socialize production and own it collectively, producing everything that we consume for the purpose of consuming it, rather than selling it for a profit.
There aren't massive protests at the moment but that doesn't imply that workers aren't being exploited. For over a hundred years after the civil war, American blacks were mistreated, discriminated against, segregated, forced to sit at the back of the bus, or barred from using the same facilities and amenities as whites. Were there always massive black protests? Are you justifying the bigotry, racism, and those Jim Crow laws, because blacks didn't organize massive protests, at all times? Most members of the working class are brainwashed and don't know of any alternatives to the current employer-employee capitalist-run system of employment. We now have a worker shortage, because a lot of people are refusing to subject themselves to the abuse and austerities of the capitalist-run workplace. That is a type of protest. As advanced automation continues to replace human labor, we're going to enter a serious unemployment crisis in the not-too-distant future.

The solution is to adopt a non-profit, democratized mode of production. We need to socialize production and own it collectively, producing everything that we consume for the purpose of consuming it, rather than selling it for a profit.
Who is doing the forcing? Who is putting the gun to their head?

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