Zone1 Should A Handful Of Billionaires Own More Wealth Than The Bottom 50% Of All Americans?

If everyone who believes this would pony up, there wouldn't be a homeless problem.

Why are you waiting on someone else to do it?
The poor are claiming the basic right to housing by camping in tents on the sidewalks. If they used their drug money for lumber they could build better dwellings.
You were claiming that the 301 to 1 stat was referring to an average among millions of companies No it wasn't, it was referring to large companies. Not millions of corporations. You were wrong also in equating ESOPs and companies that offer stocks to their employees, with worker-owned cooperatives. So you started griping about pilots that work in cooperatives, and how they have an equal vote with the people who clean the plane blah blah blah. You're just wrong, across the board. Everything that flies off your keyboard amounts to drivel-scribble.

You were claiming that the 301 to 1 stat was referring to an average among millions of companies No it wasn't, it was referring to large companies.

It was 303-1 and it was your post #411


The report also sheds light on equitable pay ratios within worker-owned firms. The vast majority of worker cooperatives have maintained a 2-to-1 pay ratio between highest- and lowest-paid workers, compared to a CEO-to-worker pay ratio of 303-to-1 at the average U.S. corporation.

And those renters are enriching the people who are purchasing the property. Then they can't understand why they can't build wealth.
I had many Mexican tenants, and many worked several jobs. They lived well but could have lived better but they sent a lot of their earnings to family in Mexico. Blacks do this as well, and while it's commendable to help family members it's not a path to financial security.
Like Jeff Bezos? Steve Jobs? Hewlett and Packard? You are a moron who has no skills. You know it and you want to suck off of the tit of people with skills and financial knowledge. IOW a parasite.

Bezos, Musk, and Jobs, all of them got plenty of help from different sources. Their wealthy families, and the government. etc. None of them would've accomplished anything without the working-class that they leech off of like parasites.

Concerned American are you a millionaire? Or are you working for one? Do you like being an employee-wage-slave?
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I had many Mexican tenants, and many worked several jobs. They lived well but could have lived better but they sent a lot of their earnings to family in Mexico. Blacks do this as well, and while it's commendable to help family members it's not a path to financial security.
Priorities. No one starts out rich. Good financial decisions are what builds wealth. Poor decisions of any kind have consequences and those who do not learn from them are doomed to failure.
I had many Mexican tenants, and many worked several jobs. They lived well but could have lived better but they sent a lot of their earnings to family in Mexico. Blacks do this as well, and while it's commendable to help family members it's not a path to financial security.

Financial security would be attained by more people if the government invested more in infrastructure and took power away from the wealthy ruling elite and returned it to the American people. We can start by recognizing housing as a human right, and controlling rents.
Priorities. No one starts out rich. Good financial decisions are what builds wealth. Poor decisions of any kind have consequences and those who do not learn from them are doomed to failure.
The Latinos seem to have struck a balance regarding financial well-being. They want to care for their extended families as well as themselves, which limits their wealth potential. This isn't a bad thing.
Priorities. No one starts out rich. Good financial decisions are what builds wealth. Poor decisions of any kind have consequences and those who do not learn from them are doomed to failure.

Some do start rich and with plenty of advantages. You don't have to be born into a millionaire family to be well stationed in life to become rich. If you're born in a household with a six-figure income, you have a lot more going for you than most people in society.
Concerned American are you a millionaire?
Close. I did work for a couple of self-made multi-millionaires who learned about making wine from a high school library book. The wholly family-owned business is now the largest winery in the world. I honed my skills and worked for them for 33 years helping in their success. They have been responsible for providing an avenue to wealth and comfort for thousands over their nearly 90 year history. I am very comfortably retired. As for Bezos--you are WRONG. History of Amazon - Wikipedia But you keep trying to blame those nasty people who have built their wealth. You'll always be a parasite who has nothing unless someone gives it to you.
The Latinos seem to have struck a balance regarding financial well-being. They want to care for their extended families as well as themselves, which limits their wealth potential. This isn't a bad thing.
I have lived and worked alongside Latinos during my entire career. They work hard as a rule and the ones who build their skills usually build wealth much faster than Americans who have been raised in the lap of luxury and don't know poverty. Americans who lived through the great depression had those survival skills and that is why that generation built such wealth.
Financial security would be attained by more people if the government invested more in infrastructure and took power away from the wealthy ruling elite and returned it to the American people. We can start by recognizing housing as a human right, and controlling rents.
Like 'projects' in the ghettos?
Close. I did work for a couple of self-made multi-millionaires who learned about making wine from a high school library book. The wholly family-owned business is now the largest winery in the world. I honed my skills and worked for them for 33 years helping in their success. They have been responsible for providing an avenue to wealth and comfort for thousands over their nearly 90 year history. I am very comfortably retired. As for Bezos--you are WRONG. History of Amazon - Wikipedia But you keep trying to blame those nasty people who have built their wealth. You'll always be a parasite who has nothing unless someone gives it to you.

There's no "self-made" anyone. Everyone attains capital with plenty of help from others, not just from their own work. No one lives in a vacuum. Are you an American or in another country?
I have lived and worked alongside Latinos during my entire career. They work hard as a rule and the ones who build their skills usually build wealth much faster than Americans who have been raised in the lap of luxury and don't know poverty. Americans who lived through the great depression had those survival skills and that is why that generation built such wealth.

The great depression was created by greedy capitalists. If wasn't for the socialists and communists organizing the labor unions, protests, and strikes, we wouldn't have had FDR's "New Deal". Workers wouldn't have many of their rights, not to speak of Social Security, if not for the American left.
Some do start rich and with plenty of advantages. You don't have to be born into a millionaire family to be well stationed in life to become rich. If you're born in a household with a six-figure income, you have a lot more going for you than most people in society.
Yeah, there are always going to be people richer, stronger, faster, smarter, healthier and whatever than you are. That's life. It ain't fair. It never has been. Whining and asking someone to provide you with what you are too lazy or stupid to attain for yourself won't make any difference. There has never been a successful communist society on earth. Parasites that want what other folks have earned.
There's no "self-made" anyone. Everyone attains capital with plenty of help from others, not just from their own work. No one lives in a vacuum. Are you an American or in another country?
You're a misinformed parasite. I have seen and personally known people who were self made. When you get dry behind the ears and quit whining about what you don't have and WORK to build something, you may make something of yourself as well.
The great depression was created by greedy capitalists. If wasn't for the socialists and communists organizing the labor unions, protests, and strikes, we wouldn't have had FDR's "New Deal". Workers wouldn't have many of their rights, not to speak of Social Security, if not for the American left.
Run along. I've no time for your fantasies.
I have lived and worked alongside Latinos during my entire career. They work hard as a rule and the ones who build their skills usually build wealth much faster than Americans who have been raised in the lap of luxury and don't know poverty. Americans who lived through the great depression had those survival skills and that is why that generation built such wealth.
I've given up lots of opportunities to enrich myself, by enjoying the fruits of my labor as I went along. Most 'regular' Americans do this as well, as wealth isn't our main purpose in life. Immigrants that have never enjoyed the wealth and freedoms that we have focus first on survival, then wealth acquisition. They have little time for play as do most of us that imbibe in the 'American way of life'. I never sought wealth as a young man because I knew that if I remained healthy, I could attain it at any time. In the meantime, I have enjoyed our freedoms and recreational opportunities to the fullest.

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