Should an antisemite who spreads Jew-murdering HAMAS lies be expelled?

So from what "we" are hearing, there is a substantial body of evidence that the bombing of the parking lot...
  • was not an Israeli rocket or act,
  • was acknowledged in a private, intercepted, communication to be a Hamas fuck-up, and
  • killed only a small fraction of the numbers that have been alleged (fewer than 50 people, in total).
To whom do we convey this information in order to stop the worldwide protests against what clearly did not happen?
Yes, she has lots of Jew-hating Palestinians in her district.

And Biden and the Dems want to take in 1 million Palestinian antisemites, who will establish settlements in various areas and vote in more Tlaibs (once the Dems make them citizens).

It’s all part of their plan. Infiltrate Congress. And where I live, in Blueville, they are winning seats on the local school boards and introducing pro-Palestinian instruction at the high school level.
And don't forget goat herding.
So from what "we" are hearing, there is a substantial body of evidence that the bombing of the parking lot...
  • was not an Israeli rocket or act,
  • was acknowledged in a private, intercepted, communication to be a Hamas fuck-up, and
  • killed only a small fraction of the numbers that have been alleged (fewer than 50 people, in total).
To whom do we convey this information in order to stop the worldwide protests against what clearly did not happen?
See what happens when you have X?
Irresponsible Rhetoric Like Talib's can help to create a wider war. She really should have put a sock in it until she had actual information and not just hamas news feed. It shows her inexperience and that she forgets her purpose it to represent Americans.
Don't worry about that "wider war"
Joe Biden and team have got or are getting 7 Arab countries on the chill and not to back Hamas, or do anything stupid, etc. Getting them all on the same page with us for Israel.
I hear the team has got or is getting Xi to talk to Iran, also.
She should be deported at the very least.
If I have said it once, I have said it a hundred times, but sending her all the way back to the Palestinian territories is a complete overreaction.

Dropping her off half-way or even a quarter of the way would certainly suffice.
Don't worry about that "wider war"
Joe Biden and team have got or are getting 7 Arab countries on the chill and not to back Hamas, or do anything stupid, etc. Getting them all on the same page with us for Israel.
I hear the team has got or is getting Xi to talk to Iran, also.
Are the three countries that cancelled their meeting with Incest Joe among those 7?
About the hospital thing: in the press both sides are presented. It's not proven either way, and won't be until there is an international investigation.
Tlaib was out shrieking about the debunked HAMAS lie that the hospital bombing (which turned out to be a parking lot) was an Israeli attack after it had been debunked. Should a Congressperson who runs with a terrorist lie remain in Congress?

Why isn’t every news outlet putting up a story calling this bitch out for being a liar and terrorist supporter?

The answer should be obvious.
So from what "we" are hearing, there is a substantial body of evidence that the bombing of the parking lot...
  • was not an Israeli rocket or act,
  • was acknowledged in a private, intercepted, communication to be a Hamas fuck-up, and
  • killed only a small fraction of the numbers that have been alleged (fewer than 50 people, in total).
To whom do we convey this information in order to stop the worldwide protests against what clearly did not happen?

Exactly right!👍
Unbelievable! A short time ago Commie News Network shill, Anderson Cooper, showed a video of the actual rocket falling into the hospital parking lot. As the rocket ascended, there was a burst of flame when the rocket motor failed. The camera followed the rocket's fall into the parking lot. I know that the twerp hated to show and describe the event.

Today our ISIS backed House Squad made tear filled speeches about the evil Israelis bombing that hospital. House Police goons allowed anti-Israel demonstrations in the Capitol Rotunda. They're lucky the protesters weren't carrying American flags or Trump signs or they would have had to arrest them. WTF is going on here?

I firmly believe the US should send 8 or 10 Divisions of our troops to Gaza to speed up the cleansing. There are American and Israeli Embassies and Consulates around the world being besieged by the devils followers. Things ain't looking good, people./
Progressive radio shows were doing their damndest to keep the blame on Israel. Saying things like “us intelligence service hasn’t absolutely confirmed that it was a hamas rocket” and “the information is coming from an Israeli intelligence agency and many people don’t trust the Israelis”. I mean, it sure seemed like they were trying to step around the new news in order to keep up idea that it could have been Israel who did it.
Yes, she has lots of Jew-hating Palestinians in her district.

And Biden and the Dems want to take in 1 million Palestinian antisemites, who will establish settlements in various areas and vote in more Tlaibs (once the Dems make them citizens).

It’s all part of their plan. Infiltrate Congress. And where I live, in Blueville, they are winning seats on the local school boards and introducing pro-Palestinian instruction at the high school level.
Democrats want their own little Gaza. Death to America. Death to Israel.
Tlaib was out shrieking about the debunked HAMAS lie that the hospital bombing (which turned out to be a parking lot) was an Israeli attack after it had been debunked. Should a Congressperson who runs with a terrorist lie remain in Congress?

She's semitic also. So Yes expel all semitics including Jews.

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