Should an antisemite who spreads Jew-murdering HAMAS lies be expelled?

Democrats have already destroyed free speech. Do you know how many conservatives have been deplatformed from social media, cancelled in the media, and even jailed?

The days of playing by the rules is over. We are in the final fight of our lives, and the Constitution is not a death pact for good people.
I agree. While it would be nice to be able to stand firm with our standards and not sink to the level of Democrat tactics, we can’t win elections that way. We need to do what it takes to save the nation from the destruction that liberals have foisted upon us.
So from what "we" are hearing, there is a substantial body of evidence that the bombing of the parking lot...
  • was not an Israeli rocket or act,
  • was acknowledged in a private, intercepted, communication to be a Hamas fuck-up, and
  • killed only a small fraction of the numbers that have been alleged (fewer than 50 people, in total).
To whom do we convey this information in order to stop the worldwide protests against what clearly did not happen?
an anecdote---LONG LONG ago----when I was {sob} young----to wit 1967 ----I as amongst a bunch of fellow jews in June. Someone YELLED OUT (the guy with the transistor radio) "IT'S OVER" ----
I said "who won"? A person near me said "WHO D'YA think"?
I said---I have been following the reports for WEEKS and Egypt
claimed this and that and Jordan--this and that----I got lots of
There was a mass of pro-Palestinian liberals in Australia last week yelling “Gas the Jews!!” and police warning Jewish citizens to stay in their houses and not go out in public.
Prove they were liberals.
Tlaib was out shrieking about the debunked HAMAS lie that the hospital bombing (which turned out to be a parking lot) was an Israeli attack after it had been debunked. Should a Congressperson who runs with a terrorist lie remain in Congress?

While I disagree with her, apparently you are not a fan of free speech.
Tlaib was out shrieking about the debunked HAMAS lie that the hospital bombing (which turned out to be a parking lot) was an Israeli attack after it had been debunked. Should a Congressperson who runs with a terrorist lie remain in Congress?

Expelled? Hell no, they ought to be shipped out to Gaza.
With the liberal media in the business of protecting the Biden administration and the FBI busy chasing down mom and pop Jan 6 demonstrators it ain't likely that a democrat party terrorist in congress would be forced to resign.

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