Should an antisemite who spreads Jew-murdering HAMAS lies be expelled?

All politicians spread lies. Like when the left calls the right racists. Or the left says the right wants to toss grandma off a cliff.
It is what it is. We are the fools that vote them in and then complain about their lies.
I know all politicians lie, but this isn’t par for the course. She’s aiding and abetting the enemy
Irresponsible Rhetoric Like Talib's can help to create a wider war. She really should have put a sock in it until she had actual information and not just hamas news feed. It shows her inexperience and that she forgets her purpose it to represent Americans.
So, no on MTG ? Yup, thought so. :itsok:
Everyone knows it is socially acceptable to hate Jews now. Thanks to people like Talib.
Sad, and true.

Our shul has hired a security guard for Shabbat services. We are in a blue city, with big anti-Israel protests
A) What lies?

B) How is that related to a terrorist sympathizer driving more hatred toward Jews?
So, you demand a member of Congress lying about a foreign country but willing to overlook a member of your own party who lies about our Republic? Yup, thought so. :itsok:
Tlaib was out shrieking about the debunked HAMAS lie that the hospital bombing (which turned out to be a parking lot) was an Israeli attack after it had been debunked. Should a Congressperson who runs with a terrorist lie remain in Congress?

You certainly do hate freedom of speech.
So, you demand a member of Congress lying about a foreign country but willing to overlook a member of your own party who lies about our Republic? Yup, thought so. :itsok:
OMG. You’re an idiot.
All politicians spread lies. Like when the left calls the right racists. Or the left says the right wants to toss grandma off a cliff.
It is what it is. We are the fools that vote them in and then complain about their lies.
She was voted in by a bunch of muslims many of whon the FBI is forced to waste resoureces monitoring them for terroristic activity.....the result of the foolish belief that diversity is good.
Tlaib is not the problem. She was elected by a constituency that feels just like she does. That's the problem.
Yes, she has lots of Jew-hating Palestinians in her district.

And Biden and the Dems want to take in 1 million Palestinian antisemites, who will establish settlements in various areas and vote in more Tlaibs (once the Dems make them citizens).

It’s all part of their plan. Infiltrate Congress. And where I live, in Blueville, they are winning seats on the local school boards and introducing pro-Palestinian instruction at the high school level.

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