Should anti-vaxers be denied ICU treatment for COVID?

The moronic OP is calling for The Brave New World of Medical Segregation...
Like Lipitor which arthritis in 95% of the people who take it?

I was put on Lipitor for a while. In a few weeks, I lost about fifteen pounds. For many, losing weight is a good thing, but not for me. I already considered myself lighter than ideal at 150, and at 135, I was definitely way too thin to be healthy. When I stopped taking it, my weight slowly came back.
Who are you referring to? FYI, I am a fiscal CONSERVATIVE.
If one got vaxed and still needs urgent care, why deny THEM?
So...a cop gets hurt on the job. No help for him, right?
Someone in a marathon falls and breaks a leg. Nope. No help for them either.
One of your kids slips on the slide, breaks his arm. Well, he shouldn't have been on that slide, right? No help for him either.

Does this compute to that pointy little head of yours?
The medical reason for being in the ICU is if you need urgent care AND have followed medically approved precautions (such as getting vaccine) OR there are beds AND staff available.
Great, no obese people in the ICU

No people that have smoked marijuana

Certainly no people with AIDS or HIV

No people that have broke traffic laws and are in accidents because of the traffic law broken

We must follow your reasoning, and the example of history
I have no sympathy for hospitals that are shorthanded and overwhelmed. They fired employees that refused the vax. They sent out thousands of home covid tests flooding the area with positive covid tests. Now hundreds of not sick people are trying to get into hospitals.
Yes, by all means, those shorthanded and struggling hospitals have screwed themselves, and they are a terrible place for intelligent purebloods to congregate.
Hospitals and staff are overworked during this pandemic.
Urgent care resources should be dedicated (prioritized) to innocent or responsible people who take precautions.
If 95% of COVID hospitalizations are patients who refused to get related vaccines, then they should PAY for their freedom to be stupid.

I believe anti-vaxers should be DENIED hospital beds in the ICU unless they have a medically valid excuse.
Do you agree? If not, why not?

Let's do a little health assessment shall we? You got maybe two or three shots. Oh, goody for you. How often do you exercise? What's your BMI? What's your diet like, do you smoke or drink to excess?

Realize that it's not as binary as you SIMPLE THINKERS would make it out to be. In fact, you are much better off being a fit and healthy unvaccinated person than you are being double vaccinated, overweight, high blood pressure, diabetes 65 yo who smokes, eats like crap and never exercises.


You won't read ME saying deny these fat lazy people any healthcare, because it's their fault.

You know why I'm not saying that?

Because I am NOT A GHOUL
Urgent care resources should be dedicated (prioritized) to innocent or responsible people who take precautions.

I believe anti-vaxers should be DENIED hospital beds in the ICU unless they have a medically valid excuse.
Do you agree? If not, why not?
It's quite an interesting idea --- it would have to be immediately generalized to all medical conditions that are caused or worsened by the unhealthful behavior of the sufferer.

So obese people would never be treated for anything in the hospital: if you aren't thin, you don't get in the emergency room.
So drug abusers would never be resuscitated with naloxone.
So diabetics not correctly maintaining their blood sugar would be refused treatment.
Anyone who comes in drunk and injured, right back outside they go.

It could quickly be weaponized to scare the population into other conformity besides getting shots of "vaccine." Anyone who leaves home during lockdowns and gets sick or injured, no treatment for you!
Anyone who gets sick and is known not to wear a mask at all times, no treatment!
However many boosters get promoted to raise the profits of the pharmaceutical industry, everyone has to take them all, and if you can't prove you've had all fourteen, too bad for you if you're in a car wreck!

This idea could quickly be used to punish and stamp out all kinds of behaviors the government decides: pregnant women who don't have husbands, you're on your own, lady. Children who don't have a record of all 37 shots they are "supposed" to have, too bad you fell out of a tree, kid.

Hey, this could really work to insist on total compliance with all government regulations. Anyone else have examples?
Yes, I believe unvaccinated patients should be denied ICU beds, but I think a triage should be set-up in a separate facility (say, a parking garage) and unvaccinated patients treated there, freeing up ICU beds.
That's what they used to do for infectious diseases: separate hospitals, as in 1918. Hospitals did NOT used to allow contagious diseases victims to enter at all ----- because it spreads like wildfire and the hospitals become quickly the main source of spread, which is what did happen here with Covid.
I think there is something to that.
I was put on Lipitor for a while. In a few weeks, I lost about fifteen pounds. For many, losing weight is a good thing, but not for me. I already considered myself lighter than ideal at 150, and at 135, I was definitely way too thin to be healthy. When I stopped taking it, my weight slowly came back.
My husband got the joint pain common with Lipitor, in his elbow, and it didn't stop till he stopped the drug, months later. Stupid, these statins: it says right on the package that it does NOT reduce incidence of either stroke or heart disease, SO WHY ARE PEOPLE TAKING IT???

It's just like the masks, which say right on the package that they don't prevent disease from viruses. [Sigh]
Hard question, seriously, but ultimately, no.
I agree that it's a harder question than it looks at first.

The problem with obesity, just like with smoking, is so serious that I suppose some sort of sticks will eventually be thought up to deal with it.

I can remember when everyone was thin. You can see it in old movies. Until the mid-sixties, everyone was thin. I have never understood WHAT happened.
I agree that it's a harder question than it looks at first.

The problem with obesity, just like with smoking, is so serious that I suppose some sort of sticks will eventually be thought up to deal with it.

I can remember when everyone was thin. You can see it in old movies. Until the mid-sixties, everyone was thin. I have never understood WHAT happened.
For most on this board who post this question, it is simply an expression of their hope for an opportunity to trot out the schadenfreude. If anyone would honestly want to discuss it for some reason other than hate, yeah, it would be worth talking about. Fat chance, right?
For most on this board who post this question, it is simply an expression of their hope for an opportunity to trot out the schadenfreude. If anyone would honestly want to discuss it for some reason other than hate, yeah, it would be worth talking about. Fat chance, right?
Agreed, though I won't be surprised if it comes up in the future, if the country stays organized. After all, the "elites" DID stop the people smoking. Mass behavior change can sometimes be done; though there are some real civil liberties problems here. I don't think they should squander all their credibility on mass compliance orders about fake and worthless so-called "vaccines" that plainly don't prevent or cure the disease at all.
It could quickly be weaponized to scare the population into other conformity besides getting shots of "vaccine." Anyone who leaves home during lockdowns and gets sick or injured, no treatment for you!
Anyone who gets sick and is known not to wear a mask at all times, no treatment!
This idea could quickly be used to punish and stamp out all kinds of behaviors the government decides: pregnant women who don't have husbands, you're on your own, lady. Children who don't have a record of all 37 shots they are "supposed" to have, too bad you fell out of a tree, kid.

Hey, this could really work to insist on total compliance with all government regulations. Anyone else have examples?

Once you cross this line, there is all sorts of “compliance” than can be enforced this way. When you try to check into an emergency room, perhaps they'll check your voter registration. If you're not registered with the party that happens to be in power, too bad. What about the bumper stickers on your car? Your social media postings? What if you drive a gasoline-fueled SUV instead of an electric subcompact? What if you ate at Chick-Fil-A? What if you've expressed concerns about trannies and faggots being allowed to teach their depraved agenda to your children in public schools? Or objected to that creepy boy who claims to be a girl, and insists on being allowed to share the locker room and showers with your daughter in high school?

The OP, ViewFromAbove, is setting the stage, here, for withholding the availability of medical care as a means of enforcing a Chink-style “social credit” system.

Does anyone doubt that this is his true intention?
My husband got the joint pain common with Lipitor, in his elbow, and it didn't stop till he stopped the drug, months later. Stupid, these statins: it says right on the package that it does NOT reduce incidence of either stroke or heart disease, SO WHY ARE PEOPLE TAKING IT???

It's just like the masks, which say right on the package that they don't prevent disease from viruses. [Sigh]

My doctor says that statins are recommended for anyone my age, who has diabetes. As far as I know, their only actual purpose is to reduce bad cholesterol, but there is no indication that I have ever had a problem with my levels of bad cholesterol. My doctor would like me to try a different statin, and if I ever get to a point where my life is stable enough that if I start taking it, and my weight starts dropping off again like before, that I can know with higher confidence that the statin is the cause, I might give it a try. At the time I started taking Lipitor, there was so much else that was in flux at the time, and again, so much was in flux when I stopped taking it, that I cannot say for certain that the Lipitor was the cause of my sudden unhealthy weight loss, nor that stopping it was what reversed that effect. It seems most likely, but there could have been another cause. If I could know that the statin itself would not cause any bad effect I'd be open to taking it. But my life has been so complex and so unsettled lately, that I simply cannot change one thing, and reliably assume that any effect I see is tied to that one change.
If anyone would honestly want to discuss it for some reason other than hate, yeah, it would be worth talking about. Fat chance, right?

Not hate, so much, as lust for power, a desire to compel others to comply with an agenda to which they do not willingly consent. That is what ViewFromAbove is clearly about, in spite of his blatant lie about being “conservative”. There is nothing about his raw left wrong-wing lust for power over others that is in any way reconcilable with conservatism.
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