Should Army National Guard Troops Shoot Illegal Border Crossers ?

I just told you where. Where I said you agreed with me that Trump should order to shoot them and you said you didn’t agree with me.
DODGE! Now I see you have no evidence. You can't state the Post #.
No one anxious to see violence done to what they perceive as invasion should be wasting time on these boards. Go confront this group and defend what you claim to feel mortally determined about. Don't let some soft-hearted 'leftists' deter you. Go do what you must. It is useless to preach to we who see many alternatives to murder.
Killers, go kill!
Talk is cheap. All you tough guys (and some gals, apparently) should stop flapping your gums here, wasting time on us. Get to the border! Polish and lubricate all your fine firearms! Why are you bothering with us? We don't want to hear your calls to kill. If you really feel as you protest you do, go do it! If you remain here, yapping about it, we will know you are hypocrites and not serious.
Your words. You’re the one saying we are at war with them; and comparing their plight with innocent people killed in war.
So ? We WILL BE at war with them if the attack our borders and stage a mass intrusion into our territory (aka Invasion). And compared with innocent people killed in war, the killing of invading caravaners would be much less disturbing.
Then we’re in agreement because I said earlier I hope trump gives the order to shoot them.
At least that would be genuine grounds for impeachment.
Talk is cheap. All you tough guys (and some gals, apparently) should stop flapping your gums here, wasting time on us. Get to the border! Polish and lubricate all your fine firearms! Why are you bothering with us? We don't want to hear your calls to kill. If you really feel as you protest you do, go do it! If you remain here, yapping about it, we will know you are hypocrites and not serious.
That remind me > exactly what IS the US southern border ? Besides Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California, illegal aliens could board boats or rafts, and head for Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida, on the Gulf of Mexico.

They could also sail up the west coast, and come ashore anywhere along the California coast.
Shooting down unarmed, unprosecuted civilians is a crime, but one needs to have been "awarded" a conscience to understand that.
Mindless soldiers shot down students at Kent State. That sort of person is an embarrassment to humanity, and un-American to boot.
There’s no evidence they’re attacking.
There's plenty of evidence that they will be attacking. They are marching toward our borders. They openly proclaim that they will cross the border en masse, without any authorization. That's plenty of reason to have the military ready to act to stop them.
Marching behind the flags of other nations, too. Clearly an invasion force directed against our sovereign nation. If the President does not employ our military to protect us is an abdication of his sworn duty.
Probably because the able-bodied young men who make up approximately 80% of this group will ensure that the 20% women and children will be marched up front and center as a shield for their cowardly asses. Civilized men would shelter women and children to the rear of the action. Won't happen that way, though. Any bets?
I wouldn't doubt that you are right, but whoever is on their front lines, they can be stopped, and women and children more easily, without any lethal force,
Probably because the able-bodied young men who make up approximately 80% of this group will ensure that the 20% women and children will be marched up front and center as a shield for their cowardly asses. Civilized men would shelter women and children to the rear of the action. Won't happen that way, though. Any bets?
I wouldn't doubt that you are right, but whoever is on their front lines, they can be stopped, and women and children more easily, without any lethal force,
If they stop without our needing to use lethal force, sobeit. But we need to recognize that lethal force may be required and should be prepared.
I guess you cannot read your own writing. That's pathetically stupid.
You guess wrong. Not my problem.

Nope. You just proved it. You set up a ridiculous argument and it got knocked on its ass! Man up!

Anyone who advocates shooting innocent men, women, and children is a little lacking in the manhood department anyway in my book.
The command economics of a Military solution whenever capitalists and capitalism fail the People?

It should merely require a Good capitalist with a petty cash fund for that purpose, to make a profit from that market based opportunity.
I guess you cannot read your own writing. That's pathetically stupid.
You guess wrong. Not my problem.

Nope. You just proved it. You set up a ridiculous argument and it got knocked on its ass! Man up!

Anyone who advocates shooting innocent men, women, and children is a little lacking in the manhood department anyway in my book.

s0n.....what stellar zip code do you live in? What is your plan for an invasion? To set up hundreds of tables with Blimpie Subs and cans of Coke?
Flying other nations flags, burning our flag, mostly young able bodied men, cell phones to broadcast their violent push over our borders, fake claims of asylum, harboring criminals, dismissing the common knowledge that the last wave of migrants were charged with crimes, creating a growing pack of people headed straight to our border in a planned breach of our laws...
Yes This Is An Attack on the United States.
I just wish the st00pid ass caravan was 1,000 miles closer...shit needs to happen before election day! Mutherfuckers need to walk faster.
a Good capitalist with a petty cash fund for that purpose; could simply, get capitalistic and solve that market based dilemma and make money.

if only,

there were Good capitalists to be found in modern times.

Government solves all problems, not private capital.
Nope. You just proved it. You set up a ridiculous argument and it got knocked on its ass! Man up!

Anyone who advocates shooting innocent men, women, and children is a little lacking in the manhood department anyway in my book.
"Advocates" ? How about already having done it (and on a massive scale) That would be FDR, Eisenhower, Truman, MacArthur. I'll have to disagree. Their manhood is well intact in history, You're the one that's got things out of synch.

In the military, you do what MUST BE DONE to protect America, period. If it does not HAVE TO be done then you don't. Get it ?

And no argument of mine got knocked on its ass. Quite the contrary, my argument knocked the foolish argument that the caravaners were refugeees fleeing crime, on ITS ASS. Once again for anyone who missed it. If the caravaners were fleeing crime, they would go to countries that are closer to them, have lower crime rates, and less significantly, don't present language obstacles (Cuba, Aruba, Martinique)
Wrong. Trump said there were criminals in that bunch. In this country, you're innocent until proven guilty. So, if you make a statement like Trump did, then he must have proof they are criminals. Otherwise, shut your fucking mouth, asshole!
HA HA HA. Do you always make a habit of making a fool out of yourself. Trump doesn't need to prove anything. The caravan is a criminal group that has established itself as that, by openly declaring they, by the thousands, will bust through the US border, without any inspection from US authorities. That is a CRIME, and you are an idiot.

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien

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