Should Army National Guard Troops Shoot Illegal Border Crossers ?

That is the prescribed orders of the Army National Guard. Don't like it ? Call your congressman.
Posse Comitatus Act
"it shall not be lawful to employ any part of the Army of the United States, as a posse comitatus, or otherwise, for the purpose of executing the laws, except in such cases and under such circumstances as such employment of said force may be expressly authorized by the Constitution or by act of Congress;"
Article II of the US Constitution authorizes the President to initiate military action in order to repel sudden attacks upon our sovereign nation. While I think the NG is the best force to repel this invasion, if required, we should not negate the possibility of augmenting the NG with regular military troops and equipment. If any circumstances warranted such military action it would be thousands of individuals having organized themselves into an invasive force with the stated intent to illegally take territory within our borders.
Posse Comitatus Act actually supports the President providing military resistance to active invasion of the US.
There’s no evidence they’re attacking.
There’s no evidence they’re attacking.
There's plenty of evidence that they will be attacking. They are marching toward our borders. They openly proclaim that they will cross the border en masse, without any authorization. That's plenty of reason to have the military ready to act to stop them.
why does the right wing believe we need socialism on a national basis instead of the general welfare induced by application of a commerce clause?
Probably because the able-bodied young men who make up approximately 80% of this group will ensure that the 20% women and children will be marched up front and center as a shield for their cowardly asses. Civilized men would shelter women and children to the rear of the action. Won't happen that way, though. Any bets?
I wouldn't doubt that you are right, but whoever is on their front lines, they can be stopped, and women and children more easily, without any lethal force,

Why are you running from your own words?

You suggested they could flee to other countries; among your reasons, to a country doesn’t present a language obstacle.

And then you offered examples... ”(ex. Cuba, Aruba, Martinique)”
The examples were countries that have lower crime rates than the US, are closer than the US, and among them, don't have a language obstacle. LOLOL

And even if none of them were without a language obstacle, the point remains the same. The existence of these countries show that the caravaners are not interested in refuge from crime. They are looking for economic benefits$$ in jobs that would be taken away from Americans, and welfare $$ that would be taken away from Americans, all among a long list of other harms to Americans.
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Agreed. The migrants need to prove their claim that they are persecuted, and thus could be eligible for refugee status. They are the only ones making a claim - nobody eles.
Wrong. Trump said there were criminals in that bunch. In this country, you're innocent until proven guilty. So, if you make a statement like Trump did, then he must have proof they are criminals. Otherwise, shut your fucking mouth, asshole!
No passports, no IDs, no birth certificates. That's the usual way these folks present when they ask for asylum. If it's asylum, and there are THOUSANDS at a time --- then it's not asylum.. It then becomes a refugee migration and they should be treated as temporary refugees. PREFERABLY -- on the Mexican side of the border while they are processed for immigration requests.

Europe learned the hard way that REFUGEES don't necessarily want the full citizenship deal. They just want to survive until their country is safe to go home to.....
Go back far enough in your lineage, we were all refugees.
Agreed. The migrants need to prove their claim that they are persecuted, and thus could be eligible for refugee status. They are the only ones making a claim - nobody eles.
Wrong. Trump said there were criminals in that bunch. In this country, you're innocent until proven guilty. So, if you make a statement like Trump did, then he must have proof they are criminals. Otherwise, shut your fucking mouth, asshole!
Innocent util proven guilty is a red herring

Ask Kavanaugh

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These people aren't thinking about "safe to go home to", and it's amazing that with all that has been said this far into the thread, that you don't know that. The caravan is >>

1. A Democrat set-up, to boost Democrat votes in the 2018 elections, and a last gasp attempt to win back the US Congress. I just wonder how much these people are getting paid.

2. An attempt by caravaners to escape from their lousy economies, and grab for all the hand-out goodies the Democrats flash at them.

3. If the caravaers were running away from unsafe crime conditions, they would go to countries that are closer to them then the US, have lower crime rates, and don't present a language obstacle. Just one problem. Those countries don't offer the economic opportunities (hand-outs) that the USA does (ex. Cuba, Aruba, Martinique)
You're just a fucked up, arrogant, right wing asshole!
No passports, no IDs, no birth certificates. That's the usual way these folks present when they ask for asylum. If it's asylum, and there are THOUSANDS at a time --- then it's not asylum.. It then becomes a refugee migration and they should be treated as temporary refugees. PREFERABLY -- on the Mexican side of the border while they are processed for immigration requests.

Europe learned the hard way that REFUGEES don't necessarily want the full citizenship deal. They just want to survive until their country is safe to go home to.....
Go back far enough in your lineage, we were all refugees.

Not "asylum type" refugees. And certainly not MASS migration type of border crashers. Asylum generally was only specific people that were TARGETED by their govts for persecution. Didn't account for the general corruption,economic distress, the ineptness of their homeland leadership or the crime rate. Those are universal domestic issues. Not TARGETING of a specific group...

We can call them refugees for certain. But ASYLUM CLAIMS need to be re-defined in the law. At some point, because their govt doesn't pay $10/hour or the local sheriff is corrupt will BECOME an asylum claim if we don't clarify..
Agreed. The migrants need to prove their claim that they are persecuted, and thus could be eligible for refugee status. They are the only ones making a claim - nobody eles.
Wrong. Trump said there were criminals in that bunch. In this country, you're innocent until proven guilty. So, if you make a statement like Trump did, then he must have proof they are criminals. Otherwise, shut your fucking mouth, asshole!
------------------------------------------- i think that the TRUMP specified 'ms13' and other gang members , As far as asylum , i think to qualify you need to claim protection from your Government and not one of your babee Daddies or 'johns' who has been beating you up [guess that that'd be 'juans' ] Billo
There’s no evidence they’re attacking.
There's plenty of evidence that they will be attacking. They are marching toward our borders. They openly proclaim that they will cross the border en masse, without any authorization. That's plenty of reason to have the military ready to act to stop them.
That’s not an attack. You can’t even say they’re armed.

Why are you running from your own words?

You suggested they could flee to other countries; among your reasons, to a country doesn’t present a language obstacle.

And then you offered examples... ”(ex. Cuba, Aruba, Martinique)”
The examples were countries that have lower crime rates than the US, are closer than the US, and among them, don't have a language obstacle. LOLOL

And even if none of them were without a language obstacle, the point remains the same. The existence of these countries show that the caravaners are not interested in refuge from crime. They are looking for economic benefits$$ in jobs that would be taken away from Americans, and welfare $$ that would be taken away from Americans, all among a long list of other harms to Americans.

Dumbfuck, your words are there. You cited several obstacles, including “language obstacles,” followed by example countries.

Dayam, you’re senile. :cuckoo:
Just out of curiosity, do you happen to know what languages they speak in Aruba and Martinique? Hint: It is not Spanish!

You just contradicted yourself.
Nope.They speak Spanish in Cuba. I didn't say all 3 counties presented a language obstacle, you just assumed that, unjustly.

I guess you cannot read your own writing. That's pathetically stupid.
That’s not an attack. You can’t even say they’re armed.
Can't say they're not armed, but the attack isn't one aimed at killing or phsyically harming Americans. It is aimed at breaking our law, subverting our sovereignty, and causing harm to us in other ways. It's an attack, armed or not.

If a mob attacks a convenience store (30 people), and shoplifts and leaves, they could all be unarmed. It's still an attack.

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