Should Army National Guard Troops Shoot Illegal Border Crossers ?

You mean where you said, ”it is not a stain on America to do whatever it has to do to defend itself from foreign invasion”?

Well, “whatever it has to do,” includes shooting them. So I’m agreeing with you. When does the trump massacre begin?
IF/Whenever the situation would necessitate it. I hope you agree. I'd hate to see you be guilty of treason.
the power is general and express

No, it isn't. It's precisely the opposite, moron. Good gosh. Don't you read good?

And I just gave you a great link perfectly detailing what the General Welfare Clause is and what purpose it serves. It serves to limit Congress from assuming spending power outside of their constitutional authority, ya dolt.

Now, you're either the dumbest dude on the board or you can't read plain English. I'm leaning toward both mixed in with a good dose of rabid statism.

You're going on ignore. I hate doing that, I really do, but you're a wasted load, dude.

That said, anyone who wants to learn about the General Welfare Clause, what it is, what purpose it serves , do read the link I posted. It's clear and it's concise. Perhaps it might be helpful useful in the future.
This is the Constitutional authority delegated to Congress;

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises,

to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;​

but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

The power to provide for the general welfare is general.
I’m agreeing with you that trump should give the order to shoot them all. If that’s “wasted thread space” then your entire thread is a waste.
No, you're not agreeing to that, because I didn't say that. I said to use whatever force is necessary to stop the invaders, not "shoot them all".

And in fact, I just posted a post completely contrary to what you said. :biggrin:
You said the military’s top priority was to protect us from invasion and that “the military has its job to do.” Well how are they going to keep a mob that size out unless they shoot them?

Your IQ is so limited, you need a keeper!

I'l bet when you go to a public restroom you have to take someone with you to tell you not to eat the big mint.
If you make a claim, you need to provide proof. Unless you think being irresponsible is a good thing?
Agreed. The migrants need to prove their claim that they are persecuted, and thus could be eligible for refugee status. They are the only ones making a claim - nobody eles.
The entire countries of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador will make asylum claims and get welfare.
Shoot unarmed civilians?
It depends on the incident and what happened. Judging from the injuries to the Mexican Police I would think shooting one of more of the Mob would be justified under some circumstances. The High Court ruled that more than two people attacking a person is a felon act and fear of life and limb is possible, so use of deadly force would be proper.
Putting the military on the border is useless unless they can fight. We don't need them to direct traffic.

Trump needs to close the points of entry and start taxing remittances to pay for this junket.
As I also stated previously, the invaders might be able to be stopped with less force than bullets. They could probably be stopped with a combination of concertina wire rubber bullets, tear gas, water hoses, and other nonlethal means. If those things were to fil, I'd use tanks and bombs on them if necessary.

That's truly your Dr Strangelove moment. Don't you have some REAL war to fight in some other theater?

Tanks and BOMBS? No civilized nation in the WORLD would do that. It would END the greatness of America and we'd become a pariah and shunned by the entire world.

Get your GOVERNMENT to get off it's phony power whoring stunts and ass protection mode and start fixing the LAW the way that the CPB suggests so these brave folks can do their jobs.

. Mass murder is an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of Govt failure. Always is.

Might HAVE to stop these caravans on the Mexican side of the border. With any luck your regiment will be called to stage at the Alamo and you can replay the US-Mexico border war with some Mexican regulars that can shoot back.. :rolleyes:
The government doesn't have to prove they're not.

They have to prove they are (which almost nobody can do)
If you make a claim, you need to provide proof. Unless you think being irresponsible is a good thing?

No passports, no IDs, no birth certificates. That's the usual way these folks present when they ask for asylum. If it's asylum, and there are THOUSANDS at a time --- then it's not asylum.. It then becomes a refugee migration and they should be treated as temporary refugees. PREFERABLY -- on the Mexican side of the border while they are processed for immigration requests.

Europe learned the hard way that REFUGEES don't necessarily want the full citizenship deal. They just want to survive until their country is safe to go home to.....
That's truly your Dr Strangelove moment. Don't you have some REAL war to fight in some other theater?

Tanks and BOMBS? No civilized nation in the WORLD would do that. It would END the greatness of America and we'd become a pariah and shunned by the entire world.

Get your GOVERNMENT to get off it's phony power whoring stunts and ass protection mode and start fixing the LAW the way that the CPB suggests so these brave folks can do their jobs.

. Mass murder is an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of Govt failure. Always is.

Might HAVE to stop these caravans on the Mexican side of the border. With any luck your regiment will be called to stage at the Alamo and you can replay the US-Mexico border war with some Mexican regulars that can shoot back.. :rolleyes:
If you have no sense of patriotism, and you're too fearful of fighting a defensive battle, then just stay out of the way of those of us who serve, and have served, in the military, so we can protect your wimpy butts, from those who aim to run roughshod over them.

As for civilized nations, yes they do use whatever force is necessary to defend themselves, and using the military against this 14 thousand strong (and growing) mob, is a drop in the bucket, compared to Eisenhower's carpet bombing of Germany. Oh but, that killing of thousands of innocent Germans didn't have to occur either. They could have just handed the US over to Hitler. Good thing you weren't in charge.
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No passports, no IDs, no birth certificates. That's the usual way these folks present when they ask for asylum. If it's asylum, and there are THOUSANDS at a time --- then it's not asylum.. It then becomes a refugee migration and they should be treated as temporary refugees. PREFERABLY -- on the Mexican side of the border while they are processed for immigration requests.

Europe learned the hard way that REFUGEES don't necessarily want the full citizenship deal. They just want to survive until their country is safe to go home to.....
These people aren't thinking about "safe to go home to", and it's amazing that with all that has been said this far into the thread, that you don't know that. The caravan is >>

1. A Democrat set-up, to boost Democrat votes in the 2018 elections, and a last gasp attempt to win back the US Congress. I just wonder how much these people are getting paid.

2. An attempt by caravaners to escape from their lousy economies, and grab for all the hand-out goodies the Democrats flash at them.

3. If the caravaers were running away from unsafe crime conditions, they would go to countries that are closer to them then the US, have lower crime rates, and don't present a language obstacle. Just one problem. Those countries don't offer the economic opportunities (hand-outs) that the USA does (ex. Cuba, Aruba, Martinique)
That's truly your Dr Strangelove moment. Don't you have some REAL war to fight in some other theater?

Tanks and BOMBS? No civilized nation in the WORLD would do that. It would END the greatness of America and we'd become a pariah and shunned by the entire world.

Get your GOVERNMENT to get off it's phony power whoring stunts and ass protection mode and start fixing the LAW the way that the CPB suggests so these brave folks can do their jobs.

. Mass murder is an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of Govt failure. Always is.

Might HAVE to stop these caravans on the Mexican side of the border. With any luck your regiment will be called to stage at the Alamo and you can replay the US-Mexico border war with some Mexican regulars that can shoot back.. :rolleyes:
If you have no sense of patriotism, and you're too fearful of fighting a defensive battle, then just stay out of the way of those of us who serve, and have served, in the military, so we can protect your wimpy butts, from those who aim to run roughshod over them.

As for civilized nations, yes they do use whatever force is necessary to defend themselves, and using the military against this 14 thousand strong (and growing) mob, is a drop in the bucket, compared to Eisenhower's carpet bombing of Germany. Oh but, that killing of thousands of innocent Germans didn't have to occur either. They could have just handed the US over to Hitler. Good thing you weren't in charge.
”using the military against this 14 thousand strong (and growing) mob, is a drop in the bucket, compared to Eisenhower's carpet bombing of Germany.”

Dumbass, we’re not at war with Central America.

”They could have just handed the US over to Hitler. Good thing you weren't in charge.”

Yeah, good thing Democrats were.
”using the military against this 14 thousand strong (and growing) mob, is a drop in the bucket, compared to Eisenhower's carpet bombing of Germany.”

Dumbass, we’re not at war with Central America.

”They could have just handed the US over to Hitler. Good thing you weren't in charge.”

Yeah, good thing Democrats were.
If 14,000 (or more) people arrive at our border, and just come rampaging in (as they are talking about doing) then Yes, that is a WAR with those people. What did you think it was ? A ping pong game ?

And today's Democrats could take a lesson from 1940's Democrats (FDR and Truman) - they carpet bombed Germany, and A-bombed Japan. They killed tens of thousands of innocent people as you say you wouldn't do (to defend the US).

Good thing you weren't in charge then, and good thing you're not in charge now.
”using the military against this 14 thousand strong (and growing) mob, is a drop in the bucket, compared to Eisenhower's carpet bombing of Germany.”

Dumbass, we’re not at war with Central America.

”They could have just handed the US over to Hitler. Good thing you weren't in charge.”

Yeah, good thing Democrats were.
If 14,000 (or more) people arrive at our border, and just come rampaging in (as they are talking about doing) then Yes, that is a WAR with those people. What did you think it was ? A ping pong game ?

And today's Democrats could take a lesson from 1940's Democrats (FDR and Truman) - they carpet bombed Germany, and A-bombed Japan. They killed tens of thousands of innocent people as you say you wouldn't do (to defend the US).

Good thing you weren't in charge then, and good thing you're not in charge now.
Dumbfuck, it’s neither a ping pong game nor war. The options aren’t limited to just those two.

But speaking of ping pong and war, I like how you play ping pong with your own arguments. Earlier, you said they shouldn’t be killed; now you say they should.
Dumbfuck, it’s neither a ping pong game nor war. The options aren’t limited to just those two.

But speaking of ping pong and war, I like how you play ping pong with your own arguments. Earlier, you said they shouldn’t be killed; now you say they should.
Where did I say they shouldn't be killed ? My words. or yours ?

Why don't you just come clean, and tell us that you support this invasion, because (you think) it'll bring more votes for Democrats, and being a leftist globalist, you have no American nationalism, anyway, right ? Right.

PS - your name-calling just makes you look stupid.
Dumbfuck, it’s neither a ping pong game nor war. The options aren’t limited to just those two.

But speaking of ping pong and war, I like how you play ping pong with your own arguments. Earlier, you said they shouldn’t be killed; now you say they should.
Where did I say they shouldn't be killed ? My words. or yours ?

Why don't you just come clean, and tell us that you support this invasion, because (you think) it'll bring more votes for Democrats, and being a leftist globalist, you have no American nationalism, anyway, right ? Right.

PS - your name-calling just makes you look stupid.
Your words. You’re the one saying we are at war with them; and comparing their plight with innocent people killed in war.

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