Should Army National Guard Troops Shoot Illegal Border Crossers ?

The general welfare clause is general;

Bull pucky.

since it is General it must cover any contingency.

Trying to support bull pucky with more bull pucky won't work.

What part of that do you disagree with?

You clearly have no idea what the General Welfare Clause is.

Here. Learn, dummy - Principle 11. Taxes--Limited to Safeguard Liberty

And don't come back until you do. My niceness only goes so far.
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The general welfare clause is general;

Bull pucky.

since it is General it must cover any contingency.

Trying to support bull pucky with more bull pucky woinlt work.

What part of that do you disagree with?

You clearly have no idea what the General Welfare Clause is.

Here. Learn, dummy - Principle 11. Taxes--Limited to Safeguard Liberty

And don't come back until you do. My niceness only goes so far.
the power is general and express; not Your right wing fantasy interpretation.
the power is general and express

No, it isn't. It's precisely the opposite, moron. Good gosh. Don't you read good?

And I just gave you a great link perfectly detailing what the General Welfare Clause is and what purpose it serves. It serves to limit Congress from assuming spending power outside of their constitutional authority, ya dolt.

Now, you're either the dumbest dude on the board or you can't read plain English. I'm leaning toward both mixed in with a good dose of rabid statism.

You're going on ignore. I hate doing that, I really do, but you're a wasted load, dude.

That said, anyone who wants to learn about the General Welfare Clause, what it is, what purpose it serves , do read the link I posted. It's clear and it's concise. Perhaps it might be helpful useful in the future.
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When I served in the Army National Guard, I was told the first duty of the Army National Guard is to do what the name "National Guard" clearly states > to guard the nation. And the first priority of that is to stop foreigners from invading the USA.

And the definition of invading
? > "to enter forcibly or hostilely" (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.) Well, the caravaners already entered Mexico, from Guatemala, forcibly, and one could call it hostilely, being that it's disrespecting Mexico's immigration and border law. In doing so, the border crossers tore down fences and physical barriers.

There's no doubt that the thousands of people in this caravan have exactly that same thing in mind for the United States. The solution to stop them, according to my National Guard officers is to meet the force with greater force, and use whatever force is necessary to stop and repel the invaders.

Since an effective border wall is not yet in place or electrified fencing, barbed wire, etc, this would mean possibly shooting hundreds of the caravaners, gassing them at the border, or possibly even using artillery. The military has its job to do, the question is can (and should) we allow Honduras, Guatemala and other countries to invade us ?

Mowing down unarmed men, women and children is NOT a function of the US military -- EVER.. No matter what the circumstances. If they were ARMED or terrorists -- it would be a different matter. But they are not. And you're stupid ESCALATION of violence would stain America forever.

This is a FAILURE OF YOUR GOVERNMENT. To perform one of the top 3 DUTIES enumerated in the Constitution. And ALL the viable solutions lie in getting the inept corrupt geezers on The Hill off their fat protectec and tenured asses and FIXING Immigration law and practices.

In the larger sense -- a caravan of THOUSANDS is NOT an "immigration problem".. It's a REFUGEE ISSUE and should be treated as one. So if you've just got a hard on to use the military -- then they should be used to open REFUGEE CAMPS inside a zone designated to process refugees and we should BUILD it as we tighten the border and get everyone to come thru the ports of entry..
Trump needs to declare a state of emergency and martial law. This would effectively suspend the bill of rights. The military should be immediately deployed along the border to prevent invasion from mexico. All ports of entry to mexico gets closed. All federal officers should be put on capture and deport duty for those already here. Cities that declare themselves sanctuaries will have city officials arrested for obstruction of justice.

That's just to start.
What is the emergency?

I thought everything was great in Trumps America
Maybe he needs to declare an emergency to get the Guard to respond?
Or it's just election time and he's whipping up the base into a goddamned lather. This is absolutely ridiculous. The threads are popping up like mushrooms and these folks are truly panicked.

Have you seen the vids? You know what 14,000 migrants on the march look like? It IS a bit intimidating to say the least. Especially since this is nothing really new. Happens several times a year. But they are getting bigger and more organized and obviously have coordination and backing.

The solution isn't the Army or NG. The solution is treating it as a REFUGEE issue. Not an immigration issue. If you house these folks comfortably for 3 or 4 months, enough pressure could be brought on their home countries to FIX the violence, crime, economic issues.
When I served in the Army National Guard, I was told the first duty of the Army National Guard is to do what the name "National Guard" clearly states > to guard the nation. And the first priority of that is to stop foreigners from invading the USA.

And the definition of invading
? > "to enter forcibly or hostilely" (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.) Well, the caravaners already entered Mexico, from Guatemala, forcibly, and one could call it hostilely, being that it's disrespecting Mexico's immigration and border law. In doing so, the border crossers tore down fences and physical barriers.

There's no doubt that the thousands of people in this caravan have exactly that same thing in mind for the United States. The solution to stop them, according to my National Guard officers is to meet the force with greater force, and use whatever force is necessary to stop and repel the invaders.

Since an effective border wall is not yet in place or electrified fencing, barbed wire, etc, this would mean possibly shooting hundreds of the caravaners, gassing them at the border, or possibly even using artillery. The military has its job to do, the question is can (and should) we allow Honduras, Guatemala and other countries to invade us ?

Ah, getting two pastimes into one. Using your guns and being anti-immigrant all rolled into one.

Maybe you can all sit upon the wall with your pants down having a little wank on the side too.
Trump needs to declare a state of emergency and martial law. This would effectively suspend the bill of rights. The military should be immediately deployed along the border to prevent invasion from mexico. All ports of entry to mexico gets closed. All federal officers should be put on capture and deport duty for those already here. Cities that declare themselves sanctuaries will have city officials arrested for obstruction of justice.

That's just to start.
What is the emergency?

I thought everything was great in Trumps America
Maybe he needs to declare an emergency to get the Guard to respond?
Or it's just election time and he's whipping up the base into a goddamned lather. This is absolutely ridiculous. The threads are popping up like mushrooms and these folks are truly panicked.

Have you seen the vids? You know what 14,000 migrants on the march look like? It IS a bit intimidating to say the least. Especially since this is nothing really new. Happens several times a year. But they are getting bigger and more organized and obviously have coordination and backing.

The solution isn't the Army or NG. The solution is treating it as a REFUGEE issue. Not an immigration issue. If you house these folks comfortably for 3 or 4 months, enough pressure could be brought on their home countries to FIX the violence, crime, economic issues.
They aren't refugees because they aren't fleeing anything. There is no war, no displacement, no bad weather. They just want money. The people brought their economy woes on themselves for being socialist. They will support the same kind of socialism here. Then we can be the next Honduras or Venezuela.
Trump needs to declare a state of emergency and martial law. This would effectively suspend the bill of rights. The military should be immediately deployed along the border to prevent invasion from mexico. All ports of entry to mexico gets closed. All federal officers should be put on capture and deport duty for those already here. Cities that declare themselves sanctuaries will have city officials arrested for obstruction of justice.

That's just to start.
What is the emergency?

I thought everything was great in Trumps America
Maybe he needs to declare an emergency to get the Guard to respond?
Or it's just election time and he's whipping up the base into a goddamned lather. This is absolutely ridiculous. The threads are popping up like mushrooms and these folks are truly panicked.

Have you seen the vids? You know what 14,000 migrants on the march look like? It IS a bit intimidating to say the least. Especially since this is nothing really new. Happens several times a year. But they are getting bigger and more organized and obviously have coordination and backing.

The solution isn't the Army or NG. The solution is treating it as a REFUGEE issue. Not an immigration issue. If you house these folks comfortably for 3 or 4 months, enough pressure could be brought on their home countries to FIX the violence, crime, economic issues.
They aren't refugees because they aren't fleeing anything. There is no war, no displacement, no bad weather. They just want money. The people brought their economy woes on themselves for being socialist. They will support the same kind of socialism here. Then we can be the next Honduras or Venezuela.

They ARE refugees from drug lords, dirty cops, corrupt govt.. The fact they don't organize and shoot back is pretty irrevelent. ASYLUM is what's generally offered to isolated political dissidents and folks on the POLITICAL outs with the incumbent govt. In numbers and frequency like these -- they are refugees.

They want to save their KIDS from being swept up by MS13 or the drug lords. Or going to prison to be tortured and held without process. It's those SHITHOLES that the left didn't think existed outside of Africa on full display...
Trump needs to declare a state of emergency and martial law. This would effectively suspend the bill of rights. The military should be immediately deployed along the border to prevent invasion from mexico. All ports of entry to mexico gets closed. All federal officers should be put on capture and deport duty for those already here. Cities that declare themselves sanctuaries will have city officials arrested for obstruction of justice.

That's just to start.
What is the emergency?

I thought everything was great in Trumps America
Maybe he needs to declare an emergency to get the Guard to respond?
Or it's just election time and he's whipping up the base into a goddamned lather. This is absolutely ridiculous. The threads are popping up like mushrooms and these folks are truly panicked.

Have you seen the vids? You know what 14,000 migrants on the march look like? It IS a bit intimidating to say the least. Especially since this is nothing really new. Happens several times a year. But they are getting bigger and more organized and obviously have coordination and backing.

The solution isn't the Army or NG. The solution is treating it as a REFUGEE issue. Not an immigration issue. If you house these folks comfortably for 3 or 4 months, enough pressure could be brought on their home countries to FIX the violence, crime, economic issues.
They aren't refugees because they aren't fleeing anything. There is no war, no displacement, no bad weather. They just want money. The people brought their economy woes on themselves for being socialist. They will support the same kind of socialism here. Then we can be the next Honduras or Venezuela.

They ARE refugees from drug lords, dirty cops, corrupt govt.. The fact they don't organize and shoot back is pretty irrevelent. ASYLUM is what's generally offered to isolated political dissidents and folks on the POLITICAL outs with the incumbent govt. In numbers and frequency like these -- they are refugees.

They want to save their KIDS from being swept up by MS13 or the drug lords. Or going to prison to be tortured and held without process. It's those SHITHOLES that the left didn't think existed outside of Africa on full display...
They are the drug lords and gang members. It's them, their brothers, fathers, uncles and cousins. Exactly as they are here. The gangs and drug lords they are fleeing are from American gangs exported to Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

Reduce the gangs in both countries. Shoot them as they invade.
No person of any faith or ethics would participate in killing refugees. No one in their right mind could think that people would leave their homes and walk thousands of miles with their children for a Sunday picnic.

Religion is such a big thing now in U.S. politics. Let's see the folks who yap about it the most live up what comes out of their mouths.
What is the emergency?

I thought everything was great in Trumps America
Maybe he needs to declare an emergency to get the Guard to respond?
Or it's just election time and he's whipping up the base into a goddamned lather. This is absolutely ridiculous. The threads are popping up like mushrooms and these folks are truly panicked.

Have you seen the vids? You know what 14,000 migrants on the march look like? It IS a bit intimidating to say the least. Especially since this is nothing really new. Happens several times a year. But they are getting bigger and more organized and obviously have coordination and backing.

The solution isn't the Army or NG. The solution is treating it as a REFUGEE issue. Not an immigration issue. If you house these folks comfortably for 3 or 4 months, enough pressure could be brought on their home countries to FIX the violence, crime, economic issues.
They aren't refugees because they aren't fleeing anything. There is no war, no displacement, no bad weather. They just want money. The people brought their economy woes on themselves for being socialist. They will support the same kind of socialism here. Then we can be the next Honduras or Venezuela.

They ARE refugees from drug lords, dirty cops, corrupt govt.. The fact they don't organize and shoot back is pretty irrevelent. ASYLUM is what's generally offered to isolated political dissidents and folks on the POLITICAL outs with the incumbent govt. In numbers and frequency like these -- they are refugees.

They want to save their KIDS from being swept up by MS13 or the drug lords. Or going to prison to be tortured and held without process. It's those SHITHOLES that the left didn't think existed outside of Africa on full display...
They are the drug lords and gang members. It's them, their brothers, fathers, uncles and cousins. Exactly as they are here. The gangs and drug lords they are fleeing are from American gangs exported to Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

Reduce the gangs in both countries. Shoot them as they invade.

They are NOT the drug lords and gang members. ALTHOUGH if a brother or father or mother is trying to SAVE their kid from the lords and gangs, they may already be too far indoctrinated in the ways of those orgs.

This is the escalation of rhetoric that's clouding people's judgement. When the hordes of mass migrators came up thru Southern Europe, the difference was they were REFUGEES from actual war and violence with more than ONE SIDE shooting at them. But the PRIMARY diff was -- the majority of those (mostly Muslim) refugees did not YEARN to be French or English or Swedish. They just wanted to SURVIVE. And it was clear, that was not IMMIGRATION --- but just refugee flight.

In THIS case, the majority marching to America probably YEARN to be American. That's why they don't STOP in Mexico. Doesn't mean they are not refugees, it's just that Mexico is not a real improvement over Honduras or Guatemala.

Mexico is country where the drug lords have beheaded or dismembered over 30 town mayors in the past 4 years or so. A country where the entire police force of Acapulco recently was disarmed because it was so permeated by the drug lords that it could not be trusted at all. That's the EQUIVALENT of war. Just that it's not a fair fight.

Not fair to indict ALL of them as criminals. But it is FAIR to DEMAND that they be DETAINED and sorted out. PREFERABLY on the Mexico side of the border. And THAT should be the bottom line here. If Mexico allows these caravans to pass, they need to become Mexico's problem.

Someone in thread already suggested TAKING Mexican ground and establishing refugee camps on that side of the border. That's not a bad idea and certainly better than calling on our troops to gas them or use them as artillery practice. Ask the Mexican govt to HELP sort them out them out in the camps. And we'll provide the logistics for detaining them there..
Maybe he needs to declare an emergency to get the Guard to respond?
Or it's just election time and he's whipping up the base into a goddamned lather. This is absolutely ridiculous. The threads are popping up like mushrooms and these folks are truly panicked.

Have you seen the vids? You know what 14,000 migrants on the march look like? It IS a bit intimidating to say the least. Especially since this is nothing really new. Happens several times a year. But they are getting bigger and more organized and obviously have coordination and backing.

The solution isn't the Army or NG. The solution is treating it as a REFUGEE issue. Not an immigration issue. If you house these folks comfortably for 3 or 4 months, enough pressure could be brought on their home countries to FIX the violence, crime, economic issues.
They aren't refugees because they aren't fleeing anything. There is no war, no displacement, no bad weather. They just want money. The people brought their economy woes on themselves for being socialist. They will support the same kind of socialism here. Then we can be the next Honduras or Venezuela.

They ARE refugees from drug lords, dirty cops, corrupt govt.. The fact they don't organize and shoot back is pretty irrevelent. ASYLUM is what's generally offered to isolated political dissidents and folks on the POLITICAL outs with the incumbent govt. In numbers and frequency like these -- they are refugees.

They want to save their KIDS from being swept up by MS13 or the drug lords. Or going to prison to be tortured and held without process. It's those SHITHOLES that the left didn't think existed outside of Africa on full display...
They are the drug lords and gang members. It's them, their brothers, fathers, uncles and cousins. Exactly as they are here. The gangs and drug lords they are fleeing are from American gangs exported to Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

Reduce the gangs in both countries. Shoot them as they invade.

They are NOT the drug lords and gang members. ALTHOUGH if a brother or father or mother is trying to SAVE their kid from the lords and gangs, they may already be too far indoctrinated in the ways of those orgs.

This is the escalation of rhetoric that's clouding people's judgement. When the hordes of mass migrators came up thru Southern Europe, the difference was they were REFUGEES from actual war and violence with more than ONE SIDE shooting at them. But the PRIMARY diff was -- the majority of those (mostly Muslim) refugees did not YEARN to be French or English or Swedish. They just wanted to SURVIVE. And it was clear, that was not IMMIGRATION --- but just refugee flight.

In THIS case, the majority marching to America probably YEARN to be American. That's why they don't STOP in Mexico. Doesn't mean they are not refugees, it's just that Mexico is not a real improvement over Honduras or Guatemala.

Mexico is country where the drug lords have beheaded or dismembered over 30 town mayors in the past 4 years or so. A country where the entire police force of Acapulco recently was disarmed because it was so permeated by the drug lords that it could not be trusted at all. That's the EQUIVALENT of war. Just that it's not a fair fight.

Not fair to indict ALL of them as criminals. But it is FAIR to DEMAND that they be DETAINED and sorted out. PREFERABLY on the Mexico side of the border. And THAT should be the bottom line here. If Mexico allows these caravans to pass, they need to become Mexico's problem.

Someone in thread already suggested TAKING Mexican ground and establishing refugee camps on that side of the border. That's not a bad idea and certainly better than calling on our troops to gas them or use them as artillery practice. Ask the Mexican govt to HELP sort them out them out in the camps. And we'll provide the logistics for detaining them there..
If they yearned to be American they would not be burning the American flag and flying the flag of Honduras. They see Americans as prey. A whole nation of Jamile Shaws and Mollie Tibbets. Endless lines of young children to be fucked. Stores to be robbed and a populace mostly unsuspecting. How do you think the LAPD most wanted got to be latino?
Have you seen the vids? You know what 14,000 migrants on the march look like? It IS a bit intimidating to say the least. Especially since this is nothing really new. Happens several times a year. But they are getting bigger and more organized and obviously have coordination and backing.

The solution isn't the Army or NG. The solution is treating it as a REFUGEE issue. Not an immigration issue. If you house these folks comfortably for 3 or 4 months, enough pressure could be brought on their home countries to FIX the violence, crime, economic issues.
They aren't refugees because they aren't fleeing anything. There is no war, no displacement, no bad weather. They just want money. The people brought their economy woes on themselves for being socialist. They will support the same kind of socialism here. Then we can be the next Honduras or Venezuela.

They ARE refugees from drug lords, dirty cops, corrupt govt.. The fact they don't organize and shoot back is pretty irrevelent. ASYLUM is what's generally offered to isolated political dissidents and folks on the POLITICAL outs with the incumbent govt. In numbers and frequency like these -- they are refugees.

They want to save their KIDS from being swept up by MS13 or the drug lords. Or going to prison to be tortured and held without process. It's those SHITHOLES that the left didn't think existed outside of Africa on full display...
They are the drug lords and gang members. It's them, their brothers, fathers, uncles and cousins. Exactly as they are here. The gangs and drug lords they are fleeing are from American gangs exported to Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

Reduce the gangs in both countries. Shoot them as they invade.

They are NOT the drug lords and gang members. ALTHOUGH if a brother or father or mother is trying to SAVE their kid from the lords and gangs, they may already be too far indoctrinated in the ways of those orgs.

This is the escalation of rhetoric that's clouding people's judgement. When the hordes of mass migrators came up thru Southern Europe, the difference was they were REFUGEES from actual war and violence with more than ONE SIDE shooting at them. But the PRIMARY diff was -- the majority of those (mostly Muslim) refugees did not YEARN to be French or English or Swedish. They just wanted to SURVIVE. And it was clear, that was not IMMIGRATION --- but just refugee flight.

In THIS case, the majority marching to America probably YEARN to be American. That's why they don't STOP in Mexico. Doesn't mean they are not refugees, it's just that Mexico is not a real improvement over Honduras or Guatemala.

Mexico is country where the drug lords have beheaded or dismembered over 30 town mayors in the past 4 years or so. A country where the entire police force of Acapulco recently was disarmed because it was so permeated by the drug lords that it could not be trusted at all. That's the EQUIVALENT of war. Just that it's not a fair fight.

Not fair to indict ALL of them as criminals. But it is FAIR to DEMAND that they be DETAINED and sorted out. PREFERABLY on the Mexico side of the border. And THAT should be the bottom line here. If Mexico allows these caravans to pass, they need to become Mexico's problem.

Someone in thread already suggested TAKING Mexican ground and establishing refugee camps on that side of the border. That's not a bad idea and certainly better than calling on our troops to gas them or use them as artillery practice. Ask the Mexican govt to HELP sort them out them out in the camps. And we'll provide the logistics for detaining them there..
If they yearned to be American they would not be burning the American flag and flying the flag of Honduras. They see Americans as prey. A whole nation of Jamile Shaws and Mollie Tibbets. Endless lines of young children to be fucked. Stores to be robbed and a populace mostly unsuspecting. How do you think the LAPD most wanted got to be latino?

Mexican immigrants IMPROVED my community in Cali. At least until about 2000.. They rejuvenated squalid parts of town, brought stability to those areas. AFTER 2000, even those immigrants (legal or illegal) RESENTED the new type of "new-comers". It was a different class of immigrant. So yeah -- the "quality" has gone WAY down. But these folks are NOT store robbers, looters or child traffickers by and large.

The LAPD most wanted got to be that way because Latinos are the MAJORITY of the LA proper population..
Go pull the school district enrollment numbers -- you'll see.
Have you seen the vids? You know what 14,000 migrants on the march look like? It IS a bit intimidating to say the least. Especially since this is nothing really new. Happens several times a year. But they are getting bigger and more organized and obviously have coordination and backing.

The solution isn't the Army or NG. The solution is treating it as a REFUGEE issue. Not an immigration issue. If you house these folks comfortably for 3 or 4 months, enough pressure could be brought on their home countries to FIX the violence, crime, economic issues.
They aren't refugees because they aren't fleeing anything. There is no war, no displacement, no bad weather. They just want money. The people brought their economy woes on themselves for being socialist. They will support the same kind of socialism here. Then we can be the next Honduras or Venezuela.

They ARE refugees from drug lords, dirty cops, corrupt govt.. The fact they don't organize and shoot back is pretty irrevelent. ASYLUM is what's generally offered to isolated political dissidents and folks on the POLITICAL outs with the incumbent govt. In numbers and frequency like these -- they are refugees.

They want to save their KIDS from being swept up by MS13 or the drug lords. Or going to prison to be tortured and held without process. It's those SHITHOLES that the left didn't think existed outside of Africa on full display...
They are the drug lords and gang members. It's them, their brothers, fathers, uncles and cousins. Exactly as they are here. The gangs and drug lords they are fleeing are from American gangs exported to Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

Reduce the gangs in both countries. Shoot them as they invade.

They are NOT the drug lords and gang members. ALTHOUGH if a brother or father or mother is trying to SAVE their kid from the lords and gangs, they may already be too far indoctrinated in the ways of those orgs.

This is the escalation of rhetoric that's clouding people's judgement. When the hordes of mass migrators came up thru Southern Europe, the difference was they were REFUGEES from actual war and violence with more than ONE SIDE shooting at them. But the PRIMARY diff was -- the majority of those (mostly Muslim) refugees did not YEARN to be French or English or Swedish. They just wanted to SURVIVE. And it was clear, that was not IMMIGRATION --- but just refugee flight.

In THIS case, the majority marching to America probably YEARN to be American. That's why they don't STOP in Mexico. Doesn't mean they are not refugees, it's just that Mexico is not a real improvement over Honduras or Guatemala.

Mexico is country where the drug lords have beheaded or dismembered over 30 town mayors in the past 4 years or so. A country where the entire police force of Acapulco recently was disarmed because it was so permeated by the drug lords that it could not be trusted at all. That's the EQUIVALENT of war. Just that it's not a fair fight.

Not fair to indict ALL of them as criminals. But it is FAIR to DEMAND that they be DETAINED and sorted out. PREFERABLY on the Mexico side of the border. And THAT should be the bottom line here. If Mexico allows these caravans to pass, they need to become Mexico's problem.

Someone in thread already suggested TAKING Mexican ground and establishing refugee camps on that side of the border. That's not a bad idea and certainly better than calling on our troops to gas them or use them as artillery practice. Ask the Mexican govt to HELP sort them out them out in the camps. And we'll provide the logistics for detaining them there..
If they yearned to be American they would not be burning the American flag and flying the flag of Honduras. They see Americans as prey. A whole nation of Jamile Shaws and Mollie Tibbets. Endless lines of young children to be fucked. Stores to be robbed and a populace mostly unsuspecting. How do you think the LAPD most wanted got to be latino?

Actually, they are waving Honduran flags for the same reason you see the Cuban flag prominently displayed in Miami. These are maybe the proudest and staunchest Americans there are. But the Cuban represents a PROTEST against what the country they left had become. NOT a slight on their new home.

But you scored a couple points here. Because if THIS article below is true -- then they are not fully wishing to become American. I did not know one of the organizers of this caravan was a deported leftist politician who aspires to be the next Hugo Chavez. They were not burning American flags, but tires in front of the American embassy in Mexico. BUT -- it seems there is a POLITICAL grudge amongst the organizers that would make this a sinister political invasion -- not just a refugee migration...

Why Caravan Migrants Wave Honduran Flags And Burn Tires In Front Of U.S. Embassy
political invasion:

(For the record, Tim is a center lefty, he very well words my assessment of non-citizen voting [and illegal immigrant voting, though that's not what the article talks about])
When I served in the Army National Guard, I was told the first duty of the Army National Guard is to do what the name "National Guard" clearly states > to guard the nation. And the first priority of that is to stop foreigners from invading the USA.

And the definition of invading
? > "to enter forcibly or hostilely" (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.) Well, the caravaners already entered Mexico, from Guatemala, forcibly, and one could call it hostilely, being that it's disrespecting Mexico's immigration and border law. In doing so, the border crossers tore down fences and physical barriers.

There's no doubt that the thousands of people in this caravan have exactly that same thing in mind for the United States. The solution to stop them, according to my National Guard officers is to meet the force with greater force, and use whatever force is necessary to stop and repel the invaders.

Since an effective border wall is not yet in place or electrified fencing, barbed wire, etc, this would mean possibly shooting hundreds of the caravaners, gassing them at the border, or possibly even using artillery. The military has its job to do, the question is can (and should) we allow Honduras, Guatemala and other countries to invade us ?

No. Thats not necessary. Just take sanctions against Honduras if they keep allowing this. It will stop.

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