Should Army National Guard Troops Shoot Illegal Border Crossers ?

Q. who are the major drug dealers

a) Members of Gangs (Mostly Black)
b) White CEO's of Pfizer Inc
c. White CEO's of Merck & Company, Inc
d) Your son, daughter or family friend
I'm talking about the drug dealers IN MEXICO, dummy.
No one anxious to see violence done to what they perceive as invasion should be wasting time on these boards. Go confront this group and defend what you claim to feel mortally determined about. Don't let some soft-hearted 'leftists' deter you. Go do what you must. It is useless to preach to we who see many alternatives to murder.
You're trying to get these boobs shot, aren't you? I see what you're doing.
No one anxious to see violence done to what they perceive as invasion should be wasting time on these boards. Go confront this group and defend what you claim to feel mortally determined about. Don't let some soft-hearted 'leftists' deter you. Go do what you must. It is useless to preach to we who see many alternatives to murder.
You're trying to get these boobs shot, aren't you? I see what you're doing.
They can't even read and quote correctly. But, they aren't stupid enough to carry through themselves on what they so gleefully call for others to do. And, even if stupid enough, too lazy.
Everyone in America should have a biometric proof of citizenship ID, which should be required for voting in federal elections. Anything less is inviting subversion of the nation.

You are in dire need of reeducation. People with your mindset are why government has become as big and powerful as it has. They love people like you.

People with your mindset are the subversion. You'll have us all in shckles. The founders would have hanged your rear end.

Do yourself a favor and read past legislation when they've tried to pass it. It gives the feds and the intelligence agencies an open door into almost every aspect of our lives. There are no limitations in these bills limiting what information can be put on a National ID card. And there's always a provision that states that the law is open to additional insertions at their discretion. They can add anything they want. It's a usurpation of power by the federal government. And you're just gonna kneel down, lick boots, and give em that power? What's your problem, man?
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Q. who are the major drug dealers

a) Members of Gangs (Mostly Black)
b) White CEO's of Pfizer Inc
c. White CEO's of Merck & Company, Inc
d) Your son, daughter or family friend
I'm talking about the drug dealers IN MEXICO, dummy.

No, you're not. You're talking about literally registering every American citizen and placing a limitless data metric on their paperz pleez. You're just too ignorant to realize it. As I said, the government loves people like you.

I was reading one of your threads around here about leaving the Republican party. I have to ask, what makes you think the Democrats want you? Even they understand the relevance of not giving the federal government the power to put a glorified bar code on their backs.
The new Nazi Germany. Trump should be impeached immediately.
Any day now.

5,000 mostly men storming the border is an invasion.

Where are their weapons? They are not attempting to take over the US so they are not invaders. Racists like you should be sent to Honduras.

I disagree, they are taking over local politics which is taking over government. It is, in my view, technically a coo by a foreign nation, with the help of seditious politicians who trade "voting" and "possible citizenship" in a bid to retain governmental and personal power.

There is no evidence that illegals are voting in large numbers. Legal voters displacing politicians is not a coup. That is alt-right thinking.

Get educated - illegals allowed to vote in local politics - Bing

Local is not state & not federal. If a community decides to allow more residents to vote, that is their decision.
we have a general welfare clause, for backup.

No, you don't. The GW Clause doesn't give government power of discretion to ue it for anything they want. The GW Clause is actually what limits them FROM arbitrarily doing what they want with it.
we have a general welfare clause, for backup.

No, you don't. The GW Clause doesn't give government power of discretion to ue it for anything they want. The GW Clause is actually what limits them FROM arbitrarily doing what they want with it.
that is the Point, right wingers. the general welfare clause is the general direction and the commerce clause is the specific implementation.


Scads of (mostly) flyable 747's sitting in the desert just waiting to fly them all back to Honduras and DROP them off.​
No one has a natural night to enter the U.S. illegally.
Seeking asylum is not illegal you stupid shit

Of course not, fleeing poverty is not a valid reason for asylum however. If it were, we'd have billions trying to come here on an ongoing basis.
So there is no violence or such in Honduras,. You actually get dumber every day.
Whatever is going on in Honduras is irrelevant to the issue of a mob of thousands of people trying to forcibly enter the US without permission. Either we have open borders or they must be stopped by whatever means are necessary, including the use of lethal force if that is deemed necessary to stop them.

What is going on in Honduras is relevant according to US law.

I thought you assholes were all about "This is a country of laws" bullshit.
No, it's not relevant according to US law, and if you were not so abysmally ignorant and bigoted, you would know that.
Our brand new trade deal with Mexico is on the line here & they know it. Likely the US will provide resources in the form of tent cities / military barrack type housing, SOUTH of da border. Most of the people in these mobile mobs are not women and children but able bodied men of working age. Lol, there is no such thing as economic asylum... only political asylum. These "caravaners" want a better life, economic prosperity etc. that's all fine and good until they commit a crime but stepping across our sovereign border defying our laws. There are plenty ports of entry and ridiculously lax stipulations on asylum, not to mention the fact that they should be seeking the same status within Mexico...

National Guard - Yes
US Military PRN in border zone backing up National Guard
This is a F'n invasion, orchestrated by several nations against the sovereignty of the US and should be treated as such, not a human interest piece by embedded MSM journalists. Also, loose the 'caravan' connotative verbiage which is more apropos of soccer parents caravaning to their kids game, lol. It's a F'n invading hoard of 3rd world individuals seeking to suck on the teat of our blood and sweat equity. 40,000 Vets are homeless this very moment btw. Note to 'Progs', it aint your money to give away... It's ours and we the conservatives say Hell NO!
There is no invasion. The only invasion is by white supremacists. I would definitely be all for shooting them. It would be a public service.

You fool nobody honey.
You would be afraid to even try to swing your purse at them sweetheart.

You are the fool sweetheart.

Maybe Hillary The Hag will win in 2020 darling.

Biden would likely win in 2020 darling.

Joe Biden is a dead issue for America. He got beat by Hillary need I say more. He has been rejected by the American People 4 times. If what the left is offering is Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton as front runners "good luck" 6 more years. American doesn't really Like re-runs

And then 8 years of Pence.....
Maybe Hillary The Hag will win in 2020 darling.

Biden would likely win in 2020 darling.

Joe Biden is a dead issue for America. He got beat by Hillary need I say more. He has been rejected by the American People 4 times. If what the left is offering is Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton as front runners "good luck" 6 more years. American doesn't really Like re-runs

How did he get beaten by Clinton when he didn't run.

He didn't run because the Dems knew he had no chance then and no chance now. He's a leftist Socialist turd. Go live in Venezuela or Canada they would love your point of view. And watch your freedom to speak out Disappear. Thanks for you input we are all dumber now.

He didn't run because of the death of his son. The polls showed he ran much better than other Democrats against Republicans. He is center-left. The fact is that American voters are closer to me than they are you. Our freedoms are already under assault by Republicans.

Those polls again. The ones that said Trump had no path to victory and Queen Hillary The Hag was a lock.

Sad really.
Our brand new trade deal with Mexico is on the line here & they know it. Likely the US will provide resources in the form of tent cities / military barrack type housing, SOUTH of da border. Most of the people in these mobile mobs are not women and children but able bodied men of working age. Lol, there is no such thing as economic asylum... only political asylum. These "caravaners" want a better life, economic prosperity etc. that's all fine and good until they commit a crime but stepping across our sovereign border defying our laws. There are plenty ports of entry and ridiculously lax stipulations on asylum, not to mention the fact that they should be seeking the same status within Mexico...

National Guard - Yes
US Military PRN in border zone backing up National Guard
This is a F'n invasion, orchestrated by several nations against the sovereignty of the US and should be treated as such, not a human interest piece by embedded MSM journalists. Also, loose the 'caravan' connotative verbiage which is more apropos of soccer parents caravaning to their kids game, lol. It's a F'n invading hoard of 3rd world individuals seeking to suck on the teat of our blood and sweat equity. 40,000 Vets are homeless this very moment btw. Note to 'Progs', it aint your money to give away... It's ours and we the conservatives say Hell NO!
The general welfare clause is general and we have a Commerce Clause; Only lousy capitalists Lose money with that.

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