Should Army National Guard Troops Shoot Illegal Border Crossers ?

No, they are seeking refuge which is perfectly legal. Fools who listen to Fox won't accept that.

Despite the fact that most of those being interviewed are saying they want jobs not refuge.
This is an invasion and needs to be treated as an invasion.

It is not a invasion.

Yes it is.
Are they a large group of people coming into our country illegally?

The definition of invasion - an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.
These people are just useful pawns for someone else. I really do wonder who has funded this.
It is NOT American Democrats OR George Soros, but if what they're looking for is a damned good overreaction, they sure got it from our Pres.
The National Guard would be a strong force on the border.

Shoot at a few trying to cross. The rest will get the damned message.

Then spend the rest of their life in prison.

LMAO I doubt it. Shooting at someone and shooting someone are two different animals.

The National Guard is military and they would be there to defend the border. Shooting at someone for them isn't a criminal offence.

You sure are stupid.

You are an amazing example of a fool. Why do you post things which are so out of touch with reality?

Are you desperate for attention? Do you hope others give you kudos for this bit of stupidity you claim is stupid.

I suggest (since I doubt you read) find a video of the Movie Judgment at Nuremberg

Maybe, possibly, hopefully you will understand how truly wrong you are!

An you are an amazing example of a lefty loon idiot.

We aren't talking about WWII and the Natzi's. Or the Nuremburg Trials. One has nothing to do with the other.

We ARE talking about keeping thousands of none Americans from getting into our country.

You sure are a fool.

Thanks for sharing and proving how dense you are.

For those curious, see:

"The charges against the 24 accused at Nuremberg were as follows: (1) crimes against peace, that is, the planning and waging of wars that violated international treaties; (2) crimes against humanity, that is, the deportation, extermination, and genocide of various populations; (3) war crimes, that is, those activities that violated the “rules” of war that had been laid down in light of the First World War and later international agreements; and (4) conspiracy to commit any and all of the crimes listed in the first three counts."

"Twenty-four former Nazi officials were tried, and when it was all over, one year later, half would be sentenced to death by hanging."

And this:


First Lieutenant Calley stands convicted of the premeditated murder of 22 infants, children, women, and old men, and of assault with intent to murder a child of about 2 years of age. All the killings and the assault took place on March 16, 1968 in the area of the village of May Lai in the Republic of South Vietnam. The Army Court of Military Review affirmed the findings of guilty and the sentence, which, as reduced by the convening authority, includes dismissal and confinement at hard labor for 20 years.
Doesn't matter what they are "yearning". We don't allow invasion of our territory.

What they are "yearning" is THEIR problem, not ours.

There is no invasion. The only invasion is by white supremacists. I would definitely be all for shooting them. It would be a public service.

You fool nobody honey.
You would be afraid to even try to swing your purse at them sweetheart.

You are the fool sweetheart.

Maybe Hillary The Hag will win in 2020 darling.

Biden would likely win in 2020 darling.

That is until they post pictures of him creeping on women and young girls.
The people responsible for such a deed should be immediately indicted and tried for murder. That is what it would be. You are a bloodthirsty dog.
So you're a TRAITOR who, rather than defend America, you support the invaders. That's TREASON. Death penalty for you.


Sorry this is not Nazi Germany. You have no clue what treason is. It certainly is not disagreeing with you fascist pigs.

It's not Nazi Germany because we killed a lot of Nazis in Europe and prevented it's spread to America. Democrats are just Nazis with a different name. free shit for everyone "why"? don't you live in a communist country. Oh because if you did and opened your moth they would have you shot in the street or Butchered or beheaded. Retard!

You re the retard. There is a Nazi Party in the US. Republicans most closely resemble Nazis. White supremacists spout the same philosophy that Hitler espoused. Trump's rise to power closely follows Hitler's ascent to power.

You never studied any history or you would never make such asinine statements.
There is no invasion. The only invasion is by white supremacists. I would definitely be all for shooting them. It would be a public service.

You fool nobody honey.
You would be afraid to even try to swing your purse at them sweetheart.

You are the fool sweetheart.

Maybe Hillary The Hag will win in 2020 darling.

Biden would likely win in 2020 darling.

That is until they post pictures of him creeping on women and young girls.

Post the proof or prove you're an asshole.
Go Trump!

"With that said, Trump added, “If that doesn’t work out, we’re calling up the military, not the guard, we’re calling up the military and we’re going to have the military stationed. They’re not coming into this country, they might as well turn back.”

4k Troops have already been authorized. That's probably enough.

2,000 migrants return to Honduras, foreign ministry says

That would be illegal. It would be a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. They have the right to seek asylum and should be heard.

They have the right to seek asylum in MEXICO!
The people responsible for such a deed should be immediately indicted and tried for murder. That is what it would be. You are a bloodthirsty dog.
So you're a TRAITOR who, rather than defend America, you support the invaders. That's TREASON. Death penalty for you.


Sorry this is not Nazi Germany. You have no clue what treason is. It certainly is not disagreeing with you fascist pigs.

It's not Nazi Germany because we killed a lot of Nazis in Europe and prevented it's spread to America. Democrats are just Nazis with a different name. free shit for everyone "why"? don't you live in a communist country. Oh because if you did and opened your moth they would have you shot in the street or Butchered or beheaded. Retard!

You re the retard. There is a Nazi Party in the US. Republicans most closely resemble Nazis. White supremacists spout the same philosophy that Hitler espoused. Trump's rise to power closely follows Hitler's ascent to power.

You never studied any history or you would never make such asinine statements.

You never read the 10 Commandments by making the statement in #572
Go Trump!

"With that said, Trump added, “If that doesn’t work out, we’re calling up the military, not the guard, we’re calling up the military and we’re going to have the military stationed. They’re not coming into this country, they might as well turn back.”

4k Troops have already been authorized. That's probably enough.

2,000 migrants return to Honduras, foreign ministry says

That would be illegal. It would be a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. They have the right to seek asylum and should be heard.

They have the right to seek asylum in MEXICO!

Post the US Code where they are prevented from seeking asylum in the US?
It is NOT American Democrats OR George Soros, but if what they're looking for is a damned good overreaction, they sure got it from our Pres.

I don't tend to participate in the standard Democrat versus Republican squabbles, OL, I imagine that you've likely figured that out by reading my postings. At least I'd hope so. It's such a false paradigm, and it really only serves to keep people divided, it keeps people arguing about meaningless things, and it keeps people from putting their differences aside and getting together and talking about how both parties have been screwing us for the last 50 years.

As far as this most recent crowd coming here, I don't know who it would be who organized it, but someone or some political entity has instigated this.
These people are just useful pawns for someone else. I really do wonder who has funded this.
It is NOT American Democrats OR George Soros, but if what they're looking for is a damned good overreaction, they sure got it from our Pres.

I know, I know! It is PUTIN! trump will do anything to have a trump tower built in Moscow.
These people are just useful pawns for someone else. I really do wonder who has funded this.
It is NOT American Democrats OR George Soros, but if what they're looking for is a damned good overreaction, they sure got it from our Pres.
These people are just useful pawns for someone else. I really do wonder who has funded this.
It is NOT American Democrats OR George Soros, but if what they're looking for is a damned good overreaction, they sure got it from our Pres.
These people are just useful pawns for someone else. I really do wonder who has funded this.
It is NOT American Democrats OR George Soros, but if what they're looking for is a damned good overreaction, they sure got it from our Pres.

You might want to check this out.

Funding by Tijuana , San Diego,Los Angles and San Diego.
Go Trump!

"With that said, Trump added, “If that doesn’t work out, we’re calling up the military, not the guard, we’re calling up the military and we’re going to have the military stationed. They’re not coming into this country, they might as well turn back.”

4k Troops have already been authorized. That's probably enough.

2,000 migrants return to Honduras, foreign ministry says

That would be illegal. It would be a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. They have the right to seek asylum and should be heard.

They have the right to seek asylum in MEXICO!

Post the US Code where they are prevented from seeking asylum in the US?
/—-/ They can aeeek asylum but it doesn’t mean we have to grant it.
Trump needs to declare a state of emergency and martial law. This would effectively suspend the bill of rights. The military should be immediately deployed along the border to prevent invasion from mexico. All ports of entry to mexico gets closed. All federal officers should be put on capture and deport duty for those already here. Cities that declare themselves sanctuaries will have city officials arrested for obstruction of justice.

That's just to start.
What is the emergency?

I thought everything was great in Trumps America
Maybe he needs to declare an emergency to get the Guard to respond?
Or it's just election time and he's whipping up the base into a goddamned lather. This is absolutely ridiculous. The threads are popping up like mushrooms and these folks are truly panicked.
Go Trump!

"With that said, Trump added, “If that doesn’t work out, we’re calling up the military, not the guard, we’re calling up the military and we’re going to have the military stationed. They’re not coming into this country, they might as well turn back.”

4k Troops have already been authorized. That's probably enough.

2,000 migrants return to Honduras, foreign ministry says

That would be illegal. It would be a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. They have the right to seek asylum and should be heard.

They have the right to seek asylum in MEXICO!

Post the US Code where they are prevented from seeking asylum in the US?
/—-/ They can aeeek asylum but it doesn’t mean we have to grant it.

Correct, but they are being deprived and incarcerated without due process. Is that the new normal we will see expand by Trumpism?
Trump needs to declare a state of emergency and martial law. This would effectively suspend the bill of rights. The military should be immediately deployed along the border to prevent invasion from mexico. All ports of entry to mexico gets closed. All federal officers should be put on capture and deport duty for those already here. Cities that declare themselves sanctuaries will have city officials arrested for obstruction of justice.

That's just to start.
What is the emergency?

I thought everything was great in Trumps America
Maybe he needs to declare an emergency to get the Guard to respond?
Or it's just election time and he's whipping up the base into a goddamned lather. This is absolutely ridiculous. The threads are popping up like mushrooms and these folks are truly panicked.
If they really cared, they'd load up their trucks with guns and head for the border.
If I had to make a wager, I'd say that all of these recent events and recent debate at the upper levels of politics is going to bring us back full circle to National ID. And, sadly, it will be the Republicans who usher it in. Their constituents will, of course, eat it up like candy and popularize it because brown people. Which is not to say that some leftists aren't helping to fuel it by providing said brown people in order to help create the prescribed effect. Problem. Reaction. Solution. Courtesy of the party of one. Just wait for it. Once we get National ID, freedom in America is dead as we know it.
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