Should Army National Guard Troops Shoot Illegal Border Crossers ?

don't care about natural rights?

No one has a natural night to enter the U.S. illegally.
Seeking asylum is not illegal you stupid shit

Of course not, fleeing poverty is not a valid reason for asylum however. If it were, we'd have billions trying to come here on an ongoing basis.
So there is no violence or such in Honduras,. You actually get dumber every day.

Jesus you're stupid. Honduras is listed as one of the most violent countries in the world.
I was mocking another poster.
The National Guard would be a strong force on the border.

Shoot at a few trying to cross. The rest will get the damned message.
don't care about natural rights?

No one has a natural night to enter the U.S. illegally.
Seeking asylum is not illegal you stupid shit

Never said it was dumbfuck... do try and keep up.
If it is legal, then they have a right to come here to apply.
Trump needs to declare a state of emergency and martial law. This would effectively suspend the bill of rights. The military should be immediately deployed along the border to prevent invasion from mexico. All ports of entry to mexico gets closed. All federal officers should be put on capture and deport duty for those already here. Cities that declare themselves sanctuaries will have city officials arrested for obstruction of justice.

That's just to start.

The new Nazi Germany. Trump should be impeached immediately.
Any day now.

5,000 mostly men storming the border is an invasion.

Where are their weapons? They are not attempting to take over the US so they are not invaders. Racists like you should be sent to Honduras.

I disagree, they are taking over local politics which is taking over government. It is, in my view, technically a coo by a foreign nation, with the help of seditious politicians who trade "voting" and "possible citizenship" in a bid to retain governmental and personal power.
Trump needs to declare a state of emergency and martial law. This would effectively suspend the bill of rights. The military should be immediately deployed along the border to prevent invasion from mexico. All ports of entry to mexico gets closed. All federal officers should be put on capture and deport duty for those already here. Cities that declare themselves sanctuaries will have city officials arrested for obstruction of justice.

That's just to start.

The new Nazi Germany. Trump should be impeached immediately.
Any day now.

5,000 mostly men storming the border is an invasion.

Where are their weapons? They are not attempting to take over the US so they are not invaders. Racists like you should be sent to Honduras.

I disagree, they are taking over local politics which is taking over government. It is, in my view, technically a coo by a foreign nation, with the help of seditious politicians who trade "voting" and "possible citizenship" in a bid to retain governmental and personal power.

There is no evidence that illegals are voting in large numbers. Legal voters displacing politicians is not a coup. That is alt-right thinking.
Trump needs to declare a state of emergency and martial law. This would effectively suspend the bill of rights. The military should be immediately deployed along the border to prevent invasion from mexico. All ports of entry to mexico gets closed. All federal officers should be put on capture and deport duty for those already here. Cities that declare themselves sanctuaries will have city officials arrested for obstruction of justice.

That's just to start.

The new Nazi Germany. Trump should be impeached immediately.
Any day now.

5,000 mostly men storming the border is an invasion.

Where are their weapons? They are not attempting to take over the US so they are not invaders. Racists like you should be sent to Honduras.

I disagree, they are taking over local politics which is taking over government. It is, in my view, technically a coo by a foreign nation, with the help of seditious politicians who trade "voting" and "possible citizenship" in a bid to retain governmental and personal power.

There is no evidence that illegals are voting in large numbers. Legal voters displacing politicians is not a coup. That is alt-right thinking.

Get educated - illegals allowed to vote in local politics - Bing
All I see is people are running from death. Hunger, danger for a better life and we have plenty of land, food and resources let's help them like jesus would. Americans can share their huge wasted food portions and massive empty lands. Stop being greedy...
FALSE! America does not have "plenty of land (habitable), food and resources. Fresh water is one resource, for example, that is only plentiful right after hurricanes and tropical storms. For the most part, in most areas of the country, fresh water is scarce, especially in the western states.

At Least 36 U.S. States Face Water Shortage

Much of western US facing severe water shortage - The Boston Globe

These 11 Cities May Completely Run Out Of Water Sooner Than You Think | HuffPost

Saudi Arabia is buying up farmland in US Southwest

Clean water crisis threatens US

You can come up with the stupidest things. A portion of that shortage is man made. IT is hardly a reason to turn away people.
If an American citizen were to shoot someone who crossed the border unofficially, what would be the legal consequences?
What would be the legal consequences for American citizens who shot and killed thousands of Japanese soldiers and civilians in the Battle of Okinawa (1945). Answer: they got medals.

That was a declared war against a nation that attacked us first.
There is no invasion. The only invasion is by white supremacists. I would definitely be all for shooting them. It would be a public service.
No end to the left's use of it's favorite catchwords and phrases >> "white supremacists, Islamaphobe, homophobe, racist, bigot, xenophobe, " etc

Hey, BB: hoiw about the black supremacists ? You wanna shoot them too ? :rolleyes:

You are so far to the crazy right that Ronald Reagan looks liberal to you.
Think we are just about getting to the point where the people take matters into their own hands. If the government cant fulfill it's most basic obligation, well that's why we have something called the 2nd Amendment. The people do the job the government wont.

Then others should take their guns and do the job on murderers.
That's okay too. Take out all the trash at once.

You really think I should take you out?
Where are their weapons? They are not attempting to take over the US so they are not invaders. Racists like you should be sent to Honduras.
Another example of late arrival, lazy bums, not reading the thread, and earlier posts.

Once again (10th time ?) >>

definition of invade > "to enter forcibly or hostilely" (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.)

Seeking asylum is not a invasion. They are not using force nor do they have hostile intentions. You lose.
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Go hide behind your wall!
We, in the Army, don't hide. We fight foreign invaders and stop them.

So you have no issue with the Iraqis and Isis as the US invaded their boarder, nor the Afghanistan Taliban.

First of all ISIS has no borders it is a Terrorist organization ( a pretty dead one at that, no thanks to the Left) Iraq was being run by the most brutal Dictator since WWII who gassed and killed his own people. Then Invaded a sovereign country (Kuwait)
You are obviously in favor of rape torture and murder of innocent people who don't share your views if you believe your own Post . Thank you! Now STFU you know only what your trainers feed you. Rubber bullets and lots of tear gas and The caravan is over. Lets start a movement to get Concerned Americans to form a caravan and block the Border. No Military just really Pissed off American patriots hell bent on keeping these Scumbags out. I saw a reporter interview a Caravan participant who admitted being deported 6 times and this was his way of sneaking back in.
Protectionism (I will give you props for an accurate handle, if nothing else) is not "conservative". Conservatives trust the market. They trust freedom.
FALSE! Protectionism is EXACTLY what conservatism is. Protecting the nation and its culture, and CONSERVING it.

FALSE! Conservatism has nothing to do with protectionism. Protectionism is government trying to control outcomes. Consumers should be the boss not big government.
Where are their weapons? They are not attempting to take over the US so they are not invaders. Racists like you should be sent to Honduras.
Another example of late arrival, lazy bums, not reading the thread, and earlier posts.

Once again (10th time ?) >>

definition of invade > "to enter forcibly or hostilely" (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.)

Seeking asylum is not a invasion. T5hey are not using force nor do they have hostile intentions. You lose.
So why don't they seek Asylum in Mexico or Venezuela or Brazil or Peru or Uruguay. Because Leftists in America have encouraged them to come here and Those other country's have sent a very clear message of Don't even try it.
The people responsible for such a deed should be immediately indicted and tried for murder. That is what it would be. You are a bloodthirsty dog.
So you're a TRAITOR who, rather than defend America, you support the invaders. That's TREASON. Death penalty for you.


Sorry this is not Nazi Germany yet. You have no clue what treason is. It certainly is not disagreeing with you fascist pigs.
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Doesn't matter what they are "yearning". We don't allow invasion of our territory.

What they are "yearning" is THEIR problem, not ours.

There is no invasion. The only invasion is by white supremacists. I would definitely be all for shooting them. It would be a public service.

You fool nobody honey.
You would be afraid to even try to swing your purse at them sweetheart.

You are the fool sweetheart.

Maybe Hillary The Hag will win in 2020 darling.

Biden would likely win in 2020 darling.

Joe Biden is a dead issue for America. He got beat by Hillary need I say more. He has been rejected by the American People 4 times. If what the left is offering is Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton as front runners "good luck" 6 more years. American doesn't really Like re-runs
Leave dogs out of it! Dogs accept people of all sizes, shapes, colors, ethnicity and creeds. Conservatives discriminate against all who are not a WASP, and only by talking points accept others as long as they toe the line of conservative dogma.
FALSE! Conservatives do not discriminate by race. It is liberals who do that, in their Affirmative Action programs, which is the largest discrimination against, by far, the largest number of victims (whites), in America, and doing it for 50 years.

Conservatives do not. However the alt-right does. Affirmative action programs are not discrimination. The fact is that whites do very well in America. Whites are not victims of anything. They hold most of the power in this country.
There is no invasion. The only invasion is by white supremacists. I would definitely be all for shooting them. It would be a public service.

You fool nobody honey.
You would be afraid to even try to swing your purse at them sweetheart.

You are the fool sweetheart.

Maybe Hillary The Hag will win in 2020 darling.

Biden would likely win in 2020 darling.

Joe Biden is a dead issue for America. He got beat by Hillary need I say more. He has been rejected by the American People 4 times. If what the left is offering is Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton as front runners "good luck" 6 more years. American doesn't really Like re-runs

How did he get beaten by Clinton when he didn't run.

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