Should Army National Guard Troops Shoot Illegal Border Crossers ?

The people responsible for such a deed should be immediately indicted and tried for murder. That is what it would be. You are a bloodthirsty dog.
So you're a TRAITOR who, rather than defend America, you support the invaders. That's TREASON. Death penalty for you.


Sorry this is not Nazi Germany. You have no clue what treason is. It certainly is not disagreeing with you fascist pigs.

It's not Nazi Germany because we killed a lot of Nazis in Europe and prevented it's spread to America. Democrats are just Nazis with a different name. free shit for everyone "why"? don't you live in a communist country. Oh because if you did and opened your moth they would have you shot in the street or Butchered or beheaded. Retard!
The National Guard would be a strong force on the border.

Shoot at a few trying to cross. The rest will get the damned message.

Then spend the rest of their life in prison.

LMAO I doubt it. Shooting at someone and shooting someone are two different animals.

The National Guard is military and they would be there to defend the border. Shooting at someone for them isn't a criminal offence.

You sure are stupid.
You fool nobody honey.
You would be afraid to even try to swing your purse at them sweetheart.

You are the fool sweetheart.

Maybe Hillary The Hag will win in 2020 darling.

Biden would likely win in 2020 darling.

Joe Biden is a dead issue for America. He got beat by Hillary need I say more. He has been rejected by the American People 4 times. If what the left is offering is Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton as front runners "good luck" 6 more years. American doesn't really Like re-runs

How did he get beaten by Clinton when he didn't run.

He didn't run because the Dems knew he had no chance then and no chance now. He's a leftist Socialist turd. Go live in Venezuela or Canada they would love your point of view. And watch your freedom to speak out Disappear. Thanks for you input we are all dumber now.
Refugees don't wave their nations flag, while marching to another country. Invaders do !

A bit off topic but your comment reminded me of another time. Back in the 60's (during LBJ & Nixon's Admin.) American College Students who traveled to Europe carried a backpack with the Canadian Maple leaf - they didn't want to be hated sense the War in Vietnam was so unpopular.

One can love one's country, but hate or fear their government.
You are the fool sweetheart.

Maybe Hillary The Hag will win in 2020 darling.

Biden would likely win in 2020 darling.

Joe Biden is a dead issue for America. He got beat by Hillary need I say more. He has been rejected by the American People 4 times. If what the left is offering is Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton as front runners "good luck" 6 more years. American doesn't really Like re-runs

How did he get beaten by Clinton when he didn't run.

He didn't run because the Dems knew he had no chance then and no chance now. He's a leftist Socialist turd. Go live in Venezuela or Canada they would love your point of view. And watch your freedom to speak out Disappear. Thanks for you input we are all dumber now.

He didn't run because of the death of his son. The polls showed he ran much better than other Democrats against Republicans. He is center-left. The fact is that American voters are closer to me than they are you. Our freedoms are already under assault by Republicans.
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The National Guard would be a strong force on the border.

Shoot at a few trying to cross. The rest will get the damned message.

Then spend the rest of their life in prison.

Busy bee are you even able to see through the Socialist veil you wear wake up ! The Socialist Dream in America is Dead !
Why aren't Latin Americans Breaking into other Latin American Countries. Because they are shitholes governed by Socialists who only need the Population to work for nothing "due to massive taxation" to support their Domestic Policies that OBVIOUSLY don't work.
The people responsible for such a deed should be immediately indicted and tried for murder. That is what it would be. You are a bloodthirsty dog.
So you're a TRAITOR who, rather than defend America, you support the invaders. That's TREASON. Death penalty for you.


Sorry this is not Nazi Germany. You have no clue what treason is. It certainly is not disagreeing with you fascist pigs.

It's not Nazi Germany because we killed a lot of Nazis in Europe and prevented it's spread to America. Democrats are just Nazis with a different name. free shit for everyone "why"? don't you live in a communist country. Oh because if you did and opened your moth they would have you shot in the street or Butchered or beheaded. Retard!

Maybe Hillary The Hag will win in 2020 darling.

Biden would likely win in 2020 darling.

Joe Biden is a dead issue for America. He got beat by Hillary need I say more. He has been rejected by the American People 4 times. If what the left is offering is Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton as front runners "good luck" 6 more years. American doesn't really Like re-runs

How did he get beaten by Clinton when he didn't run.

He didn't run because the Dems knew he had no chance then and no chance now. He's a leftist Socialist turd. Go live in Venezuela or Canada they would love your point of view. And watch your freedom to speak out Disappear. Thanks for you input we are all dumber now.

He didn't run because of the death of his son. T

He should go run for President of Honduras or El Salvador they would love the Gringo there
The National Guard would be a strong force on the border.

Shoot at a few trying to cross. The rest will get the damned message.

Then spend the rest of their life in prison.

LMAO I doubt it. Shooting at someone and shooting someone are two different animals.

The National Guard is military and they would be there to defend the border. Shooting at someone for them isn't a criminal offence.

You sure are stupid.

You are an amazing example of a fool. Why do you post things which are so out of touch with reality?

Are you desperate for attention? Do you hope others give you kudos for this bit of stupidity you claim is stupid.

I suggest (since I doubt you read) find a video of the Movie Judgment at Nuremberg

Maybe, possibly, hopefully you will understand how truly wrong you are!
Go Trump!

"With that said, Trump added, “If that doesn’t work out, we’re calling up the military, not the guard, we’re calling up the military and we’re going to have the military stationed. They’re not coming into this country, they might as well turn back.”

4k Troops have already been authorized. That's probably enough.

2,000 migrants return to Honduras, foreign ministry says

That would be illegal. It would be a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. They have the right to seek asylum and should be heard.
Go Trump!

"With that said, Trump added, “If that doesn’t work out, we’re calling up the military, not the guard, we’re calling up the military and we’re going to have the military stationed. They’re not coming into this country, they might as well turn back.”

4k Troops have already been authorized. That's probably enough.

2,000 migrants return to Honduras, foreign ministry says

That would be illegal. It would be a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. They have the right to seek asylum and should be heard.

Go Trump!

"With that said, Trump added, “If that doesn’t work out, we’re calling up the military, not the guard, we’re calling up the military and we’re going to have the military stationed. They’re not coming into this country, they might as well turn back.”

4k Troops have already been authorized. That's probably enough.

2,000 migrants return to Honduras, foreign ministry says

That would be illegal. It would be a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. They have the right to seek asylum and should be heard.

Sadly, the members of Congress remain silent on the human misery in Central America, and the bellicose rhetoric by Trump.
The new Nazi Germany. Trump should be impeached immediately.
Any day now.

5,000 mostly men storming the border is an invasion.

Where are their weapons? They are not attempting to take over the US so they are not invaders. Racists like you should be sent to Honduras.

I disagree, they are taking over local politics which is taking over government. It is, in my view, technically a coo by a foreign nation, with the help of seditious politicians who trade "voting" and "possible citizenship" in a bid to retain governmental and personal power.

There is no evidence that illegals are voting in large numbers. Legal voters displacing politicians is not a coup. That is alt-right thinking.

Get educated - illegals allowed to vote in local politics - Bing

You need to get educated. Where is your specific link? You give me a bunch of garbage and provide that as proof.
The National Guard would be a strong force on the border.

Shoot at a few trying to cross. The rest will get the damned message.

Then spend the rest of their life in prison.

LMAO I doubt it. Shooting at someone and shooting someone are two different animals.

The National Guard is military and they would be there to defend the border. Shooting at someone for them isn't a criminal offence.

You sure are stupid.

You are an amazing example of a fool. Why do you post things which are so out of touch with reality?

Are you desperate for attention? Do you hope others give you kudos for this bit of stupidity you claim is stupid.

I suggest (since I doubt you read) find a video of the Movie Judgment at Nuremberg

Maybe, possibly, hopefully you will understand how truly wrong you are!

An you are an amazing example of a lefty loon idiot.

We aren't talking about WWII and the Natzi's. Or the Nuremburg Trials. One has nothing to do with the other.

We ARE talking about keeping thousands of none Americans from getting into our country.

You sure are a fool.
No, they are seeking refuge which is perfectly legal. Fools who listen to Fox won't accept that.

Despite the fact that most of those being interviewed are saying they want jobs not refuge.
This is an invasion and needs to be treated as an invasion.
Go Trump!

"With that said, Trump added, “If that doesn’t work out, we’re calling up the military, not the guard, we’re calling up the military and we’re going to have the military stationed. They’re not coming into this country, they might as well turn back.”

4k Troops have already been authorized. That's probably enough.

2,000 migrants return to Honduras, foreign ministry says

That would be illegal. It would be a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. They have the right to seek asylum and should be heard.


You are the one who is wrong.
The National Guard would be a strong force on the border.

Shoot at a few trying to cross. The rest will get the damned message.

Then spend the rest of their life in prison.

Busy bee are you even able to see through the Socialist veil you wear wake up ! The Socialist Dream in America is Dead !
Why aren't Latin Americans Breaking into other Latin American Countries. Because they are shitholes governed by Socialists who only need the Population to work for nothing "due to massive taxation" to support their Domestic Policies that OBVIOUSLY don't work.

You have no clue what socialism is. If you support protectionism then YOU are the socialist. The fact is that the US is known to protect people. In many of the Latin countries you have the same problem. Drug cartels who hold power. If the US military goes against anyone it should be these drug cartels.

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