Should Army National Guard Troops Shoot Illegal Border Crossers ?

These people are just useful pawns for someone else. I really do wonder who has funded this.
It is NOT American Democrats OR George Soros, but if what they're looking for is a damned good overreaction, they sure got it from our Pres.
These people are just useful pawns for someone else. I really do wonder who has funded this.
It is NOT American Democrats OR George Soros, but if what they're looking for is a damned good overreaction, they sure got it from our Pres.
These people are just useful pawns for someone else. I really do wonder who has funded this.
It is NOT American Democrats OR George Soros, but if what they're looking for is a damned good overreaction, they sure got it from our Pres.

You might want to check this out.

Funding by Tijuana , San Diego,Los Angles and San Diego.
So it's an organization of illegals, by illegals, and for illegals?
They are not going to make a very good impression on the current Administration with this approach, I don't think.
The National Guard would be a strong force on the border.

Shoot at a few trying to cross. The rest will get the damned message.
don't care about natural rights?

Nope. Not when illegals are trying to get to US. The illegals that cost we taxpayers billions every year.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about abortion, anymore. and, stop complaining about the Cost of social services for your right wing rhetoric.
No, they are seeking refuge which is perfectly legal. Fools who listen to Fox won't accept that.

Despite the fact that most of those being interviewed are saying they want jobs not refuge.
This is an invasion and needs to be treated as an invasion.

It is not a invasion.

Yes it is.
Are they a large group of people coming into our country illegally?

The definition of invasion - an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.
we have a Commerce Clause; only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies; only the right wing Never gets it.
Go Trump!

"With that said, Trump added, “If that doesn’t work out, we’re calling up the military, not the guard, we’re calling up the military and we’re going to have the military stationed. They’re not coming into this country, they might as well turn back.”

4k Troops have already been authorized. That's probably enough.

2,000 migrants return to Honduras, foreign ministry says

That would be illegal. It would be a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. They have the right to seek asylum and should be heard.

They have the right to seek asylum in MEXICO!

Post the US Code where they are prevented from seeking asylum in the US?
/—-/ They can aeeek asylum but it doesn’t mean we have to grant it.
care to look for open interest in a capital venture down south that creates a lot of jobs by creating a lot of housing, on a for-profit basis.
You might want to check this out.

Funding by Tijuana , San Diego,Los Angles and San Diego.

Gosh. It is Soros. He's funding at least three of the groups involved.

The caravan is organized by a group called Pueblo Sin Fronteras, ut the effort is supported by the coalition CARA Family Detention Pro Bono Project, which includes Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLIN), the American Immigration Council (AIC), the Refugee and Immigration Center for Education and Legal Services (RICELS) and the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) – thus the acronym CARA,” “At least three of the four groups are funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

Reports: Soros funding border caravan invasion
No, they are seeking refuge which is perfectly legal. Fools who listen to Fox won't accept that.

Despite the fact that most of those being interviewed are saying they want jobs not refuge.
This is an invasion and needs to be treated as an invasion.

It is not a invasion.

Yes it is.
Are they a large group of people coming into our country illegally?

The definition of invasion - an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.
we have a Commerce Clause; only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies; only the right wing Never gets it.

What has regulating trade with other foreign countries got to do with large groups of illegal invaders?
It's the corrupted governments of these countries that's causing this.
They are allowing the drug cartels and corrupt police to run them.
If things were so bad in Honduras that these "refugees" were seeking asylum, they would stop at the first country they came to, and at the very least they would stop once they reached Mexico. And as I've repeatedly posted, refugees don't proudly fly the flag of the country they are trying to escape from.

These people are lying and using refugee status in order to circumvent our immigration laws.
Dimocrats as usual will work to help them break our laws.
That would be illegal. It would be a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. They have the right to seek asylum and should be heard.
You don't know what the hell you're talking about. Your silly babbling has been refuted 100 times in this thread. Go take a nap.
You might want to check this out.

Funding by Tijuana , San Diego,Los Angles and San Diego.

Gosh. It is Soros. He's funding at least three of the groups involved.

The caravan is organized by a group called Pueblo Sin Fronteras, ut the effort is supported by the coalition CARA Family Detention Pro Bono Project, which includes Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLIN), the American Immigration Council (AIC), the Refugee and Immigration Center for Education and Legal Services (RICELS) and the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) – thus the acronym CARA,” “At least three of the four groups are funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.
Reports: Soros funding border caravan invasion

How is the weather this evening in Moscow, comrade?
If I had to make a wager, I'd say that all of these recent events and recent debate at the upper levels of politics is going to bring us back full circle to National ID. And, sadly, it will be the Republicans who usher it in. Their constituents will, of course, eat it up like candy and popularize it because brown people. Which is not to say that some leftists aren't helping to fuel it by providing said brown people in order to help create the prescribed effect. Problem. Reaction. Solution. Courtesy of the party of one. Just wait for it. Once we get National ID, freedom in America is dead as we know it.
Freedom to break our laws, subvert our immigration system, harm America. Those freedoms NEED to be dead.

Everyone in America should have a biometric proof of citizenship ID, which should be required for voting in federal elections. Anything less is inviting subversion of the nation.
We have as drug trade because Amertcans want to buy them.

Quit blaming Mexico because of a problem the US created.
The drug dealers CREATE the demand. it starts with THEM. Quit copping out.

Q. who are the major drug dealers

a) Members of Gangs (Mostly Black)
b) White CEO's of Pfizer Inc
c. White CEO's of Merck & Company, Inc
d) Your son, daughter or family friend
There is no right to come to this country. There is no right to break into your home. Shoot the bastards on sight. If some manage to sneak through capture them and shoot them too.
No one anxious to see violence done to what they perceive as invasion should be wasting time on these boards. Go confront this group and defend what you claim to feel mortally determined about. Don't let some soft-hearted 'leftists' deter you. Go do what you must. It is useless to preach to we who see many alternatives to murder.
No one anxious to see violence done to what they perceive as invasion should be wasting time on these boards. Go confront this group and defend what you claim to feel mortally determined about. Don't let some soft-hearted 'leftists' deter you. Go do what you must. It is useless to preach to we who see many alternatives to murder.
The very fact that you call the use of the military to defend America > "murder" clearly shows that you're either just another lying, leftist scammer, or need to be locked up in a mental institution.

Q. Why do you think the Congress under the leadership of those who claim election fraud is rampant, haven't passed legislation requiring in all federal elections the type of ID necessary to vote?

A. Because they are liars and hypocrites.
What do you claim they are lying about ? I've already posted a dozen links showing proofs of illegal aliens voting by the thousands.

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