Should Army National Guard Troops Shoot Illegal Border Crossers ?

No passports, no IDs, no birth certificates. That's the usual way these folks present when they ask for asylum. If it's asylum, and there are THOUSANDS at a time --- then it's not asylum.. It then becomes a refugee migration and they should be treated as temporary refugees. PREFERABLY -- on the Mexican side of the border while they are processed for immigration requests.

Europe learned the hard way that REFUGEES don't necessarily want the full citizenship deal. They just want to survive until their country is safe to go home to.....
These people aren't thinking about "safe to go home to", and it's amazing that with all that has been said this far into the thread, that you don't know that. The caravan is >>

1. A Democrat set-up, to boost Democrat votes in the 2018 elections, and a last gasp attempt to win back the US Congress. I just wonder how much these people are getting paid.

2. An attempt by caravaners to escape from their lousy economies, and grab for all the hand-out goodies the Democrats flash at them.

3. If the caravaers were running away from unsafe crime conditions, they would go to countries that are closer to them then the US, have lower crime rates, and don't present a language obstacle. Just one problem. Those countries don't offer the economic opportunities (hand-outs) that the USA does (ex. Cuba, Aruba, Martinique)

Just out of curiosity, do you happen to know what languages they speak in Aruba and Martinique? Hint: It is not Spanish!

You just contradicted yourself.
Your words. You’re the one saying we are at war with them; and comparing their plight with innocent people killed in war.
So ? We WILL BE at war with them if the attack our borders and stage a mass intrusion into our territory (aka Invasion). And compared with innocent people killed in war, the killing of invading caravaners would be much less disturbing.
Just out of curiosity, do you happen to know what languages they speak in Aruba and Martinique? Hint: It is not Spanish!

You just contradicted yourself.
Nope.They speak Spanish in Cuba. I didn't say all 3 counties presented a language obstacle, you just assumed that, unjustly.
Your words. You’re the one saying we are at war with them; and comparing their plight with innocent people killed in war.

And "Your words" were >> "Earlier, you said they shouldn’t be killed;" and I asked >> "Where did I say they shouldn't be killed ?"

So, do you, or don't you, have an answer to that, Mr Dodge ?
The boarder should be closed when they arrive and use the military.
They should use tear gas, rubber bullets and paint balls.
If they still keep moving forward then shoot live ammo at the ground in the front of them.
If they refuse to still turn back then shoot them.
Once a small handful are killed they will defiantly get it.
It should be treated like what is is-a home invasion
If the invaders stand down all will be well or they may choose to get themselves shot. Libbies are bred to put that blame elsewhere and not on the invaders but it is their responsibility to not get themselves shot
The USA is NOT the public relations agency for the planet
The National Guard would be a strong force on the border.

Shoot at a few trying to cross. The rest will get the damned message.
don't care about natural rights?

No one has a natural night to enter the U.S. illegally.
Seeking asylum is not illegal you stupid shit

Funny how thousands are now "seeking asylum" you stupid shit.
They have been for years.
The National Guard would be a strong force on the border.

Shoot at a few trying to cross. The rest will get the damned message.
don't care about natural rights?

No one has a natural night to enter the U.S. illegally.
Seeking asylum is not illegal you stupid shit

Funny how thousands are now "seeking asylum" you stupid shit.
They have been for years.

Let us know the last time 7000 showed up at once.

Enquiring minds want to know.
Your words. You’re the one saying we are at war with them; and comparing their plight with innocent people killed in war.
So ? We WILL BE at war with them if the attack our borders and stage a mass intrusion into our territory (aka Invasion). And compared with innocent people killed in war, the killing of invading caravaners would be much less disturbing.
Then we’re in agreement because I said earlier I hope trump gives the order to shoot them.
Just out of curiosity, do you happen to know what languages they speak in Aruba and Martinique? Hint: It is not Spanish!

You just contradicted yourself.
Nope.They speak Spanish in Cuba. I didn't say all 3 counties presented a language obstacle, you just assumed that, unjustly.

Why are you running from your own words?

You suggested they could flee to other countries; among your reasons, to a country doesn’t present a language obstacle.

And then you offered examples... ”(ex. Cuba, Aruba, Martinique)”
Your words. You’re the one saying we are at war with them; and comparing their plight with innocent people killed in war.

And "Your words" were >> "Earlier, you said they shouldn’t be killed;" and I asked >> "Where did I say they shouldn't be killed ?"

So, do you, or don't you, have an answer to that, Mr Dodge ?
When I said you were in agreement with me to shoot them and you protested.
When I served in the Army National Guard, I was told the first duty of the Army National Guard is to do what the name "National Guard" clearly states > to guard the nation. And the first priority of that is to stop foreigners from invading the USA.

And the definition of invading
? > "to enter forcibly or hostilely" (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.) Well, the caravaners already entered Mexico, from Guatemala, forcibly, and one could call it hostilely, being that it's disrespecting Mexico's immigration and border law. In doing so, the border crossers tore down fences and physical barriers.

There's no doubt that the thousands of people in this caravan have exactly that same thing in mind for the United States. The solution to stop them, according to my National Guard officers is to meet the force with greater force, and use whatever force is necessary to stop and repel the invaders.

Since an effective border wall is not yet in place or electrified fencing, barbed wire, etc, this would mean possibly shooting hundreds of the caravaners, gassing them at the border, or possibly even using artillery. The military has its job to do, the question is can (and should) we allow Honduras, Guatemala and other countries to invade us ?
I suggest we drop pamphlets published in all pertinent languages on the phalanx of approaching invaders. The pamphlets should clearly outline that anyone, man, woman, or child, who attempts to violate our sovereign borders without express permission of the citizens of this nation, as embodied by our lawfully constituted military, will be shot upon setting foot on our territory. Period. They will have been warned of the consequences of their unlawful invasion.
That is the prescribed orders of the Army National Guard. Don't like it ? Call your congressman.
Posse Comitatus Act
"it shall not be lawful to employ any part of the Army of the United States, as a posse comitatus, or otherwise, for the purpose of executing the laws, except in such cases and under such circumstances as such employment of said force may be expressly authorized by the Constitution or by act of Congress;"
Article II of the US Constitution authorizes the President to initiate military action in order to repel sudden attacks upon our sovereign nation. While I think the NG is the best force to repel this invasion, if required, we should not negate the possibility of augmenting the NG with regular military troops and equipment. If any circumstances warranted such military action it would be thousands of individuals having organized themselves into an invasive force with the stated intent to illegally take territory within our borders.
Posse Comitatus Act actually supports the President providing military resistance to active invasion of the US.
This is what we'd open fire on>

So, if becoming 'monsters' in the eyes of the world is your solution

Then YOU pull the trigger FIRST

Probably because the able-bodied young men who make up approximately 80% of this group will ensure that the 20% women and children will be marched up front and center as a shield for their cowardly asses. Civilized men would shelter women and children to the rear of the action. Won't happen that way, though. Any bets?
That is the prescribed orders of the Army National Guard. Don't like it ? Call your congressman.
Posse Comitatus Act
"it shall not be lawful to employ any part of the Army of the United States, as a posse comitatus, or otherwise, for the purpose of executing the laws, except in such cases and under such circumstances as such employment of said force may be expressly authorized by the Constitution or by act of Congress;"
Article II of the US Constitution authorizes the President to initiate military action in order to repel sudden attacks upon our sovereign nation. While I think the NG is the best force to repel this invasion, if required, we should not negate the possibility of augmenting the NG with regular military troops and equipment. If any circumstances warranted such military action it would be thousands of individuals having organized themselves into an invasive force with the stated intent to illegally take territory within our borders.
Posse Comitatus Act actually supports the President providing military resistance to active invasion of the US.
why does the right wing believe we need socialism on a national basis instead of the general welfare induced by application of a commerce clause?
I can't take sick fuckers like you seriously. But I probably should. The kind of mental illness you promote is a blight on our nation.
What's your solution ?

Well, if you're not already in some kind of institution, I'd probably see about having you committed. Then some kind of drug regimen I suppose. But you should really ask a professional.
Actually, that's a reasonable question. What is your solution to the issue?
No one anxious to see violence done to what they perceive as invasion should be wasting time on these boards. Go confront this group and defend what you claim to feel mortally determined about. Don't let some soft-hearted 'leftists' deter you. Go do what you must. It is useless to preach to we who see many alternatives to murder.
Killers, go kill!

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