Should Army National Guard Troops Shoot Illegal Border Crossers ?

Nothing would better indicate how far America has fallen from it's zenith and be more emblematic than America under trump than ethnic cleansing while his idiotic supporters cheer. "MAGA" by making it look just like Bosnia.
I was wondering how long it would be before the race card would show up. So you think we'd be comfortable if thousands of Brits, Danes, or Poles were storming our gates ? :rolleyes:
Nothing would better indicate how far America has fallen from it's zenith and be more emblematic than America under trump than ethnic cleansing while his idiotic supporters cheer. "MAGA" by making it look just like Bosnia.

What ethnic cleansing?
Trump has a following of suckers and dim wits who worship the bullshit that flows from his evil lying mouth. So much, that as seen in this thread, the murder of innocent people, particularly unarmed women, and children are being justified simply by redefining and distorting the definitions of a few words like "invasion" and "hostile".
There is no REdefine. The words have always meant what they mean, and still do. Defending the USA is not murder. Earlier I posted that you would call sailors "murderers", who shot at Japanese planes attacking Pearl Harbor, if they killed those pilots ?
Your definitions are sick perversions and distortions. Your mind lives in the world of crazy, conspiracy theories and nonsense.
Nothing would better indicate how far America has fallen from it's zenith and be more emblematic than America under trump than ethnic cleansing while his idiotic supporters cheer. "MAGA" by making it look just like Bosnia.
I was wondering how long it would be before the race card would show up. So you think we'd be comfortable if thousands of Brits, Danes, or Poles were storming our gates ? :rolleyes:
No one is storming our gates you fool.
/----/ Only if the illegals invaders shoot first and have it recorded on 1,000 iphones. Otherwise just block them from entering.
Block them yes, and that's probably all that will be needed, if they see thousands of heavily armed Army National Guard in front of them. They'll be frozen, and eventually turn back and maybe look for Mexico to take them in.

If they're really stupid though, and mount a mass charge across the border, they could be decimated.

Shoot to kill is ridiculous. Troops will be issued non-lethal ammunition and provided with what equipment is needed to turn back the mobs. I can see a temporary barricade of concertia wire and expect that some of the rabid instigators will try to cross it. There will of course be women and children in the forefront for publicity purposes, the world media bemoaning the evil treatment of them.

The radical left has well learned what it takes to surmount legal obstacles to further its on agenda.
Your definitions are sick perversions and distortions. Your mind lives in the world of crazy, conspiracy theories and nonsense.
You're in another universe. But fortunately, nuts like you are in the minority, which is why conservatives who defend America, control all 3 branches of the US government.

What do you call thousands of criminals ready to storm your border, break (and disrespect) your laws, and bust their way into your country ? A joyride ?
No. The Army National Guard shouldn’t be shooting border crossers. The Marine Corps and regular Army should be doing it.
No one is storming our gates you fool.
Not yet, but in another week or so, that's exactly what they'll be doing.(as they're already doing it to Mexico)

What did you think they were planning ? To have a mass picnic at the border, and then go back hoime ?
Standing in a line waiting for permission from a border guard to enter the the US and apply for asylum or refugee status is not "INVADING", nor is walking across a shallow river into waiting uniformed border guards and being arrested on a misdemeanor charge. What makes this whole idea particularly sick is that this method of entry into rhe USA has been accepted for decades as the proper method of entry for asylum and refugee status. Now some sicko nutjobs want to shoot these unarmed people.​
/----/ Only if the illegals invaders shoot first and have it recorded on 1,000 iphones. Otherwise just block them from entering.
Block them yes, and that's probably all that will be needed, if they see thousands of heavily armed Army National Guard in front of them. They'll be frozen, and eventually turn back and maybe look for Mexico to take them in.

If they're really stupid though, and mount a mass charge across the border, they could be decimated.

Shoot to kill is ridiculous.

Agreed, but those in the caravan should realize that there may be in their midst those who are armed and intend to start something at the US border for their own political purposes. That is a very real risk they take.
Standing in a line waiting for permission from a border guard to enter the the US and apply for asylum or refugee status is not "INVADING", nor is walking across a shallow river into waiting uniformed border guards and being arrested on a misdemeanor charge. What makes this whole idea particularly sick is that this method of entry into rhe USA has been accepted for decades as the proper method of entry for asylum and refugee status.​

It is no longer acceptable.
No. The Army National Guard shouldn’t be shooting border crossers. The Marine Corps and regular Army should be doing it.
Posse Comitatus prevents that. The regulars aren't needed for this anyway. The Guard is more than equipped to handle the job. Rows of concertina wire, tear gas, barking dogs, rubber bullets, …plenty of options.

I suspect none of these will be needed. Just the sight of thousands of Army National Guardsmen (fixed bayonets), should be enough to turn the mobbers' legs to rubber. If a few get crazy and try to come across, they won't get far.
/----/ Only if the illegals invaders shoot first and have it recorded on 1,000 iphones. Otherwise just block them from entering.
Block them yes, and that's probably all that will be needed, if they see thousands of heavily armed Army National Guard in front of them. They'll be frozen, and eventually turn back and maybe look for Mexico to take them in.

If they're really stupid though, and mount a mass charge across the border, they could be decimated.

Shoot to kill is ridiculous. Troops will be issued non-lethal ammunition and provided with what equipment is needed to turn back the mobs. I can see a temporary barricade of concertia wire and expect that some of the rabid instigators will try to cross it. There will of course be women and children in the forefront for publicity purposes, the world media bemoaning the evil treatment of them.

The radical left has well learned what it takes to surmount legal obstacles to further its on agenda.

So your problem is with the media covering the evil treatment; not the evil treatment itself. MAGA? I don't think so.
Standing in a line waiting for permission from a border guard to enter the the US and apply for asylum or refugee status is not "INVADING", nor is walking across a shallow river into waiting uniformed border guards and being arrested on a misdemeanor charge. What makes this whole idea particularly sick is that this method of entry into rhe USA has been accepted for decades as the proper method of entry for asylum and refugee status. Now some sicko nutjobs want to shoot these unarmed people.​
When it comes in the form of a caravan that is an invasion.
The very question is an affront to American values.
Maybe you're unaware of the American value of PROTECTING the American people. You think the US should simply allow itself to be invaded by hordes of criminal foreigners ? That's not our values.
It bad optics to shoot civilians but the tiresome idiotic responses from the NPCs here offer no solution either. The only plausible solution is to build a wall that will require those wanting entry to our Country to apply legally.

Sensible people understand that. The NPCs don't.
Standing in a line waiting for permission from a border guard to enter the the US and apply for asylum or refugee status is not "INVADING", nor is walking across a shallow river into waiting uniformed border guards and being arrested on a misdemeanor charge. What makes this whole idea particularly sick is that this method of entry into rhe USA has been accepted for decades as the proper method of entry for asylum and refugee status. Now some sicko nutjobs want to shoot these unarmed people.​
That's not the scenario. This is THOUSANDS of people all coming together at once, and you can be sure most will just be running across the border if they think they can.

It absolutely is invading, and has been even when there were not this level of quantity.
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