Should atheists or progressives be allowed to hold office?

Interesting observation considering the oath of office and swearing in is with a Bible culminating with the statement So Help Me God.
Apparently we have some politicians that will have to stand in judgement for their conduct and words.
And here’s an example of the ignorant, stupidity, and intolerance common to most on the right.
Progressives yes, atheists no.

An atheist cannot seriously take the oath of office as it is meaningless to them as anything more than a mere pledge.
Except that you are outright rejecting the constitution when you say this.
Consistent with most conservatives who have contempt for the Constitution and its case law; in this case First Amendment jurisprudence.
Interesting observation considering the oath of office and swearing in is with a Bible culminating with the statement So Help Me God.
Apparently we have some politicians that will have to stand in judgement for their conduct and words.
And here’s an example of the ignorant, stupidity, and intolerance common to most on the right.
oh yes and you are a beacon of enlightenment, intelligence, and tolerance with those kind of remarks...
We should bar fundamentalist Christian conservatives from public office, since they put God before country, and God before our Constitution.
How so; the Constitution was founded on the notion of people being endowed by their creator with inalienable rights.

If atheists reject a creator (and consequentially the rights) how can they uphold the Constitution?
I am an atheist
My mother and father created me!

Its called reproduction. Do you deny your parents created you?
We should bar fundamentalist Christian conservatives from public office, since they put God before country, and God before our Constitution.
How so; the Constitution was founded on the notion of people being endowed by their creator with inalienable rights.

If atheists reject a creator (and consequentially the rights) how can they uphold the Constitution?
Natural rights are not a function of religious belief.

Rights can be natural without the recognition of a deity.
Progressives yes, atheists no.

An atheist cannot seriously take the oath of office as it is meaningless to them as anything more than a mere pledge.
Except that you are outright rejecting the constitution when you say this.
How so?
Article VI, Section III of the Constitution prohibits religious tests as a condition to hold office.

The First Amendment prohibits government from disadvantaging citizens through force of law based on religion – and that includes citizens free from faith.

With regard to ‘progressives,’ you exhibit your moronic hate and ignorance, as the vast majority of ‘progressives’ are person of faith.
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?
Wow, this one is extra stupid. See the fucking Constitution, bitch.
Speaking of which, if atheism isn't a religion how is it protected under the 1st Amendment to begin with?
The First Amendment protects not just religious practice, it also protects the right of citizens to be free from faith altogether.

Being free from faith is indeed not a ‘religion’; and being free from faith is entitled to the same Constitutional protections afforded theists.
Fascism has become popular since Trump entered American politics.
"We hold these truths to be self evident" is an expression with great latitude.
We should bar fundamentalist Christian conservatives from public office, since they put God before country, and God before our Constitution.

Likewise Jews who support Israel should also be barred because they put Israel before country.
We should bar fundamentalist Christian conservatives from public office, since they put God before country, and God before our Constitution.
How so; the Constitution was founded on the notion of people being endowed by their creator with inalienable rights.

If atheists reject a creator (and consequentially the rights) how can they uphold the Constitution?

That’s the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution.

The Constitution makes no mention of deities or theism.

The First Amendment’s Establishment Clause and its jurisprudence make clear the Framers’ intent to keep church and state separate, to prohibit religious dogma from being codified in secular law, and to keep citizens free from religious arrogance, hate, and intolerance common to far too many theists who would seek to disadvantage religious minorities and those free from faith through force of law.

Indeed, the current unwarranted hostility toward Muslim Americans is an example of the hate and stupidity the First Amendment protects against.

Your thread is evidence of that arrogance, hate, and intolerance common to far too many theists, and illustrates why First Amendment jurisprudence is needed as much today as any time in our Nation’s history.
Progressives yes, atheists no.

An atheist cannot seriously take the oath of office as it is meaningless to them as anything more than a mere pledge.
Except that you are outright rejecting the constitution when you say this.
Consistent with most conservatives who have contempt for the Constitution and its case law; in this case First Amendment jurisprudence.
No more than most liberals either.

You are deluded if you think it is only one side that rejects constitutional rights.
Interesting observation considering the oath of office and swearing in is with a Bible culminating with the statement So Help Me God.
Apparently we have some politicians that will have to stand in judgement for their conduct and words.
And here’s an example of the ignorant, stupidity, and intolerance common to most on the right.
oh yes and you are a beacon of enlightenment, intelligence, and tolerance with those kind of remarks...

Denouncing the ignorance, stupidity, intolerance, and hate common to far too many conservatives is not in of itself ‘intolerance’; the notion is just another ridiculous rightwing lie and red herring fallacy.
Progressives yes, atheists no.

An atheist cannot seriously take the oath of office as it is meaningless to them as anything more than a mere pledge.
Except that you are outright rejecting the constitution when you say this.
Consistent with most conservatives who have contempt for the Constitution and its case law; in this case First Amendment jurisprudence.
No more than most liberals either.

You are deluded if you think it is only one side that rejects constitutional rights.
Perhaps it is not the Constitution that gets rejected, but rather over two centuries of changing SCOTUS interpretation of its components meanings.
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Interesting observation considering the oath of office and swearing in is with a Bible culminating with the statement So Help Me God.
Apparently we have some politicians that will have to stand in judgement for their conduct and words.
And here’s an example of the ignorant, stupidity, and intolerance common to most on the right.
oh yes and you are a beacon of enlightenment, intelligence, and tolerance with those kind of remarks...

Denouncing the ignorance, stupidity, intolerance, and hate common to far too many conservatives is not in of itself ‘intolerance’; the notion is just another ridiculous rightwing lie and red herring fallacy.
you're shoveling your hate speech all over this thread, no one is stopping you. is that a good thing or a bad thing? you're paranoid about something, which means your guilty of something, you might as well face that first because it's clouding your judgment. behold, there are millions of people out there who believe in things without your approval, and they're all lurking in the bushes outside your house, just waiting for you to come out so they can talk about their beliefs... ooo spooky.
There is a whole new level of ignorance in this thread and it starts with the OP...

Article 6, Section 3 of the Constitution contains a declaration of disallowance which forbids religious tests for those holding office:

"... no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States"

Requiring a representative-elect to recite the full oath, including "so help me God" would be unconstitutional because it would be imposing a religious test. For you "geniuses" who think you "know and understand" the Constitution this means that even though the reference to God is a part of the oath, representatives are not required to recite the phrase. Tough shit for you, deal with it...

If anything, each and every one of them should be putting their hand on the Constitution for their swearing in ceremony...
Elected officials have to take an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Atheists and progressives reject the Founders and believe that humans have no inherant rights beyond what the state decides on a whim; since they don't believe in the Constitution why should they be allowed to run for office?

I am an atheist.

Prog... regressives can't get through that oath truthfully, so they do what they always do, lie.
Progressives yes, atheists no.

An atheist cannot seriously take the oath of office as it is meaningless to them as anything more than a mere pledge.
Except that you are outright rejecting the constitution when you say this.
I think every one of the Founding Fathers would have agreed with me except for Thomas Paine.

Athiests are morons and deranged narcissists. They do not have the right to be put in charge of public office anymore than a deranged sociapath would be.

But hey, you'll get lots of pats on the backs from libtards, Marxists and other ass holes, so you can feel warm fuzzies about it.
Progressivism and atheism seem to logically tie into one another though; the forefathers of modern progressivism such as John Stuart Mill were atheists, and viewing the world as purely material was a central theme to their utopian socialist ideology.

I'm not sure how someone can believe in God or inalienable rights and be a progressive without being logically inconsistent, I don't anyway.
John Stuart Mills philosophy of Utilitarianism gave us the blessings of Communism and fascism. IF that doesnt convince you of the dangers of atheism, well not sure what else to provide as an example other than ot observe that Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot and most of the communist dictators of the 20th century were all atheists and are responsible for the greatest slaughter of humanity in human history. Even the Black Plague has not killed so many people as atheistic socialism in its various forms.

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